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Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

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Progressive evolution of thrust fold topography in the frontal Himalaya

Donny R. Wahyudi ⁎, Hugh D. Sinclair, Simon M. Mudd
School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9XP, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The bulk of the crustal shortening across the Himalayas is accommodated across the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT),
Received 20 November 2020 forming the topographic ridges of the Siwalik Hills. Here, we quantify topographic metrics to document the geo-
Received in revised form 25 March 2021 morphic response to progressive shortening. We use the integral method of channel profile analysis to assess the
Accepted 25 March 2021
topographic response to the development of thrust anticline ridges in the eastern and western Churia, Dundwa,
Available online 1 April 2021
and Mohand Ranges. River channel steepness (ksn), the distribution of knickpoints, and channel concavity (θ) in
the Siwalik Hills indicate geomorphic evolution during ongoing shortening across the deformation front. Mean
Himalayan frontal range channel steepness indices increase with increasing shortening over the Quaternary amongst the eastern Churia
Topographic analyses (~3.8 km shortening), Mohand (~6.9 km shortening), and Dundwa Ranges (~9 km shortening). Higher channel
Drainage divide migration steepness at the western tip of the Churia Range (~0.4 km shortening) than in the eastern Churia and Mohand
Progressive landscape evolution Ranges may indicate that the topography is still responding to the initial stages of shortening and relative uplift.
Balanced cross sections reveal that there is spatial variability in the growth of these ranges, and as shortening in-
creases, the drainage divide migrates southward (away from the mountains) relative to the flat-ramp transition
of the underlying thrust; this results in steepening of the southward-draining catchments (basinward facing),
and elongation of the northward flowing catchments. Basinward facing channels also have more prominent
knickpoints and greater channel concavities caused by ongoing shortening between their fluvial base level and
the drainage divide; this contrasts with the mountain facing channels where there is net growth of the distance
between the drainage divide and the base level. Despite the asymmetry of erosional processes, the southward
displacement of the drainage divide over the underlying thrust ramp drives topographic advection into the fore-
land succession which eventually leads to the propagation of new thrust-cored ridges.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction fault-bend folds (Mitra, 1990) that form characteristic topographic ridges
that run broadly parallel to the mountain front (Dey et al., 2016, 2018;
The Himalayan mountain range is formed by ongoing convergence be- Hirschmiller et al., 2014; Husson and Mugnier, 2003; Khanal and
tween India and Asia at rates of 40–50 mm.a−1 (Gansser, 1964; Meghani, Robinson, 2013; Mugnier et al., 1999; Mukul, 2000; Powers et al., 1998;
2015; Patriat and Achache, 1984). Approximately 35–45% of this shorten- Srivastava et al., 2018; Thakur et al., 2014). Alluviated, intermontane val-
ing is accommodated across the thin-skinned fold and thrust belt of the leys called duns are commonly located immediately north of the topo-
Sub-Himalaya (Dey et al., 2016; Powers et al., 1998; Yin, 2006; Yin and graphic ridges, formed by sediment trapping behind the ridges (Barnes
Harrison, 2000). The Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) emerges from a detach- et al., 2011; Densmore et al., 2016; Tandon and Singh, 2014).
ment level in the lower Siwalik Group foreland basin succession, and rep- The interaction between the topographic growth of Sub-Himalayan
resents the southern-most propagation of crustal shortening of the range, ridges and the rivers that flow downstream from the Himalayan range
initiated during early Quaternary times (Bilham et al., 2001; Lavé and is critical to understanding sediment delivery to the Gangetic Plains.
Avouac, 2001; Mukul et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 1993). The initiation and progressive surface uplift of the ridges can result in
GPS data indicate historical shortening rates across the Himalaya of gorges where rivers retain their course and incise through the uplifting
between 13 and 20 mm.a−1 increasing from west to east, but locked be- topography. Alternatively, river channels may be deflected as they are
neath the Sub-Himalaya (Feldl and Bilham, 2006; Stevens and Avouac, blocked and forced to run parallel to the range, often forming a dun, be-
2015). The northern margin of the Sub-Himalaya is defined by the Main fore exiting to the plains (Burbank et al., 1996; Gupta, 1997); wind gaps
Boundary Thrust (MBT) that overthrusts the mainly Palaeozoic rocks of may be preserved along the ridgelines where abandoned river valleys
the Lesser Himalaya over the Siwalik Group (Fig. 1). The fold and thrust are preserved. Examples can be found in northwestern Sub-Himalaya,
structures of the Sub-Himalaya are classed as fault-propagation and where continuous convergence has created imbricated thrusts in the
Kangra basin, which deflect the river parallel to the regional strike and
⁎ Corresponding author. preserve terraces as the topography is uplifted (Dey et al., 2016;
E-mail address: (D.R. Wahyudi). Thakur et al., 2014). The tendency to either incise or deflect a river
0169-555X/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 1. Simplified geological sketch map of the central and western Himalaya (modified after Parsons et al., 2016). The letter-coded lines (A-A'; B-B′; C-C′; D-D′) correspond to the
geological cross sections in Fig. 2. White arrows are showing the rate of shortening on each location (mm.a−1) (Stevens and Avouac, 2015). Red boxes are outlining the locations of
the study area.

