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Journal of Geophysics and Engineering

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338

On three-stage temperature dependence of elastic

wave velocities for rocks
Nianqi Li , Li-Yun Fu1,2,* , Jian Yang1 and Tongcheng Han1,2
Key Laboratory of Deep Oil and Gas, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China
Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology,

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Qingdao 266071, China
Corresponding author: Li-Yun Fu. E-mail:

Received 22 February 2021, revised 9 April 2021

Accepted for publication 5 May 2021

For most rocks, the typical temperature behavior of elastic wave velocities generally features a
three-stage nonlinear characteristic that could be expressed by a reverse S-shape curve with two
inflexion points. The mechanism regulating the slow-to-fast transition of elastic constants
remains elusive. The physics of critical points seems related to the multimineral composition of
rocks with differentiated thermodynamic properties. Based on laboratory experiments for several
rocks with different levels of heterogeneity in compositions, we conduct theoretical and
empirical simulations by nonlinear thermoelasticity methods and a S-shape model, respectively.
The classical theory of linear thermoelasticity based on the Taylor expansion of strain energy
functions has been widely used for crystals, but suffers from a deficiency in describing
thermal-associated velocity variations for rocks as a polycrystal mixture. Current nonlinear
thermoelasticity theory describes the third-order temperature dependence of velocity variations
by incorporating the fourth-order elastic constants. It improves the description of
temperature-induced three-stage velocity variations in rocks, but involves with some divergences
around two inflexion points, especially at high temperatures. The S-shape model for empirical
simulations demonstrates a more accurate depiction of thermal-associated three-stage variations
of P-wave velocities. We investigate the physics of the parameters a1 and b1 in the S-shape model.
These fitting parameters are closely related to thermophysical properties by being proportional to
the specific heat and thermal conductivity of rocks. We discuss the mechanism that regulates the
slow-to-fast transition in the three-stage nonlinear behavior for various rocks.
Keywords: rocks, elastic wave velocity, three-stage temperature dependence, nonlinear
thermoelasticity theory, empirical reverse S-shape model

1. Introduction
rock because of their diversities in mechanical proper-
The mechanical properties of rocks change significantly with ties. The rock velocity variations induced by temperature
temperatures. The research into temperature-induced ve- change typically present in a progressive scale with increas-
locity variations of elastic waves in rocks is a fundamen- ing temperatures, including linear elastic, nonlinear elas-
tal influence in engineering fields such as building material, tic and inelastic deformations. Such a three-stage pattern
coal mining, nuclear waste storage, geothermal development is closely related to the temperature-induced changes in
and superdeep oil/gas exploration. The effect of tempera- microstructures and the differentiation of thermophysical
ture on elastic wave velocities varies with different types of properties (e.g. thermal-expansion coefficients) in different

328 © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.

material phases. The typical temperature behavior in rocks composition of total strains into the background related to
has been extensively investigated by both theoretical and temperature fluctuation and the infinitesimal component in-
empirical models with some fitting parameters. At present, duced by wave propagation. Applications to ultrasonic exper-
we still lack a convincing correlation between prediction- imental data with three different media (sandstone, granite
model parameters and rock thermophysical properties. In and olivine) confirm validity of the nonlinear thermoelas-
this article, we address this issue using various rocks tic model, but involve some divergences around two inflex-
with different levels of heterogeneity in thermophysical ion points, especially in rocks with strong heterogeneity in
properties. lithology.
Thermal-associated wave velocities in crystals are gener- Current theoretical models perhaps consider nonlinear
ally weak at low temperature, but become obvious at high elastic deformations under low to moderate temperatures,
temperature. The classical thermoelastic theory has related but cannot describe inelastic deformations in microstruc-
elastic wave velocities to loading temperatures using third- tures subject to high temperatures. The literature abounds
order, as well as higher-order, elastic constants (Hiki & with empirical models (Yavuz et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2016;
Granato 1966; Loje & Schuele 1970; McSkimin & Andreatch Yang et al. 2017) aimed at describing the nonlinear tempera-

