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Document: MAN.11.01 IMS Manual Date: 12.06.

Revision: 03 Page: 2 of 53

Document History Log

Document Revision Issue Purpose Revised

No Date of issue chapters

IMS Manual 01 16-02-2016 Initial issue -

Revised as per
MAN.11.01 and to
02 30-10-2018 All
IMS Manual incorporate
changes from
OHSAS 18001 to
ISO 45001:2018

Revised as per Cover Page;

03 12-06-2019 operational Annex 1;
IMS Manual
requirements Annex 2

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1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................... 6
2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 6
3 DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ....................................................... 7
3.1 DEFINITIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
3.2 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................ 10
4 CONTEXT OF THE ORGANIZATION .................................................................................... 11
4.1 UNDERSTANDING THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS CONTEXT ............................................................. 11
4.1.1 Internal Context ................................................................................................................... 11 Company Profile ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Company Vision and Mission .................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.2 External Context .................................................................................................................. 12
4.3 DETERMINING THE SCOPE OF THE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ....................................... 13
4.3.1 Management System Integration Scope, Level and Extend ................................. 13 IMS Scope.................................................................................................................................................. 13 Scope of Integration .................................................................................................................................. 13 Level of Integration ................................................................................................................................... 14 Extent of Integration ................................................................................................................................. 14 Exclusions .................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.4 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ITS PROCESSES ............................................................ 15
4.4.1 Core Processes...................................................................................................................... 16
4.4.2 Support Processes ............................................................................................................... 16
5 LEADERSHIP ................................................................................................................................ 17
5.1 LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT ...................................................................................................... 17
5.1.1 Leadership and Commitment for the IMS ................................................................... 17
5.1.2 Client Focus ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 IMS POLICIES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17
5.3.1 Organization .......................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.2 Accountability and Authority ............................................................................................ 18
5.3.3 Duties and Responsibilities ............................................................................................... 18
5.3.4 Consultation and Participation of Workers .................................................................. 18
6 PLANNING .................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1 ACTIONS TO ADDRESS RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES ...................................................................... 19
6.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.2 Commercial Risks Identification and Assessment .................................................... 19 Commercial Risks and Opportunities Identification .................................................................................. 19 Assessment of Commercial Risks and Opportunities ................................................................................ 19 Cost Estimate of Commercial Risks and Opportunities ............................................................................. 20
6.1.3 Hazard Identification and H&S Risk Assessment ...................................................... 20 Hazard Identification ................................................................................................................................. 20 Assessment of H&S Risks .......................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.4 Determination of Legal and Other Requirements ..................................................... 21
6.1.5 Environmental Aspects ...................................................................................................... 21 General...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Environmental Aspect Identification ......................................................................................................... 22 Impact Assessment and Risk Evaluation ................................................................................................... 22
6.2 IMS OBJECTIVES AND PLANNING TO ACHIEVE THEM .................................................................... 22

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6.2.1 IMS Objectives and Targets ............................................................................................. 22

6.2.2 Planning to Achieve IMS Objectives .............................................................................. 23
6.3 PLANNING OF CHANGES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23
7 SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 24
7.1 RESOURCES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24
7.1.1 Determination and Provision of Resources ................................................................. 24
7.1.2 People ...................................................................................................................................... 24
7.1.3 Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................ 24 General...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Plant and Equipment ................................................................................................................................. 25 Administration .......................................................................................................................................... 25
7.1.4 Environment for the Operation of Processes .............................................................. 25
7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources ........................................................................... 26
7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge ................................................................................................ 26
7.2 COMPETENCE AND TRAINING ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26
7.3 AWARENESS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27
7.4 COMMUNICATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….27
7.4.1 Internal Communication .................................................................................................... 27
7.4.2 External Communication ................................................................................................... 27
7.5 DOCUMENTED INFORMATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28
7.5.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 28 IMS Policies ............................................................................................................................................... 28 IMS Manual ............................................................................................................................................... 29 IMS Operational Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 29 IMS Operational Work Instructions........................................................................................................... 29 IMS Templates and Forms ......................................................................................................................... 29 Project Quality and HSE Plans ................................................................................................................... 29 External Documents .................................................................................................................................. 30 IMS Records .............................................................................................................................................. 30
7.5.2 Creating and Updating ....................................................................................................... 30
7.5.3 Control of Records ............................................................................................................... 30
8 OPERATION ................................................................................................................................. 32
8.1 OPERATIONAL PLANNING AND CONTROL ........................................................................................ 32
8.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 32
8.1.2 Controls to Reduce Commercial Risks .......................................................................... 32
8.1.3 Controls to Reduce H&S Risks ......................................................................................... 33
8.1.4 Controls to Reduce Environmental Risks ..................................................................... 34
8.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES............................................................................. 34
8.2.1 Client Communication ........................................................................................................ 34
8.2.2 Determination of Requirements Related to Products and Services .................... 34
8.2.3 Review of Requirements Related to Products and Services .................................. 35
8.2.4 Changes to the Requirements for Products and Services ...................................... 35
8.3 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES .......................................................... 36
8.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 36
8.3.2 Design and Development Planning ................................................................................ 36
8.3.3 Design and Development Inputs .................................................................................... 36
8.3.4 Design and Development Controls................................................................................. 36
8.3.5 Design and Development Outputs ................................................................................. 37
8.3.6 Design and Development Changes ................................................................................ 37
8.4 CONTROL OF EXTERNALLY PROVIDED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ................................................. 37
8.4.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 37

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8.4.2 Type and Extent of Control of External Provision ..................................................... 37

8.4.3 Information for External Providers ................................................................................ 38
8.5 PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION ......................................................................................... 38
8.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision............................................................... 38
8.5.2 Identification and Traceability ......................................................................................... 39
8.5.3 Property Belonging to Clients or External Providers ................................................ 39
8.5.4 Preservation ........................................................................................................................... 40
8.5.5 Post-Delivery Activities ...................................................................................................... 40
8.5.6 Control of Changes .............................................................................................................. 40
8.6 RELEASE OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES .......................................................................................... 40
8.7.1 Control of Nonconformities ............................................................................................... 42
8.7.2 Incident Investigation ........................................................................................................ 42
8.8 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE ................................................................................. 43
9 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION............................................................................................... 44
9.1 MONITORING, MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION ......................................................... 44
9.1.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 44
9.1.2 Client Satisfaction ................................................................................................................ 44
9.1.3 Analysis and Evaluation of Compliance ........................................................................ 45
9.2 INTERNAL AUDIT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..45
9.3 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANAGEMENT REVIEW ......................................................... 46
10 IMPROVEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 47
10.1 GENERAL………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….47
10.2 NONCONFORMITY AND CORRECTIVE ACTION.................................................................................. 47
10.3 CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
ANNEX I – IMS POLICIES ............................................................................................................. 48
ANNEX II – IMS PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 51

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The purpose of the present document is to describe in brief the Integrated Management
System (IMS) implemented by AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. in order to:

Promote the corporate IMS (quality, health & safety and environmental) policies
Integrate quality, health & safety and environment management systems in the
maximum possible level and extent
Consistently comply to the requirements of Clients, international standards, local
specifications and Qatari Law
Enhance Client satisfaction through the continual improvement of processes and
methods being used for the realization of products (projects) and services

The IMS manual is intended for all employees of the Company, for the needs of external
auditors or for presentation of the IMS to potential clients.

Publications which are cited in the text in such a way as to make them indispensable for
the application of the document are listed below:

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
ISO 14001:2015
QCS 2014

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3.1 Definitions

Acceptable Risk Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated
by the Company having regard to its legal obligations and its
Company Policy

Audit Systematic, independent and documented process for

obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which audit criteria are met

Board of Directors Group of individuals directing the Company, namely the

Regional Finance Director, the AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. Director
and the AKTOR S.A. Board Representative (also referred to
as “Board of Managers”)

Client As “Customer” is used in ISO 9001:2015

Client Satisfaction Client’s perception of the degree to which the client’s

requirements have been fulfilled

Company Objective Overall goal related to commerce, quality, health, safety and
the environment, consistent with the Company policy, that
the Company sets itself to achieve

Company Policy Overall intentions and direction of the Company related to

quality, health, safety and the environment as formally
expressed by top management

Company Target Detailed performance requirement, applicable to the

Company or parts thereof, that arises from the Company
objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to
achieve those objectives

Continual Improvement Recurring activity to increase the ability to fulfil


Corrective action Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or

other undesirable situation

Document Information and its supporting medium

EDMS A web application platform used by the Company to upload

controlled documents and information

Effectiveness Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned

results achieved

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Efficiency Relationship between the result achieved and the resources


Environment Surroundings in which the Company operates including air,

water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and
their interrelation

Environmental Aspect Element of the Company’s activities or products or services

that can interact with the environment

Environmental Impact Any change to the environment, whether adverse or

beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from the Company’s
environmental aspects