channel results from the competition between the erosive capacity of Here, we quantify the topographic characteristics of four locations
the river and the uplift rate of the ridge, which is a function of the short- across topographic ridges generated by fault-propagation and fault-bend
ening rate and the dip angle of the thrust plane (Champel, 2002). Where folds in the Sub-Himalaya. Our localities are characterised by contrasting
rivers are able to incise through the growing topography, terraces re- degrees of shortening from <1 km to approximately 10 km. We use
cord the progressive uplift of the floodplain. When dated, these terraces these locations as a record of the progressive evolution of topography to
can record shortening rates over the last few thousands of years as dem- provide a first-order tectono-geomorphic model for the evolution of fold
onstrated by the rivers that flow south across the Sub-Himalaya (Dey and thrust cored ridges in the Sub-Himalaya. To achieve this, we present
et al., 2016; Gavillot et al., 2016; Lavé and Avouac, 2000; Mukul et al., total shortening across parts of the Mohand (initiated ~100 ka), Dundwa
2007; Paul Burgess et al., 2012; Vassallo et al., 2015). (initiated ~500 ka) and Churia Ranges (initiated 700–129 ka) (Fig. 1)
As well as the interaction between the topographic growth of these over the Quaternary period based on published calculations and balanced
structures and the main through-flowing trunk rivers, studies have ex- cross sections (Divyadarshini et al., 2020; Husson and Mugnier, 2003;
plored how the numerous smaller channels that are sourced at the drain- Khanal and Robinson, 2013; Lavé and Avouac, 2000; Mugnier et al.,
age divide of the ridges respond to uplift. Differential rates of rock uplift 1999; Srivastava et al., 2018). Topographic metrics are derived from the
and varying lithologies determine the distribution of topographic relief ALOS PALSAR 12.5 m resolution DEM with river channel long profiles
(Barnes et al., 2011), channel gradients normalised for upstream area, as analysed using the integral method (Perron and Royden, 2012) to resolve
well as the rate of change of channel gradient (concavity) across these normalised channel steepness, concavity and the location and magnitude
structural ridges (Kirby and Whipple, 2012; Miller et al., 2007). In addi- of knickpoints using the approach of Gailleton et al. (2019).
tion to the response of river channels to rock uplift, Miller and
Slingerland (2006) and Miller et al. (2007) emphasised the role played 2. Methods
by the component of horizontal advection of rock due to displacement
over gently dipping thrust planes. In most examples, such as the well- 2.1. Balanced and restored cross sections
documented Mohand Range (Fig. 2), the drainage divide is offset into
the hanging wall of fault-propagation folds (i.e., northward). The north- Balanced and restored cross sections of the three ranges are plotted
ward offset of the drainage divide is associated with a southward offset relative to their cross-sectional topography. The cross section in the
of the focus of erosion (Barnes et al., 2011). The balance between rock ad- Dundwa Range is sourced from Husson and Mugnier (2003) and
vection over the foreland succession and the erosion of the foreland- Mugnier et al. (1999), while the cross and restored sections in the
oriented slopes of these ridges determines whether the topography Mohand and eastern Churia Ranges are sourced from Srivastava et al.
achieves a long-term steady state (Hilley and Strecker, 2004). If the topog- (2018) and Khanal and Robinson (2013) respectively.
raphy grows southward over the thrust ramp, then stresses grow in the Although the Mohand Range was originally interpreted as an
foreland basin succession, and new structures are initiated (Platt, 1988; antiform associated with a fault-bend fold of the MFT (Barnes et al.,
Naylor and Sinclair, 2007). 2011; Kirby and Whipple, 2012; Mukhopadhyay and Mishra, 2004;

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 2. Geologic cross section and restored cross section of (a) the western Churia Range, (b) the eastern Churia Range (Khanal and Robinson, 2013), (c) the Mohand Range (Srivastava et al.,
2018) and (d) the Dundwa Range (Husson and Mugnier, 2003). Dashed lines on the restored sections are the reconstructed stratigraphy that has been removed by erosion for each of the
ranges. Pink lines above the river profile are the segment of the river that we included for the analysis. The limitation of the river segment in this study is constrained across the bedrock
channel along the ridges, although some small portion dun/plain sediments were also included.

Rao et al., 1974; Singh and Jain, 2009; Thakur, 2004), recent studies (Srivastava et al., 2016, 2018; Srivastava and Mukul, 2020). We adopt
which incorporate microstructural deformation, grain-size variations, this later interpretation as it is based on new field observations and ki-
and finite strain have shown that the Mohand Range is a monocline as nematic modeling. Additionally, this model is consistent with Powers
a result of a fault-propagation fold associated with an emergent MFT et al. (1998) based on seismic cross sections.

