Rheye Ollhee E

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Rheye Ollhee E. Austria Grade XII-St.


According to David Masci, Senior Research Fellow, Pew forum on Religion & Public life
that same sex marriage has become a significant national issue, with the Massachusetts supreme
judicial court rullling in 2003 that states must allow gay and lesbian to marry, This has lead to
debate in the US Congress, state legislatures, and election campaigns, Supporters of same sex
marriage argue that gay and lesbian couples should be treated equaly as heterosexual couples,
and that they should be able to marry like anyone else. Social conservatives argue that marriage
is bedrock of a healthy society, leading to stable families and productive children. They also
predict that given gay couples the right to marry will lead to granting people polygamous and
other nontraditional relationships the right to marry as well. The American religious community
is deeply provided over the issue of same sex marriage, with the Catholic Church and evangelical
Christian groups playing a leading in public opposition. Polls show the frequency of working
service attendance is a factor in the opposition to gay marriage. The same sex marriage debate is
not solely American phenomenon, as many countries Esperanza and Europe, Have grappled with
an issue.

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