Hazard Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of

human injury or ill health, or a combination of these

Hazard identification Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its

He, or him / his Also she or her(s)

Head Office AKTOR’s offices located in New Salata Complex, Office No.
22, Building 258, Zone 40, Str. 50, D Ring Road, P.O. Box
37108, Doha, State of Qatar

Health & Safety A worker elected to ensure the representation of a

Representative workgroup in Health & Safety aspects

H&S Risk Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a

hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or
ill health that can be caused by the event of exposure(s)

Ill Health Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising

from and/or made worse by a work activity and/or work
related situation

Incident Work related event(s) in which an injury or ill health

(regardless of severity) or fatality occurred or could have
Integrated Management Management System to control and direct the Company with
System regard to quality, health, safety and the environment

Interested Party Person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or

perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity
of the Company

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Management System System to establish policy and objectives and to achieve

those objectives

Nonconformity Non-fulfilment of a requirement

Objective Evidence Data supporting the existence or verity of something

Occupational Health & Conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the health
Safety and safety of employees or other workers (including
temporary workers and contractor personnel) visitors, or
any other person in the workplace

Prevention of Pollution Use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products,

services, or energy to avoid, reduce or control (separately or
in combination) the creation, emission, or discharge of any
type of pollutant or waste, in order to reduce adverse
environmental impacts

Procedure Specified way to carry out an activity or a process

Process Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms

inputs into outputs

Quality Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils


Record (or documented Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of

evidence) activities performed

Requirement Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or


Risk Effect of uncertainty on an unexpected result

Risk Assessment Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from hazard(s)

taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls
and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable

Scope Extent of the area or subject matter that something deals

with or to which is relevant

System Set of interrelated or interacting elements

Top Management The Company’s Board of Directors and the General Manager

Traceability Ability to trace the history, application or location of that

which is under consideration

Workplace Any physical location in which work related activities are

performed under the control of the Company

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3.2 Abbreviations & Acronyms

BOD AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. Board of Directors
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
GORD Gulf Organization for Research and Development
GSAS Global Sustainability Assessment System
HOD Head of Department
HR Human Resources
H&S Health & Safety
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
HSR Health & Safety Representative
IFC Issued for Construction
IMS Integrated Management System
IMSMR Integrated Management System Management Review
OI Operational Work Instruction
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MEP Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
OHSAS Occupational Health & Safety Advisory Services
OI Operational Work Instruction
OP Operational Procedure
P&E Plant & Equipment
PDCA Plan – Do – Check – Act
PM Project Manager
QA Quality Assurance
QA/QC Quality Assurance & Control
QC Quality Control
QCS Qatar Construction Specifications
QHSE Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
QNV Qatar National Vision 2030
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
WBS Work Breakdown Structure

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4.1 Understanding the Organization and its Context

4.1.1 Internal Context Company Profile

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. is a subsidiary of AKTOR S.A., a European and International

Company that delivers large scale challenging projects in several countries worldwide.
Cornerstone of ELLAKTOR group, the dominant AKTOR S.A. is structured on:

Trustworthy management
Solid administration
Highly qualified human capital
Pioneer engineering
Innovative technologies

Committed to ELLAKTOR and AKTOR S.A. experience, orientation, successful projects in

Greece, Europe and the world, AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. honours ELLAKTOR and AKTOR S.A.
values, such as:

Anthropocentric organization and management

Sustainable economic and business development
Protection of the environment
Social & community welfare

Moreover, AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. constantly actualizes and accomplishes ELLAKTOR &
AKTOR S.A. vision as an extrovert achievements’ oriented Company in Qatar as well as,
in the entire Gulf region. Company Vision and Mission

AKTOR S.A. is an integrated diversified Company with exceptional achievements in:

Waste management
Mining and quarries
Facility management
Project management
Real estate

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L., as vector of this know-how, accomplishments and vivid, on-going,
ascending legacy, aims at becoming a leading regional and international contractor with
strong local establishment in every market it operates in, and the entire Middle East

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Working with high quality and safety standards, respectful to the environment and the
local communities within our workforce as well as the entire national and regional area
where we deploy our activities, we strive to deliver excellent design & build projects,
competitive services, and tailor-made management systems that generate economies of
scale and income.

The Company’s highly qualified, trained, experienced, dependable, human capital is the
robust backbone of corporate success. Loyal to AKTOR values, committed to deliver
state-of-the-art projects on-time, dedicated to teamwork and inspired by the diachronic
success path of ELLAKTOR and AKTOR S.A., AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. employees guarantee
Client satisfaction and endorse new business perspectives.

4.1.2 External Context

Being a major international contractor, AKTOR is affected by global political and financial

Moreover, since the Company operates in Qatar, which is a highly competitive market, it
is also affected by all local or regional developments, legal, political or economic.

Qatar’s ambitions for sustainable development and the creation of a sustainable built
environment that minimizes ecological, cultural and economic impacts while addressing
the specific regional needs and environment of the State of Qatar, which are presented
in the Qatar National Vision (QNV) 2030, are acknowledged by the Company. The top
management strongly supports QNV and considers the guidelines provided in
International Standard ISO 26000:2010 “Guidance on social responsibility”, as well as
GORD’s GSAS rating system in shaping the Company’s policies and objectives.

4.2 Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. has determined all interested parties and their expectations that
are relevant to the Company’s products and services and the IMS. Such interested
parties include:

The Company’s Management

The Company’s Manpower
Partners in J/Vs
State or private banks
The Media
The community

Considering the magnitude of the Company and the landmark projects that AKTOR
undertakes, its activities have an impact to the society, both in Qatar and Greece.

Due to the impact or potential impact of all the above on the Company’s ability to
consistently provide products and services that comply with legal and other requirements
AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. is continually monitoring and reviewing information about all
interested parties and their requirements that are relevant to the IMS.

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4.3 Determining the Scope of the Integrated Management System

4.3.1 Management System Integration Scope, Level and Extend IMS Scope

The Company determines the boundaries and applicability of the IMS considering all
interested parties, their requirements and the following products and services:

General civil construction, construction of metal buildings and roads, installation and
repair of sanitary drainage networks and plants, construction and repair of water
networks and stations, of tunnels, bridges and dams, construction of ports and marine
construction, installation of lifts and escalators, installation works for electrical energy
transmission and control equipment, installation and maintenance of electro-mechanic
equipment, execution works of stadiums and sports tracks, concrete works, cladding
works, trading in used construction materials, equipment and machinery and used heavy
equipment and machinery. Scope of Integration

The term “scope of integration” refers to the different management systems that are
included in the single IMS. The Company’s IMS, as shown in the figure below, integrates
the following management systems:

Quality management system

Occupational health & safety management system
Environmental management system

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The term “level of integration” refers to the extent that the aforementioned different
management systems become one and ranges from a low level with some co-ordination
to full amalgamation. The Company’s IMS integrates part of the management systems
documentation and some core and support processes while keeping separate some
others. The current level of integration of the Company’s management systems is shown
in the following figure. Extent of Integration

The term “extent of integration” refers to the extent that the IMS is deployed within the
Company. Currently some projects (Joint Ventures) are excluded from the Company’s
Integrated Management System.

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All requirements included in ISO 9001:2015 are applicable to the Company’s activities
with no exclusions.

4.4 Integrated Management System and its Processes

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. has established, implements, maintains and continually improves
an Integrated Management System in accordance with the following International

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 45001:2018

The IMS adopts the process approach promoted in ISO 9001:2015 (PDCA). AKTOR
QATAR W.L.L. has identified all the processes needed for the IMS, the sequence and
interaction amongst them as well as the criteria and the methods required in order to
ensure the effectiveness of such processes.

All resources and information needed to support the operation, monitoring, analysis and
assessment of the processes are available. In the case that a process is outsourced the
Company ensures control over it. The type and extend of control applied depends on the
tendency of the process to affect conformity on legal and other requirements and
associated risk. The processes of the IMS are classified as core and support. Their
corresponding sequence and interaction are depicted below:

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4.4.1 Core Processes

The core processes identified by the Company are:

1. General management
2. Business development
3. Bidding
4. Project management
5. Facility management
6. Construction management
7. Engineering management
8. Procurement management
9. Plant and equipment management

4.4.2 Support Processes

The support processes of the Company are:

11. Quality, occupational health & safety, environmental management

12. Commercial management
13. Project controls
14. Finance and accounts management
15. Human resources and administration management

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5.1 Leadership and Commitment

5.1.1 Leadership and Commitment for the IMS

The Company’s top management is committed to the development, implementation and
continual improvement of the IMS. This commitment is reflected in the IMS Policies and
IMS objectives.

The importance of meeting or exceeding client expectations, preventing ill health and
injuries of all individuals under its control, preventing pollution and complying with all
relevant legal and other requirements is communicated within the Company at all levels
and all those with management responsibility are encouraged to lead by example and
ensure that all employees take responsibility for all IMS aspects under their control.

