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J Intell Robot Syst

DOI 10.1007/s10846-012-9699-0

Micro-Helicopter for Long-Distance Missions:

Description and Attitude Stabilization
Eduardo Steed Espinoza · Octavio Garcia ·
Guillaume Sanahuja · Alejandro Malo ·
Rogelio Lozano

Received: 21 May 2012 / Accepted: 10 July 2012

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract This paper presents the development of an air shuttle transporter and then released in a
a micro coaxial helicopter (MCR UAV) whose desired place far away from the launching site,
main characteristic is that it should be carried by to develop surveillance missions in hover flight.
A real-time embedded system is built in order
to validate the proposed aerodynamic prototype,
E. S. Espinoza (B) · A. Malo · R. Lozano and a classic control law based on a classical
Laboratoire Franco-Mexicain backstepping procedure for the dynamic system
d’Informatique et Automatique, is implemented to test this vehicle in autonomous
LAFMIA UMI 3175 CNRS-CINVESTAV, flight. Finally, simulation and practical results are
Mexico, Mexico
e-mail: presented for hover flight.
A. Malo
e-mail: Keywords Coaxial helicopter · Wind analysis ·
Hover flight · Backstepping control ·
R. Lozano
e-mail: Real-time embedded system

E. S. Espinoza
Universidad Politecnica de Pachuca,
Hidalgo, Mexico
1 Introduction
The applications of micro UAVs (Unmanned
O. Garcia Aerial Vehicles) are growing constantly due to
The Laboratory of Non-inertial Robots and
the scientific-technologic challenge. Researchers
Man-machine Interfaces, CINVESTAV Monterrey,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico from the international community to control, ro-
e-mail: botics, aerospace and control, among others tend
to focus their scientific research in this area. The
G. Sanahuja · R. Lozano
applications of UAVs are based on not only mili-
Laboratoire Heudiasyc,
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, tary actions, the civilian applications begin to take
UMR CNRS 6599, France more importance. Some civilian applications can
G. Sanahuja be cited as examples: the monitoring of traffic on
e-mail: highways, support in search and rescue, interven-
R. Lozano tion in hostile environments, detection of fire in
e-mail: forests.These applications require an UAV that is
J Intell Robot Syst

able to evolve and adapt to the environment in Fig. 1, with the purpose of reducing the energy
which it is operating. consumption, increasing the range, and develop-
Coaxial helicopters require mechanisms such as ing surveillance missions.
swashplates, stabilizer bars, and tilt-rotors in order On the other hand, several control techniques
to control the direction of rotor thrust vector. In to stabilize UAVs have been published in the
fact, some theoretical and practical contributions literature. In [4], the authors present the trajectory
about coaxial helicopters have been reported in tracking control design for autonomous heli-
the literature. A robust control for a coaxial mi- copters using a backstepping algorithm. The mod-
cro helicopter was presented in [1]. Bouabdallah eling and decoupling control of the commercial
et al. [2] discusses the design and control of an coaxial helicopter is presented in [5]. However,
indoor coaxial helicopter. A simplified model and the control problem of our MCR UAV in hover
backstepping control for a coaxial helicopter can flight is solved by proposing a complete backstep-
be found in [3]. ping procedure considering the reduced nonlinear
Our Micro Coaxial Rocket-Helicopter (MCR system.
UAV) differs from those conventional-coaxial The main contribution of this paper is to
helicopters because it possesses control surfaces present the modeling, the attitude control and the
(ailerons) to control the attitude flight, and em- real-time embedded system of the Micro Coaxial
ploys the air produced by the coaxial propellers Rocket-Helicopter (MCR UAV). This prototype
(Prop-wash) over the control surfaces to maintain is developed at LAFMIA CNRS-CINVESTAV
the vertical position. The main objective of the Mexico in collaboration with the Laboratoire
(MCR UAV) is to be catapulted and then hover Heudiasyc (Université de Technologie de Com-
at a long distance from the launching site, see piègne, France). The paper is organized as follows:

Fig. 1 Objective of the project

J Intell Robot Syst

Section 2 introduces a functional description

and the dynamic equations of the vehicle. In
Section 3, the control technique based on a back-
stepping procedure, and the stability analysis are
presented. Simulation results of the closed-loop zB
system and experimental results in hover flight are ψ
shown in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. Finally, θ
Section 6 gives the conclusions and future works B
of this project. φ yB

2 Micro Coaxial Helicopter

In this section, a complete functional description ξ

of the vehicle is given, and the dynamic model
is obtained using the classical Newton–Euler
2.1 Description yI

The micro coaxial rotorcraft-helicopter (MCR

I xI
UAV) is based on a couple of counter rotat-
ing brushless motors, and the main characteris- Fig. 2 MCR UAV
tic of this vehicle is that it is capable of being
launched through an air shuttle transporter, and
transforming itself into a coaxial helicopter at a
angles with rotations around z, y, x axis. These
long distance from the launching site. Once the
angles ψ, θ, and φ are called yaw, pitch and
vehicle reaches the objective (a place, a building,
roll, respectively. Assume the translational veloc-
an uninhabited area, etc.), it performs hover flight,
ity and the angular velocity in the body frame
and can inspect the environment acquiring and
as ν = (u, v, w)T ∈ R3 and  = ( p, q, r)T ∈ R3 ,
transmitting information through a RF camera to
a ground station. Concerning the functional de-
The Newton–Euler equations of motion for a
scription, the MCR vehicle possesses aerodynamic
rigid object provide the dynamic model for this
control surfaces (ailerons) which are used to con-
micro coaxial helicopter. This expression is de-
trol the roll and pitch motion while the difference
scribed as [7]
of the velocities of the two motors regulates the
yaw motion. ξ̇ = V (1)
mV̇ = RF (2)
2.2 Dynamics
Ṙ = R (3)
Consider an inertial fixed frame and a body ˙ = − × I + 
I (4)
frame fixed attached to the center of gravity of
the helicopter denoted by I = {xI , yI , zI } and where F ∈ R3 and  ∈ R3 are the total force and
B = {xB , yB , zB }, respectively, see Fig. 2, [6]. torque acting on the vehicle, respectively. V =
Assume the generalized coordinates of the mi- (ẋ, ẏ, ż)T ∈ R3 is the translational velocity in the
cro UAV as q = (x, y, z, ψ, θ, φ)T ∈ R6 , where inertial frame, m ∈ R denotes the mass of the
ξ = (x, y, z)T ∈ R3 represents the translation co- MCR UAV, I ∈ R3×3 contains the moments of
ordinates relative to the inertial frame, and η = inertia of the micro helicopter, and  ˆ is a skew-
(ψ, θ, φ)T ∈ R3 describes the vector of three Euler symmetric matrix such that a ˆ =  × a. Thus, R
J Intell Robot Syst

