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Tarea 8.

2 Sending a postcard
Semana: 8

Nombre del estudiante:

Victoria María Núñez Duarte

Número de cuenta:

Sede de estudio:

Licenciada Jacqueline Muñoz


Fecha de entrega:
3 Diciembre 2023
Detalle de la actividad:

Escriba en un archivo de Word o PowerPoint su propia postal, con base en lo


 Imagine que está viviendo en un País extranjero, en calidad de estudiante

de intercambio.

 Comente a un amigo sobre ese lugar y las actividades académicas que

realiza; formule preguntas sobre el tipo de universidad o lugar donde él
desea estudiar.

Utilice las siguientes estructuras gramaticales: Presente Simple y Presente

continuó (afirmativo, negativo, preguntas de información y si/no preguntas).
Sending postcard

Hi, Gabriela

I am writing to you from this beautiful University in the city of New York.

It is beautiful, large, full of many parks and large gardens that have many
trees. To go to university I use the train, it is a nice experience, have you already
decided what you are going to study? here you can find many careers; Can you
think about applying for a scholarship, what do you say? With the notes you have, I
assure you that you co|uld apply, just like me.

Tell me, how have you been? How are you doing in classes? , and your
work, are you okay? Did they give you the promised raise? are you saving? . It is
always good to save to be ready for opportunities, here is the career you like,

Friend, cheer up, are you going to think about it? Let me know if you want
to study here? , I tell you that I saw Gerardo, the boy who graduated with me and
you liked him. We take classes together and we sit close. He speaks English very
well. I don't speak English but he is teaching me.

It is very cold here, but the atmosphere is warm and there are many
opportunities. Are you tired? Do you want to have a better life? You have a lot of
opportunity because you are a good student. ! cheer up!

remembers you, your friend Vicky

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