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1972; Garber & Granato 1975a, 1975b; Shrivastava 1980). ture dependence of wave velocities in rocks, where the poly-
Based on the small-amplitude bulk acoustic wave propagat- nomial function has been widely used to correlate P-wave ve-
ing in crystal, Sorokin et al. (1999) formulated the first-order locities and temperatures. Despite these quadratic functions
linear temperature dependence at low temperatures by taking demonstrating more accurate predictions for experimental
into account the second-order elastic constants. The theoret- data than the theoretical models mentioned previously, the
ical model has been extended using the fourth-order elastic fitting parameters lack a correlation with the thermophysical
constants for higher temperatures to calculate the nonlinear properties of rocks.
temperature dependence of elastic wave velocities in cubic In this paper, we first introduce the basic principle of ther-
crystals (Telichko & Sorokin 2015). These well-established moelasticity briefly, as well as the classical linear prediction
thermoelastic constitutive models for crystals may not be ap- method. Two kinds of theoretical model for the stress–strain
plicable to rocks as a polycrystal mixture with different min- constitutive relationship of wave propagation in thermoelas-
eral lithologies, encountering the problem of divergent and tic media are presented to describe the two-order (Telichko
deficient predictions in describing thermal-induced veloc- & Sorokin 2015) and third-order (Yang et al. 2019) non-
ity variations as the equivalent effect of individual mineral linear temperature dependence of P-wave velocities. Com-
phases. parisons with the empirical S-type prediction are given for
As demonstrated by numerous experimental measure- ultrasonic measurements with four kinds of rock (marble,
ments for heterogeneous rocks (Li et al. 1986; Zhang et al. granite, limestone and sandstone), which demonstrates the
2015; Sirdesai et al. 2018), temperature-dependent wave ve- accuracies of description by these three prediction models for
locities become complex by presenting strong nonlinear be- temperature-induced velocity variations. We investigate the
havior, especially for the P-wave velocity that shows more effect of different mineral phases in the rock on the accuracy
thermal sensitivity than the S-wave velocity at most temper- of prediction. We correlate prediction-model parameters and
atures. The typical temperature behavior of rocks is charac- thermophysical properties of rocks.
teristic of a three-stage pattern with two obvious inflexion
points, which is attributed to the differentiation of thermal-
expansion coefficients in different mineral phases and the 2. Thermoelasticity theory
temperature-induced change of microstructures (e.g. bed-
ding structures, microcracks, bound fluids etc.) native to nat- According to Clausius inequality, the stress tensor 𝜎ij is writ-
ural rocks. In particular, the latter is associated with the de- ten as
terioration of internal rock structures, followed by variation 𝜕Ψ
of mechanical properties, for example, fracture development 𝜎ij = , (1)
(Chen et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2015; Ma & Ba 2020), trans-
form in chemical composition (Moore et al. 1983; Kong et al.
2000) and partial melting reaction (Ito 1990; Jin et al. 1994). where the Helmholtz free energy Ψ = Ψ(𝛾ij , 𝜃 ∗ ) is a dif-
The thermal damage to rocks has been extensively studied ferentiable function of the strain tensor 𝛾ij and the dimen-
(Dougill et al. 1977; Wang et al. 1989; Isaak 1992; Tian et al. sionless temperature 𝜃 ∗ defined as 𝜃 ∗ = T 0 where T0 is
2016). Qi et al. (2021) developed a model for temperature the the reference temperature and T is the absolute tempera-
effects on the velocity–porosity relationship in rocks. Yang ture. The classical thermoelastic theory expands Helmholtz
et al. (2019) formulated a third-order nonlinear tempera- free energy by Taylor power series for the stress–strain
ture dependence of wave velocities in rocks based on the de- constitutive equations of isotropic materials. (Dillon 1962;

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.

Oden 1972) When the wave is propagating in thermoelastic media, the

total strain can be written as a sum of two kinds of strain
Ψ(𝛾ij , 𝜃 ∗ ) = a0 +a1 I1 +a2 I2 +a3 I3 +a4 𝜃 ∗ +a5 I12 +a6 𝜃 ∗2
𝜀ij = 𝜀1ij + 𝜀2ij , (8)
+a7 I1 𝜃 ∗ + a8 I13 + a9 I1 I2 + ⋯ , (2)
where 𝜀1ij is the large background strain related to temperature
where a0 , a1 , ⋯ a9 are the material constants, and
I1 , I2 , I3 are the strain invariants defined as fluctuations and 𝜀2ij is the infinitesimal component caused by
wave propagation. When the strain follows the hypothesis of
⎧I = 𝛾 , effective isotropic temperature change, 𝜀1ij can be rewritten as
⎪1 1 ( )
I = 𝛾ii 𝛾jj − 𝛾ij 𝛾ji , (3)
⎪I3 = det𝛾ij . 𝜀1ij = 𝛼𝛿ij , (9)

where 𝛼 represents the temperature-induced positive strain.
Thermophysical properties are not linear with increas- Given a reasonable approximation for linear thermal expan-
ing temperatures (Gatewood 1957); that is, the effects of sion, we have (Yang et al. 2019)