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

The eastern Churia Range balanced cross section was taken from integrate Eq. (1), where S = dz/dx where z is elevation and x is flow dis-
Khanal and Robinson (2013) who demonstrated that it was also a tance, we find
fault-propagation fold, in contrast to Lavé and Avouac (2000) who sug-
gested it was a fault-bend fold. This more recent interpretation is sup- !
ported by recent seismic cross section east of the Churia Range that ks
zðxÞ ¼ zðxb Þ þ χ ð3Þ
indicates that the fault-propagation fold model is appropriate A0 θ
(Almeida et al., 2018). In this paper, we add to the above published
work by constructing a balanced cross section for the western Churia
Range using the transect swath (1.5 km wide window) topography to If A0 is set to 1 m2, then the slope of the channel profile in χ-elevation
project the cross section. The northern flank of the Churia ridge shows space is simply the channel steepness index. All of the topographic anal-
a smooth, gently tilted surface compared to the rougher southern ysis mentioned hereafter in this paper was performed using an open-
flank, which is more incised. By correlating the low gradient surface of sourced software LSDTopoTools2 (Mudd et al., 2021).
the tilted northern flank with terrace levels in the northern Chitwan
Dun, we assume that the northern flank represents a partially incised
depositional surface, and the southern flank represents a fully incised 2.2.1. Selection of basins
erosional morphology. This is comparable to the models shown by We have chosen our three study ridges because they are sufficiently
Suppe et al. (1992) in the initial development of fault-propagation well documented in terms of balanced cross sections and have similar
folds. We reconstructed the Churia fold following the methodology of structural style. In addition, they are oriented orthogonal to the strike
Suppe et al. (1992). The fault-propagation fold, assumed in our ap- direction. Therefore, the impact of shortening on channel topography
proach, was inferred in western Churia from the transect swath topog- will be comparable between these ridges. The northern base level of
raphy and the stratigraphy within the area where the Siwalik Group is the Churia Range was set from the elevation of the Narayani River
gradually exposed to the surface from west to east. near the outlet in the Chitwan Dun. On the other side, the southern
The balanced cross sections of the Dundwa and western Churia base level of the Churia Range was chosen from the fourth order channel
Ranges were restored by pinning the south edge of the section and mea- in the southern basin where all rivers sourced from the ridge join.
suring the individual lengths of each layer and unfolding them by In the Mohand Range, the northern flank channels flow into two
matching the hanging wall cutoff next to the footwall cutoff within main rivers, the Ganga to the east and the Yamuna to the west. The
each fault block (Dahlstrom, 1969; Woodward et al., 1989). The short- northern base level of the Mohand monocline is therefore determined
ening amount was calculated by comparing the length of restored and from the mean elevation of the northern flank streams as they exit
balanced cross sections. The projected fold above the present topogra- into both main rivers. There is only a small difference in elevation be-
phy was used to approximate the erosion. tween the streams as they exit to the Ganga and Yamuna Rivers; there-
fore, the northern base level is set to the mean value of the Yamuna and
2.2. Topographic analysis Ganga exit to the mountain front elevation. We also acknowledge the
existence of large dams at the exit points for the Ganga and Yamuna riv-
Analysis of channel profiles has been a valuable tool for evaluating ers which influence the morphology. The dam impacts base level imme-
topographic change in response to tectonics (Castillo et al., 2014; diately upstream, but doesn't influence the small north draining
DiBiase et al., 2010; Kirby and Whipple, 2012), climate (Murphy et al., catchments. On the other hand, the southern base level elevation is
2016) and rock properties (Bernard et al., 2019; Bursztyn et al., 2015; the average elevation of the fifth order channel on the Mohand mono-
Gallen, 2018). Five decades ago, authors recognised a power law rela- cline southern flank.
tionship between channel gradient (S) and drainage area (A) (Flint, For the Dundwa Range, the northern base level is the elevation of the
1974; Morisawa, 1962): West Rapti River near its exit in Deukhury Dun (Fig. 1). It is the location
where the north flowing channels in the Dundwa ridge are connected.
On the southern side, the base level was selected from the fifth order
S ¼ ks A−θ ð1Þ
river where the south flowing streams on the Dundwa's southern
flank are connected.
The channel steepness index, ks, allows comparison between the
steepness of channels with different drainage areas. This metric is sensi-
tive to θ, the concavity index, and so comparisons between channels 2.2.2. Concavity index measurement
should be made using a reference value of θ; where the resulting steep- Before calculating the channel steepness index, we must first deter-
nesses are referred to as the normalised steepness index, or ksn (Kirby mine the concavity index, θ. To estimate the most likely concavity for a
and Whipple, 2012; Wobus et al., 2006). A large number of studies steady state channel with uniform uplift and erosivity, Perron and
have shown that ksn values correlate with basinwide erosion rates de- Royden (2012) proposed two independent criteria: (i) individual chan-
termined from concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides such as 10Be in nels in the drainage area should be linear in χ-elevation space and (ii) all
river sediments (e.g., Cyr et al., 2010; DiBiase et al., 2010; Harel et al., channels in the drainage area should be collinear in χ-elevation space. In
2016; Mandal et al., 2015; Ouimet et al., 2009; Safran et al., 2005; transient landscapes, the former method does not work because chan-
Scherler et al., 2014). nels will not have uniform channel steepness (e.g., Whipple and
Topographic gradients can be noisy, and drainage area does not vary Tucker, 2002), even if assumptions about uniform lithology and spa-
smoothly along channels: tributary junctions result in step changes to tially uniform uplift hold. The latter method, however, can be applied
drainage area. Royden et al. (2000) sought to circumvent these issues in transient landscapes as “patches” of erosion are expected to move up-
by comparing river profile elevations directly to a coordinate, χ (chi), slope at a constant rate in χ space, propagating into tributary channels
that integrates drainage area along the channel: (e.g., Perron and Royden, 2012). The concavity will be obscured by spa-
tially heterogeneous uplift or bedrock erodibility (e.g., Kirby et al.,
Z x 
A0 θ 2003), but Mudd et al. (2018) used numerical simulations to show
χ¼ dx ð2Þ
xb AðxÞ that fitting the concavity index using the collinearity of tributaries and
main stem channels was much better at reproducing the correct con-
where A0 is a reference drainage area to ensure the integrand in Eq. (2) cavity index (imposed in the models) than methods using slope-area
is dimensionless, and xb is an arbitrary base level location. If we data. There are various methods for determining the collinearity of

