Predictive Current Control With Reduction of Switching Frequency For Three Phase Voltage

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Predictive Current Control with Reduction of

Switching Frequency for Three Phase Voltage
Source Inverters
Patricio Cortes, Luna Vattuone, Jose Rodriguez
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a
Av. España 1680, Valparaiso, Chile

Abstract—In order to improve the performance at steady the system over a horizon in time. An optimization problem
state of a three-phase drive system, numerous works have been providing the sequence of future actuations is solved by
focused in reducing the current and torque ripple. Predictive minimizing a predefined cost function which represents the
current control allows the improvement of the performance by
increasing the sampling frequency, but the resulting switching desired behavior of the system. In addition, the discrete nature
frequency can generate semiconductors operating point out of of power converters makes easy to solve the optimization
their thermal limits. The ripple of current using conventional problem by directly evaluating all possible switching states.
linear current control with pulse width modulation is reduced by This scheme has been used for the control of three-phase
increasing the carrier frequency, however, the upper limit of the inverters [5], three-level neutral point clamped inverters [6],
switching frequency is limited also by the semiconductors thermal
rates. In this paper a predictive current control modification is matrix converters [7], [8], induction machines [9], rectifiers
proposed for reducing the switching frequency by decoupling it [10], and others [11], achieving a simple and flexible control
from the sampling time, thus the performance of the system is with good performance.
improved but the switching frequency is kept bellow its limits. A A strategy to increase of the system performance at steady
comparison between the proposed method and linear current state reducing the current and torque ripple is possible by
control with PWM of a three phase voltage source inverter
operating at steady state is presented. considering high carrier signal frequency in PWM-based
schemes. However, high switching frequency is generated and
the switching losses generally characterize the upper limit of
I. I NTRODUCTION the possible switching frequency so a cost reduction is not
The development of current control strategies to increase the possible [12], [13].
three-phase drive system performance is a topic where today’s Considering predictive current control a reduced current
research efforts have been focused. and torque ripple can be achieved by increasing the sampling
Considering that low output ripple current and constant in- frequency, however the switching frequency depends on the
verter switching frequency is generated, linear current control sampling frequency so the improvement of performance also
with pulse width modulation (PWM) is the common method depends on the semiconductors characteristics.
used in conventional applications. In this paper a modification of the predictive current control
In order to optimize the dynamic of the system performance, is proposed. By using a penal weight in the cost function
numerous works have been developed to improve the transient for the voltage vector change, the switching frequency can
behavior. Considering linear current control, the average dead be decoupled from the sampling frequency. In addition, by
time of the controller affect the transient behavior of the considering a reduced set of possible next voltage vectors that
whole drive [1]. An enhanced dynamic behavior is possible imply commutation of only one inverter leg, it is possible
by increasing the carrier signal of the modulator, however, to increase the sampling frequency without increasing the
an augmented thermal stress of power semiconductors is switching frequency, thus an improvement of performance can
included. A strategy for dynamically changing the switching- be achieved keeping the semiconductors below their thermal
frequency and the bandwidth by using Dynamic Frequency limits.
Scaling (DFS) technique in combination with PWM modulator This work presents also a performance comparison between
is presented in [2], but it needs high demand on calculation the proposed method and linear current control with PWM of
power. A good alternative is presented in [3] by using a novel a three phase voltage source inverter operating at steady state.
predictive current control technique to optimize switching The comparison parameter is the current ripple by measuring
frequency and transient response of the current loop. the absolute current error for different values of switching
In recent years predictive control has attracted much at- frequency.
tention for power converters and drives applications due to
several advantages: good dynamic response, straightforward II. T HREE - PHASE SYSTEM
inclusion of non-linearities and restrictions in the model and A two-level three-phase voltage source inverter supplying a
in the control [4]. This new approach considers a model of three-phase passive R-L load is presented in Fig. 1.
978-1-4244-9312-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 1817

Sa Sb Sc

Vdc b
Sa Sb Sc
Fig. 3. Linear current control with PWM block diagram.

