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Classification is the separation of particles according to their settling rate in a fluid. Because , water is the
most commonly used in mineral processing, but it should be appreciated that , in most cases the particles
can be extended to other fluids also, particularly in air.

If two particles fall freely in a liquid , then the particle which is larger in size
will take smaller time for settling in that liquid & the particle which is smaller in size will take much
more time for settling in that liquid.

If two particles of same size , but different specific gravity fall freely in a liquid, then the particle
whose specific gravity is higher will take lesser time for settling & whose specific gravity is lesser will
take much more time.

In classification, particles of various shapes, size & sp.gravity are separated by being allowed to
settle them in fluid. The coarser, heavier & rounder grains settle faster than the finer, lighter & more
angular grains. If the fluid is in motion , carrying away the slow settling grains, while a sediment of fast
settling grains are removed simultaneously from the classifier.

Settling velocity in a classifier

In case of fine particles, settling velocity (v) varies as νD 2/µ where

D= Diameter of the particle

ν =sp.gravity of the particle

µ = viscosity of the fluid.

Since classification is carried out in a relatively thick suspension, the settling velocity is reduced in
proportion to a correction factor f1

F1 = (1-ν2/3)(1-ν)(1-2.5ν)

Where υ = fraction of volume of suspension occupied by the solid.

Another factor is required to take care of the irregularity in the shape of the particles. A relationship exists
in the shape & settling velocity. It can be expressed as the ratio of the size (diameter of a sphere of equal
volume) of equal settling particles, one of which is irregular in shape & other one is spherical.

The settling velocity is the velocity by which particle is settled in a fluid media specially in the

Stoke’s law
If a particle is fallen in a fluid media at a free settling condition then the maximum terminal velocity
varies directly with the square of the diameter of the particle.

Vterm α D2
Proof: if m is the mass of the particle.

m′ is the mass of the fluid replaced by the particle.

g is the acceleration due to gravity.

R is the exercised by the fluid.

Then, for the Newtonian fluid

m* = (m- )g- R

Now, for laminar flow, R = 6πµrv

Where µ= viscocity of the fluid.

r = radious of the particle.

V= velocity of the particle in the fluid.

∴ m* =( m- )g - 6πµrv

Or, 4/3 *πr3 *∆* = 4/3 *πr3* (∆-∆'/∆ )g -6πµrv

Or, = (∆-∆'/∆ )g –(18πµrv/4πr3∆)

= (∆-∆'/∆)g – (9µv/2r2∆)

At the limiting condition, =0

(∆-∆'/∆)g =9µvterm/2r2∆

Or, vterm = * *((∆-∆'/∆ )g

= *((∆-∆' /µ )g *

So, Vterm α D2
Rittinger’s law

If a particle is fallen in a fluid media in the hindered settling condition, then the maximum terminal
velocity varies directly with the square root of the diameter of the particle.

Vterm α


Let m= mass of the particle.

=mass of the fluid replaced by the particle.

g = acceleration due to gravity.

R= Resistance exercised by the fluid.

Then, m * = (m - )g – R

Now, for turbulent or viscous flow

R= πQr2v2∆'/2

Where, v= velocity of the particle in the field.

r = radius of the particle.

Q = Eddy resistance.

∆'= sp.gravity of the fluid.

m* = (m - )g - πQr2v2∆'/2

or, *πr3 *∆* = *πr3 *(∆ - ∆' )g - πQr2v2∆'/2

or, =( ∆ - ∆'/∆ )g - 3πQr2v2∆'/8πr3∆

= (∆ - ∆'/∆ )g - *(Qv2∆'/r∆ )
At the limiting condition, =0

∴ (∆ - ∆'/∆ )g = * (Qv2term∆'/r∆)

Or, v2term = *(∆ - ∆'/∆ )g *r /Q∆'

= *(∆ - ∆'/∆' ) * *


Or, Vterm α

Both law shows that, the terminal velocity of a particle in a particular fluid is a function of the particle
size & density of the particle. it can be seen that

a) If the 2 particles have the same density, then the particle with the larger diameter has the higher
terminal velocity.
b) If the 2 particle have the same diameter, then the heavier particle has the higher terminal velocity.