The top management ensures the availability of required organisational structure and
necessary resources in terms of material, personnel and information for effective
implementation of the IMS.

5.1.2 Client Focus

The Company’s top management ensures that client satisfaction is enhanced through the
implementation and continual improvement of the IMS.

5.2 IMS Policies

The IMS Policies are the top management’s statements of commitment and a clear
reminder of focus and direction for all Company employees. They provide a framework
for establishing and reviewing quality, health, safety and environmental objectives and
for the continual improvement of the IMS.

The IMS Policies are communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the
Company or any other interested party through official management presentation to the
entire staff, site specific inductions. They are displayed in the reception area of the Head
Office and all project sites and included in this document in Annex I – IMS Policies.

The IMS Policies are approved by the BOD and reviewed annually in the management
review meetings for appropriateness to the Company’s vision and business objectives, as
well as to the nature and scale of risks and to environmental impacts of its activities.

5.3 Organizational Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authority

5.3.1 Organization
The management is responsible to ensure that the roles of all company personnel are
well defined and communicated. This is achieved by establishing the Corporate
Organization Chart which describes the lines of communication in corporate level and the
specific Project Organization Charts which are developed separately to describe the
general lines of communication in project sites.

The Corporate Organization Chart is approved by the BOD, reviewed annually and
revised, when deemed necessary, for effective operation. Project organization charts are
prepared by Project Managers considering the individual requirements of each project.
All HOD’s are encouraged to develop and maintain updated organization charts for their

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The current organisation satisfies to a great extent the operational and communication
needs of the Company as its structure facilitates internal communication, immediate
decision and effective control of the IMS implementation while it also provides the
necessary flexibility, minimising bureaucracy and avoiding overlaps.

5.3.2 Accountability and Authority

The top management defines precise levels of authority for a wide spectrum of activities
performed in corporate level and for activities performed on project sites. The
operational work instructions OI.01.01 “Levels of Authority” and OI.08.01 “Purchasing
and Hiring Authority Matrix” describe the limits that a certain position within the
Company may operate both in corporate and site level. Levels of authority are reviewed
annually and revised as necessary.

5.3.3 Duties and Responsibilities

The top management ensures that Company personnel in all levels have specific duties
and responsibilities. In order to achieve this a set of detailed job description that are
reviewed periodically and revised as necessary has been developed.

5.3.4 Consultation and Participation of Workers

Participation and consultation is an essential part of the IMS, especially with regard to
managing health & safety risks. Objectives may be achieved only when everyone
involved in the work communicates with each other to identify potential non-
conformances, hazards and risks, talks about any health & safety concerns and works
together to find solutions. This includes cooperation between the people who manage or
control the work and those who carry out the work or who are affected by it. Site specific
health & safety consultation is conducted with the use of:

H&S Representatives (HSR’s)

Health & safety committees
Generally HSR’s are selected amongst workers to ensure that workers are consulted
when there are changes affecting health & safety and that they participate actively in:

Hazard identification, risk assessments and determination of controls

Incident investigations
Developing and reviewing policies and objectives relevant to health & safety
Health & safety committees hold meetings on a regular basis with the attendance of
HSR’s selected from different sites. They put forward the views of the workers they
represent to the committee. Minutes taken at these meetings are then distributed to the
sites and discussed with the workers during tool box talks.

Issues concerning the work force are brought to the attention of the top management
during the management review meetings. Feedback received from workers is discussed
and any actions to be taken are recorded in the minutes of the meetings and forwarded
to the HSR’s for relaying back to the workforce.

Consultation may not occur in cases where immediate action needs to be taken as there
is an issue that is causing or has the potential to cause imminent risk. In such cases any
actions taken are relayed to the human capital at the next opportunity. Details are
included in the procedure OP.11.04 “Communication, Participation and Consultation”.

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6.1 Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities

6.1.1 General
Upon planning of the IMS AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. considers:

The internal and external context of the Company

The needs and expectations of interested parties
Legal and other requirements
Having full understanding of the above, all associated risks and opportunities that need
to be addressed are identified and assessed and respective controls are determined in
order to:

Ensure that the IMS can achieve its intended outcomes

Enhance desirable effects
Prevent or reduce undesired effects
Maintain and improve the Company’s ability to consistently provide products and
services that meet or exceed expectations in terms of quality, health & safety and
the environment
Respective controls of risks and opportunities are determined based on their potential
impact on the conformity of the Company’s products and services and their effectiveness
is evaluated periodically.

Risks and opportunities are classified in three major categories:

Health and Safety
Although the approach is the same in all three cases (identification – assessment –
determining controls) the above risks are considered separately.

6.1.2 Commercial Risks Identification and Assessment Commercial Risks and Opportunities Identification

Commercial risks and opportunities are identified both in corporate and project site
levels. In the corporate level commercial risks and opportunities are included in the
annual corporate Business Plan. Site level risks and opportunities identification is
described in detail in the operational procedure OP.13.03 “Risk Management”. Assessment of Commercial Risks and Opportunities

All identified commercial risks and opportunities are assessed to determine any possible
outcomes and classified according to their probability and impact to the Company’s
operations. The assessment system in place leads to the identification of all major risks
and opportunities of the Company in the market. Documented commercial risk and
opportunity registers include planned control measures.

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A potential revenue or expense is assigned for all major commercial risks and
opportunities. Where feasible this includes analytical calculations. When this is not
possible the respective figures are estimated by assigned personnel.

6.1.3 Hazard Identification and H&S Risk Assessment

A documented procedure OP.11.07 “Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control”
has been developed that takes into account the following:

Routine and non-routine activities performed in the Head Office and project sites
Activities of all persons under the Company’s control, including suppliers and
subcontractors and all others having access to its workplaces such as visitors
Human factors such as behavior and capabilities
Hazards created within the workplaces by work related activities
Hazards originating outside the workplaces adversely affecting the health & safety
of persons under the control of the Company
Hazards originating by infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplaces,
whether provided by the Company or by others
Any temporary or permanent changes, proposed changes or modifications to the
scope of work, methods, procedures or any other element of the IMS and their
impact on operations, processes and activities
Any applicable legal obligations with regards to risk assessment and operational
The work organization and design of processes, procedures, etc. including their
adaptation to human capabilities Hazard Identification

The first step in assessing the risk associated with occupational health & safety is the
identification of all hazards specific to the Head Office and to each project site prior to
commencement of any work. The hazard identification is initially undertaken by the
project HSE Managers or other nominated persons using site drawings, client meeting
minutes, site walks at project locations and review of any reports commissioned by the
clients during the projects design phase. Subsequently a list of hazards, both present
and expected is prepared.

During the construction phase workers are also included in the hazard identification
process by providing their perspective and suggestions during audits, inspections and
risk assessments.

All hazards and risks are registered in the “Master Hazard - Risk Assessment Register”
that encompasses all work activities associated to the Company and possible impacts on
its employees, suppliers, subcontractors, visitors and any other who may be affected by
its activities. This register is compiled using known and identified risks included in risk
assessments conducted in the past for specific repeated operations, by records made of
past incidents, by published reports and guides.

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Project hazard / risk registers are also compiled for each project the Company
undertakes using the information on the master register along with other information
specific to the project. These registers list the nature of the hazard, major risks, planned
control measures and whether there is a legislative control that must be applied. Assessment of H&S Risks

Documented risk assessments are generally undertaken by management and
supervisory staff however workers are also being consulted through their Health &
Safety Representatives. Any personnel required to undertake risk assessments receive
training which includes:

Identification of hazards
Assessment of risks
Application of suitable controls in accordance with the established hierarchy of
controls and complaint with legislation and other requirements set by codes of
practice and industry guides
Systems for monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the applied controls

Documented H&S risk assessments include planned control measures.

6.1.4 Determination of Legal and Other Requirements

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. implements a documented procedure OP.11.06 “Legal and Other
Requirements” to identify and assess all legal and other requirements applicable to its
activities in Qatar, to ensure that those requirements are communicated to all persons
under its control and other relevant interested parties and to evaluate compliance.

Managers review all local legislation, including health, safety and environmental
legislation using the available on line services (i.e. AL – MEEZAN – provided by the Qatar
Ministry of Justice and NATLEX – established by the International Labour Organization)
as well as seeking consultation from the Company’s Legal department.

The Company has identified and complies with all relevant legal requirements that are
applicable to its activities. A list of applicable laws and regulations “Legal and Other
Requirements Register” is maintained by the QHSE Manager.

All HOD’s are responsible to ensure that changes to legal requirements applicable to the
functions of their Departments such as new laws or revisions of existing laws are
monitored and inform the QHSE Manager who is responsible to keep the register

Other requirements identification is described in section 8.2.2 of this manual.