represents the transformation matrix from the Aerodynamic Forces The aerodynamic forces in
body frame to the inertial frame the body frame are written as
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
cθ cψ sφ sθ cψ − cφ sψ cφ sθ cψ + sφ sψ −L
R = ⎝ cθ sψ sφ sθ sψ + cφ cψ cφ sθ sψ − sφ cψ ⎠ Fa = BT WT ⎝ Y ⎠
−sθ sφ cθ cφ cθ −D
where the shorthand notation of sa = sin(a) and where L, Y, and D are the aerodynamic forces:
ca = cos(a) is used. For this matrix, the order of lift, side force, and drag, respectively. B and W are
the rotations is considered as yaw, pitch and roll rotation matrices that represent the transforma-
(ψ, θ, φ) [8]. tion the aerodynamic forces from the body frame
to aerodynamic frame (stability and wind frames).
2.2.1 Forces
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
cα 0 sα cβ sβ 0
The forces that act on the vehicle are given as B = ⎝ 0 1 0 ⎠ , W = ⎝−sβ cβ 0⎠
follows −sα 0 cα 0 0 1

Propulsion Forces The thrust force is generated where α is the angle of attack and β is the sideslip
by two motors and is described as angle.
⎛ ⎞
0 Gravitational Force The force due to the weight
Fp = ⎝ 0 ⎠ of the vehicle is described as
Tc ⎛ ⎞
where Tc is the thrust force of the two motors Fw = RT ⎝ 0 ⎠
(Tc = T1 + T2 ). In this analysis, the thrust force is −mg
oriented parallel to the axis zB of the body frame,
see Fig. 3. where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Fig. 3 Schematic of the

a b

δ δ
J Intell Robot Syst

Therefore, the total force F is 2.2.3 Hover Flight Analysis

⎛ ⎞
Fx In order to obtain the behavior in hover flight, the
F = ⎝ F y ⎠ = F p + Fa + Fw propeller thrust and induced axial velocities in
Fz the presence of a given wind are analyzed using
the Glauert’s hypothesis. Figure 4 shows the vehi-
2.2.2 Moments cle perturbed with a translational wind [10, 11].
The thrust equation is described as
The moments acting on the micro helicopter are
described as Tc = 2ρ Avr vi (5)

Actuator Moments The moments due to actua- where A represents the area of the rotor disc, ρ
tors are denotes the air density, vo is the freestream wind
⎛ ⎞ velocity, vi represents the induced wind velocity
τφ and is directed opposite to the thrust, and vr is the
 act = ⎝ τθ ⎠ resultant wind velocity.
τψ From the Fig. 4, the resultant wind velocity vr
and the angle of attack α are determined as
where τφ = r Lr , τθ = r L p and τψ = τ M1 + τ M2
are the control inputs with r that represent the
vr = (vi − vo sin(α))2 + (vo cos(α))2 (6)
distance from the center of mass to the forces Lr
and L p .

Gyroscopic Moments The gyroscopic moments Dp

due to motors are described as α = sin−1 − (7)
⎛   ⎞
q Ir1 ωr1 − Ir2 ωr2
where D p is the drag force of the propeller.
⎜  ⎟
 gyro = ⎝ p −Ir1 ωr1 + Ir2 ωr2 ⎠ Considering the case α = 0, and vo = 0, the
0 Eqs. 5 and 6 give the induced velocity vh of the air
produced by the coaxial propellers (Prop-wash)
where ωri denotes the angular velocity of the ro- over the control surfaces to perform the hover
tor, Iri is the inertia moment of the propeller and flight. This equation is described as
Iroti is the moment of inertia of the rotor around
its axis for i = 1, 2. Tc
vi = vh = (8)
2ρ A
Aerodynamic Moments The aerodynamic mo-
ments acting on the vehicle are Finally, the aerodynamic forces and moments are
⎛ ⎞ written by

 a = ⎝ M̄ ⎠ 1 2 1 2
N̄ D= ρv SC D L̄ = ρv Sb Cl
2 h 2 h

where L̄, M̄ and N̄ are the aerodynamic rolling, 1 2 1 2

Y= ρv SCY M̄ = ρv Sc̄Cm
pitching and yawing moments respectively [7, 9]. 2 h 2 h
Thus, the total moment is given as 1 2 1 2
⎛ ⎞ L= ρv SC L N̄ = ρv Sb Cn (9)
2 h 2 h
=⎝ M
⎠ =  act +  gyro +  a
where S represents the fin-aileron area, c̄ is the
N fin-aileron chord, and b is the fin-aileron span. CD ,
J Intell Robot Syst