Consider two mineral particles oe densities Da & Db and diameters da & db respectively, falling in a fluid
of density Df, at exactly the same settling rate, and hence from stoke’s law,

da 2(Da-Df) =db2(Db- df)

or da /db =

This expression is known as the free settling ratio of the 2 minerals, i.e. the ratio of the particle size
required for the 2 minerals to fall at equal rates.

Consider 2 mineral particles of densities Da & Db & diameter da & db respectively falling in a fluid of
density Df , at exactly the same settling rate & hence from Rittinger’s law,

Or, =

Consider a mixture of galena (density=7.5) &quartz (density=2.65) particles classifying in water. By
considering stoke’s law, free settling ratio

= =1.99(approx)

That is, a small particle of galena will settle at the same rate as the small particle of quartz which has a
diameter 1.99 times the diameter of galena particle.

Now for the same minerals galena & quartz, we have hindered settling ratio

= = 3.93(approx)

Hence, a small particle of pbs will settle at the same rate as the small particle of quartz which has a
diameter 3.93 times as large.

Although classification generally aims to separate particles by size & density, but other factors also have
a significant effect & the operation is more realistically viewed as one of sorting rather than sizing, a
consequences, classification may be applied in a number of situations .

i) Separation of relatively coarser & relatively finer size particles, typically for separation of 2
fines to be economically screened.
ii) To effect a concentration of smaller, heavier particles from larger, lighter particles.
iii) To split a long range size distribution into fractions.
iv) To restrict the property distribution of particles entering into a concentration process.
v) To control close circuit grinding, i.e. to reduce recirculating load.

Classifiers are characterized by :

a) Mechanical classifier: sloping tank(spiral rake, drag, log washer, solid bowl centrifuge, scruber,
bowl classifier)
b) Non mechanical classifier: elutriator, pocket classifier, hydro cyclone, air separator.
c) Sedimentation classifier: cone classifier, centrifugal tank.
d) Hydraulic or fluidized bed classifier: hydro cyclone, hydraulic cone classifier, cylindrical tank
classifier, counter current classifier.

Different types of classifier which are popularly used in Indian industry are:

a) Rake classifier (dorr type)

b) Spiral classifier or (Akin’s screw type)
c) Centrifugal classifier (cyclones)

Rake classifier
It is always operated in wet condition & essentially consists of an open settling trough which is fixed at an
angle to the horizontal.

The slurry is introduced into the chamber at a point near to the overflow discharge end. The
rate of feed is that, it will allow enough time for only the larger size particles to settle at the bottom. The
finer particles are left to overflow along with the major portion of the feed water. The settled coarser
materials are slowly dragged off along the slope of the tank & are discharge at the opposite end of the
tank. In case of rake classifier dragging of the solids is done by the movement of the rake. This consists of
sweeping along the slope of the rake, going up, moving backwards & then deeping into the tank to
continue the cycle of operation. If 2 or 3 rakes are moving in a classifier they are called duplex or triplex
In case of spiral classifier, solids are carried upwards by the continuous rotation of a spiral mounted on a
semi cylindrical tank. Other mechanisms are just like the rake classifier.

The spiral rotates about the axis A-A with the tank. The sediments at the lower end, are
collected by the spiral, and lifted upwards. If the spiral rotates in the clockwise directions, then the
sediments will move upwards.

Centrifugal classifier
If it is operated in dry, it is called cyclone, but when it is operated in wet condition, it is called hydro-
cyclone. Because of their simplicity & flexibility of operation the hydro cyclones are the fast replacing
classifiers as separating devices in mineral processing plant all over the world. A cyclone consists of a
cylindrical top and conical bottom (with cone angle of 20˚) having overflow & underflow outlets
provided at the top & bottom of the unit respectively. There is no moving part in the cyclone. The feed in
the form of a pulp is introduced under pressure tangentially through the feed inlet, positioned at the top of
cylindrical hydro cyclone, & there it is subjected to a dual spiral flow pattern.

This results in separation of particles in the cone of the hydro cyclone by the action of centrifugal &
centripetal forces. The coarser & heavier particles selectively enter the outer spiral & get discharged
through spigot, while the major portion of the feed water, enter the inner spiral & get discharged through
the vortex finder.
Air cyclones are used in conjunction with dry grinding units & the general principle of operation are
similar to that of hydro cyclones.