6.1.5 Environmental Aspects General
An environmental aspect is something that has the potential to cause impact on the
environment and an impact is the effect that the aspect may have on the environment. A
documented procedure OP.11.08 “Environmental Aspect Identification Risk Assessment
and Control” has been developed to:

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Identify the environmental aspects of the Company’s construction activities,

products and services, including indirect aspects that may be influenced, such as
those arising from its suppliers / subcontractors
Determine those aspects that have or may have significant impact on the
Provide documentation requirements Environmental Aspect Identification

Aspect identification takes into account any abnormal conditions and reasonably
foreseeable emergency situations as well as changes (planned or new developments)
and consists of two stages:

Head Office and project information review and identification / classification of

activities required for the operation of the Company
Categorization of activities where possible in a manner that it makes it easier to
fully understand the environmental impacts of each activity. It is usual that single
activities have multiple aspects

All aspects and risks are registered in the “Environmental Risk Assessment Register” that
includes all work activities associated to the Company and possible impacts on the
environment. The whole process of the master register and project registers is similar to
the one described in section above. Impact Assessment and Risk Evaluation

The impacts associated with each aspect are identified and documented. Impact
identification considers both positive and negative environmental impacts associated
with the aspect. The impact identification is undertaken with the following steps:

Aspects are reviewed against specific environmental categories (air quality, noise
and vibration, waste management, etc.)
The significance of each environmental impact is assessed on the basis of
likelihood / probability of occurrence, consequence and associated risk

6.2 IMS Objectives and Planning to Achieve Them

6.2.1 IMS Objectives and Targets

A documented procedure OP.11.03 “Objectives and Targets” has been developed to
establish, implement, maintain and review quality, health, safety and environmental
objectives and targets. The objectives are consistent with the IMS Policy and SMART:

S - Specific, significant
M - Measurable, meaningful
A - Achievable, acceptable
R - Realistic, reasonable
T - Time-based, tangible

Communication, review and attainment of these objectives and targets is a major part of
the Company’s commitment to continual improvement.

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The Company has established and maintains quality, health, safety and environmental
programmes in order to define the actions required for achieving its objectives, to assign
responsibilities at all levels and to set the time frame for the objectives to be achieved.

6.2.2 Planning to Achieve IMS Objectives

The planning of the IMS considers:

Necessary actions to be taken in order to achieve the Company’s objectives

Required resources for these actions
Responsibilities and accountabilities of staff
Specific timelines for required actions
Methods of evaluating the actions taken

6.3 Planning of Changes

The top management ensures that the planning of the IMS is carried out in such a way
that the integrity of the system is maintained when changes to the IMS are planned and
implemented and that the Company:

Meets its quality, health & safety and environmental objectives

Complies consistently with all legal and other requirements

Upon significant changes the Company examines their purpose and potential
consequences and reassesses the availability of resources and the appropriateness of
allocated responsibilities and authorities.

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7.1 Resources

7.1.1 Determination and Provision of Resources

The Company ensures that all resources required for the implementation, effectiveness
and continual improvement of the IMS are determined and provided on time in order to:

Comply with legal and other requirements

Enhance client satisfaction and loyalty
Prevent ill health and injury of all persons involved in activities under its control
Prevent pollution and protect the environment

Such resources include manpower, training, facilities and infrastructure, technology and
funds. Requirements for resources may be identified by any HOD and are reviewed in
any major change (e.g. the award or completion of a project) and the annual IMSMR’s.

7.1.2 People
AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. top management firmly believes that its power lies with its people.
With this perspective the management is committed to:

Ensuring that all required manpower is available to achieve the IMS objectives
Ensuring that all personnel performing works that affect the implementation of
the IMS are competent, trained and aware of their responsibilities
Promoting integrity, transparency and open communication within the Company
Rewarding flexibility, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking
Improving both professional skills and personal development
Embracing diversity and promoting equal opportunities

Several operational procedures have been established to ensure that:

The policies of the Company are defined

The functions of the Human Resources and Administration departments are well
Employees are motivated for effective performance and productivity
Effectiveness of methods and practices is measured and continually improved

7.1.3 Infrastructure General

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. ensures that the infrastructure required to achieve the IMS
objectives is determined, maintained and provided in a timely manner. Infrastructure

The Company’s Head Office

Project site offices
Site storage areas (stores)
Auxiliary facilities

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Heavy and light duty equipment

Staff and workers accommodation facilities
Supporting services (canteen, transportation and communication)
Information technology hardware and software

Requirements for infrastructure may be identified by the Plant & Equipment Manager and
the HR & Administration Manager and are reviewed in any major change (e.g. the award
or completion of a project) and the annual IMSMR’s. Plant and Equipment

Main and auxiliary equipment (buildings, machinery, vehicles, tools etc.) management is
of particular importance to the Company. For this reason Plant & Equipment
management has been classified as one of the core processes of the IMS. The Plant &
Equipment department supports all projects in terms of equipment provision and
maintenance. Several documented operational procedures has been developed to define:

Mobilization and demobilization of P&E

Maintenance of P&E
Purchase / hire of P&E
Disposal / sale of P&E
P&E inventory and identification Administration

The Company’s HR & Administration department is responsible for a variety of

supporting services that are necessary for the effective function of AKTOR QATAR W.L.L.
and crucial for the wellbeing of its employees. Those services include:

Processing and approval of employees’ Visas

Processing and approval of employees’ Residence Permits
Preparing the payroll
Assisting employees with bank accounts and personal bank loans
Employee accommodation
Employee transportation (in coordination with PED)

Several documented operational procedures have been established in order to establish

the framework for the above processes.

7.1.4 Environment for the Operation of Processes

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. determines and manages the work environment needed to achieve
compliance with projects’ requirements. Management ensures that the working
environment in the Head Office, project site offices and auxiliary facilities has positive
effect on motivation, satisfaction and efficiency of its employees in their day to day
activities and fulfilment of the IMS objectives. This is accomplished by:

Complying with local Law and public authorities’ (Qatar Civil Defense, Kahramaa,
Woqod, etc.) regulations and guidelines for infrastructure and work environment

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Considering physical conditions and weather parameters such as heat, humidity,

dust, noise, vibrations, light, air flow and hygiene. Extreme precautions are taken
for heat and dust as their control might be, at times, challenging in the State of
Providing welfare opportunities for workers in project sites
Maintaining a non-smoking policy in all closed spaces while providing shaded
smoking areas

7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources

All inspection, measuring and test equipment as well as any process control / monitoring
devices are identified, calibrated and controlled to ensure their suitability, accuracy and
reliability for use according to procedure OP.11.09 “Control of Inspection, Measuring and
Test Equipment”. The frequency of calibration of such equipment is defined by the
manufacturer, project specifications, and applicable standards or as direct operating
experience has shown to be appropriate.

Each project has an “Equipment Calibration Register” which includes all inspection,
measuring and test equipment, identification, manufacturer, calibration intervals and last
calibration dates. Calibration certificates or any other records documenting such
calibration are maintained.

New equipment is calibrated before being placed into service and entered on the
Calibrated Equipment Register.

7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge

The Company’s highly qualified, trained and experienced human capital has significant
knowledge of the processes and operations required to deliver high quality building and
infrastructure projects and services (facilities operation and maintenance). This
knowledge has been obtained over the years from both internal and external sources
such as:

Experience transferred from individuals working for years in Greece, Europe and
the Middle East prior to their employment in Qatar
Lessons learned from successful projects and failures
Monitoring new technological developments in the construction industry
Gathering information from Clients
Cooperating with some of the best specialized professionals in the world

The Company ensures that this accumulated knowledge is maintained in the event of
changes, including changes in the human resources, and that additional knowledge is
acquired when necessary through training.

7.2 Competence and Training

A documented procedure OP.15.02 “Training and Development” has been developed to:

Determine appropriate education, experience and skill requirements for its entire
staff and workers
Identify training needs and establish training plans
Provide training in order to achieve the expected competence
Evaluate the effectiveness of the training process

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Employees’ qualifications and expertise form the basis for hiring, evaluating, rotating,
promoting and releasing personnel. Competence and training records are maintained
according to the operational procedure OP.11.02 “Control of Documented Information”.

7.3 Awareness
The Company ensures that all persons under its control performing activities that affect
the implementation of the IMS and all persons having access to its workplaces are aware
of the Company’s policies, the importance and consequences of their actions (actual or
potential), the benefits of improved personal behaviour and the potential consequences
of failure to comply with specified procedures.

As a preventive measure all new employees attend separate orientation, quality, health
& safety and environment inductions and several signs are used as a constant reminder
of important quality and HSE principles, identified hazards with high risk and ways to
protect the environment. Further training is provided when lack of awareness is detected
through internal audits or corrective actions.

