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ZD Outdoor Archery Club ORDER INVOICE

Logistics Sorting Hub, Xi Niu Yi Street, Maiyuan Village, Changping Town, Dongguan

Customer Name: DAVIE BIN MOJUNTING Invoice Number: 220810P4HFUB8V

Customer Address: Pekan Sikuati Invoice Date: 10/08/2022

Order SN: 220810P4HFUB8V Order Paid Date: 10/08/2022

Payment Method: SPayLater

Order Details

No. Product Variation Net Product Price Qty Subtotal

❤Zdout❤ Archery Training Competiting

1 Accessories Stabilizer Balance Bar Carbon - 1 -
Rod for Recurve C
❤Zdout❤ Archery Training Competiting
2 Accessories Stabilizer Balance Bar Carbon - 2 -
Rod for Recurve C
买3个10% 176.79

Subtotal RM 176.79
Total Quantity 3 items

Merchandise Subtotal 176.79

Shop Voucher Applied -14.15

Grand Total RM 162.64

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End of receipt

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