Fig. 4 Vehicle
submerged in the
propeller slipstream α

CY and CL are the aerodynamical non-dimensional θ̇ ψ̇ θ̇ φ̇sθ 1   

coefficients of drag, sideforce and lift. Cl , Cm and φ̈ = + + L + qr I yy − Izz
cθ cθ Ixx
Cn are aerodynamical non-dimensional coeffi- cφ sθ   
cients of the aerodynamic rolling, pitching and + N + pq Ixx − I yy
cθ Izz
yawing moments [12].
sφ sθ  
+ M − pr (Ixx − Izz )
cθ I yy
2.2.4 Equations of Motion cφ  
θ̈ = −φ̇ ψ̇cθ + M − pr (Ixx − Izz )
I yy
The nonlinear model obtained by the Newton– sφ   
Euler formulation for the hover flight, i.e. α = 0, + − N − pq Ixx − I yy
β = 0 and vo = 0, is described as
θ̇ φ̇ θ̇ ψ̇sθ cφ   
ψ̈ = + + N + pq Ixx − I yy
Ax Ay   cθ cθ cθ Izz
ẍ = cθ cψ + sφ sθ cψ − cφ sψ
m m sφ  
+ M − pr (Ixx − Izz ) (10)
Az   cθ I yy
+ cφ sθ cψ + sφ sψ
m where
Ax Ay   Ax = −L
ÿ = cθ sψ + sφ sθ sψ + cφ cψ
m m Ay = Y
Az   A z = Tc − D
+ cφ sθ sψ − sφ cψ  
m L = τϕ + q Ir1 ωr1 − Ir2 ωr2 + L̄
−Ax Ay Az M = τθ + p −Ir1 ωr1 + Ir2 ωr2 + M̄
z̈ = sθ + sφ cθ + cφ cθ − g
m m m N = τψ + N̄
J Intell Robot Syst

3 Stability Analysis where the constants kz1 > 0 and kz2 > 0, thus
z → zd , ż → 0, as t → ∞. Then, the Eq. 13 can be
In this section, the control technique for the atti- rewritten as
tude stabilization of the vehicle in hovering flight L L
is presented using a classical backstepping proce- ẍ = − cθ − tθ sθ + gtθ
m m
dure [13, 14]. The stability analysis demonstrates
asymptotic stability about the origin of the closed- θ̈ = uθ (15)
loop system. The objective of this controller is to Taking a change of variables x1 = x; x2 = ẋ; x3 =
regulate the attitude of the vehicle with different θ; x4 = θ̇, the state space representation is written
initial conditions. For simplicity, the nonlinear as follows
Eq. 10 are separated into three subsystems. One
subsystem describes the longitudinal motion, and ẋ1 = x2
the second subsystem describes the lateral motion, L L
and the last subsystem describes the directional ẋ2 = − cx3 − tx3 sx3 + gtx3
m m
motion, [15]. Since the yaw motion is mechanically ẋ3 = x4
stable using contra-rotating propellers, the gyro-
scopic moment gyro will essentially be zero. ẋ4 = uθ (16)
Considering the condition φ = 0, and ψ = 0,
In order to control the previous subsystem, a
the longitudinal subsystem is written as
nonlinear control law based on the backstepping
procedure is proposed. First, let us define the
L Tc − D
ẍ = − cθ + sθ error e1 as
m m
Ax Az e1 = x1 − xd1 (17)
z̈ = − sθ + cθ − g
m m
differentiating Eq. 17
τθ + M̄
θ̈ = (11) ė1 = ẋ1 − ẋd1
I yy
defining the following positive function
Defining a change of variables
k1 2
V1 = e
τθ M̄ 2 1
uθ = + (12)
I yy I yy whose derivative is
Substituting, it yields V̇1 = k1 e1 ė1 = k1 e1 ẋ1 − ẋd1
and using ė1 = x2 − ẋd1 , it yields
L 1 1
ẍ = − cθ + Tc sθ − Dsθ  
m m m V̇1 = k1 e1 x2 − ẋd1 (18)
1 1 L
z̈ = Tc cθ − Dcθ + sθ − g Now, let us define xv2 as the virtual control input,
m m m
such that
θ̈ = uθ (13)
xv2 = ẋd1 − e1 (19)
In order to stabilize the altitude of this vehicle, a
then, substituting Eq. 19 in Eq. 18, it implies
nonlinear control law is proposed as
V̇1 = −k1 e21 + k1 e1 x2 − xv2
m D L
Tc = −kz1 (z−zd ) − kz2 ż+ cθ − sθ +g Now, the error e2 is defined as
cθ m m
(14) e2 = x2 − xv2
J Intell Robot Syst

it results finally, defining the error e4 as

V̇1 = −k1 e21 + k1 e1 e2 L L  

e4 = tx cx + sx t2 − g 1 + tx23 x4 − δ2v
Now, the following positive function is pro- m 3 3 m 3 x3
posed as
V̇3 yields
V2 = e22
2 V̇3 = −k3 e23 − k2 e2 e3 + k3 e3 e4 (20)
taking its derivative as
  Proposing the last positive function as
V̇2 = k2 e2 ė2 = k2 e2 ẋ2 − ẋv2
  k4 2
L L V4 = e
= k2 e2 − cx3 + tx3 sx3 − gtx3 − ẋv2 2 4
m m
it results
Defining the virtual control input δ1v as
k1 V̇4 = k4 e4 ė4 = k4 e4 d1 uθ + d2 x24 − δ̇2v (21)
δ1v = ẋv2 − e1 − e2
then V̇2 yields
L L  
V̇2 = −k2 e22 − k1 e1 e2 d1 = tx cx + sx t2 − g 1 + tx23
m 3 3 m 3 x3
L L L L 2L 2L
+ k2 e2 cx + tx sx − gtx3 − δ1v d 2 = t x3 s x3 + c x3 + cx t2 + sx t2
m 3 m 3 3 m m m 3 x3 m 3 x3
Defining the error e3 as −2gtx3 − 2gtx33
L L From Eq. 21, a control input uθ is proposed such
e3 = cx + tx sx − gtx3 − δ1v
m 3 m 3 3 that V̇4 = −k4 e24 − k3 e3 e4 , it results