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the strain tensors over the third order and the products
over the fourth order could be ignored in equation (2). The 𝛽
𝛼 = 𝜃, (10)
Helmholtz free energy can be simplified as 3𝜆 + 2𝜇
( ) where 𝜃 = T − T0 is the temperature increment.
Ψ 𝛾ij , 𝜃 ∗ = a1 + a2 𝜃 ∗ + a3 𝜃 ∗2 + a4 𝜃 ∗3 + a5 𝜃 ∗4
For the small strain 𝜀2ij induced by P-wave propagation, a
+ a6 I1 + a7 I1 𝜃 ∗ + a8 I1 𝜃 ∗2 + a9 I1 𝜃 ∗3 + a10 I12 P-wave kernel is considered, expi[𝜔p t − (1 + 𝛼)kp x1 ] (Ba
+ a11 I12 𝜃 ∗ + a12 I12 𝜃 ∗2 + a13 I13 + a14 I13 𝜃 ∗ et al. 2013), to partition 𝜀2ij into
{ 2 [ ]
+ a15 I2 + a16 I2 𝜃 ∗ + a17 I2 𝜃 ∗2 + a18 I1 I2 𝜀11 = 𝜗 exp i 𝜔p t − (1 + 𝛼) kp x1 ,
+ a19 I1 I2 𝜃 ∗ + a20 I3 + a21 I3 𝜃 ∗ . (4) 𝜀2ij = 0, i, j ≠ 1,

The thermoelastic stress–strain constitutive relation can where kp is the wave number, 𝜔p is the angular frequency, t

be derived as (Wang 1988; Kostek et al. 1993): is the propagating time and i = −1 . In general, the wave-
induced maximum strain 𝜗 ≪ 𝛼.
𝜕Ψ 𝜕Ψ 𝜕I1 𝜕Ψ 𝜕I2 𝜕Ψ 𝜕I3
𝜎ij = = + + . (5)
𝜕𝛾ij 𝜕I1 𝜕𝛾ij 𝜕I2 𝜕𝛾ij 𝜕I3 𝜕𝛾ij
3. Predictive models
Substituting equation (4) into (5), we rearrange terms to
yield, 3.1. Conventional linear thermoelastic model
[ ]
𝜎ij = 𝛿ij a6 + a7 𝜃 ∗ + a8 𝜃 ∗2 + a9 𝜃 ∗3 The linear thermoelastic model with third-order elastic con-
[ ( ) stants (Sorokin et al. 1999) can be obtained by the Green–
+ 2 a10 + a11 𝜃 ∗ + a12 𝜃 ∗2 Christoffel tensor theory of small-amplitude volume sound
( )] waves (BAW) propagation in crystals
+ a15 + a16 𝜃 ∗ + a17 𝜃 ∗2 𝛾kk 𝛿ij
( ) 𝜌 Vp2 = 𝜆 + 2𝜇 + 𝜓1 𝛼, (12)
− a15 + a16 𝜃 ∗ + a17 𝜃 ∗2 𝛾ij , (6)
where 𝛿ij is the Kronecker delta and a6 is the initial nor- with
mal stress and could set as zero in the natural state (Hu
et al. 2018). By introducing the temperature-dependent con- 𝜓1 = 2𝜆 + 4𝜇 + 4v1 + 10v2 + 8v3 , (13)
stants, equation (6) can be rewritten as
( )
𝜎ij = 𝜆2 𝜃 ∗2 + 𝜆1 𝜃 ∗ + 𝜆0 𝛾kk 𝛿ij where (v1 , v2 , v3 ) are the third-order elastic constants
( ) (Toupin & Bernstein 1961; Thurston & Brugger 1964).
+ 2 𝜇2 𝜃 ∗2 + 𝜇1 𝜃 ∗ + 𝜇0 𝛾ij
( )
− 𝛽2 𝜃 ∗2 + 𝛽1 𝜃 ∗ + 𝛽0 𝜃𝛿ij , (7)
3.2. Second-order nonlinear thermoelastic model
where 𝜆 and 𝜇 are the Lame constants; 𝜆0 = a15 + Based on the assumption of finite static strain for the
2a10 , 𝜆1 = 2a11 + a16 , 𝜆2 = 2a12 + a17 ; 𝜇0 = − 215 , 𝜇1 = BAW propagation, Telichko & Sorokin (2015) consider the
a a
− 216 , 𝜇2 = − 217 ; 𝛽 is the thermoelastic coupling coeffi- fourth-order elastic constants and extend the linear ther-
a a a
cient; 𝛽0 = − T7 , 𝛽1 = − T8 and 𝛽2 = − T9 . moelastic model to account for the second-order nonlinear
0 0 0

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.
Table 1. Thermophysical properties of minerals and cements for common rocks at room temperature

Mineral component 𝜁(×10−6 ◦ C−1 ) K(W ⋅ m−1 ⋅ K−1 ) c(kJ ⋅ kg−1 ⋅ K−1 ) 𝜌(kg ⋅ m−3 ) 𝜐