Fig. 1. Three-phase voltage source inverter. 2

v= Vdc (Sa + aSb + a2 Sc ) (4)
where Vdc is the voltage of the dc link.
Considering the combinations of the switching state of three
V3 (0 1 0) V2 (1 1 0)
legs of the inverter, there are 23 = 8 possible switching states
Si = {Sa , Sb , Sc }(i ∈ [0, 7]), so there are 8 voltage vectors at
the vectorial subspace. Voltage vectors and their corresponding
switching states are shown in Fig. 2.
V4 (0 1 1) V1 (1 0 0)
V0 (0 0 0),V7 (1 1 1)
The linear current control with PWM scheme is shown in
V5 (0 0 1) V6 (1 0 1) Fig. 3. The difference between the reference i∗ and measured
i load current is processed by a proportional-integral (PI) con-
troller to generate the reference load voltage v∗ . For generating
the drive signals for the inverter semiconductors a modulator
is used. The reference load voltages are compared with a
Fig. 2. Voltage vectors generated by the inverter.
triangular carrier signal, and the output of each comparator
is used to drive an inverter leg.
The performance of this control scheme depends on the
A. Three-phase load model design of the controller parameters, and in some applications
The following vector equation models the load current it depends also on the frequency of the reference current. In
dynamics: this work, current control in rotating dq coordinates system is
di considered, thus zero steady state error is obtained indepen-
v = Ri + L (1) dently of the reference current frequency. The discrete time PI
controller is defined as the following vectorial equation:
The model (1) can be written in the following discrete-time
form: Tm kp


Ts ∆v∗ = kp ∆ei + ei (5)
i(k + 1) = 1 − i(k) + v(k) (2) 2Ti
where ei is the difference between the reference i∗ and mea-
where Ts is the sampling time. sured i load current, kp and Ti are the controller parameters to
design depending on the load values, and Tm is the sampling
B. Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter Vectorial Model time.
Using PWM the switching frequency fsw is constant and
A three-phase system has two degrees of freedom, which its value is equal to the carrier frequency fc . Considering that
can be used to define an equivalent transformation of three the sampling time is Tm , the carrier frequency is calculated
variables to one vectorial space as follows : as follows:
v = vα + jvβ fc = (6)
= (van + avbn + a2 vcn ) (3)
where a = exp j2π A. Control Strategy
3 .
The switching vectors can be calculated directly from the Working on the α − β plane, the scheme in Fig. 4 shows
switching functions: the predictive control strategy applied to the current control


vk−1 Subset of allowed vectors

V0 (000) V0 (000) V1 (100) V3 (010) V5 (001)
V1 (100) V0 (000) V1 (100) V2 (110) V6 (101)
V2 (110) V1 (100) V2 (110) V3 (010) V7 (111)
V3 (010) V0 (000) V2 (110) V3 (010) V4 (011)
V4 (011) V3 (010) V4 (011) V5 (001) V7 (111)
V5 (001) V0 (000) V4 (011) V5 (001) V6 (101)
Fig. 4. Predictive current control block diagram.
V6 (101) V1 (100) V5 (001) V6 (101) V7 (111)
V7 (111) V2 (110) V4 (011) V6 (101) V7 (111)

for a three-phase inverter, which is explained in the following TABLE II


1) The load current vector i(k) is measured and trans- Parameter Value
formed to α − β coordinates. The reference vector is R 10[Ω]
obtained from an outer control loop. L 7[mH]
Vdc 520[V]
2) The value of the load current in the next sampling kp 3.485
interval i(k + 1) for each one of the eight different Ti 8.6e-4
voltage vectors is calculated in the block “Predictive
Model” by using the discrete model of the load (2).
3) “Minimization of cost function g” block evaluates the
error between reference vector and predicted currents. B. Reduction of the Switching Frequency
The error is calculated using a cost function g: In order to increase the performance of the current control
the sampling frequency must be increased. However, the
g = |i∗α − ipα | + |i∗β − ipβ | (7) control scheme must be modified in order to decrease the
switching frequency to the acceptable limits of the switching
The voltage vector that minimizes the current error is
device. The following two modifications are made to the
selected and the respective switching state is applied to
predictive current control strategy described before:
the inverter.
1) Fig. 2 shows the switching state (Sa Sb Sc ) that generates
The sampling time used to execute the three steps for pre-
each voltage vector. Taking into account the voltage
dictive control strategy described before is Ts . The switching
vector applied in the previous sampling interval, the set
state of the inverter can be changed only at the end of the third
of allowed voltage vectors to be applied next can be
step, i.e. only once during each sampling period. Therefore the
reduced to the ones that imply one or none switching
switching frequency is limited to half the sampling frequency
state change. In this way the set of allowed vectors is
(fs = 1/Ts ).
reduced to four, as shown in Table I, depending on the
The value of fsw is the average switching frequency con-
previous applied vector vk−1 .
sidering the switching state changes of the semiconductors
2) An additional term is included in the cost function for
making up each leg of the inverter. It is defined as follows:
penalization of the voltage vector change as follows:
fswa + fswb + fswc g = |i∗α − ipα | + |i∗β − ipβ | + λ|v − vk−1 | (10)
fsw = (8)
where v is the voltage vector used to calculate the
where fswx with x ∈ {a, b, c} is the switching frequency
predicted current vector ip with equation (2), vk−1 is
of the semiconductor associated to switching signal Sx (Fig.
the voltage vector applied the last period and λ is a
1). It is defined in the following equation as the number of
constant used as weighting factor.
commutations nx during a time interval Tf :
The weighting factor handles the relation between terms
nx dedicated to reference tracking and reduction of switch-
fswx = (9) ing frequency within the cost function. A large value of
λ implies higher priority to that objective and will result
Simulation and experimental results have shown that the in lower switching frequency.
switching states do not change in every sampling instant [5].
In fact the value of the average switching frequency fsw takes
a value between fs /5 and fs /4. V. R ESULTS
The performance of the control depends on the sampling In this section, simulations carried out with Matlab &
time, thus the absolute current error is smaller if the sampling Simulink explore the performance of the proposed predictive
frequency is increased. However, the switching frequency current control scheme to reduce the switching frequency for a
which upper bound is limited by the semiconductors thermal three-phase voltage source inverter. The results are compared
rates, is also increased. with linear current control using PWM.