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

channels. Here, we minimise a disorder statistic (e.g., Goren et al., 2014; began uplifting between 70 and 25 ka. GPS derived historical shortening
Hergarten et al., 2016; Mudd et al., 2018; Shelef, 2018), D: rates across this part of the range are 19.4 ± 1.4 mm.a−1 (Ader et al.,
! 2012; Stevens and Avouac, 2015). A 10–15 mm.a−1 rock uplift rate is re-
1 N   corded from displaced terraces along strike on the MFT within the fron-
D¼ ∑χ s,iþ1 −χ s,i −χ max ð4Þ
χ max i¼1 tal part of central Himalaya (Lavé and Avouac, 2000). This region has
been a focus of attention since the 2015 Gorkha earthquake; previous
where χmax is the maximum value of χ in the channel network, and the studies have suggested that stress is accumulated within this area
subscript s indicates that the χ values have been sorted based on their (Avouac et al., 2015; Bilham, 2015; Bollinger et al., 2016).
corresponding elevations from lowest to highest; Mudd et al. (2018) The eastern part of the Churia Range is interpreted as a fault-
found this method to be the most accurate at reproducing imposed propagation fold (Khanal and Robinson, 2013). We view the new sec-
values of the concavity index in numerical landscapes. We calculate tion in western Churia as the embryonic stages of a fault-propagation
the D value for each basin over values of the concavity index ranging fold. We estimated the amount of shortening is ~0.4 km in the west
from 0.01 to 1, in increments of 0.01. The most likely concavity index (Fig. 2) and ~3.8 km in the east (Fig. 2). The shortening distance in the
is that for which the value of D is minimised in a basin. western Churia is consistent with an age range for initiation of the struc-
Preliminary inspection of channel profiles revealed a strong ture of 70–25 ka and a shortening rate of ~20 mm.a−1 suggested by pre-
knickpoints signal in a number of channels, characterised by a change vious studies. We assume the eastern Churia is older given the greater
in the channel steepness. In addition to calculating the concavity offset. If the shortening rates in this area remained constant during
index in individual basins, we also calculate the concavity index both the Quaternary, our calculation from the cross section yield an age of
above and below these knickpoints. ~190 ka for the eastern Churia Range. Our cross sections also suggest
that approximately ~1.45 km2 of the embryonic fold has been eroded
2.2.3. Calculation of the steepness index on the western part of the Churia Range and ~ 17.86 km2 of the fold
Once we have calculated the channel concavity index across our has been eroded on the eastern part of the Churia Range.
study catchments, we also compare the channel steepness indices. We
base this on the slope of channel segments in χ-elevation space (i.e., 3.2. The Mohand Range
using Eq. (3)). The channel segments are determined using the method
of Mudd et al. (2014). The Mohand Range is located in the northwestern Himalaya that
comprises folded and thrusted Siwalik sediments. Both Upper and
2.2.4. Mapping of knickpoints Middle Siwalik Groups have been exposed here revealing sandstones,
Knickpoints, defined as either vertical steps in the channel profile or and thick-bedded and amalgamated conglomerates (Karunakaran and
changes in the channel steepness (e.g., Wobus et al., 2006), can reveal Rao, 1979; Raiverman et al., 1984; Rao et al., 1974; Thakur, 1995). The
information about the history and character of a landscape (e.g., range has formed a piggyback basin (Dehra Dun) which separates it
Crosby and Whipple, 2006; Harkins et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2013; from the Lesser Himalaya. The contrast in the average rock uplift rate
Mitchell and Yanites, 2019; Wobus et al., 2006). Knickpoints can be between the south and north of the range has caused the southern
formed by lithological heterogeneity where rivers flow through sub- flank to have greater relief (Barnes et al., 2011; Singh, 2008).
strates of different hardness, and they can also form from changes in There has been a debate over whether the Mohand Range is a
rock uplift or base level fall (Wobus et al., 2006). Differential uplift can fault-bend fold (Barnes et al., 2011; Kirby and Whipple, 2012;
produce spatially correlated knickpoints along a growing tectonic struc- Mukhopadhyay and Mishra, 2004; Rao et al., 1974; Singh and Jain,
ture (Burbank and Anderson, 2012). For example, by the rivers' evolu- 2009; Thakur, 2004) or a fault-propagation fold (Powers et al., 1998;
tion in the southern Upper Rhine Graben, rock uplift variation Srivastava et al., 2016; Wesnousky et al., 1999). Recent studies have in-
associated with anticline growth found to likely drive the knickpoint dicated that the Mohand Range is in fact a monocline related to a fault-
distribution (Carretier et al., 2006). propagation fold (Srivastava et al., 2018; Srivastava and Mukul, 2020).
Here, we use transformed χ-elevation profiles to identify The movement along the MFT in this region is thought to have initiated
knickpoints using the method of Gailleton et al. (2019). Knickpoints ca. 1.9–1.5 Ma, based on magnetostratigraphic studies (Powers et al.,
are found based on both step changes in elevation and changes to the 1998; Thakur, 2004). The growth of the fold was initiated ca. 220–280
channel steepness along our profiles, found using a statistical segmenta- ka (Barnes et al., 2011) with the assumption of a regional slip rate of
tion method outlined in Mudd et al. (2014). Channel profiles were first 18 mm.a−1 (Powers et al., 1998). However, a new optically stimulated
segmented, then de-noised using a one-dimensional total variation de- luminescence dating has indicated that the Mohand structure is seg-
noising (TVD) filter (Condat, 2013), as described in Gailleton et al. mented into at least two sections with initial activity of the MFT on
(2019). The relative magnitude of knickpoints were determined based the central and western segment thought to have been initiated ~100
on changes to the ksn values across knickpoints. ka and < 15 ka respectively (Srivastava et al., 2018). Approximately
~22.65 km2 and ~ 25.80 km2 of the monocline have been eroded on
3. Structural geometry of the ranges the central segment and western segment respectively with a total
shortening of between ~6 to 7 km (Srivastava et al., 2018).
3.1. The Churia Range
3.3. The Dundwa Range
The Churia Range (Kimura, 1995) is an anticlinal ridge of Siwalik
sediments developed in the hanging wall of the MFT (Lavé and The Dundwa Range is located in the western part of Nepal and is
Avouac, 2000, 2001). It is situated south of the Chitwan Dun, where formed as a fault-propagation fold at the Himalayan front (Husson
the Kali Gandaki River (also referred to as the Narayani River in south- and Mugnier, 2003; Mugnier et al., 1999). We select the central part of
ern Nepal) exits the main range. The Chitwan Dun is bordered by the Dundwa Range as our focus of study in this area (Fig. 1), as it is perpen-
MBT and MDT on the north and the MFT on the south. The Siwalik dicular to the regional shortening direction.
Group (upper to lower) has been uplifted progressively from the east- The stratigraphic units exposed along the ridge are primarily com-
ern segment of the ridge to the western segment of the ridge (Fig. 2) posed of sandstones and conglomerates from the Lower to Upper
(Dhital, 2015; Divyadarshini and Singh, 2019). Based on optically stim- Siwalik Groups (Dhital, 2015; Husson and Mugnier, 2003). The Lower
ulated luminescence ages on river terraces in the Churia Range, and Middle Siwalik are characterised mostly by sandstones and mud-
Divyadarshini et al. (2020) proposed the western side of the range stones; the Upper Siwalik comprises conglomerates (Dhital, 1995).