then, V̇2 yields 1 k3

uθ = δ̇2v − e3 − e4 − d2 x24 (22)
V̇2 = −k2 e22 − k1 e1 e2 + k2 e2 e3 d1 k4

Now, proposing a positive function V3 as now, a Lyapunov function is proposed as

k3 2 V = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 (23)
V3 = e
2 3
whose derivative is given as and V̇ yields
L L   v V̇ = −k1 e21 − k2 e22 − k3 e23 − k4 e24 ≤ 0 (24)
V̇3 = k3 e3 tx cx + sx t −g 1 + tx3 x4 − δ̇1
2 2
m 3 3 m 3 x3
thus, the system 11 is stable in the origin [14].
Let us define the virtual control input as
In order to control the lateral subsystem, the
k2 control methodology presented to stabilize the
δ2v = δ̇1v − e2 − e3
k3 longitudinal subsystem is employed. Considering
the condition θ = 0, and ψ = 0, the lateral subsys-
then, V̇3 yields tem is written as
V̇3 = −k3 e23 − k2 e2 e3 + k3 e3 Y Tc − D
  ÿ = cφ − sφ
L L   m m
× tx3 cx3 + sx3 tx23 −g 1+tx23 x4 −δ2v
m m φ̈ = uφ (25)
J Intell Robot Syst

a b
20 0.15

Yaw [deg]

Yaw rate


0 −0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 5 Simulation results—yaw angle and angular velocity

a b
1 0.35

Pitch [deg]

Pitch rate

−2 0.1


−4 −0.05
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 6 Simulation results—pitch angle and angular velocity

a 2
b 0.6

0 0.5

−2 0.4
Roll [deg]

Roll rate

−4 0.3

−6 0.2

−8 0.1

−10 0

−12 −0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 7 Simulation results—roll angle and angular velocity

J Intell Robot Syst

while the control law obtained considering the

state variables [x1 = y, x2 = ẏ, x3 = φ, x4 = φ̇] is
done by
1 k3
uφ = δ̇2v − e3 − e4 − d4 x24 (26)
d3 k4
d3 = − sx − gcx3
m 3
d4 = − cx + gsx3
m 3
On the other hand, in order to stabilize the
remaining directional subsystem, a linear control
input is proposed as

τψ = Izz (−kψ1 ψ − kψ2 ψ̇) − N̄ (27)

which is substituted in
τψ + N̄
ψ̈ = (28)
Fig. 9 Experimental platform

and it yields

ψ̈ = −kψ1 ψ − kψ2 ψ̇ (29)

Finally, the constants kψ1 , kψ2 are chosen such that

the Eq. 29 is Hurwitz polynomial.

4 Numerical Simulation

In this section, the simulation results of the at-

titude dynamics are shown. It is observed that

Table 1 Experimental platform parameters

Parameter Value
Fin-aileron area S 0.023 m2
Fin-aileron chord c̄ 0.1 m
Fin-aileron span b 0.23 m
Aspect ratio 2.3
Mass vehicle (m) 0.45 Kg
Propeller 7 × 5 in
Battery LiPo 11.1v
Fig. 8 Gumstix and expansion board Coaxial motor (Himax) HC2805-1430
J Intell Robot Syst

a 3
b 1

Yaw [deg]

Yaw rate
0 0


−3 −1
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 10 Experimental results—Yaw angle and angular velocity

the controller stabilizes the attitude dynamics in on-Module (COM) [16], the Summit expansion
a short time. The parameters and gains satisfy the board and the electronic board which interface
tuning conditions from the stability analysis. The all the sensors and actuators with the Gumstix
initial conditions used for simulation are ψ(0) = COM (Fig. 8). This COM has an ARM Cortex-A8
17.2, θ(0) = −4.38, and φ(0) = −10.1 based 720 Mhz platform which is ideal for our ap-
In Fig. 5a the response of the yaw motion is plication due to its characteristics such as 802.11g
shown, while the yaw rate with respect to time is WiFi, 512 MB RAM, microSD card slot and sev-
shown in Fig. 5b. The pitch angle response and eral communication protocols (I2 C, SCI, USB,
pitch rate of the closed-loop system are plotted SPI) to adquiere and control the different sen-
in Fig. 6a and b, respectively. Finally, Fig. 7a sors and actuators involved in the avionics of the
and b represent the roll motion and the roll rate. MAV. The most important feature of this COM is
In general, observe that all states (φ,φ̇,θ,θ̇,ψ,ψ̇) that it can run the Xenomai Real-Time framework
converge to the equilibrium in a short time. [17], which is a real-time development framework
cooperating with the Linux kernel that is achieved
through a dual-kernel approach with the objective
5 Experimental Platform to allow deterministic response times regardless
of the standard Linux implementation in order
The prototype consists of an embedded system to provide hard real-time support to user-space
based on the Gumstix Overo Fire Computer- applications [18]. The complete description of the

a 3
b 1

Pitch rate
Pitch [deg]

0 0


−3 −1
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 11 Experimental results—Pitch angle and angular velocity

J Intell Robot Syst

a 3
b 1

Roll [deg]

Roll rate
0 0


−3 −1
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 12 Experimental results—Roll angle and angular velocity

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this vehicle are shown in [19]. Figure 9 shows de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS France.
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16. Gumstix Inc. Gumstix. (2012). Embedded Systems, Computational intelligence and
Accessed 16 Jan 2012 Telematics in Control, Würzburg, Germany (2012)
J Intell Robot Syst
DOI 10.1007/s10846-012-9743-0

Toward Aerial Grasping and Manipulation

with Multiple UAVs
Vicente Parra-Vega · Anand Sanchez ·
Carlos Izaguirre · Octavio Garcia ·
Francisco Ruiz-Sanchez