Quartz 16.67 7.9 0.7 2648 0.25

potassium feldspar 3.69 2.3 − 2620 −
anorthose 4.17 1.63 0.75 2620 −
biotite 12.13 2.02 ± 0.32 0.78 3050 0.31
calcite 20.1 3.59 0.79 2710 0.316
dolomite 22.8 5.51 0.93 2860 0.29
illite 48.02 1.9 − 2660 −
pyroxene 21.9 4.66 ± 0.31 0.69 3260 0.25
muscovite 10 2.28 ± 0.07 0.76 2790 0.25
talc − 6.10 0.87 2784
amphibole 23.8 2.81 − 3124 0.29
feldspar 3.69 2.3 − 2620 0.27
silica cement − 7.7 0.177 2650 −

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clay cement − 1.8 0.2 2810 −
calcite cement − 3.3 1.99 2721 −
Dolomite cement − 5.3 0.204 2857 −

Short for properties: coefficient of thermal expansion 𝜁 , thermal conductivity K, specific heat c, density 𝜌 and Poisson’s ratio 𝜐.

temperature dependence of wave velocities in cubic crystals, where (a, b, c) are the fitting parameters. The following
as follows S-type model has been widely used to correlate P-wave ve-
p p locities and temperatures.
𝜌 Vp2 = 𝜆 + 2𝜇 + 𝜙3 𝛼 + 𝜙4 𝛼 2 . (14)
p p Vmax
where (𝜙3 , 𝜙4 ) are the third- and fourth-order elastic con- Vp = , (17)
stants, respectively. 1 + a1 T b1

where Vmax is the maximum value of P-wave velocities, and

3.3. Third-order nonlinear thermoelastic model a1 and b1 are the fitting parameters.
The empirical model demonstrates a more accurate pre-
The total strain can be decomposed into the temperature- diction to experimental data than the theoretical models for
induced reference and the wave-induced infinitesimal com- general rocks (Keshavarz et al. 2010; Huang 2014; Zhang
ponent. Yang et al. (2019) define a third-order nonlinear tem- et al. 2016). However, the fitting parameters lack a corre-
perature dependence model based on the fourth-order elastic lation with the thermophysical properties of rocks. To un-
constant, as follows derstand the physics of the fitting parameters, we compare
p p p
𝜌 Vp2 = 𝜆 + 2𝜇 + 𝛾1 𝛼 + 𝛾2 𝛼 2 + 𝛾3 𝛼 3 , (15) both the theoretical and empirical models using various
p p p
rocks with different levels of heterogeneity in thermophysical
where (𝛾1 , 𝛾2 , 𝛾3 ) is the fourth-order elastic constants ob- properties.
tained through the ultrasonic measurement of the best fitting
and the least square calculation, the superscripts p refer to
P-waves. 4. Applications
In general, rocks are composed of a variety of mineral grains
3.4. Empirical S-type curve model with cements between grains. Different mineral phases have
different expansion coefficients. During the heat treatment,
These theoretical models may be applicable to rocks with
the differential deformation of different mineral phases and
elastic and hyperelastic deformations under low to moderate
cements at the same temperature changes the internal struc-
temperatures. However, these models fail to describe inelas-
ture of rocks (Wu & Liu 2003), apt to induce microcracks
tic deformations in microstructures subject to high temper-
around cements at high temperatures. The mechanical prop-
atures. Confirmed by a large number of experiments (Yavuz
erties of rocks will be changed correspondingly. Table 1
et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2017), the quadratic function is widely
shows the thermophysical properties of minerals and ce-
used to describe the nonlinear temperature-dependent wave
ments for common rocks. In terms of whether the lithology
velocities in most rocks features a quadratic trend
is uniform, we select marble (homogeneity), granite (weak
Vp = a + bT + cT 2 , (16) heterogeneity), limestone (moderate heterogeneity) and

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.
Table 2. Mineral composition of four rocks (%)

Mineral component Marble Granite Limestone Sandstone

Quartz 1 29 - 91.2
potassium feldspar - 28 - -
anorthose - 31 - -
biotite - 12 - -
calcite 3 - 93.1 -
dolomite 90 - 2.4 -
illite - - 4.5 -
pyroxene - - - -
Muscovite 3 - - -
talc 1 - - -
amphibole 2 - - -
feldspar - - - 8.8
clay - a little a little

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Cement - silica calcite and dolomite pyroxene and mica

sandstone (strong heterogeneity) as examples to compare

the theoretical and empirical models.
The three-stage behavior of temperature dependence is
characteristic of several obvious inflexion points. Different
types of rock have inflexion points at different temperatures
due to different mechanisms in physics. Generally, these in-
flexion points correspond to the threshold temperature of
thermal damage, mineral decomposition and dewatering. We
will clarify the physics of inflexion points for the selected