Differences between classifier & screening

screening classification
1) In case of screening shape & size of particles 1) In case of classifier except shape& size,
are considered. density of particles is also considered.
2) In screening, medium is not so much 2) In classification, there must be a medium i.e.
essential. air, water or any other fluid.
3) Here we are not considering the settling 3) Here settling velocity is more important.
velocity of particles. That may be free settling or hindered settling
4) In this case we consider more coarser size of 4) Here we have to consider very fine size
particles. particles also.
5) If moisture content in the air is much more, 5) But, in this case if moisture content is much
then that may blind the screen opening. But more, then the particles will flocculated or
efficiency will not fall down upto that agglomerated or sticking together which will
remarkable limit. reduce the efficiency of the classifier to a
remarkable limit.
6) Screening efficiency will be maximum, 6) Here the classifier efficiency will be
when the screen slope is 30˚& it will be zero maximum, whenever it is placed vertically.
when the slope is 90˚.

Mass balance equation in the classifier:

Let, M = Mass flow rate in the feed, in kg/sec.

Mc =Mass flow rate of coarser material in the underflow in kg/sec.

Mf = Mass flow rate of finer material in the overflow in kg/sec.

Let, x = particle size

The total mass of the feed must be equal to the total masses of the product if there is no accumulation of
the material in the equipment.

So, M = Mc + Mf …………………….(1)

Mass balance also apply to any size fractions present in the feed if there is no change in the particle size
of the solids inside the separator (no agglomeration or comminution). Hence, for particle sizes between x 1
& x2 .

(M) x1/x2 = (Mc) x1/x2 + (Mf) x1/x2………………………(2)

And also for each particle size x present in the feed,

(M)x = (Mc)x + (Mf)x ……………………………………....(3)

By definition, the particle size distribution frequency gives the fraction of particle size x in the sample.
The total mass of particles of size x in the feed , i.e. the total mass of the feed M, multiplied by the
appropriate fraction df/dx so that,

M* = Mc * + Mf * ………………………………………………..(4)

Total efficiency (ET)

If total efficiency(ET) is now defined as simply the ratio of the mass Mc of all the particles separated to the
mass M of all solids fed into the separator, i.e,
ET = ………………………………………………………………………………….. (5)

So, from equation (1)

M = Mc + MF

Or, + =1

Or, =1-

Or, ET = 1- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(6)

So equation (4) can be re-written as:

= * + *

Or, = ET * +(1- ET)* ………………………………………………………………………………………………….(7)

Which relates the particle size distribution of the fc,the coarser product & the finer product. The same
relationship holds for particle fraction between x1 & x2

= ET +(1- ET)

Or, F(x2) – F(x1) = ET[Fc (x2-x1)] +(1- ET)[Ff(x2-x1)]………………………………………………….(8)

As well as cumulative percentage corresponding to any size x,

F(x) = ET * Fc(x) + (1- ET )Ff(x)…………………………………………………………………(9)

Or, ET = …………………………………………………………………………….(10)

If, differences F(x) –Ff(x) & Fc(x)-Ff(x) are plotted against each other for different sizes x, a straight line
with a slope of ET should be obtained.
Because of the errors of particle size measurements, however there may be a considerable scatter in the
results. Figure shows a practical example of a test with a hydro cyclone. Now, by using mass no. or
surface, the equation will be

mass = K* X3 * density

Where k= shape factor of the particle varying with size.


Jigging is the process of ore concentration carried out in any fluid and depending upon its effectiveness
on differences in specific gravity of granular minute particles. It consists of stratification of particles into
layers of different specific gravity followed by removal of stratified layers. The stratification is achieved
by rapidly affording a very thick suspension of the mixed particles an opportunity to fall until settled.

Three effects can be distinguished as contributing to the stratification in gigs. They are

1. Hindered setting classification

2. Differential acceleration at the beginning of fall

3. Consolidation trickling at the end of the fall

1. Hindered settling:-

The essential difference in hindered settling between jigs and classifiers is that, in jigging the solid-
fluid moisture is so thick as to approximate a loosely packed bed of solids’ with interstitial fluid carrying
a greater no. of suspended solid particles, such a thick solid-fluid mixture as used in jigs cannot be
maintained for any length of lime, furthermore it doesn’t allow sufficient time for complete
rearrangement of the solids. The jig by providing an alternately more open and more compact bed,
maintains a suspension of very high specific gravity while permitting particle rearrangement during the
periods when the bed is open.