Received: 29 June 2012 / Accepted: 13 July 2012

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract In this paper, a multiple UAVs control is presented which guarantees exponential and ro-
scheme is developed considering the full nonlinear bust tracking of admissible time-varying pose. The
position/orientation model of a j-Quadrotor sys- harmful chattering is not involved and no dynamic
tem. A novel second order sliding mode controller model is required to implement the controller to
yield fast and precise tracking. Additionally, well-
posed terminal and controlled time convergence
This work was supported in Mexico by the Conacyt allows an enforced contact at given pre-defined
grants 133346 and 133544. stable contact points at the same time. A stiffness
V. Parra-Vega · A. Sanchez (B) · C. Izaguirre · control is proposed for grasping objects consider-
F. Ruiz-Sanchez ing virtual linkages approach. Our approach yields
Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Division, high performance from the control system, in con-
Research Center for Advanced Studies (Cinvestav),
trast to other simple controllers proposed for load
Saltillo Campus, Coahuila, Mexico
e-mail: carrying. In this sense, our advanced nonlinear
control solves the apparent limitations imposed by
V. Parra-Vega
e-mail: the available technology from the viewpoint of the
precise tracking control, and control of the inher-
C. Izaguirre
e-mail: ent unstable underactuated dynamics, for friction-
less contact points (neither rolling nor sliding are
F. Ruiz-Sanchez
considered). A numerical simulation study, under
various conditions, shows the numerical feasibility
V. Parra-Vega · A. Sanchez · C. Izaguirre · of the proposed approach.
F. Ruiz-Sanchez
The Laboratory of Non-inertial Robots and
Man-machine Interfaces, Research Center for
Keywords Underactuated dynamic model ·
Advanced Studies (Cinvestav), Monterrey Campus, Second order sliding mode control ·
Nuevo Leon, Mexico Aerial grasping · Stiffness control ·
Cooperative Quadrotors
O. Garcia
Biomedical Engineering and Physics Division,
and The Laboratory of Non-inertial Robots and
1 Introduction
Man-machine Interfaces, Research Center for
Advanced Studies (Cinvestav), Monterrey Campus,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico Although, it has been acknowledged the poten-
e-mail: tial of rigid grasp for aerial objects with multiple
J Intell Robot Syst

UAVs in diverse applications, there has been 2 The Problem

little, if any, formal description on the problem
as such, aerial grasp manipulation is a concept 2.1 The Physics of Interaction with a Free-flying
under development. The fact is that different ap- Object with UAVs
proaches handle loosely the terms grasping and
manipulation for UAVs which suggest the need The concept most exploited in the literature is
to review and clarify such a concept. An interest- some sort of object or load carrying with rigid
ing particular scheme for load carrying has been grip using one UAV or with cables using sev-
widely studied and successfully implemented, for eral UAVs. However, rigid grasp has not been
full scale [12] and multiple small helicopters [2], really studied, it does not involve cables but rigid
using only orientation dynamics. However, this coupling, with several UAVs. Rigid grasp of an
paper presents an approach to the problem of object with j-UAVs implies the ability to exert
grasping and manipulation of a free-flying object forces into the object mostly along x and y axes
for j-UAVs, coined here as aerial grasp manipu- and to compensate for interacting forces among
lation which is conceived in the realm of classical the UAVs. In contrast, load carrying or object
multi-finger rigid grasping [16]. The problem is to grabbing mostly stands for compensation of forces
immobilize an object with a given contact points in the z direction. The former maintains its center
set to establish stable grasp of a free-flying dy- of gravity, while the latter suffers from inverted
namic object, motionless at time of contact, then pendulum effect because its center of mass is dis-
controlling external and internal forces to move placed downwards. However, exertion of forces
and manipulate the object [19]. Clearly, the tran- occurs mostly along x, y which requires higher
sition from free to constrained motion is included pitch. This fact brings the problem that there is a
[1], otherwise it is assumed that the object is al- physical limit imposed by the thrust required to
ready in a stable grasp condition. compensate for gravitational force along z. That
is, the more pitch the less thrust and viceversa.
1.1 Contribution and Organization This happens because there is not independent
actuation to control the displacements along x and
The problem of grasping and manipulation of a y axes. The displacements along these directions
free-flying object is discussed in Section 2, then a are achieved by controlling roll and pitch angles,
brief review and a proposed classification are in- in other words given such desired displacements a
troduced in Section 3. This section also establishes virtual controller is built, then the corresponding
a distinction on different modalities and informa- roll and pitch angles are found, which finally will
tion of what is known as aerial grasp manipula- stand for the desired roll and pitch angles for
tion. Section 4 shows the model of the position the orientation controller, allowing the interaction
and orientation dynamics of a Quadrotor UAV, into x and y axes.
as well as its structural properties of a convenient It is clear that for rigid frames and objects, the
open-loop error equation, including the system of interaction forces and moments are propagated
j-Quadrotors. Section 5 introduces the controller all along the bodies, then fast and robust con-
and its stability analysis which guarantees the fast trollers must compensate or accommodate such
and robust tracking of admissible trajectories, in- interactions to avoid instabilities. To accommo-
cluding convergence to a desired contact time. date, distribute and share loads along x, y, z due
This last stability property in particular allows to the object or other UAVs, some sort of passive
Quadrotors to meet at a given point and at a given linkage or compliant mechanism may be required,
time. Section 6 presents the grasping and manipu- otherwise grasping will be possible only with light
lation strategy to enforce a stable grasp map for all objects that require small pitch angles, that is,
time. Simulations are presented and thoroughly small fx , f y . In this paper the flight control of
discussed in Section 7, which lead to some remarks multiples UAVs is presented in order to establish
presented in Section 8. Finally, conclusions are grasp and manipulation without considering this
given in Section 9. aforementioned problem.
J Intell Robot Syst