4.1. Application to marble as the case of homogeneity

Figure 1. Comparison of the second-order (NT2, black line) and third-
in lithology
order (NT3, green line) thermoelastic models and the empirical S-shape
The experimental data of marble (Liu et al. 2013) are ex- model (blue line) to the experimental P-wave velocities (squares) against
amined with its main components shown in Table 2, includ- temperatures for marble.
ing dolomite, calcite, talc and amphibole. According to the
international society for rock mechanics (ISRM), the sam- 400°C), the P-wave velocity drops slowly because of small
ple is normatively cut into Φ50 mm × L100 mm, with an damages inside the rock. There is even a slight rise at about
average bulk density of 2.60 g cm−3 at room temperature. 100°C, possibly because some cracks in the rock are closed by
Seven groups of samples (three samples per group) are then heating. For Phase 2 (T = 400–600°C), the P-wave velocity
heated to seven temperatures: 25, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 and drops a little fast because of some damages inside the marble
1000°C, measured by a RX3-20-12 box-type resistance fur- that gradually becomes darker in color and expands in vol-
nace (heating equipment). The ultrasonic testing instrument ume (Liu et al. 2013). Therefore, the inflexion point at about
sends an ultrasonic pulse to the sample with a slow to con- 400°C corresponds to the threshold temperature of thermal
stant heating rate 10°C min−1 to measure the elastic wave ve- damage where the resulting stress peak reaches the threshold
locity. The thermomechanical analysis curve shows that from of internal damage in the rock. Since the main minerals, such
25 to 750 °C, the volume thermal-expansion (VTE) coeffi- as dolomite, calcite and muscovite, are less affected by tem-
cient increases to 4.4 × 10−5 (per °C) (Plevova et al. 2010). peratures below 600°C, the change in the marble could be re-
As shown in Table 2, the marble is a near homogeneous lated to the transformation of quartz from 𝛼 phase to 𝛽 phase
rock with rather simple components that show little differ- at 573°C (Sun et al. 2013). The reaction of quartz phase tran-
ence in thermal properties from Table 1. Figure 1 compares sition at 537°C can be expressed as
different prediction models to the experimental P-wave ve-
573◦ C  𝛽 − quartz  𝛼 − cristobalite + 0.8%. (18)
locities against temperatures. We see that the temperature-
induced velocity variation is overall gentle, which can be The phase transition results in the increase of volume
roughly divided into three stages. For Phase 1 (T = 20– microcracks. Therefore, the inflexion point at about 600°C

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.

are no new cracks occurring before 60°C in terms of gran-

ite. Chen et al. (1999 explained the stop of velocity drop
by acoustic emission experiments with granite, that is, the
threshold temperature for the loss of attached water appears
in the range of 60–70°C.
For Phase 2 (T = 60–150°C), the P-wave velocity behaves
rather abnormally. It presents a trend of first gent rising and
then slow decreasing, implying complex changes happening
inside the granite. As shown in Table 1, two main minerals
(feldspar and quartz) differ in the thermal-expansion coeffi-
cient by four times. The differential temperature dependence
of P-wave velocities due to polymineral composition perhaps
Figure 2. Comparison of the second-order (NT2, black line) and third- leads to the abnormal change in Phase 2. The temperature-
order (NT3, green line) thermoelastic models and the empirical S-shape
model (blue line) to the experimental P-wave velocities (squares) against
induced change in cement is also attributed to the abnor-