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Mugnier et al. (1999) describe the western tip of the ridge as a fault- Ranges. Summaries of the channel steepness results for these ranges
propagation fold, and Husson and Mugnier (2003) also characterise can be seen in Table 1.
the central part of the ridge as fault-propagation fold with greater short-
ening. The emergent MFT bounds the southern side of the ridge with a 4.2. Distribution of knickpoints
basal decollement located at the base of the Siwalik Group at a depth
of ~4–5 km (Mugnier et al., 1999; Husson and Mugnier, 2003). North In the western Churia Range, a series of knickpoints is observed on
of the MFT, the Sub-Himalaya comprises a series of duplexes with the northern flank with an average elevation of ~435 m (Fig. 5a). The
north-dipping monoclines (Mugnier et al., 1999). This thrust has devel- southern flank has a rather dispersed knickpoint distribution with an
oped a piggyback basin known as the Deukhury Dun in the back limb of average elevation of ~350 m. As explained above, base level is different
the ridge. A back-thrust has been developed on the eastern part of the to the north and the south of the ridge: the base level elevation is 150 m
ridge while an antiform and syncline has formed on the other tip of for the north of the range and 70 m for the southern flank of the Churia
this ridge (Husson and Mugnier, 2003). Range. We then normalised the knickpoints elevation to the base level
A minimum shortening rate of 17 mm.a−1 has been calculated dur- elevation for each catchment in order to consider the offset relative to
ing the Quaternary period based on the geological cross section the plains into which the rivers flow. The results show that both flanks
(Mugnier et al., 1999) and Holocene shortening rates across the MFT in the western Churia have a similar distribution of knickpoints relative
in the region are estimated at 14 ± 4 mm.a−1 based on uplifted Holo- to base level elevation (ΔZKP) with a height of ~300 m.
cene terraces (Mugnier and Huyghe, 2004; Mugnier et al., 2005). A On the other hand, the eastern Churia Range demonstrates the op-
value of 20.2 ± 1.1 mm.a−1 shortening rate has been measured across posite. A series of knickpoints is located along the southern flank with
this part of the range from geodetic observation (Ader et al., 2012; an average elevation of 450 m. In comparison, the knickpoints on the
Stevens and Avouac, 2015). Based on the balanced cross section and re- northern flank are more dispersed with an average elevation of 470 m
stored section, we approximate that ~9 km of shortening has occurred, (Fig. 5a). Eastern Churia Range has the same base level elevation as
and ~ 73.81 km2 of the fold has been eroded on the central Dundwa the western Churia Range. The southern flank has knickpoints to base
Range with an almost equal proportion over the two flanks (Fig. 2). level height distribution that ranges from 380 m, while the northern
Using the long term shortening rate, we estimate that the fold began flank has a distribution of 320 m. There is a slight asymmetry in
to develop around ~500 ka. knickpoints to base level height between the southern and northern
We also identify series of knickpoints on each flank of the Dundwa
4. Topographic analyses Range (Fig. 5b). The distribution of knickpoints elevation in the Dundwa
Range varies between 310 m and 320 m in the northern and southern
4.1. Channel steepness index flank, respectively. The base level elevation is 150 m and 50 m on the
north and south respectively. The southern flank knickpoints to base
We extracted normalised channel steepness index values from level elevation has a mean value of 280 m, while the northern flank
elevation-χ profiles of streams draining the Churia, Dundwa and has a mean value of 180 m. The asymmetry of the knickpoints to base
Mohand Ranges. The reference drainage area (A0 = 1 m2) and concavity level elevation in Dundwa Range is higher (compared to eastern Churia)
index (θ = 0.45) values are kept constant for all the drainage basins. with a difference of 100 m higher on the southern flank.
Normalised channel steepness varies spatially across these struc- We identified another series of knickpoints on both flanks of the
tures. Based on Fig. 3, the western tip of the Churia Range, where relief Mohand Range (Fig. 5c). The knickpoints elevation ranges around 500
starts to grow, channel steepness values are higher compared to the m for both flanks. The base level elevation is 310 and 250 m for the
eastern part of the range. The Dundwa Range, on the other hand, dem- northern and the southern flank respectively. The southern flank
onstrates relatively constant ksn values across the range compared to knickpoints to base level elevation has a mean value of 260 m, while
Churia. The southern flank of the Dundwa Range shows higher ksn the northern flank has a mean value of 190 m. The asymmetry of the
values than the northern flank. The ksn in the Mohand Range demon- knickpoints elevation relative to base level in this range is slightly
strates relatively uniform values across the range. However, there are lower than the asymmetry of the Dundwa Range. Table 1 includes sum-
some spatial variations in the southern flank. The ksn values are gener- maries of the knickpoint results.
ally lower upstream and are steeper downstream, where the channels
enter the Middle Siwalik Group. The ksn then gradually decreases in 4.3. Drainage best-fit concavity
the downstream direction. On the eastern tip of the ridge, there is a
rise in the ksn values. On the other hand, the ksn values are generally con- We extracted normalised channel steepness indices using a refer-
stant on the northern flank. ence concavity value of 0.45, which is based on the assumption that ero-
To observe the ksn variation clearly, we calculated the ksn median sion rates in channels scale with shear stress (Howard, 1994; Tucker
value of every catchment, which we plotted as a function of distance and Whipple, 2002). In a further consideration of the processes involved
along the ridgeline (Fig. 4). Based on panel (a) in Fig. 4, the Churia in channel erosion in these catchments, we also performed a best-fit
Range can be divided based on its ksn values. The western part has a concavity analysis that directly measures each basin's concavity value
ksn median value of around 21, with some basins having ksn values draining the ridges.
that exceed 40; the ksn values along the eastern section of the ridge The mapping of catchments' best-fit concavity shows that the con-
are much more likely to fall below 20 with a median value of ~11. In cavity varies across the ridgeline in most locations. In the western
the following discussions, the Churia Range will be referred to in two Churia Range, catchments' concavity values appear relatively uniform
parts, the western and eastern regions. across both flanks (Fig. 6a). Although the concavity on the northern
The Dundwa Range demonstrates a relatively constant ksn along the flank seems to be slightly higher (mean θ = 0.35) compared to the
ridgeline with a median of ~30 (Fig. 4c). However, the southern flank southern flank (mean θ = 0.3). In the eastern Churia Range, concavity
generally has higher ksn values, with some basins exceeding a ksn of values are lower on the northern flank (mean θ = ~ 0.15; that is, chan-
50. On the other hand, the northern flank has lower ksn values, with nels are nearly linear) but higher on the southern flank (θ = ~ 0.4).
some basins below 20. The Mohand Range also demonstrates a rela- The best-fit concavity mapping on the Dundwa Range shows a very
tively constant ksn along the ridgeline with a median value of ~17 distinctive asymmetry between the southern and the northern flank
(Fig. 4b). Based on this observation, the ksn values from the lowest to (Fig. 6b). The mean of concavity in the southern flank is 0.48 with
the highest are eastern Churia, Mohand, western Churia and Dundwa some basins reaching 0.7. The northern flank has a lower mean

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 3. Mapping of channel steepness index for catchment draining north and southward of the Siwalik Hills in the Churia, Dundwa, and Mohand Ranges.

concavity (θ = 0.25). In the Mohand Range, concavity on the southern profiles; results show differences above and below the knickpoints
flank also demonstrates a systematically higher concavity value (mean (Fig. 7). The concavity above the knickpoint appears to have a higher
θ = 0.35) compared to the northern flank (mean θ = 0.15; Fig. 6c). value than below the knickpoint for most channels, except on the
Based on our observations, higher profile concavity values seem southern flank of the Mohand Range. In the southern flank of the
to correlate with large knickpoints within the catchment. We com- Mohand Range, the concavity is higher within the channel's lower
pared the channel concavities above and below the knickpoint by reach (below the knickpoint) and lower for the upper reach (above
matching the trunk and tributary channels' collinearity in the χ- the knickpoint).

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 4. Scatter plot of channel steepness across the (a) Churia, (b) Dundwa, and (c) Mohand Ranges. The plotted ksn values are the median for each catchment, the error bars indicating the
25th and 75th percentile. Straight black lines are the mean value of ksn on each range. Dashed black lines are the standard deviation of ksn on each range. In panel (a), we can see that the ksn
values on the western Churia Range are higer compared to the eastern side. Unless at the eastern part of Mohand Range where the ksn values are higher compared to the rest of the range,
the ksn values in the Mohand and Dundwa Ranges show a relatively uniform pattern along the ridge. This could be that the Mohand and Dundwa range are more stable compared to the
Churia Range. We suspect the high ksn on Mohand's eastern range incorporated with the back thrust in that area.