2.2 Problem Statement linear models to design robust and fast nonlinear
control for tracking. Solving, even partially, this
The problem of aerial grasping only with rotary problem would allow the formulation of diverse
wing UAVs is considered, leaving out UAVs with task on load carrying, deploying and recovering,
fixed wings because those cannot regulate their and in general drone cooperation that involves
position. Being said that, single main rotor like physical interaction.
a typical helicopter or multiple main rotors such
as a Quadrotor are considered because of its hov- 2.4 Hypothesis
ering characteristic to position the UAV at the
given point in order to grasp the object. However, Grasp manipulation in the air is perhaps one of
grasping a motionless object in the air requires to the dream flight regime of a j-Quadrotor system.
exploit at the limit the highly maneuvering charac- It would require such performance that the the-
teristic of the underactuated vehicles. In fact, this oretical and technological challenges that arise
task can be classified as an extreme flight regime; seem to amount for an unsurpassed scientific
it requires high-end models, avionics, coordina- problem nowadays. However, to surmount such
tion and control in order to achieve grasping, set of challenges, some stringent hypothesis are
and it needs top of the line precise positioning, required to, at least, work out a small part of the
stable hovering, sensing and time synchronization whole problem. As a first step in this direction, the
of multiple UAVs, as well as extraordinary flight problem based on the following technological and
control. Then, it comes to no surprise that so far theoretical hypothesis is study: (a) no technologi-
there is none scheme that tackles the problem cal constraints are considered, such as slow sensor
of aerial multi-grasp manipulation, defined as the response with limited resolution, multisampling
grasping in the air of an object with multiple UAVs rate of sensors and actuators, latency require-
and then manipulate it (controlling the pose over ments, limitations on mechanical design of the ap-
time) once stable grasp is achieved. pendage to establish convenient contact to the
object, and processing unit is able to guarantee fast
2.3 Motivation and constant sampling update; (b) full state feed-
back is available; (c) reasonably it is assumed un-
There are some distinct useful features of Quadro- known dynamic model and unknown parameters,
tors to solve the problem: (i) their small size, but full knowledge on kinematic model; (d) the
mass and inertia make them convenient for mul- dynamic object is motionless before any contact,
tiple UAV cooperation, their ability for underac- whose invariant pose is known beforehand; and
tuated maneuvering (it can reach any pose, but (e) there exists a motion planning that delivers on-
not through any trajectory), and (ii) their ability line admissible desired position trajectories and
to positioning and stable hovering. All these char- desired contact force that ensures a stable grasp.
acteristics are appealing for interaction tasks, but
this involves a high analytical and computational 2.5 Proposed Solution
cost. A Quadrotor is, in general, unstable, that
is the linear approximation is of non-minimum The full nonlinear model of position and ori-
phase similar to the helicopter case and the non- entation is assumed, that is the R6 model with
linear model is not passive, from torque input to four inputs, in contact to a rigid object. Firstly,
angular velocity output due to its underactuation. a second order sliding mode controller is syn-
To make things worse, orientation dynamics is thesized for the orientation dynamics to achieve
very fast in comparison to the position dynamics, fast and robust exponential convergence to de-
which are related by a dynamic mapping whose sired smooth and bounded ωd (t) ∈ C2 trajectories.
solution is non-causal. This imposes to consider as Then, a similar controller is developed for the po-
much information of the system as possible, conse- sition dynamics assuming virtual inputs. Secondly,
quently, in particular there should be considered an analytical and causal solution is found for roll
a formal approach to take into account full non- and pitch angles, and for zero yaw. Henceforth,
J Intell Robot Syst

virtual inputs are build upon controlling angular – Ground Grabbing. The object is at the ground,
velocities of the orientation dynamics. Thirdly, a then the UAV encounters the aerodynamical
time-based generator is proposed to induce ter- problem of ground ef fect from hovering near
minal stability within the invariant manifold (the ground which looses thrust, then grabs with an
sliding surface) to enforce convergence at a given active device the object.
desired time. This allows j Quadrotors to grasp – Aerial Grabbing. A static aerial object is
the object at the same time in j contact points. grabbed by magnetic or gripper-type mecha-
Finally, an additional control term is designed to nism. Then, the object is rigidly attached to the
control the interaction forces. This term is based mainframe of the UAV. When two or more
on virtual linkages approach, using a stiffness con- UAVs are involved, a new UAV arises be-
trol approach, to guarantee a stable grasp, and it cause the two original mainframes are now
is proved the stability of the whole closed-loop rigidily connected through the object.
system. This builds a solution to the problem of – Aerial Manipulation. The pose of an object is
grasping and manipulation, with multiple UAVs, passively controlled in the air by two or more
of a motionless free-flying dynamic object located UAVs.
off ground. Then, exertion of a given set of in- – Aerial Grasp and Manipulation. A motionless
ternal forces is required to guarantee stable grasp dynamic object is grasped without any ground
and be able to commute to controlling external effect, then its pose is controlled indepen-
forces to move the object. dently of the UAV pose.

The last category is studied in this paper.

3 Brief Background 3.2 Relevant Works

3.1 Rough Classification Aerial grabbing is proposed in [15] with a co-

operative scheme for load transportation with a
The described problem is virtually non-existent simplified model and control, and planning of
in the literature and, in this paper, it is confined this tasks is further proposed in [7]. Gripping is
to the discussion and review of related problems presented in [14] for magnetic coupling. Inter-
such as load carrying, load gripping and grabbing estingly, with a claimed submilimiter precision,
as well as rigid formation of UAVs. Briefly, aerial aerial gripping is proposed in [8], and a simplified
grasp has been loosely used indistinctly to refer to control scheme under rigid constraints is discussed
grabbing of an object with an UAV. The follow- in [9]. There are other references in particular
ing classification arises, without much rigor, but impressive videos can be found in a popular video
depending on how the object is carried or grasped: web channel, however there does not exist formal
publications on the algorithmic foundations.
– Load Carrying Rigidly. One UAV is carrying
an object rigidly attached to its mainframe. In
this case, the UAV is likely to be off-centered 4 The Dynamic Model of the Quadrotor System
or imbalanced, diminishing the flight capability.
– Load Carrying with Cables. It considers at 4.1 The Dynamic Model of a Quadrotor
least three UAVs with cables, whose ends
are attached to the object at a point where The dynamic model of a Quadrotor is basically
static equilibrium arises. Flight is difficult be- obtained representing the aerial vehicle as a rigid
cause the object attracts the UAVs, then this body evolving in 3D and subject to one force and
configuration is useful only for large objects, three moments [6, 10]. Let us consider earth fixed
w.r.t. to the size of the UAVs [7]. frame I = {ex , e y , ez } and body fixed frame A =
– Aerial Gripping. An object is already rigidly {ebx , eby , ebz }, as seen in Fig. 1. The center of mass
attached to the UAV all the time [8]. and the body fixed frame origin are assumed to
J Intell Robot Syst