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temperatures for granite. mal change in Phase 2, especially in the range of 80 to
150 °C, during which the evaporation of adsorbed and inter-
layer waters increases the strength of cement in granite (Sun
corresponds to the threshold temperature of mineral decom- et al. 2013). According to the investigation of fracture-related
position. The resulting qualitative change in constituents ac- damages (Li 1988), the formation of new cracks around the
celerates the drop of P-wave velocity. For Phase 3 (T = 600– cement requires the rather accumulation of elastic strains.
750°C), the occurrence of partial melting in the marble leads Consequently, the cementation effect cancels out part of the
to the fast drop of P-wave velocities (Huang 2003; Zhou et al. thermal-expansion stress, making the P-wave velocity first
1999; Bai et al. 2002, 2003; Liu et al. 2004). rise gently and then decrease slowly in this stage.
From 25 to 400°C, all the prediction models agree well For Phase 3 (T = 150–300°C), the P-wave velocity drops
with the experimental data. From 400 to 750°C, the third- fast because of damages inside the granite that turns red in
order thermoelastic model (NT3) seems better than the color with increasing temperatures, indicating that the crys-
second-order thermoelastic model (NT2). However, both tals in the rock undergo phase transition. Therefore, the
theoretical models are inferior to the following empiri- inflexion point at about 150°C corresponds to the thresh-
cal S-shape model, especially for the temperature range of old temperature of phase transition. Quartz is the most im-
Phase 3, portant constituent mineral of granite. The phase transition
5.1886 of quartz particles with volume changes (Yin 2003) aggra-
VP = . (19)
1 + 5.53 × 10−5 T 1.47845 vates the thermal fracturing and thermodynamic property
of rocks.
From 20 to 300°C, all the prediction models agree roughly
4.2. Application to granite as the case of weak with the experimental data. The third-order thermoelastic
heterogeneity in lithology model (NT3) is better than the second-order thermoelastic
As shown in Table 2, the mineral components of gran- model (NT2) especially for Phase 3. In terms of describing
ite mainly include quartz, feldspar and biotite with a small velocity variations through temperature increment, however,
amount of clay and silica cement. These samples, of which the following empirical S-shape model seems closer to the ac-
the bulk density is 2.73 g cm−3 at room temperature, are tual experimental data than the theoretical models
cut into 50 × 100 mm cylinders normatively for mechani- 4.92335
cal tests. The experimental data come from Huang (2014). VP = . (20)
1 + 9.17 × 10−5 T 1.62266
The heat treatment temperature has a significant influence on
the coefficient of VTE, from 1.73 × 10−6 (/°C) at 60°C to
4.3. Application to limestone as the case of moderate
2.24 × 10−5 (/°C) at 300°C. The P-wave velocity decreases
heterogeneity in lithology
by 50.3% from 20 to 300°C.
Figure 2 compares different prediction models to the Experimental measurements (Li et al. 2016), with the
experimental P-wave velocities against temperatures. We RSSTOIC integrated digital acoustic transmitter and detec-
see that the temperature-induced velocity variation presents tor for elastic wave velocities, are conducted for the temper-
rather nonlinearity, which can be roughly divided into three ature gradually increasing from room temperature to 900°C
stages with two inflection points appearing at 60 and 150°C, at a slow and constant heating rate of 5°C min−1 . In this tem-
respectively. For Phase 1 (T = 20–60°C), we see a stop of ve- perature range the coefficient of VTE increases significantly
locity drop. Except for original cracks inside the rock, there possibly because of the contribution of calcite cements from

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.

duce the peak-stress drop as well as the development of mi-

crocracks. The thermodynamic difference of major minerals
(dolomite and calcite) as well as the decrease of cement stiff-
ness together deteriorate the mechanical properties of lime-
stone, which reduces P-wave velocities rapidly.
For Phase 3 (T = 600–900°C), the surface color of lime-
stone turns white above 700°C, the co-rotating cracks ap-
pear at 850°C, and the surface layer exfoliates when the
temperature reaches 900°C. The inflection point at about
600°C corresponds to the threshold temperature of soften-
ing from brittleness to ductility manifested by its stress–strain
relation (Zhang et al. 2006). The rock experiences gradu-
Figure 3. Comparison of the second-order (NT2, black line) and third-
order (NT3, green line; Yang et al. 2019) thermoelastic models and the
ally from serious damage to complete damage. Based on the
empirical S-shape model (blue line) to the experimental P-wave velocities DSC curve, the dolomite [CaMg(CO3 )2 ] is decomposed