7.4 Communication
7.4.1 Internal Communication
Internal communication is a set of actions, services and operations that instil Corporate
vision and mission, goals, culture, procedures and achievements within a Company to all
Employees, increasing employee satisfaction, engagement, and effectiveness, smooths
eventual hierarchical or inter-company discrepancies, motivate and inspire professional

Internal Communication is composed and expressed by:

IMS manual, operational procedures and work instructions

Management announcements
Web applications like AKTOR LinkedIn Community
New employee orientation induction
Incentives, increments, promotions and bonuses
Bonding events
Shareholders relations

Internal Communication is addressed to workers, staff, management, JV Partners and

7.4.2 External Communication
External communication is a set of actions, services and operations that shape, deploy
and promote corporate activities and operations, enhancing client loyalty, marketing and
new business objectives, and Management goals. It is composed and expressed through:

Corporate branding
Corporate website
Corporate & thematic brochures
Above and below the line advertisement
Public relations and affairs

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Press & media relations

Participation in fairs / exhibitions
Management representation in chambers, institutions, etc.
Corporate social responsibility initiatives and actions
Reputation management
Crisis management
Investor relations and stakeholders relations
JV partners relations
External Communication is addressed to the general public, the construction market,
clients, suppliers, sub-contractors, JV partners, governments / institutions, potential
markets / countries and the media.

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. communicates externally its significant environmental aspects

among the various levels of the Company.
7.5 Documented Information

7.5.1 General
The Company’s Integrated Management System is documented in the following


IMS Manual

IMS Operational Procedures

IMS Work Instructions, Templates, Forms,

Project Quality Plans, Project HSE Plans

External Documents

IMS Records IMS Policies

The IMS Policies are the top management’s statements of commitment to exceed the
Company’s clients’ expectations with regards to quality, health & safety and the
environment and to continually improve its performance through the implementation of a
clearly defined and communicated process based management system. They provide a
framework for establishing and reviewing quality, health, safety and environmental
objectives and for the continual improvement of the IMS. They are approved by the
Board of Directors and reviewed annually.

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The present document outlines the Company’s approach to develop and maintain an
integrated management system in order to satisfy the objectives set in the IMS Policies,
to fulfil its business objectives and the requirements of QCS 2014 and the following
international standards:

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
ISO 14001:2015

The IMS Manual includes references to the IMS operational procedures that are
implemented in order to achieve the Company’s policies and objectives. It is prepared,
issued and maintained by the QHSE Manager, it is approved by the General Manager and
it is reviewed annually. It is uploaded in EDMS and may be distributed to third parties
upon request. IMS Operational Procedures

The Company has developed documented operational procedures to describe in a concise
way the interaction between consecutive phases of each process and to specify who does
what, when and / or why and what documentation is used to verify that any activity is
executed as planned. OPs reference related IMS Work Instructions, templates, forms and
records. Most OPs include a flowchart. A list of the IMS operational procedures is
included in Annex II – IMS Operational procedures. IMS Operational Work Instructions

Operational work instructions are used by AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. to detail how exactly
particular tasks are to be performed where the absence of these instructions would
adversely affect quality, increase hazard risk or have an impact on the environment.
Work instructions are part of the training material used to train staff and workers. They
are prepared by Heads of Departments, issued by the QHSE Manager and approved by
the top management. IMS Templates and Forms

The Company has developed several templates that are being used to ensure that
accurate and precise wording is adopted in several formal communications or binding
agreements. Forms are used to guide further staff and workers and for the creation of
records. Project Quality and HSE Plans

The projects that AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. undertakes have specific requirements for the
development and implementation of project specific Quality and HSE Plans. The
Company ensures that any additional or stricter requirements deriving from project
specifications are included in those plans and met during the execution of the works but
always maintains as a minimum the requirements of the IMS with regards to quality,
occupational health & safety and the environment.

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These are documents of external origin that are identified, used and controlled by the
Company. They provide requirements and / or guidance for everyday activities. External
documents are:

International and national standards
Documents provided by clients or other interested parties IMS Records

IMS records include all the data which provide evidence that the Company complies with
all legal and other requirements, and that the IMS is implemented effectively.

7.5.2 Creating and Updating

The company has developed and implements procedure OP.11.01 “Document and Data
Control” for controlling documented information. Control includes ensuring that
documents are formatted, reviewed, updated as necessary and duly approved prior to
use, that all changes and the current revision status are identified in a comprehensive
way, that current revisions of applicable documents are available at points of use, that
obsolete documents are properly identified so that unintended use of them is prevented
and that external documents are properly identified and distributed. IMS documents
include but are not limited to:

IMS Policies
IMS Manual,
Operational procedures
Work instructions
Project Quality and HSE Plans
Design drawings and layout plans
Inspection and test plans, method statements
Risk assessments
HSE incident / accident reports
Qatari legislation
Standards and specifications

Only electronic documents viewed in EDMS are controlled and all hard copies are
uncontrolled with the exception of hard copies distributed where electronic copies are not
available. In this case it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that that the revision
status of any hard copy is the current revision by checking it against the catalogue
“Master Document List” prior to use. All electronic documents are issued by the QHSE
Manager and are duly approved by the top management.

7.5.3 Control of Records

A documented procedure OP.11.02 “Control of Documented Information” has been
developed to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection,
retrieval, retention and disposition of records maintained in order to provide evidence of
conformity to legal and other requirements and of the effective implementation of the
IMS. The Company’s IMS records include, but are not limited to, the following:

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Records of the documented IMS related to quality, health & safety and
environmental aspects, such as the original documents of the IMS, audit records,
records of client complaints, incident investigation records, risk assessments,
non-conformances of products / services, corrective and preventive actions,
management review records, etc. Those records are kept either on project sites
or in the Head Office by the respective HODs
Records of executed projects, which include any relevant documents pertaining to
the specific project, as applicable
Tender records, which include any relevant document pertaining to the specific
Procurement records, which include all documents that evidence acceptable
suppliers, subcontractors and design engineers
Personnel records, which are maintained for all employees and include all vital
information pertaining to the employee’s hiring, salary, training, etc. Such
information is confidential, excluding that concerning training. Those records are
kept by the Head of HR
Legislation Records which are maintained by the QHSE Manager and include any
information regarding applicable legislation

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8.1 Operational Planning and Control

8.1.1 General
AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. plans, implements and controls the processes required for realizing
products and services. For the Company the term “product” includes several types of
projects depending on the type of contract:

Design and build projects, AKTOR being the Main Contractor, the Main Contractor
in an joint venture or a subcontractor
Construction projects for building and engineering works designed by the
Employer, AKTOR being the Main Contractor, the Main Contractor in an joint
venture or a subcontractor
Facility Management projects, AKTOR being the sole service provider or in a joint

In each case there is a need for developing tailor made, project specific documents
(plans, schedules, procedures, risk assessments etc.) for planning, organizing, realizing,
controlling, verifying, validating and/or modifying activities carried out on sites.

In planning of project realization AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. determines for each project

Quality, occupational health & safety and environmental objectives

Quality benchmarks, hazards and environmental aspects
Resources required
Monitoring, measurement, inspection & testing, verification and validation
activities and procedures including risk assessments
Records required to demonstrate compliance to project specifications, legal and
other requirements

8.1.2 Controls to Reduce Commercial Risks

Appropriate actions to reduce commercial risks and pursue or extend all identified
opportunities are determined, and reviewed, as applicable, for their effectiveness.

The Company assigns a risk response plan for all major commercial risks. This may
include a risk response strategy, a risk contingency plan or both. One of the following
approaches may be selected:

A detailed description of the above approached is included in the procedure OP.13.03
“Risk Management”.

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8.1.3 Controls to Reduce H&S Risks

The ways that the Company controls H&S risks are ranked from the highest level of
protection and reliability to the lowest as shown below.

This ranking is known as the hierarchy of risk control. When Company staff is managing
risk it is a requirement to work through this hierarchy and always aim first to eliminate a
hazard, which is the most effective control. If this is not reasonably practicable, the risk
is minimised by working through the other alternatives in the hierarchy.

Level 1 control measures

The most effective control measure involves eliminating the hazard and associated risks.
This is achieved by several ways such as avoiding introducing the hazard into the
workplace in the first place or in the case that the hazard may not be eliminated by
eliminating as many of the risks associated with the hazard as possible.

Level 2 control measures

In cases that it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate the hazards and associated
risks, the risks are minimised using one or more of the following approaches:

By substituting the hazard with something safer

By isolating the hazard from people which involves physically separating the
source of harm from people by distance or with barriers
By using engineering controls which are physical in nature, usually mechanical
devices or processes

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Level 3 control measures

These control measures do not control the hazard at the source. They rely on human
behaviour and supervision, and used on their own, tend to be least effective in
minimising risks. Two approaches to reduce risk in this way are:

With the use of administrative controls, work methods or procedures that are
designed to minimize exposure to a hazard.
With the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Administrative controls and PPE are used only as an interim measure until a more
effective way of controlling the risk can be used, to supplement higher level control
measures (as a back-up) and when there are no other practical control measures
available (as a last resort).