Fig. 1 The UAV system.

fi represents the thrust of
motor Mi and T is the
main thrust

coincide. The orientation of the rigid body is given 4.1.1 The Open-Loop Error Equation
by a rotation R : A −→ I , where R ∈ SO(3) is an
orthogonal rotation matrix, parameterized by the In order to design a control law, it is useful to
Euler angles ψ, θ, φ (yaw, pitch, roll). Newton– define a dynamic equation parameterized by the
Euler equations of motion state the dynamics of error which is called open loop error equation.
the quad-rotor as follows: Let us define a parametrization Yr in terms
of a nominal reference ωr , to be defined, and its
mξ̈ = −T Rez + F(t) (1)
derivative ω̇r , as follows
Ṙ = Rω (2)
Yr = Jω̇r + ω× Jωr + ωr× Jω − ωr× Jωr (4)
Jω̇ = −ω × Jω + τ + d(t) (3)
where ξ = (x, y, z)T denotes the position of the Introducing Eq. 4 into Eq. 3 yields
center of mass of the airframe in the frame I
relative to a fixed origin, ω = (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 )T ∈ A J Ṡr + Sr× JSr = τ + d(t) − Yr (5)
denotes the angular velocity of the airframe ex-
where the error coordinates Sr are defined by
pressed in the body fixed frame. m denotes the
mass of the rigid object and J ∈ R3×3 denotes the Sr = ω − ωr (6)
constant inertia matrix around the center of mass
(expressed in the body fixed frame A). ω× denotes At this point, the control objective is to design
the skew-symmetric matrix of the vector ω, which a τ such that Sr is stable despite the presence of
is given by bounded disturbances.
⎛ ⎞
0 −ω3 ω2
ω× = ⎝ ω3 0 −ω1 ⎠ 4.2 The Dynamic Model of a Set of j-Quadrotors
−ω2 ω1 0
Based on the dynamic model of a Quadrotor pre-
T ∈ R+ represents the magnitude of the principal sented in Section 4.1, we now present the dynamic
non-conservative forces applied to the object. F(t) model of N Quadrotors. The complete model is
represents the external forces applied to the aerial such that the j − th element corresponds to the j-
vehicle, such that in the absence of forces exerted Quadrotor, whose dynamic model is given by
by the environment (aerodynamic reaction forces,
etc.) F(t) = mgez . τ ∈ A is the control torque, and m jξ̈ j = −T jR jez + F j(t)
d(t) ∈ R3 represents the external torque distur- Ṙ j = R jω×j
bances induced by F(t) which is assumed to be
smooth and bounded. J jω̇ j = −ω×j J jω j + τ j + d j(t) (7)
J Intell Robot Syst

where j goes from 1 to N. Then, a compact form Let us define the angular velocity error ωe as
of the dynamic model of N Quadrotors is given by follows
m̄ ¨ = −T̄ R̄ez + F̄ ωe = ω − ωd (12)
˙ = R̄ ˆ
R̄ where ωd is the desired angular velocity expressed
 in the body fixed frame.
J̄ ˙ = − ˆ J̄ + τ̄ + d̄ (8) Let us consider the following nominal reference
where ωr = ωd − αqe + Sd − γ σ (13)
= (ξ1T , . . . , ξ NT )T ,
= (ω1T , . . . , ω TN )T , where σ̇ = sgn(Sq ), feedback gains, α > 0 and γ
R̄ = (R1T , . . . , RTN )T , ˆ = ((ω1× )T , . . . , (ω× N) ) ,
T T is diagonal positive definite matrix; the function
m̄ = blockdiag(m1 I, . . . , m N I), τ̄ = (τ1T , . . . , τ NT )T , sgn(X) = (sgn(x1 ), sgn(x2 ), sgn(x3 ))T stands for
the input wise discontinuous function of X, and
T̄ = blockdiag(T1 I, . . . , T N I), d̄ = (d1T , . . . , dTN )T ,
Sq = S − Sd (14)
J̄ = blockdiag(J1 , . . . , J N ), F̄ = (F1T , . . . , F N ) ,

S = ωe + αqe (15)
I represents the 3 × 3 identity matrix and [X]
denotes the block diagonal matrix whose diagonal Sd = S(t0 ) exp(−k(t − t0 )) (16)
block elements are the elements of X. with k > 0 and S(t0 ) stands for S(t) at t = t0 . qe =
(q0e , qeT )T is the relative attitude error defined as

5 Control Design and Stability Analysis qe = q ⊗ q∗d (17)

where ⊗ denotes the operator for quaternion mul-
In this section a Second Order Sliding Mode
tiplication, qd = (q0d , qdT )T is the desired attitude,
(SOSM) controller is provided for the system 1–
such that q0d (t), qd (t) are one time differentiable
3 [5, 18].
functions and q∗d is the inverse of qd . The vectorial
part qe is given by
5.1 Attitude Control Design
qe = −q0 qd + q0d q − q× qd (18)
We employ the unit quaternion as the attitude
representation. Using this representation the at- Notice that ω̇r is discontinuous, because of σ̇ =
titude control design does not suffer from singu- sgn(Sq ), and Sq (t0 ) = 0 for any initial condition.
larities. The unit quaternion is defined as From Eqs. 6, 12, 13 and 15 the dynamic error
μ ⎞
⎛ coordinates Sr are given by
q0 ⎜ 2 ⎟ Sr = Sq + γ σ (19)
q= =⎝
e sin
2 5.1.1 Structural Properties of the Open-Loop
where e is the Euler axis and μ is the Euler Error Equation
angle. The unit quaternion satisfies the following
constraint There exist positive scalars βi for i = 0, . . . , 4,
such that
qT q = q20 + qT q = 1 (10)
0 < β0 < λmin (J) ≤ J ≤ λmax (J) < β1 < ∞
and it is related to the angular velocity ω by the
following differential equations qe  < 1
⎛ ⎞
1 T ωr  ≤ β2 + γ σ 
⎜ − q ω ⎟
q̇0 2
q̇ = =⎜ ⎝1

