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Gracie Meives

Summative Reflection

This term has been one for the books! I have been dealing with an internship, a job that is

not related to what I am studying, completing my school work, and personal commitments that

mean a lot to me. Something that I have liked about this experience is that I do get the

opportunity to build new schema in my mind for future interpreting jobs as well as those around

me that might choose to do the same path. Every year seems like a new chance to try something

new and exciting. I can’t wait to see what the next term holds in store.

I was thinking about this class as a whole and it was sort of a struggle but I also think that

it was possibly my favorite class. When I think about where I am going with my research and

what I want to do I think of the inquiry loops from this class. I want to see more of the changes

and improvements that are made when I get the opportunity to break my work down, turn it on

its side, and then get a new perspective. I hope that this is the direction my research takes me.

I definitely wouldn’t have been able to make the changes that I have this term without the

guided help from my various mentors. They helped me see what I can become and I am forever

grateful. This class encouraged a lot of questions and riveting discussions. I haven’t even

officially got out into the field and I have some amazing stories!

I think the biggest change that has happened within myself has been the fact that I no

longer am plagued with little fixes but I can see the main issue that needs fixing in order for the

little ones to fall into place. I have vision and clarity.

Do you ever experience a moment in life and realize that this will be one to go on with

you? That is what this class has fostered. I wish I knew what more I could say other than singing

individuals praises.

One foot in front of the other, You got this! Thank you for a great term!

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