8.1.4 Controls to Reduce Environmental Risks

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. determines and plans operations associated with the identified
significant environmental aspects and ensures that they are carried out under specified
conditions. Operational control is described in detail in the procedure OP.11.08
“Environmental Aspect Identification Risk Assessment and Control”.

8.2 Requirements for Products and Services

8.2.1 Client Communication

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. ensures regular communication with clients so that the Company is
immediately informed of the client’s satisfaction as to the progress and the quality of the
project, client enquiries, amendments and how such amendments are to be handled as
well as any other data relevant to the project progress.

Apart from the top management, only Project Managers / Directors, who are the
authorized Company Representatives, are eligible to communicate in writing with clients.
Documented records are maintained regarding client feedback including client

Serious issues that arise from communication with the clients are used as main input
during the IMS management reviews.

8.2.2 Determination of Requirements Related to Products and Services

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. determines the requirements related to the project and confirms
the Company’s capability to fulfil those requirements before entering into a contract. For
each project the following are identified:

Requirements specified by the client (quality, health & safety, environmental,

financial, plant & equipment, etc.)
Requirements not specified by the client but necessary for the specified or
intended use of the project
Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
Any other additional requirements based on experience from similar projects

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8.2.3 Review of Requirements Related to Products and Services

Management reviews other requirements derived from clients and other interested
parties such as public authorities, communities, consultants etc.

Review of the requirements related to the project starts from the tendering stage.
Tender requirements are not identical; however it is most usual that at this stage the
following documents are developed:

Contract Risk Assessment

Project Construction Method Statement
Project Tender Budget
Project Tender Schedule
Preliminary Project Quality Plan
Preliminary Health & Safety Plan
Preliminary Environmental Plan
Preliminary Sustainability Plan (if required)

A documented procedure OP.03.01 “Preparation & Submission of Bids” has been

developed to define the tender process and deliverables.

Upon contract award client and statutory requirements including safety and
environmental risks and the resources required for safe and timely execution of the
project are reviewed by the Project Manager and the project team. Records required
demonstrating compliance to project specifications, legal and other requirements are
also reviewed and supplemented if required. All main activities and methods to be
followed are planned and scheduled and preliminary plans and schedules developed at
the tendering stage are reviewed and finalized.

During the execution of the works the contract is reviewed by the Commercial
department, in order to ensure that:

Client requirements are clearly understood, adequately defined and documented

Any requirements differing from those in the tender are resolved
The Company and its subcontractors / suppliers have the ability to meet the
contractual and other requirements

The results of contract reviews and all relevant correspondence with the Client, the
Engineer and subcontractors / suppliers are filed accordingly, along with the minutes of
all official meetings.

8.2.4 Changes to the Requirements for Products and Services

During the execution of a contract one or more of the following changes to the
requirements related to the Company’s products and services (variations) may occur:

Variations initiated by the Client

Variations for the convenience of the Company
Value engineering
Provisional sums
Adjustments for changes in cost

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Change management is a critical issue for the Company’s ability to deliver high quality
products and services. Variations are identified and processed according to the
respective commercial operational procedures.

8.3 Design and Development of Products and Services

8.3.1 General
Design management is of major importance to the Company and for this reason it has
been classified as one of the core processes of the IMS. Engineering is managed on each
site and not by a central department. This is necessary as each project has unique
design requirements and parameters that cannot be handled centrally.

8.3.2 Design and Development Planning

The design process may be performed in-house by qualified, competent personnel with
experience in the relevant field or assigned to recognized external design firms and other
design specialists who are suitably qualified for the required design activities, depending
on the nature and complexity.

In any case the Company determines the design stages, the review, verification and
validation of each stage and the responsibilities and authorities for such planning. The
Company also ensures effective communication, between any involved company
personnel and external collaborators, during the aforementioned stages.

8.3.3 Design and Development Inputs

Inputs concerning project requirements related to the design are determined during
contract review. Such inputs may be preliminary / schematic design, IFC drawings,
material specifications, project operation and performance objectives, relevant legislation
and standards as well as information from previous similar projects.

The project Technical Office Manager is responsible for reviewing design input and for
identifying incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting requirements. In such cases requests for
information are raised to the client and where deemed necessary the Project Manager
obtains further clarifications or information prior to proceeding with any design
development activities.

In the case that AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. has no input to the design (e.g. working as a
subcontractor) the project team reviews the shop drawings and identifies any omissions
or conflicts prior to proceeding with any construction works.

8.3.4 Design and Development Controls

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. performs regular reviews during the planning stage to assess the
ability of the design process to meet the requirements and to take necessary corrective
actions when problems are identified.

Participants in design reviews include representatives from all functions concerned with
the design stage being reviewed.

During the planning stage, AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. determines that verification of design
and development output is performed during project realization, through joint

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inspections carried out and approved by the Engineer. Records of such verification
results are maintained as well as of any corrective actions taken in case of deviations.

Validation of design and development output is performed by independent Qatar

registered qualified engineers, or by other qualified individuals at planned stages of the
project. Relevant design validation records are also maintained.

Records of design reviews, verification, validation and any corrective actions taken are

8.3.5 Design and Development Outputs

The design output is documented and expressed in terms of detailed specifications, shop
drawings, calculations and any other document necessary to allow the interpretation of
the design in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner. It meets the input
requirements, provides sufficient information for purchasing and service provision,
contains reference to acceptance criteria and specifies those characteristics which are
essential to the safe and proper, as intended, operation of the project.

8.3.6 Design and Development Changes

Design changes and modifications may be a result of a change initiated by the client or
of a corrective action implemented in order to rectify a detected non-conformity. Design
changes are covered by the same criteria and treated as original project requirements.

All design changes are reviewed, verified and validated prior to their implementation as
per operational procedure OP.07.01 “Field Change Request and Drawing Modification”.
Such review may include an assessment of their impact to the health and safety of the
workers and the environment. Records of such design change reviews are maintained.

Whenever a change in the design takes place all relevant personnel, including
subcontractors and suppliers are notified. Records of such notifications are also kept.

8.4 Control of Externally Provided Products and Services

8.4.1 General
Failures in purchasing often have great cost and time impact to projects. Therefore, it is
of great importance to the Company to ensure that materials, products and services
ordered to be incorporated in the project conform to specified requirements. The same
applies for materials, equipment or services not intended to be incorporated in a project
but are essential for smooth function such as plant and equipment, furniture,
consumables, IT equipment etc.

8.4.2 Type and Extent of Control of External Provision

The type and extent of control that AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. applies to its subcontractors
and suppliers depends on the effect of the purchased product / service to the project.
The Company has established specific criteria for selecting, evaluating and re-evaluating
its suppliers and subcontractors for their quality, health & safety and environmental
performance as well as other factors such as reliability, flexibility, financial security, etc.
and maintains relevant records.

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The Procurement Manager maintains a list of approved suppliers / subcontractors

(including designers) in the Head Office and forwards it to each project Procurement
Manager every time it is updated.
Several documented operational procedures have been developed to define the inputs
and outputs of the purchasing process. Evaluation of new suppliers and existing
suppliers’ evaluation is described in OP.08.04 “Selection and Evaluation of
Subcontractors and Suppliers”.

8.4.3 Information for External Providers

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. ensures that purchasing is carried out in a way that
nonconformities due to wrong data and specifications during contact with suppliers /
subcontractors / designers are avoided. Purchasing information contains detailed
description of the product / scope of works and approval requirements for the same,
including drawings, specifications and any specific requirements for qualification of
personnel involved, as applicable. The Company’s quality, health & safety and
environmental requirements are also included together with consequences of deviation
from applicable procedures.
Purchase orders, purchase agreements and subcontracts are reviewed for adequacy and
accuracy prior to their communication to the supplier / subcontractor / designer.
Qualified personnel perform inspections on purchased materials / equipment to ensure
that they meet the specifications and requirements specified on the purchase
documents. Such inspections may be carried out:
In the supplier’s / manufacturer’s premises prior to their dispatch to the project.
This may include scheduled site visits and Factory Acceptance Tests
In the project stores upon delivery on site

It is usual that the above inspections are witnessed by a client representative and
approval is granted on the spot. Whenever a problem occurs or additional information is
required the supplier is contacted immediately and appropriate corrective actions are

8.5 Production and Service Provision

8.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision

Upon contract award AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. plans and executes projects under controlled
conditions. Controlled conditions include communication channels, procedures, work
instructions, programmes, plans, equipment, etc. for the following stages of the project:
Site mobilization and start up
Execution of work according to the project schedule and budget
Coordination of work crews
Communication with the client
Interdepartmental communication
Execution of required inspections, measurements and tests
Supervision of work execution
Monitoring of project cost and processing of relevant data
Monitoring of the implementation of the IMS
Measurements / certifications of works executed
Maintenance of relevant files in the project records

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The Company also plans the completion and hand over of projects under controlled
conditions according to procedure OP.12.07 “Head Contract Administration”. Controlled
conditions include:

Completion of all pending works

Completion of final project measurements
Site demobilization
Testing & commissioning completion
Qatar Civil Defense inspection
Compilation of taking over documentation dossier
Return of project bonds
Negotiations for resolution of pending disagreements
Financial closure of project
Project evaluation
Filing of project records

Facility management contracts are also executed under controlled conditions according
to project specific operational procedures, method statements and SOPs.