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(squares) against temperatures for limestone. into MgO, CO2 and CaCO3 at about 750°C (Huang 1975;
Kilic 2006), which, however, counteracts the effect of shear
cracks developing gradually. Therefore, the resultant overall
3.73 × 10−5 (/°C) to 28.62 × 10−5 (/°C). As shown in Ta- variation is rather gentle.
ble 2, the mineral composition of limestone is rather simple, From 25 to 900°C, all the prediction models agree roughly
but its thermophysical properties are significantly affected by with the experimental P-wave velocities. These models begin
calcite cements filled across mineral grains. to separate at Phase 2 where the following empirical S-shape
Figure 3 compares different prediction models to the ex- prediction is much better than the theoretical models.
perimental P-wave velocities against temperatures. We see
that the temperature-induced velocity change presents rather 6.995
nonlinearity, up to 74.6% from 25 to 900°C. The whole ve- VP = . (22)
1 + 3.47 × 10−6 T 2.03756
locity variation can be divided into three stages with two in-
flection points appearing at 300 and 600°C, respectively.
For Phase 1 (T = 25–300°C), the surface color of lime- 4.4. Application to sandstone as the case of strong
stone changes not much, causing little change in microstruc- heterogeneity in lithology
tures observed below 200°C. Microcracks begin to develop Like limestone, the mineral composition of sandstone is
around 300°C (Zhang et al. 2015), indicating that the chem- rather simple as shown in Table 2, but its mineral compo-
ical composition and crystal structure do not change sig- nents show different thermophysical properties. Mineral par-
nificantly before 300°C. However, we see a rapid increase ticles are cemented together by siliceous adhesives that con-
of P-wave velocities around 100°C because of the thermal- tain amounts of pyroxene and mica. Numbers of studies
expansion effect of mineral particles before 100°C on re- demonstrate that the existence of such cements across min-
straining deformation and preventing crack propagation. eral particles has a significant impact on the mechanical prop-
Some primary fractures close gradually with the shrinkage of erties (Meng et al. 2020; Wu &Liu 2003). The pulse gener-
pores, which increases the strength of rocks. With increasing ator and receiving transducer are used to get experimental
temperatures subsequently, the gradual loss of internal adhe- measurements. The details of the experiment are given by
sion water and mineral bound water increases the porosity of Sirdesai et al. (2018).
rocks, which makes the P-wave velocity slightly increase at Figure 4 compares different prediction models to the
first and then decrease rapidly. experimental P-wave velocities against temperatures. The
For Phase 2 (T = 300–600°C), the surface color of lime- temperature-induced velocity drop is up to 75.5% from
stone gradually turns to khaki, indicating that there is chem- room temperature to 1000°C, which is characterised by a
ical reaction occurring inside the rock. The trace mineral strong nonlinear feature as a typical S-shape trend. The
magnesium carbonate begins to decompose at 520°C, mea- temperature-induced velocity change can be divided into
sured with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) (Huang three stages with two inflection points appearing at 500 and
1975; Qi et al. 2002), with its high-temperature decomposi- 800°C, respectively.
tion reaction as For Phase 1 (T = 25–500°C), the P-wave velocity un-
MgCO3 → MgO + CO2 . (21) dergoes first a gradual increase and then a rapid decrease.
Through a differential thermal analyser in this temperature
Therefore, the inflexion point at about 300°C corresponds range, there is no phase transition of main mineral com-
to the threshold temperature of mineral decomposition to in- ponents in sandstone. As a porous rock containing clay

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.

much better than the theoretical models beyond 800°C.

VP = . (23)
1 + 4.64 × 10−12 T 2.58225

4.5. Correlation of fitting parameters to thermophysical

Applications of different prediction models to various rocks
demonstrate that the empirical S-shape model is obviously
better for rocks with non-uniform lithology. The fitting pa-
rameters a1 and b1 play a decisive role in describing the
nonlinear temperature dependence of P-wave velocities. The
Figure 4. Comparison of the second-order (NT2, black line) and third-
variations of a1 and b1 show certain correlations with the
order (NT3, green line; Yang et al. 2019) thermoelastic models and the
thermophysical properties of rocks.

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empirical S-shape model (blue line) to the experimental P-wave velocities
(squares) against temperatures for sandstone. From the fitting results for four rocks, the temperature
range for the heat treatment of granite is very different from
the other three rocks. Such a short range cannot embody the
minerals, sandstone experiences complex variations in global shape feature of the S-shape model. To ensure com-
microstructures after heat treatment at moderate temper- parability, we remove granite from the study of this section.
ature (100–300°C). The thermal expansion of mineral Figure 5 shows the correlation of fitting parameters to ther-
particles as well as the increasing cohesive force between mophysical properties for three rocks (marble, limestone and
clays restrains deformation and prevents crack propaga- sandstone). We see a strong relevance between them: a1 in-
tion, which makes partial primary fractures and pores creases with increasing thermal diffusivities whereas b1 in-
close gradually and increases the compactness of min- creases with increasing thermal capacities, which could be ex-
eral grains. With increasing temperatures subsequently, pressed as
however, the stiffness of cements and clays between
mineral particles decreases, which weakens the bear- a1 ∝ c𝜌 ,
ing capacity and deformation resistance of sandstone, (24)
b1 ∝ c𝜌,
and therefore accelerates the deterioration of mechanical
properties. where K is the thermal conductivity, c is the specific heat and
For Phase 2 (T = 500–800°C), the P-wave velocity drops 𝜌 is the bulk density.
sharply. The inflexion point at about 500°C corresponds to Equation (24) correlates the S-shape fitting parameters
the mineral phase transition in the rock. For example, pyrox- (a1 , b1 ) with the thermophysical properties (K, c, 𝜌), indi-
ene transforms from a monoclinal phase to a tetragonal phase cating the physics of these fitting parameters. a1 represents
at 500°C. Quartz changes from an alpha phase to a beta phase the degree of thermal diffusivities in rocks, whereas b1 in-
at 573°C. Sandstone is mainly composed of quartz with its dicates the efficiency of heat transfer. As shown in Table 3,
volume increasing during the phase transition (Zhang 2009), different rocks correspond to different values of (a1 , b1 )
resulting in the development of microcracks and decreasing that are characteristic of different thermophysical proper-
the P-wave velocity rapidly. ties, showing that (a1 , b1 ) could be alternatives as effective
For Phase 3 (T = 800–1000°C), the drop of wave veloc- thermophysical properties to characterise the nonlinear
ities becomes slower because of the expansion and penetra- temperature-dependent wave elastic constants for rocks. It
tion of microcracks. The molten minerals of biotite include appears from our results that (a1 , b1 ) are related to both mi-
garnet, cordierite, plagioclase, monoclase, spinel and potash crostructures and heterogeneities in lithology. Limited sam-
feldspar (Vielzeuf & Montel 1994; Patino Douce & Beard ples limit our investigations on this issue.
1995, 1996). Therefore, the inflection point at about 800°C From figures 1–4, we see that the temperature depen-
corresponds to the threshold temperature of the dewatering dence of wave velocities is very complicated in the micro-
and melting of biotite (750–850°C). It is worth noting that scopic view, depending on the complexity of rocks. The
the P-wave velocity again experiences a significant decrease physics of temperature dependence involves microcracks clo-
after 950°C because of new chemical reactions (Shao et al. sure/development, thermal damage, mineral decomposition
2019). and dewatering, which occur at different temperatures, re-
From 25 to 1000°C, all the prediction models agree spectively, and induce local variations in wave velocities. It
roughly with the experimental P-wave velocities especially is obviously difficult to integrate these mechanisms, with
for Phase 1. The following empirical S-shape prediction is some belonging to the inelastic regime, into one mode only.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 328–338 Li et al.