10 2
Predictive Predictive
Absolute current error [A]

Absolute current error [A]




0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Switching frequency [Hz] Switching frequency [Hz]

Fig. 5. Comparison between Predictive current control without minimization Fig. 7. Comparison between Predictive current control with minimization of
of switching frequency and linear current control with PWM. The range for switching frequency and linear current control with PWM. Ts = 10[µs]
sampling time Ts is 20[µs] to 500[µs].

7 1.7[kHz].
Results for Ts = 10[µs] are presented in Fig. 7. By
changing the weighting factor λ value between 1e − 7 and
Absolute current error [A]

20e−6 the values of switching frequency obtained are between
4 13.9[kHz] and 930[Hz]. By decreasing the sampling time
the performance of predictive current control is improved,
presenting lower error than using PWM for all the switching
frequency values.
1 The switching frequency for Ts = 50[µs] and Ts =
0 10[µs] using predictive current control without minimization
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Switching frequency [Hz] of switching frequency, i.e. cost function (7), is 4[kHz] and
18[kHz] respectively. By using a subset of voltage vectors
Fig. 6. Comparison between Predictive current control with minimization of as defined in Table I it is possible to decrease the switching
switching frequency and linear current control with PWM. Ts = 50[µs]
frequency to 2.8[kHz] for Ts = 50[µs] and 14[kHz] for
Ts = 10[µs]. Those values are obtained by using only the
first step of the proposed method, i.e. for λ = 0.
The performance is measured in base on absolute current Depending on the inverter switching frequency characteris-
error for a different values of switching frequency. The three- tics, the performance can be improved by using the proposed
phase system and linear controller parameters are presented method compared with linear control and PWM. For example,
in Table II. A sinusoidal reference of 23[A] and 50[Hz] is by using a sampling time Ts = 10[µs], it is possible to get
considered for the α − β currents components. lower current ripple than PWM, for inverters operating with
First, predictive current control using cost function (7) is semiconductors switching frequency limit under 14[kHz].
simulated, i.e. without reducing switching frequency. In order Fig. 8 presents the alpha current component obtained by
to get a range of switching frequencies, simulations for a range using predictive current control without reduction of switching
of sampling time are carried out. For comparison, simulations frequency (top), predictive current control with reduction of
using linear control with PWM were carried out changing switching frequency (middle) and linear current control with
the carrier frequency within the same range obtained for PWM (bottom). The switching frequency is 500[Hz] for each
predictive control. Fig. 5 shows results for sampling time case. In order to obtain this switching frequency, the sampling
between 20[µs] and 500[µs]. The corresponding values of time for predictive current control without minimization of
the average switching frequency are between 9.3[kHz] and switching frequency has to be adjusted to Ts = 350[µs].
150[Hz]. It can be observed that the current error of predictive By using the proposed method with Ts = 50[µs], to obtain
current control is always higher than using PWM, except for this switching frequency the weighting factor is adjusted to
very low switching frequency values (less than 250[Hz]). λ = 1.5e − 4. Therefore, by using the proposed method
Results for the proposed predictive control method using it is possible to reduce the ripple of the load current by
cost function (10) and the reduced set of vectors shown in reducing the sampling time while keeping the same average
Table I are presented for sampling times Ts = 50[µs] and switching frequency. The load voltage for phase a is presented
Ts = 10[µs]. in Fig. 9 for the three control methods. As the Fig. 6 shows,
By using Ts = 50[µs] and changing the weighting factor at this switching frequency the current ripple with proposed
λ value between 1e − 5 and 34e − 5, values of switching predictive current control presents lower error than linear
frequency between 2.5[kHz] and 200[Hz] are obtained. Fig. current control with PWM.
6 shows that predictive current control presents less error Fig. 10 shows the alpha current component when the
than using PWM for switching frequency values lower than switching frequency is 2.45[kHz] by using Ts = 50[µs] and