The very fact that a jig permits the thickest sort of suspension, a suspension indeed that ceases to be
one once during each of the short cycles of pulsation, is one of the reasons for the better mineral
separation obtained with it than by using sorting classifiers. The settling ratio of various solids is a
function of the percentage by volume of the solids in the suspension, the settling ratio increases with
increase in solid content, at first slowly as thin suspensions are considered, then rapidly as thick
suspension are considered. Other things being equal, higher setting ratios are obtainable in gigs than in

2. Differential Acceleration

The theory has been advanced that, jigging is more effective than sorting, because in gigging,
particles are moving during their accelerating period , the heavy particles have a greater initial
acceleration and speed than the light particles.

The equation of motion for either viscous or turbulent sedimentation is

m* = (m-m')g+ R(v)

in which ‘v’ is the velocity of the solid against the fluid, m and m' the masses of the solid and the
fluid displaced, and R(v) the resistance exercised by the fluid. Initially, R(v) is nil and

= (m-m')/m* g

= (1- Δ'/Δ) g

If Δ & Δ' are the specific gravities of the solid and fluid clearly then, pbb and sio 2 in a separation of
specific gravity 2 would have initial accelerations in the ratio of 5.5/7.5 to 0.65/2.65 or sensibly 3:1. Their
initial speeds then would be approximately as 3:1, even though their ultimate speed were equal.

It follows that, if repetition of fall is frequent enough, and the duration of fall short enough, the
distance travelled by dissimilar particles should bear more resemblance to their initial acceleration than to
their maximum terminal velocities. Under those conditions stratification would takes place on the basis of
specific gravity alone. The input practical issue is whether such short falls can be realized.

3. Consolidation Trickling:-

In view of the fact that different particles of either the same or different specific gravities do not travel the
same distance during one of the settling periods which is given them, they will come to rest at different
instants. A course particle may remain in suspension, out of a cycle of 0.30 sec, perhaps only 0.06 sec,
although a small particle may remain suspended as long as 0.2 sec. manifestly, however a period of lime
exists during which the fine particles are settled on top of a bed of coarser particles. The coarse particles
are bridging against each other and incapable of movement although the fine particles are still free to
move. Aside from any velocity that may be imparted to these small particles, by the moving fluid, they
are bound to settle under the influence of gravity in the passages between the coarse particles. The
phenomenon is described as consolidation trickling.

Consolidation trickling may be regarded as representing a condition under which sedimentation of

fine particles continues while course particles are “bound and gigged”. Of course the fine particles don’t
settle as rapidly during consolidation trickling as during suspension, but if consolidation trickling can be
made to last long enough the effect can be most important.

In order to visualize the occurrence of consolidation trickling, it may be well to consider, first
classification at constant flow, the particles become arranged with the fines at the top and the course
below. If classification with a pulsating flow is used, such that the flow never becomes nil and the
stratification is substantially the same. As the velocity of flow during the ebbing period decreases, a new
phenomenon may appear. If the velocity becomes small enough to permit consolidation of the course
grains, finer grains may trickle through the meshes of this network. With the return of the flowing period,
the particles start with a distribution controlled not only by hundred settling & initial differential
acceleration, but also by consolidation trickling.

To summarize, in jigging, stratification during the stage that the bed is open is essentially controlled by
hindered settling classification as modified by different acceleration & during the stage that the bed is
tight, it is controlled by consolidation trickling. The fast process puts the course- heavy grains on the
bottom, the fine light grains at the top, and the course-light and fine heavy grains in the middle. The
second process does a measure the reverse, putting the fine – heavy grain at the bottom, the coarse light
grains at the top and the coarse-heavy & fine light grains in the middle. By varying the relative
importance of the two & by varying the importance of different acceleration, an almost perfect
stratification according to specific gravity alone can be obtained.