5. Discussion and interpretation that there is some delay between the initiation of ridge uplift and the
ability of the channels to erode bedrock and generate alluvial bedload
5.1. Channel steepness across ranges (i.e., channels visible from satellite imagery with alluvial cover). This
may be caused by thick vegetative cover leading to steeper channels
Based on the results in Table 1, we first focus on the eastern Churia, in the western Churia Range.
Dundwa and Mohand Ranges. Amongst these ridges, the 25th percentile The steepness index values in the Dundwa Range, on the other hand,
ksn and median ksn all increase with increasing shortening. Between the demonstrate a more constant value along the ridge, which indicates that
eastern Churia and Mohand Ranges, the differences are subtle. The they are in a more stable phase compared to the Churia Range. We per-
Dundwa Range, on the other hand, features higher ksn values (Fig. 8). formed satellite imagery and NDVI observation in the Dundwa Range
Meanwhile, western Churia has higher ksn values compared to eastern (Fig. 9b) and show that the drainages in the northern flank of the
Churia (Figs. 4 and 8). The satellite imagery and the NDVI image of the range have significant accumulation of alluvium. As with the Churia
Churia Range (Fig. 9a) show no evidence of sediment within the chan- Range, it appears that this accumulation of sediment is associated
nels where the ksn values are high in the western Churia Range. with lower channel steepness values on the northern flank.
In contrast, in the eastern Churia Range, where the ksn values are Lithological differences between the Upper and Middle Siwalik also
slightly lower, the channels are visibly filled with alluvium. It is possible seem to be associated with the contrast of channel steepness between

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Table 1
Summary of observations and results of the topographic analysis (ksn, knickpoint to base level elevation (ΔZKP) and channel concavity (θ)) according to the shortening amount from low to

Shortening Location GPS derived shortening rates (mm.a−1) Fold erosion Median of Knickpoint height to base Channel concavity
(Stevens and Avouac, 2015) (km2) ksn level (ΔZKP) (θ)

0.4 km Western Churia 19.9 ± 1.4 mm.a−1 1.45 21.83 Symmetric Little asymmetry
3.8 km Eastern Churia 19.9 ± 1.4 mm.a−1 17.86 11.37 Little asymmetry Little asymmetry
6.9 km Mohand 18 ± 1 mm.a−1 29.86 17.96 Asymmetric Asymmetric
9 km Dundwa 19.6 ± 1.1 mm.a−1 73.81 30.97 Asymmetric Asymmetric

Fig. 5. Mapping of knickpoint in the Churia, Dundwa, and Mohand Ranges. The drop of channel steepness segmentation was calculated to identify the knickpoint locality across the ranges. The
colour-coded circles correspond to the z drop in χ (chi) elevation.

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 6. Mapping of catchments' channel concavity in the Churia, Dundwa, and Mohand Ranges. Concavity values across flanks are asymmetric in the eastern Churia, Dundwa and Mohand

the upper and lower reach in Mohand's southern flank. In Mohand's ranges (western Churia: p = 0.4797, eastern Churia: p = 0.1875,
northern flank, where there is no variation of lithology, the channel steep- Mohand: p = 0.08168) except for Dundwa Range (p = 0.001204)
ness is distributed uniformly along the catchments (Figs. 1 and 2). High (Fig. 10). That is, the ksn distributions are the same on each flank (except
ksn values on the eastern tip of the Mohand Range correspond with the for the Dundwa Range with the aforementioned explanation) regardless
back-thrust fault locality. of the asymmetry of the fold.
We performed a two-sample Kolmogorov - Smirnov test on these
catchments' ksn median values between the northern and the southern 5.2. Role of the lateral advection of rock in driving the distribution of
flank to see if ksn values are drawn from the same probability distribution. knickpoints
The null hypothesis for each of these comparisons is that the distributions
of ksn on both flanks are the same. We find the channel steepness between The spatial distribution of knickpoints appears to respond to the rel-
the northern and the southern flank are statistically the same for all ative displacement on the uplifting ridges. As highlighted in Fig. 9, the

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

find asymmetry of concavity across the ranges, with higher values of

the concavity index in the southern flank of all but the western Churia
Range (Fig. 8). This signal is modulated by the presence of knickpoints.
In all but the Mohand southern flank, the concavity index values are
higher above the knickpoints (Fig. 7). The more concave southern flanks
of the Mohand and Dundwa Ranges also feature a greater elevation dif-
ference between the knickpoints and base level (Fig. 8), which suggests
more erosion and greater uplift relative to their base level on the south-
ern flank.
In the western Churia Range, the asymmetry is less pronounced, and
in fact the concavity is higher on the northern flank, which coincides
with a strong knickpoints alignment on the northern flank. This behav-
iour may relate to the embryonic growth of the fold, experiencing rela-
tively uniform rock uplift above a propagating thrust tip without a
significant component of lateral advection. As the structure records
more shortening towards the east, so it also shows a more asymmetric
form as the tip propagates towards the surface on the eastern Churia
Range. This is consistent with the model of the progressive develop-
ment of a fault-propagation fold (Suppe et al., 1992).

