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Stormwater Detention Tank Systems

Land Use Percentage of Site Area Area Runoff Coefficient

Impervious Surfaces (rooftops,

100% 9965 1
roads, walkways, swimming
Pervious Surfaces (grass,

Site Analysis
Description Symbol Sub-catchment 1 Remarks
Sub-catchment area A (ha) = 0.9965
Time of Concentration = 5 Table 3.1.1
Average rainfall intensity for 10 = 217 Eqation 3.1.3
Maximum Allowable peak (m3/s) = 0.33096 Eqation 3.1.5

Calculations Steps

Step 1: Identify peak discharge from site and maximum allowable peak discharge
Description Equation Remarks
Site Area A (ha) = 0.9965 From Site Analysis in
Weighted runoff coefficient of From Site Analysis in
𝐶_𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 1
site Section 7.1.1
t_c From Site Analysis in
Time of Concentration = 5
(min) Section 7.1.1
Average rainfall intensity for 10 i_10 From Site Analysis in
= 217
year storm event (mm/hr) Section 7.1.1
Q_post From Site Analysis in
Peak discgarge from site = 0.60067
(m3/s) Section 7.1.1
Target runoff coefficient C_target = 0.55 From Site Analysis in
Q_target From Site Analysis in
Target peak discharge = 0.33096
(m3/s) Section 7.1.1

Step 2: Determine required detention volume

Calculate K_1 = 1480.30075 Eqation 3.4.2
Calculate K_2 = 407.08271 Eqation 3.4.2
Calculate K_3 = 41.00 Eqation 3.4.2
Calculate t_max (min) = 32.27 Eqation 3.4.2
Calculate t_limit = 33.55 Eqation 3.4.2
t_xcritical Compare t_xmas and
Select t_xcritical = 33.55
(min) t_xlimit and select smaller
Required Detention Volume (𝑚3 ) = 333.07 Eqation 3.4.2
(𝑚 )

Step 3: Determine detention tank cpnfiguration

Description Equation Remarks
Effectie tank depth 𝑑𝑡 =
(m) Check site boundary
conditions. Effective tank
depth is the depth
between the invert of inlet
drain and discharge orifice.
The tank, orifice and
discharge pipe/drain
inverts shall allow free flow
discharge into the public
Tank bottom area 𝐴𝑜 = 𝑉𝑡 ÷ 𝑑𝑡
(𝑚2 )

Step 4: Sizing of detention tank discharge control

Description Equation Remarks
𝑄𝑜 = 0.38m Use orifice of 0.4m
Solve for orifice diameter

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