Jigging cycles

Jigging cycles are said to consist of pulsion & suction. In pulsion the fluid is moving upward & in suction
downward w.r.t a stationary reference point. All jigs use pulsion, and most jigs suction but the latter is
avoided in some jigs. The side figures shows several typical jigging cycles.
Types A & B use pulsion only. Types C & D use pulsion & suction, the motion being wholly
symmetrical. The E uses equal amounts of pulsion & suction in the sense that as much fluid flows up &
down, but it is otherwise asymmetrical. Type F uses symmetrical motion, but with more pulsion than

The function of the jig is just like the function of a suction pump. The bottom of the container is either a
screen or a perforated surface which supports the bed of the solids & and allows alternating upward &
down ward movements of water in the jig box. This is effected either by pulsating water through the
perforated bottom surface or by vertically oscillating the jig compartment which is submerged in water.

Cycles consisting of such upward (pulsion) & downward (suction) strokes are repeated. This results in
opening of the bed & the lifting of the particles during pulsion.

1) Harz jig
It is a fixed plunger type of jig. The plunger is loosely fitted & moves up & down creating the necessary
pulsations of water in the jig compartment. In practice a number of compartments can be used in series
for successive stages of separation of products of different quantities. The feed is introduced at one end of
the 1st compartment. The light fraction stratifies upwards & moves into the 2 nd compartment for further
The final light fraction overflows from the last compartment. Heavy fraction of each compartment are
removed either continuously through a discharge gate at the side of the compartment or periodically from
a container below the jig box. The former method is employed if the particles are coarser than sieve size
(and can’t pass through the screens), and the latter method is adopted for smaller particles. Harz jigs are
used in the processing of metallic ores to treat particles approximately in the range of 0.025 – 3.7 cms.

2) Baum jig
It is widely adopted in coal washing industry. It handles any size range of coal below 20cms. About 70%
coal washed in England is treated in this type of fig.

This distinct feature in this type is that compressed air is used to move water to provide necessary
pulsations. The heavy fraction (shale) is removed by a gate type of discharge. As in the case Harz jigs
several compartments are put in a series with separate controls for each compartment for an efficient
separation in each stage. In practice, there are several modification in Baum & Harz jigs to suit special
requirement. The feldspar jig operates on the same principle as Baum jig & is developed to treat coals
below 1.2 cms in size. Here feldspar due to its low cost, shape & suitable sp.gravity is used as an artificial
on the bottom grit plate of the jig bow. This helps in transverse distribution of water impulses on the
screen deck. The individual grains of feldspar moves slightly due to the pulsation of water thus, allowing
only the solid particles that settled at the bottom to pass through the gate.

3) Pneumatic jigs
These utilize stratification of particles in air instead of in water. They have not been widely used in the
treatment of ores & would continue to remain a technological curiosity if it were not for their recent
adoption in coal cleaning. The latest estimate however place the tonnage of coal treated over the world by
pneumatic jigs at some 30-40 M.T annually. Because current models of pneumatic jigs use a shallow bed
of mineral & are surfaced with rifles in the manner of a shaking table, they are commonly known as
pneumatic tables.

This term is misnomer, unless the word “table” is used to connote something different from what is
known under that name in the art of wet gravity concentration. Actually, the resemblance is considerable
between water jigs & pneumatic tables.

All pneumatic jigs or tables produce first a vertical stratification of the particles in order of decreasing
sp.gravity more or less modified by size. Disposal of stratified layers can be obtained by removal of strata
in situ by means of trap gates, concentrate wells or tailing wells. It can also be obtained by overflow if the
strata are formed out horizontally by the use of suitable auxiliary motion.

Pneumatic jigs’ using no horizontal stratification is a pulsator jig controlled by a rotary valve & using
400-500 pulsations/min of 10- 30 lb of air. Capacity is 0.5 tones/sq.ft/hr for the coarsest feed down to a
small fraction of this for fine feed. Close sizing is required. This jig was used for concentration of

Ratio of concentration:

This relative weight of feed to that of concentration is a measure of the concentration in weight that has
been effected. This ratio is known as the ratio of concentration. If f is the wt. of feed, c is the weight of
the concentrate, then ratio of concentration (k) = C/F

If it is difficult to ascertain the weights of concentrate & tailings & if k is expressed in terms of feed f,
concentrate c & tailings t,


By weight balance,

F = C + T………………… (1)

Total assay, concentrate & tailings,

F*f = C*c + T*t………………. (2)

Multiplying equation (1) by t,

F*t = C*t + T*t

F*f = C*c+ T*t


F (t-f) = C (t-c)

Or F/C = (t-c)/ (t-f)

= =

The ratio of concentrate taken by itself, is almost useless as it discloses nothing concerning the quantity of
the concentrate & tailings. Also, it loses significance if more than one concentrate is produced. But it is
very much useful in conjunction with recovery.