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Figure 5. Correlation between the fitting parameters (a1 and b1 ) in the S-shape model and the thermophysical properties of three rocks (marble, lime-
stone and sandstone).

Table 3. Thermophysical properties of common rocks

Rock K (W ⋅ m−1 ⋅ K−1 ) c (kJ ⋅ kg−1 ⋅ K−1 ) 𝜌 (kg ⋅ m−3 ) a1 b1

Marble 2.56 0.86 2.60 5.53 ×10−5 1.47845

Granite 3.05 0.96 2.73 9.17 ×10−5 1.62266
Limestone 2.29 0.93 2.71 3.47 ×10−6 2.03756
Sandstone 2.47 1.64 2.22 4.64 ×10−12 2.58225

Short for properties: thermal conductivity K, specific heat c, density 𝜌 and the fitting parameters (a1 and b1) in the S-shape model.

However, from the macroscopic view, the combined ef- for temperature-induced velocity variations. We discuss the
fect of various temperature behaviors makes the velocity- effect of different mineral phases in rocks on the prediction.
decrease tendency with temperature a three-stage pattern We correlate prediction-model parameters and rock thermo-
over the whole temperature domain. Unlike non-physics- physical properties. The main conclusions can be outlined as
based S-curve simulation, two nonlinear thermoelastic mod- follows.
els, strictly speaking, could only describe elastic nonlinear- Rocks are not only polymineralic with different mineral
ity. The physics-based simulation by the theoretical models phases being of different thermophysical properties, but also
should be regarded as non-physical for inelastic components. heterogeneous in different scales. Experimental data with
marble (homogeneity), granite (weak heterogeneity), lime-
stone (moderate heterogeneity) and sandstone (strong het-
5. Conclusions
erogeneity) demonstrate the three-stage nonlinear pattern
Temperature-induced variations in elastic wave velocities for in temperature-induced velocity variations. This is strongly
most rocks are generally characteristic of a three-stage non- associated with the differential thermal expansion of differ-
linear behavior that could be expressed by a S-shape curve ent mineral phases, the temperature-induced change in mi-
with two inflexion points. We try to interpretate the three- crostructures, the loss of internal adhesion water and the de-
stage velocity variations from ultrasonic measurements with composition and transition of mineral phases. In particular,
four kinds of rock (marble, granite, limestone and sand- different mineral phases produce differential thermal stresses
stone). We briefly introduce the basic principle of three due to uncoordinated deformations.
thermoelastic prediction models to describe one-order lin- Traditional one-order linear thermoelasticity has been
ear, two-order nonlinear and third-order nonlinear temper- widely used for crystals with the Taylor expansion of strain
ature dependences for the three-stage velocity variations. energy functions, but suffers from a deficiency in describ-
Comparisons of these theoretical models with the empiri- ing thermal-associated velocity changes in rocks. Current
cal S-type prediction are given for the ultrasonic measure- second-order and third-order nonlinear thermoelastic mod-
ments, which demonstrate different accuracies of prediction els, formulated by effective fourth-order elastic constants, can
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