Where the results of construction / installation / supply processes and methods cannot
be fully verified by subsequent inspection and testing, (deficiencies that become
apparent only after the project has been used) processes are reviewed by qualified
personnel and revised as necessary.

Where conformance of the works cannot be verified by final inspection (covered works),
it is ensured that evidence is generated during the process as a means of verifying that
conformance has been achieved.

8.5.2 Identification and Traceability

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. identifies technical documents, materials, services and works
where appropriate throughout the duration of a project until the issuance of the Final
Acceptance Certificate by the Client. Identification and traceability, where applicable, is
achieved by:

Encoding all project technical documents as per respective disciplines according to

the project document and data control procedure
Marking of all materials incorporated in the project with a practical code,
according to the WBS code specified in the purchase orders
Assigning a WBS code to all works performed on site

8.5.3 Property Belonging to Clients or External Providers

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. pays special attention to the identification and traceability of
products (materials, equipment, etc.) supplied by the client. Such products are received,
stored and dispatched to the site in such a way that potential problems such as variance
from specifications are relayed immediately to and resolved by the client. Cases of
damage and/or loss are also immediately communicated to the client and appropriate
corrections and corrective actions are taken. Records of such communication and
corrective actions are maintained.

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8.5.4 Preservation
Material receipt, handling, storage, preservation and release are carried out according to
the manufacturer’s recommendations and specified project requirements in a way that
wear, tear or any other damage to the material and adverse effects on the environment
and the health and safety of personnel handling the material are prevented. Dedicated
areas are arranged for hazardous materials, scrapped and / or rejected items.

Special care is taken in the following cases:

Handling of material or equipment where special handling requirements apply

Storage of material or equipment where special storage requirements apply
Handling and storage of hazardous material
Storage of material with short life time
Handling of material or equipment that their delivery to site is under the
responsibility of the Company

Storage space (stores) for the protection and safety of material and equipment is
available at all project sites and is inspected regularly by competent personnel to ensure
the compliance with project specifications and the good condition of the material /

8.5.5 Post-Delivery Activities

The Company determines its post-delivery activities case by case for all contracts. Such
post-delivery activities include any works during the defects liability period of a contract,
as well as maintenance and operation activities for projects already handed over to the

8.5.6 Control of Changes

Any unplanned changes that have an impact to the Company’s ability to deliver a project
or service are reviewed and controlled. Records of such reviews are maintained including
the personnel who have authorized such changes and any actions taken.

8.6 Release of Products and Services

A documented procedure OP.11.12 “Inspection and Testing for Works” is being
implemented in order to ensure that contract requirements related to the characteristics
of the projects have been met.

It is usual that inspection and testing requirements are well defined in project
specifications. Project teams ensure that Inspection & Test Plans (ITP’s) and testing
procedures, where applicable, are developed in compliance with those requirements and
include in detail documents review, inspection and testing activities, works execution
acceptance criteria and control points.

In the case that materials / equipment / works do not comply with project specifications
and specified acceptance criteria are not met appropriate corrective actions are
implemented. Duly signed records demonstrating the compliance of materials /
equipment / works with project specifications are maintained.

There are inspection and testing requirements for materials incorporated to the project,
for construction works executed, for the functional behaviour of systems installed

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(Testing and Commissioning) and for the final hand over of the project to the operator.
The required inspections are carried out at appropriate phases as follows:

Materials incorporated to the project:

Prior to their dispatch to the project

In the project stores upon delivery on site

Permanent materials may be inspected in the supplier’s / manufacturer’s premises prior

to their dispatch to the project in order to ensure that non-conforming products do not
reach the project site and save transportation costs and time. Factory Acceptance Tests
are carried out to ensure that systems or equipment comply with the project
requirements. Those tests may require ambient conditions difficult to achieve in the site
and therefore are executed in the manufacturers’ or independent 3rd party testing
agencies’ premises.

Material inspections are carried out also in project stores according to the respective

During execution of construction works:

Internal inspections / tests carried out by the project Quality Department

Joint inspections witnessed by the Engineer

All construction works are inspected internally. Where the respective ITP provides
witness or hold points an additional joint inspection witnessed by the Engineer is carried
out. Succeeding works do not proceed until the specified acceptance criteria are met and
inspection reports are duly signed.

Testing & Commissioning:

Pre-Commissioning of project systems

Commissioning of project systems

Pre-functional checks are primarily static inspections to prepare the equipment or system
for initial operation. They are based on manufacturers’ data, drawings and specifications
and include the required installation, checkout, and start-up activities. The checks are
carried out to ensure that the components and systems are complete and initial start-
ups have been performed.

In some cases pre-functional checks have already been executed during the execution of
construction works testing phase and are not repeated unless it is necessary in order to
ensure the safe operation of the functional checks. In any case pre-functional checks
have to be successful prior to proceeding with the functional tests.

Functional testing is the dynamic testing of systems (rather than just components) under
full operation. Systems are tested under various operational modes, such as during low
cooling or heating loads, high loads, component failures, power failure, etc. The systems
are run through all the control system’s sequences of operation and components are
verified to be responding as the sequences state.

Final Hand Over Inspection:

Upon completion of the works a final inspection is carried out according to the provisions
of the contract. Minor deficiencies are listed in punch lists to allow further rectification

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without affecting handing over of the project to the client / operator. Punch list items are
followed up and closed one by one and closed punch lists are included in the project

8.7 Control of Nonconforming Process Outputs, Products and Services

8.7.1 Control of Nonconformities

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. has established and maintains a documented procedure OP.11.13
“Non Conformity and Corrective Action” to control actual / potential non-conformances,
to identify related responsibilities and authorities and to define the requirements for:

Evaluating proactively the need for actions in order to prevent the occurrence of
Identifying nonconformities including complaints from the client, authorities or
any other interested party
Investigating nonconformities, determining their root cause and taking actions in
order to avoid their reoccurrence
Correcting nonconformities and taking actions to eliminate or mitigate their
impact to the quality of the product, the health & safety of any individual affected
and the environment

Any nonconforming or potentially nonconforming situation is reviewed with the

concerned Department Head and the client, where applicable, and corrected accordingly.
In all cases nonconforming situations are analysed, their impact with regard to quality,
health & safety and the environment is assessed and a suitable corrective / preventive
action is planned and implemented.

Records of actual / potential nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken,

including concessions obtained, if any, are maintained.

8.7.2 Incident Investigation

The Company has established and maintains a documented procedure OP.11.14
“Incident Reporting & Investigation” to define the requirements for reporting, recording,
investigating and analysing incidents. The procedure aims to identify:

Any IMS deficiencies and other factors that may be causing or contributing to the
occurrence of incidents
The need for corrective action or opportunities for preventive action
Opportunities for continual improvement

Incident investigations are conducted as soon as reasonably practicable and the site
where the incident has occurred is not disturbed until a qualified inspector arrives at the
scene or at any other time that the qualified inspector directs. Preservation of incident
sites does not include certain actions such as assisting injured persons or other actions
necessary in order to make the site safe or to minimize the risk of a further incident.

The results of incident investigations are documented, maintained and communicated as

per Company procedure.

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8.8 Emergency Preparedness and Response

A documented procedure OP.11.15 “Emergency Preparedness and Response” has been
developed to identify potential emergency situations and to define how to respond in
such situations.

Emergency response plans that clearly define roles and responsibilities in the case of an
emergency are developed for the Head Office and for every project site. Project site
emergency plans take great consideration to the fact that a number of different
contractors may be operating simultaneously in the same workplace.

Emergency response plans include contact details of the emergency crews, evacuation
procedures, assembly points, first aid, medical treatment and assistance, notification of
emergency services (Qatar Civil Defence, Police, hospitals, etc.) among other directions.

Where applicable, alertness drills are performed at regular intervals and the alarm and
warning systems provided are tested.

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9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and evaluation

9.1.1 General
A documented procedure OP.11.10 “Performance Measurement, Analysis and Continual
Improvement” is implemented to monitor and measure IMS performance on a regular
basis and to define the methods used to:

Demonstrate conformity to product (project) requirements, and to the

requirements of the IMS
Monitor the extent to which the IMS objectives are met
Analyze the effectiveness of the control measures in place
Assess the effectiveness of the IMS in terms of being proactive rather than
Ensure that the effectiveness of all core and support processes is continually

This may include audits, inspections, site measurements, sampling and the use of
statistical methods.