5.4. Drainage divide migration

The ability of the drainage divide to maintain its position relative to

the fault ramp depends on the erosive capacity of the river network rel-
ative to the horizontal displacement induced by lateral rock advection
(Sinclair et al., 2017). In the ridge developing over a thrust fold, erosion
is enhanced by the upstream migration of knickpoint. Based on the bal-
Fig. 7. Box plots of best fit concavity index according to their relative position from
anced cross sections and the modern topography, we infer that the
knickpoint (KP) in the Churia (including western and eastern part), Dundwa, and drainage divide is advected southward relative to the ramp-flat transi-
Mohand Ranges. Most of the best fit concavity is higher above the knickpoint except in tion during shortening. The reconstruction of fold geometry and bal-
Mohand's southern flank, where the best fit concavity is higher below the knickpoint. anced cross sections suggests that the drainage divide initially
developed over the ramp-flat transition, as shown by the western
difference in elevation between knickpoints and base level (ΔZKP) in the Churia anticline; this is to be expected based on model predictions
western Churia Range are similar across the ridge. It suggests that the (Suppe et al., 1992). But as recorded shortening values increase, the
relative movement of the uplifting range is uniform on both flanks. On drainage divide appears to migrate southward relative to the flat-
the other hand, the difference in elevation between knickpoints and ramp transition; this is documented by the Dundwa and Mohand
base level in the eastern Churia Range is higher on the southern flank, Ranges (Fig. 2).
suggesting that relative movement of the uplifting range has shifted to- The migration of the drainage divide southward from above the flat-
wards the south. ramp transition suggests that the horizontal component of rock advec-
In the Dundwa and Mohand Ranges, the difference in elevation be- tion is sufficient to outcompete the erosion on the southern slopes of
tween the knickpoints and base level demonstrates strong asymmetry, the Dundwa and Mohand Ranges. The southward advection of the
with higher values on the southern flank. Assuming these knickpoints drainage divide relative to the Gangetic Plains results in convergence
are approximately time equivalent, this asymmetry implies a contrast with the base level outlet to the south; this must drive further
in rock uplift rates and must be linked to a component of lateral advec- knickpoint migration and steepening of the southern catchments as
tion of rock over the thrust ramp (Miller et al., 2007). In embryonic fold shown (Fig. 8). The drainage divide migration can also be captured by
topography, such as in the western Churia Range, topographic surface the χ (chi)-map (Fig. 12), with rivers that have lower χ tend to become
displacement is relatively uniform across the fold that has nucleated the aggressor (Willett et al., 2014).
over the ramp-flat transition, indicating that the vertical component of
displacement is dominant. As the fold grows, the horizontal component 5.5. Role of lithologies in channel profile analysis
of displacement increases relative to the vertical component, which is
expressed by the higher knickpoints to base level elevation on the fore- We observed differences in channel concavity above and below
limb as demonstrated by the Dundwa and Mohand Ranges (Fig. 11). knickpoints (Fig. 7). To explain this, we compared the lithology below
We performed a two-sample Kolmogorov - Smirnov test on the differ- the channel profile with the channel concavity since rock properties
ence of elevation between knickpoints and base level (ΔZKP), between the such as rock strength is known to influence channel concavity (Duvall
northern and the southern flank to check the asymmetry of ΔZKP distribu- et al., 2004; Mudd et al., 2018). We checked the χ-profiles that had
tion. The null hypothesis for each of these comparisons is that the distri- been generated with concavities that range from 0.01–1 on one of the
butions of ΔZKP on both flanks are the same. We find the knickpoints to channels wherein the upper reach flows through the Upper Siwalik con-
base level elevation between the northern and the southern flank are sta- glomerates while the lower reach flows through the Middle Siwalik
tistically the same for the Churia Range (both western: p = 0.1014, and sandstones (basin 54 in Fig. 13). The collinearity of the upstream
eastern: p = 0.2779). The test confirms the asymmetry of ΔZKP in reaches of this channel, which lies within the Upper Siwalik conglomer-
Dundwa (p = 0.001204) and Mohand Ranges (p = 0.58687) (Fig. 10). ates, shows that these reaches have a best-fit concavity of 0.3 (Fig. 13).
The lower reaches of this channel, which lie within the Middle Siwalik
5.3. Channel concavity response to erosion sandstones, have a best fit concavity index of 0.42. The difference in
this channel coincides with the change in the underlying lithology. We
Miller et al. (2007) considered that the asymmetry of concavity in also assess another channel on the Mohand's southern flank (Basin 40
the frontal Himalaya to be affected by lateral rock advection. We also in Fig. 13) and found the same result. Therefore, the partition of

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 8. Box-whisker plots of topographic analysis summary (from top to bottom: ksn, elevation difference of knickpoint and base level (ΔZKP), and concavity (θ)) and the range of fold
eroded ((%) Erosion) across the ranges and flanks. Box-whisker represents the minimal, 25th percentiles, 75th percentiles and maximal values, the black lines represent the median
values and black diamond shapes represent the mean values. The ksn data which were taken to build these boxplots are the median value of ksn on each catchment. Fold eroded ((%)
Erosion) was measured from the cross section using the reconstructed layer above present topography.

concavity in the Mohand's southern flank is likely to be controlled by size in dictating channel concavity partition as it is hypothesized to in-
the underlying lithology. fluence fluvial network concavity (Gasparini et al., 2004; Wickert and
Furthermore, we also performed a radar backscatter analysis in de- Schildgen, 2019). However, the result suggested that there is no relation
termining channel roughness to observe the role of sediment grain between sediment grain size and channel concavity in this regard. To

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 9. Satellite imagery and Normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) (labelled) of (a) the Churia and (b) the Dundwa Ranges. Based on these images, channels in the western Churia
Range (delineated by square) show no evidence of sediment within the channels compared to the eastern part (recognised as pale brown and orange colour in the satellite image and NDVI
respectively). The northern flank of the Dundwa Range has been backfilled by sediment, which can be recognised as pale brown colour in the satellite imagery (white line delineated) and
yellow colour in the NDVI image (black line delineated).

see the result, please refer to the supplementary material available shortening and development of the fault-propagation fold as the fault
online. tip approaches the top strata (Fig. 14b). The Dundwa Range records fur-
ther shortening as the fault tip emerges to the surface (Fig. 14c). The
5.6. A tectono-geomorphic model progressive increase in shortening between these structures is also
reflected in a progressive increase in channel concavity across the
To synthesise the geomorphic evolution in response to the Himala- ranges and erosion which becomes increasingly dominant on the
yan frontal ranges' structural evolution, we have proposed a tectono- forelandward side (i.e., the southern side).
geomorphic model (Fig. 14). We infer, based on both previous studies The western Churia Range, where the initial uplift of the fold occurs, is
and observations from field and topographic data, that the structures characterised by higher channel steepness (compared to the eastern
developed as fault-propagation fold (Champel, 2002; Husson and Churia), which may be related to the lack of development of channels as
Mugnier, 2003; Khanal and Robinson, 2013; Mugnier et al., 1999; seen in Fig. 10, which do occur in the older and more shortened eastern
Powers et al., 1998; Srivastava et al., 2018; Srivastava and Mukul, Churia Range. Symmetrical values of the difference in elevation between
2020). Based on the cross sections, the Churia and the Dundwa Ranges knickpoints and base level across the north and south sides are also pres-
demonstrate a progressive development of a fault-propagation fold. ent in the western Churia Range. The channel concavity index is asym-
The western part of the Churia Range records the initial, symmetrical metric with greater values on the northern flank. The eastern Churia
uplift of the fault-propagation fold above the ramp-flat transition Range is characterised by low channel steepness and asymmetry of
(Fig. 14a). The eastern part of the Churia Range records further knickpoints to base level elevation and channel concavity. In the Dundwa

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 10. Cumulative Density Function (CDF) plot of ksn, knickpoint to base level elevation (ΔZKP), and concavity (θ) across the flanks on the western Churia, eastern Churia, Dundwa and
Mohand. D values are the maximum vertical distance between the cumulative distribution function (CDF). P-value corresponds to the probability value from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,
where it is <0.05; it rejects the null hypothesis for both flanks.