i!, i!* [A]

i!, i!* [A]

0 0
−20 −20
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
i!, i!* [A]

i!, i!* [A]

0 0
−20 −20
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
i!, i!* [A]

i!, i!* [A]

0 0
−20 −20
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 8. Alpha current component and reference for a switching frequency Fig. 11. Alpha current component and reference for a switching frequency
of 500[Hz]. Predictive control without minimization of switching frequency of 2025[Hz]. Predictive control without minimization of switching frequency
(up), predictive control with minimization of switching frequency and Ts = (top), predictive control with minimization of switching frequency and Ts =
50[µs] (middle), and linear current control with PWM (down). 10[µs] (middle) and linear current control with PWM (bottom).


van [V]
van [V]

0 0
−200 −200
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04

van [V]
van [V]

0 0
−200 −200
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04

van [V]

van [V]

0 0
−200 −200
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 9. Load voltage for phase a for a switching frequency of 500[Hz]. Pre- Fig. 12. Load voltage for phase a for a switching frequency of 2025[Hz].
dictive control without minimization of switching frequency (top), predictive Predictive control without minimization of switching frequency (top), pre-
control with minimization of switching frequency and Ts = 50[µs] (middle) dictive control with minimization of switching frequency and Ts = 10[µs]
and linear current control with PWM (bottom). (middle) and linear current control with PWM (bottom).

20 without minimization of switching frequency is Ts = 90[µs]

i!, i!* [A]

while for the proposed method it with Ts = 10[µs] the

switching frequency is adjusted by variation of the weighting
−20 factor.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 Fig. 13 shows the alpha current component when the
switching frequency is 6[KHz] by using 2.2e − 6 as weight
factor and Ts = 10[µs]. For this switching frequency value
i!, i!* [A]

0 the performance of both control schemes is comparable but

−20 lower error is obtained using predictive control.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Time [s]
Fig. 10. Alpha current component and reference for a switching frequency Predictive current control allows the improvement of a
of 2.45[kHz]. Predictive control with sampling time Ts = 50[µs] (top) and three-phase drive system performance operating at steady
linear current control with PWM (bottom).
state by decreasing the sampling time. However, this implies
to increase the switching frequency until values over the
semiconductors operating limits. A modification of predictive
a weighting factor λ = 1.6e − 5. For this switching frequency current control has been proposed. The method uses subsets of
value performance of both control schemes is comparable but voltage vectors at the optimization problem and a penal weight
lower error is obtained using linear current control with PWM, in switching state selection for controlling the switching fre-
as can be observed in Fig. 6. quency. In this way the performance is improved by increasing
Fig. 11 and Fig 12 present the alpha current component the sampling frequency, and the switching frequency can be
and load voltage for phase a respectively when the switching reduced to the required value by adjusting the weight factor.
frequency is 2025[Hz]. In order to obtain this switching A comparison between the proposed method and linear
frequency, the sampling time for predictive current control current control with PWM for three phase voltage sources

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inverters has been presented based on the performance of

the drive system. The current ripple is used as comparison
parameter for a range of switching frequencies.
Depending on the inverter switching frequency characteris-
tics, the performance can be increased by using the proposed
method compared with linear control and PWM. By using
a sampling time Ts = 10[µs], it is possible to get lower
current ripple than with a PWM-based method for inverters
operating with semiconductors switching frequency limit un-
der 14[kHz]. Considering a sampling time Ts = 50[µs], this
is possible for switching frequencies lower than 1.7[kHz].
This strategy for improvement of the steady state perfor-
mance of the system using predictive control can be easily
adapted to other converter topologies.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
port provided by the Chilean Research Fund CONICYT-
FONDECYT (Grant 1101011) and by Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa Marı́a.

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