IMS processes are regularly monitored through internal audits in order to evaluate their
ability to achieve planned results, to ensure compliance to all applicable requirements
and to identify areas for improvement. Where applicable the effectiveness of the IMS
processes is measured. The type and extend of the monitoring depends on the impact of
the process to quality, health & safety and environmental objectives and the associated
risk. When planned results are not achieved corrective action is taken as appropriate.

Appropriate process targets and Key Performance Indicators, as applicable, are defined
according to the procedure OP.11.03 “Objectives and Targets” and reviewed during the
management review meetings. Measurements data are collected by the respective Head
of Department, reviewed against planned results and evaluated. Raw data, process
evaluations and KPIs are presented to the top management using statistical tools like bar
charts, pie charts etc. These statistical reports are reviewed in the following
management review meeting to initiate suitable corrective actions like resetting of
targets, establishment of new process measures or any other appropriate action. The
details of actions taken are recorded in the management review minutes of meeting.

9.1.2 Client Satisfaction

Client satisfaction is of utmost importance to AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. and one of the most
critical elements of the IMS. The Company monitors information relating to its clients’
perception as to whether their requirements are fulfilled. Such information is collected in
a variety of ways such as:

Client satisfaction surveys,

Client awards, appreciation letters, references
Client complaints
Client loyalty
Press releases, media advertisements, press conferences

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Client related feedback is evaluated and the results and findings of such evaluation of
client satisfaction are used as main input during the IMS management reviews. Based on
the outcome of the review appropriate corrective or preventive actions are taken in order
to enhance client satisfaction and the quality of the services provided by the Company.

9.1.3 Analysis and Evaluation of Compliance

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. determines, collects and analyses appropriate data to determine
the suitability and effectiveness of the IMS and to identify areas for improvement. This
includes data generated by process monitoring and measurement, internal audits,
inspections and other relevant sources. The Company analyses these data to provide
information related to:

Client satisfaction and dissatisfaction and their trends

Conformance with legal and other requirements
Supplier / subcontractor performance and rating
Characteristics and trends of processes including opportunities of preventive
Health surveillance

9.2 Internal Audit

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. conducts internal audits at planned intervals in order to collect
objective evidence and determine whether the IMS:

Complies with International Standards, namely ISO 9001:2008, ISO 45001:2018

and ISO 14001:2004
Is effectively implemented and maintained in order to meet the Company’s policy
and objectives.

Internal audits are conducted both at the Head Office and at project sites and the audit
reports are used as main input during the IMSMR’s. Audit findings are reviewed and
appropriate corrective or preventive actions are taken when necessary.

Internal audits’ scope may be limited to cover separately quality, health and safety or
environmental aspects but may also cover extended aspects of the IMS depending on
the process being audited. In any case audits are carried out by employees who are
competent and independent of audited workplaces and activities.

Internal audits are scheduled based on:

The importance or critical nature of each activity with regards to quality, risk and
environmental impact,
Findings of previous audits.

The Overall Audit Schedule of the company is drawn up every year. At the start of a new
project, specific audit schedule is also prepared as per project requirements.

A documented procedure OP.11.11 “Integrated Management System Audits” is being

implemented in order to define:

Internal audit scope, criteria, frequency and methods,

Competence and skills of internal auditors

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Auditee notification requirements

Reporting requirements
Recording requirements

Internal IMS audit reports are maintained as records.

9.3 Integrated Management System Management Review

The Company’s IMS is reviewed at least annually in the presence of the top management
in order to assess the system’s continual suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
IMSMR’s include evaluation of opportunities for improvement and the need for changes
in the IMS, including IMS policy, objectives and targets. Records of the IMSMR’s are kept
and handled according to the operational procedure OP.11.02 “Control of Documented

A documented procedure OP.11.05 “Integrated Management System Management

Review” has been developed to define:

How IMSMR’s are planned and under what circumstances planned intervals may
IMSMR’s attendance list
IMSMR’s minimum required inputs
IMSMR’s minimum required outputs
IMSMR’s outputs availability with regard to communication and consultation
Follow up of any decision and actions taken

The QSHE Manager is responsible to collect data, organize and schedule IMSMR’s and
keep minutes of the meetings.

IMSMR’s are a vital component of the IMS in order to comply with international
standards and the management’s commitment for continual improvement.

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10.1 General
The Company determines any opportunities for improvement and takes respective
actions as required in order to meet or exceed Clients’ requirements and enhance Client
satisfaction by improving:

IMS processes
IMS results
Products and services

10.2 Nonconformity and Corrective Action

AKTOR QATAR W.L.L. takes appropriate actions to eliminate the causes of actual /
potential non-conformities according to the documented procedure OP.11.13 “Non
Conformity and Corrective Action”. The procedure defines the requirements for:

Performing root cause analysis

Determination of suitable corrections and corrective action in order to prevent
reoccurrence of non-conformities or potential non-conformities
Planning and execution of such activities within defined time constraints
Communicating the results of corrections and corrective actions taken
Reviewing the effectiveness of corrections and corrective actions taken
Identifying new or changed quality requirements, hazards and environmental
impacts that may arise due to the implementation of corrections, corrective and
preventive actions taken

Records of corrections and corrective actions are maintained.

10.3 Continual Improvement

In order to achieve the IMS objectives stated in the Quality Policy by management and
the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, AKTOR has
established suitable Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which cover both core and
support Company processes according to the procedure OP.11.03 “Objectives and

KPI’s are monitored regularly and reviewed in management review meetings. The
individual responsible for monitoring each KPI maintains raw data from measurements,
diagrams, charts (as applicable) to demonstrate the achievement (or not) of a
predetermined target and to aid in factual decisions regarding improvement and

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Annex I – IMS Policies

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Annex II – IMS Procedures


1 Corporate Management OP.01.01

3 BIDDING Preparation and Submission of Bids OP.03.01

Project Mobilization OP.04.01

4 Project Demobilization OP.04.02
Project Management Meeting OP.04.03

5 Several project specific procedures

Preparation, Review, Checking and Approval of Method

Project Construction Meeting OP.06.02

Field Change Request and Drawing Modification OP.07.01

TECHNICAL OFFICE As-Built Drawings Preparation and Submission for
Awarded Project Procurement Kick-Off Meeting OP.08.01

Purchase Requisition of Materials OP.08.02

Purchase Order of Materials OP.08.03

Selection and Evaluation of Subcontractors and

Preparation, Review, Checking and Approval of Material
Approval Request

Preparation, Review, Checking and Approval of

Supplier/Subcontractor Approval Request

Control of Materials Receipt, Storage and Issuance OP.08.07

Requisition of Plant & Equipment OP.09.01

Purchase Order of Plant & Equipment OP.09.02

Hire Order of Plant & Equipment OP.09.03

Sale of Plant & Equipment Asset OP.09.04

9 PLANT & EQUIPMENT Reusable Material OP.09.05

Scrap Material OP.09.06

Administration of Plant & Equipment OP.09.07

Operation and Maintenance of Plant & Equipment OP.09.08

Disposal of Plant & Equipment OP.09.09

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Transportation OP.09.10

Document and Data Control OP.11.01

Control of Documented Information OP.11.02

Objectives and Targets OP.11.03

Communication, Participation and Consultation OP.11.04

Integrated Management System Management Review OP.11.05

Legal and Other Requirements OP.11.06

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control OP.11.07

Environmental Aspect Identification, Risk Assessment

and Control

Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment OP.11.09

QUALITY – HEALTH & Performance Measurement, Analysis and Continual

11 SAFETY – Improvement
Integrated Management System Audits OP.11.11

Inspection and Testing for Works OP.11.12

Nonconformity & Corrective Action OP.11.13

Incident Reporting & Investigation OP.11.14

Emergency Preparedness and Response OP.11.15

Liquid Waste Disposal (Non-Hazardous) OP.11.16

Inspection and Testing for Materials OP.11.17

Permit to Work OP.11.18

Subcontract Award OP.12.01

Subcontract Finalization OP.12.02

Subcontract Administration OP.12.03

Interim Valuation of Subcontractor OP.12.04

12 COMMERCIAL Formation of Correspondence and Response OP.12.05

Subcontract Completion OP.12.06

Head Contract Administration OP.12.07

Payment Application OP.12.08

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Project Planning OP.13.01

13 PROJECT CONTROLS Progress Monitoring and Reporting OP.13.02

Risk Management OP.13.03

Cost Control and Reporting OP.14.01

Bonds for Employers OP.14.02

Collections & Receivables OP.14.03

Accounting OP.14.04

Liabilities & Payments OP.14.05

Treasury OP.14.06

Recruitment OP.15.01

Training and Development OP.15.02

New Employee OP.15.03

Accommodation OP.15.04

Performance Evaluation OP.15.05

Attendance and Payroll OP.15.06

15 AND Leave OP.15.07
Resignation and Termination OP.15.08

Business Trip OP.15.09

Senior Arrival OP.15.10

Employee Personal Bank Loan Assistance OP.15.11

Advance Salary Payment OP.15.12

IT Software and Hardware Administration OP.15.13

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