Range, which has experienced the most shortening, the channel morphol- and channel concavity indices. We suggest the spatially heterogeneous
ogy is characterised by high steepness indices (highest amongst studied uplift field has influenced the asymmetry of knickpoints to base level ele-
ranges) and asymmetric values of knickpoints to base level elevation vation and concavity index values. The greater relative displacement

Fig. 11. Sketch of the (a) normalised knickpoint elevation to the base level (ΔZKP) in the Churia Range, where the vertical component of uplift on both flanks are equal, and (b) in the
Dundwa and Mohand Ranges where the vertical component of uplift in the southern flank is greater compared to the northern flank. Black straight lines are the initial topography,
straight blue lines are the initial river profile, red dashed lines are displaced topographic surface and red straight lines are displaced river profile. The yellow arrow represents the
dominant direction of the advection component.

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 12. Chi maps of the (a) Churia, (b) Mohand, and (c) Dundwa Ranges. White arrows are showing the relative direction of drainage divide migration. In the Churia and Mohand Ranges,
the drainage divide migration is relatively shifting to the south except for the eastern tip of the Mohand Range that is showing the opposite. This is probably caused by the development of
the backthrust in that area. On the other hand, in the Dundwa Range, the drainage divide is relatively more stable compared to the other ranges, which is correlated to the erosion on both
flanks that are equal (as shown in Fig. 8).

between the drainage divide and the base level in the forelimb has caused values of concavity above and below the knickpoint). In contrast, slower
greater erosion which is reflected through multiple knickpoints. In the relative displacement over more uniform lithologies on the back limb
fault-propagation fold monocline of the Mohand Range, the geomorphic has generated lower values of the concavity index that are consistent
characteristics are similar to the Dundwa Range. Greater relative displace- above and below the knickpoints; this agrees with similar observations
ment related to the lateral rock advection is associated with greater ero- on this structure by Miller et al. (2007).
sion and multiple knickpoints which are also linked to higher In terms of the drainage divide, we have found that most of the fold
concavities and segmentation of concavity in the forelimb (i.e., different eroded in the western Churia Range was accommodated within the

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

Fig. 13. Partition of channel concavity index in Mohand south flank catchments as seen from χ profiles. The colinear χ space is indicating the best fit concavity index for specific river
segments. In basin 40, the best fit θ is 0.19 above the knickpoint with Upper Siwalik Group conglomerates underlying lithology, and θ = 0.46 in the below the knickpoint with Middle
Siwalik Group sandstones underlying lithology. The basin 54 χ-profiles have the best fit concavity divided into three. Above the knickpoint where underlying lithology is the Upper
Siwalik Group conglomerates (θ = 0.31), below the knickpoint where the underlying lithology is Middle Siwalik Group sandstones (θ = 0.42), and the fan deposit where it
demonstrates a very low concavity index (θ = 0.01).

southern flank. As the fold grows, as demonstrated by eastern Churia flanks, and so the topography is propagating southward relative to the
Range, the amount of fold eroded on the northern flank increases. The foreland succession as opposed to being pinned by comparable erosion
Dundwa Range also shows a larger proportion of the fold eroded on rates (Hilley and Strecker, 2004).
the northern flank. Based on this observation, it seems that as the short-
ening increases, the drainage divide migrates south relative to the flat- 6. Conclusion
ramp transition. The advection of topography over the ramp provides
the means by which deviatoric stresses in the foreland succession lead This study provides data on river channel steepness, knickpoint and
to failure, and the propagation of a new thrust ramp (Platt, 1988; channel concavity, combined with data on shortening and the distribu-
Naylor and Sinclair, 2007). tion of erosion from four localities in the Siwalik Hills. These localities
To summarise, based on the geological reconstruction (Fig. 2), the record differing amounts of shortening and topographic development
lowest to the highest shortening across these ranges are the western in the region of the MFT. Following are the significant observations
Churia, eastern Churia, Mohand, and Dundwa Ranges. The degree of and conclusions from this analysis:
shortening correlates with knickpoint distribution and asymmetry of
the channel concavity, and drainage divide migration relative to the • Based on balanced cross sections (Fig. 2), the four localities record in-
fault ramp. Given the dates and amounts of shortening across these creasing shortening from the western Churia, eastern Churia, Mohand,
structures, we view them as ‘active’ at the response timescale of most and Dundwa Ranges.
landscapes (0.1–0.5 Ma). We assume that the topographic patterns de- • Greater shortening results in increased asymmetry of elevation be-
scribed in this study relate to the progressive evolution of the fault sys- tween knickpoint and base level (ΔZKP) (Fig. 8). The asymmetry of
tem. As the system evolves, the initial symmetrical uplift transfers to knickpoint distribution records contrasting rock uplift rates across
more asymmetrical uplift. Greater lateral rock advection relative to the the flanks.
erosion rates shifts the drainage divide to the fault-ramp transition • The asymmetry of channel concavity across the ranges modulated by
and drives the asymmetry of the knickpoint and channel concavity. the presence of knickpoints (higher in the southern flank) also devel-
These processes reflect the interplay of tectonic shortening with surface oped as the shortening increase. The more concave southern flanks of
processes in the generation of the topography of the frontal ranges. The the Mohand and Dundwa ridges feature a more significant elevation
indication from the structural geology and topography is that horizontal difference between the knickpoint and base level (Fig. 8), suggesting
advection through shortening is outpacing erosion of the southern more erosion and greater deformation on the southern flank.

D.R. Wahyudi, H.D. Sinclair and S.M. Mudd Geomorphology 384 (2021) 107717

of the Himalaya. We also generated a space for time model for the pro-
gressive geomorphic evolution of the Himalayan frontal ranges and
demonstrated that they are likely to be in a state of topographic growth,
driving further propagation into the foreland.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.


We would like to thank the anonymous reviewer, Saptarshi Dey and

the editor, Martin Stokes, for their thorough review and providing con-
structive comments and suggestions, which significantly improved the
manuscript. This work is a part of the MPhil thesis of Donny Wahyudi
supported by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (Lembaga
Pengelola Dana Pendidikan [LPDP 201808120213212]) and the author
thankfully acknowledges the support. The authors thank Mikael Attal
and Boris Gailleton for their helpful discussions. The authors also thank
Emma Graff, Mikael Attal, Mark Naylor, Vimal Sigh and Ananya
Divyadarshini for their support during the field excursion. All DEMs
used in the study are available online from The
code used to perform the topographic analysis is available at https:// with documentation available at https://

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.



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