Selectivity index
It is the geometric mean of the relative recoveries & relative rejection of two minerals, metals or groups
of minerals or metals.

If Ra is the recovery of a in A, Ja is the rejection of a in A

If Rb is the recovery of b in A, Jb is the rejection in B

Relative recovery is Ra/ Rb & Relative rejects = Jb /Ja

∴ S.I =

But, Ja = 100- Ra Rb =100-Jb

Hence S.I =


If lead recovery in a lead concentrate is 95% & gaunge rejection in deleaded pulp is 96%, then

S.I = = 21.3

Difference Between fixed jig & movable jig

Fixed sieve jig Movable sieve jig

1) It is an intermittent process. 1) It is a continuous process.
2) Separation of heavier particle is difficult. 2) Separation of heavier particle is easier.
3) Capacity is less. 3) Capacity is more.
4) Lighter particles can be separated easily. 4) Lighter particles cannot be separated
5) Its cost is high. 5) Its cost is low.
6) Duration of operation is more. 6) Duration of operation is less.

Flowing film concentration

Liquid films in laminar flow have a mechanical property that is easily adoptable to the separation of
minerals according to specific gravity. The important property is that, velocity of the fluid is not the same
at all depths of the film, being nil at the bottom & maximum at or near the top. Actually the maximum
velocity is very slightly below the top. The friction against air can be neglected as a first approximation.
The property in turn depends upon, the viscosity of the fluid, i.e. upon the existence of internal friction of
one layer upon another.
By this method, minerals are summarized according to their particle sizes, i.e. lighter, coarser
& rounder particles or by heavier, finer or flatter particles of downstream are applied.

Fluid velocity in a flowing film

=∆'g* *(2θ-y)y

Where, V' = velocity of the fluid.

∆'= sp.grvity of the fluid.

g = acceleration due to gravity.

α = Angle of the film with the horizontal.

Θ = film thickness

μ = viscosity of the fluid.

Y = Distance of the flowing film from the bottom.

Flowing film concentration of particles at the bottom of the flowing film is affected by the following

1) Slope of the deck

2) Viscosity of the fluid.
3) Shape of particle.
4) Roughness of deck.
5) Specific gravity of the particle.
6) Thickness of the flowing film.
7) Co-efficient of friction between various particle & deck.

In the horizontal deck, there is no motion of the particle, but as the deck is tilted, particle begin to move
along the flowing lamina.
Other things being equal, speed of particles,(v) varies directly to the square of film thickness (θ) &
inversely to the viscosity of the fluid(µ).

i.e. V α θ2/µ

Increase in slope increase the velocity, but it is not directly proportional.

Derivation of V

The force required to maintain a constant difference in velocity (dv) between the two sides of the flowing
lamina of liquid of thickness (dy) & cross section A is:

F1 = μ *A*

This force is provided by gravity & consists of the component in the V direction of the weight of the
liquid resting on the flowing lamina, or

F2 = A (θ- y) *∆' * gsinα

Hence, when a steady state prevails,

μ * A* = A(θ- y)*∆'*g*sinα

Or, = ∆'* *(θ-y)

Integrating, both sides

V = ∆'* *(θy- )

=∆'* *(2θ-y)y

When θ = y,

V = ∆'* * θ2

Rate of Flow:

= V*

=∆'* *(2θ-y)y*

Or, R = ∆'* *(2θ* - ) (value of y varies from 0 to θ)

=∆'* *

θ3 = (1/∆') *

θ=[ *(1/∆')] 1/3

Horizontal travel R

Let, at depth y, the fluid velocity is v & the particle settling velocity with respect to the fluid is (u).

A movement of the particle such as to reduce the depth by ( ) requires a vertical movement of ( )
And requires a time =

The horizontal travel in time dt is,

=V* =

= ∆'* *(2θ- y)y*

But u = *(∆ -∆') *

∴ =∆'* *(2θ- y)y* *(1/ ∆ -∆')*

= *(∆'/∆ -∆' )* *(2θ- y)y*

Z= *[∆'/(∆ -∆' ) r2 ]* *(2θ* - ) (y varies from 0 to θ)

= *[∆'/(∆ -∆' ) r2 ]* * θ3

= *[∆'/(∆ -∆' ) r2 ]* * *(1/∆')*

= *[1/(∆ -∆')]*

Asymmetrical acceleration in vacuum

A particle on a horizontal or a horizontally moving deck in vacuum (for all particle purposes it is air), is
subjected to 2 forces, that due to the acceleration of the deck, & the frictional force between the deck &
the particle. The forces are oppositely directed, as the acceleration increases, the frictional force increases
upto a point corresponding to the co-efficient of static friction. At the limiting condition

m* = mg*∅s
Or, /y = ∅s

If the deck is reciprocating, it has an acceleration, which changes the sign twice in a cycle. If the motion
is symmetrical (sine wave type) the particle may or may not move on the deck, according to the relative
values of the maximum acceleration & the co-efficient of static friction. If the motion is asymmetrical, the
particle may move in one direction, but fail to move in other direction. Because the maximum
acceleration exceeds it in the other or the particle may move in both directions but at different speeds.

Asymmetrical acceleration of the non- viscous fluid

If the vacuum of the preceding case is replaced by a fluid, and provided the resistance of the fluid is
neglected, then at the limiting condition

m* = (m- )g∅s

or, /g =[1-(∆'/∆)]*∅s

This shows that, mineral of different specific gravity but having the same co-efficient of friction will
begin to drift under asymmetrical deck acceleration at different threshold values. Light minerals moving
at lower threshold acceleration than heavy minerals. Thus it appears that, segregation of unlike minerals
might be possible on the basis of the phenomena, considered alone.

Wilfley Table

The table essentially consists of a rectangular or rhombohedral deck which is slightly inclined from the
horizontal & moves with differential motion. This movement makes the table approach & recede from its
reversing point with greater speed at one end of its travel than at the other end, that imparting a conveying
action to the solid on the deck. The deck is usually riffled with cleats placed at regular intervals parallel or
at an angle to the direction of motion.
The feed slurry is introduced at an upper corner of the table & wash water is flowed across the table. The
high density material is settled into the troughs between the riffils & the motion if the table throws them
towards the left side of table, and finally discharges them at the corner diagonally opposite to the feed
corner. The table movement always gives a jigging action, which helps to the material. The light material
which in suspension are washed across the table by the water swing to the inclination of the table.

This is used for concentration of coal, shale, sand, chromite’s, galena, sphalerite, gold etc,very fine coal
of(3.327- 0.295mm).

Heavy Media Separation

Heavy media circuit would essentially consist of the following.

1. The separating vessel in which media solids are kept in suspension with provision for continuous
introducing fluid & taking out products.

2. Means to clean the products recover the medium and recirculate the medium to the vessels.

Chance Cone Separator

Here the separating bath is a cone with a cylindrical top. Sand is kept in suspension in a vessel with the
help of a paddles rotating in the middle and with the help of rising current of water injected from the sides
of the cone.

The feed is introduced at one end of the top portion of the cylinder. The light clean coal floats and
overflows from the other end. While the heavy shale sinks to the bottom of the cone(Refuse chamber) and
is taken out at regular intervals. The products are passed on to separate de-sanding screens through which
the sand is washed out, and recirculated. This is used in Jamadoba coal Washery(Tisco,Bihar).

Wemco Drum Separator

The separator is a rotating drum with lifter fixed inside the shell. The feed is introduced by a chute at one
end of the drum into the heave medium (Ferrosilicon kept in suspension by the rotation of the drum ) and
the light fraction overflows and is taken out at the other end of the drum. The sink is lifted by the lifters
& is discharged into a separate chute. The products are washed in the screen & ferrosilicon is recovered
by the magnetic method and is recirculated.

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