⎠ (11) ω̇r  ≤ β3 + β4 ωe 
q̇ ×

q0 I + q ω (20)
J Intell Robot Syst

where λmin (J), λmax (J) stand for the minimum Introducing Eq. 25 into Eq. 24 yields
and maximum
 eigenvalues of matrix J ∈ R3 ,
J = λmax (JT J) and  ·  stands for the vector m S̄˙ r = −u + F(t) − Ȳr (26)
Euclidean norm.
From Eqs. 3, 4 and using Eq. 20, d(t) − Yr can where S̄r = ξ̇ − ξ̇r .
be bounded as Consider the following nominal reference ξ̇r
d(t) − Yr  ≤ d(t) + Jω̇r  + 2ωJωr  ξ̇r = ξ̇d − ᾱξe + S̄d − γ̄ σ̄ (27)
+ Jωr  2  
σ̄˙ = sgn S̄q (28)
≤ d(t) + β1 β3 ωe  + 2β1 β2 σ ω
where the tracking error ξe = ξ − ξd , reference
+ 2β1 β2 γ σ  + β1 γ 2 σ 2 + β5 trajectory ξd (t) ∈ C2 , feedback gains ᾱ, γ̄ are di-
≤ η(t) (21) agonal positive definite matrices, and

where β5 = β1 β4 + β1 β22 , and η(t) is a state- S̄q = S̄ − S̄d (29)

dependent function. Notice that, η(t) considers all S̄ = ξ̇e + αξe (30)
the external torques including state-dependence
of d(t). S̄d = S̄(t0 ) exp(−k̄(t − t0 )) (31)
Consider the following control law
for k̄ > 0 and S̄r rewritten as
τ = −Kd Sr (22)
S̄r = S̄q + γ̄ σ̄ (32)
where Kd is a diagonal positive definite matrix.
We now have the following result. ¯ can be bounded as
As before, F(t) − Ȳr 

Theorem 1 Consider the attitude dynamics 3 in ¯ ≤ F(t) + mξ̈r 

F(t) − Ȳr  (33)
closed loop with the controller 22. Then, semi-
global exponential tracking is assured, provided ≤ F(t) + m(β̄ + ᾱξ̇e ) (34)
that γ in Eq. 19 and Kd are large enough, for small ≤ η̄(t) (35)
initial errors.
where β̄ is a positive constant, and η̄(t) is a
The proof of this theorem is given in the state-dependent function. Notice that, η̄ not only
Appendix. includes all the external forces affecting the aer-
ial vehicle (buoyancy forces, aerodynamic forces,
5.2 Control Design for Position gravity, etc.) but also a general state-dependence
of F(t).
Consider the translational dynamics 1. Now, let us Then, a control law that assures semiglobal
define the following virtual control exponential tracking, in closed-loop with system
1, is given by
u = T Rez (23)

Then, the system 1 can be rewritten as follows u = K̄d S̄r (36)

mξ̈ = −u + F(t) (24) where K̄d is a diagonal positive definite matrix.

In a similar way to the proof of the Theorem 1,
Following a similar procedure from the Section
5.1, the control design becomes straightforward. it follows that S̄r and S̄˙ r are upper bounded, and
The parametrization can be written in terms of a the sliding mode in S̄q (t) = 0 is enforced for all
nominal reference ξr as follows time. In this way, tracking errors are constrained
to evolve on a manifold that has exponential
mξ̈r = Ȳr (25) solution toward the desired trajectory ξd (t) for
J Intell Robot Syst

designer parameters k̄ and ᾱ. This establishes the from the control u. However, the result presented
exponential convergence of tracking errors in Theorem 1 only provides exponential conver-
gence of the attitude tracking errors, and does not
ξ(t) → ξd (t) ξ̇ (t) → ξ̇d (t) (37)
guarantee finite-time convergence.
regardless of uncertainty of system parameters. We now propose a new sliding surface, para-
Let us now present the deduction of the desired meterized by a time base generator (TBG), based
attitude trajectories to satisfy Eq. 23. on [17], which moves and rotates continuously the
In order to compute the desired Euler angles nominal sliding surface through a known, state-
and angular velocity, let Td be defined as the mag- independent, vanishing vector to achieve finite
nitude of u and Rd ez as a unit vector, representing time convergence of tracking errors, with an ar-
the direction, as follows bitrary convergence time. This methodology can
also be applied to the position control as will be
Td = u(t), Rd ez = u(t)/Td shown in simulation results.
Then, solving the above relations for yaw ψd = Consider the following first order differential
0, we obtain the following desired Euler angles equation

θd = arctan (u1 /u3 ) (38) ż = −ρ(t)z (43)

φd = − arcsin (u2 /Td ) (39) where

where u1 , u2 , u3 are the components of the con- ρ(t) = ρ0 (44)
(1 − χ) + δ
trol input u. The desired angular velocity ωd is
deduced from the relationship between the Euler with ρ0 = 1 + ε, 0 < ε 1, and 0 < δ 1. The
angles (and its derivatives) and the angular veloc- time base generator χ(t) ∈ C2 must be provided
ity ω, as follows by the user so as to χ goes smoothly from 0 to 1
 in finite time t = tb > 0, and χ̇ (t) is a bell-shaped
ω1d = −(u̇2 Td − T˙d u2 )/Td u21 + u23 (40) derivative of χ such that χ̇(t0 ) = χ̇(tb ) ≡ 0. Under
 these conditions, a solution of Eq. 43 is given by
u3 u̇1 − u̇3 u1
ω2d = 1 − u22 /Td2 (41) z(t) = z(t0 ) [(1 − χ) + δ]1+ε (45)
u21 + u23
ω3d = u2 (u3 u̇1 − u̇3 u1 )/Td (u21 + u23 ) (42) with ρ(tb ) > 0. Note that tb is independent of any
initial conditions and hence
where T˙d = u1 u̇1 +uT2 u̇d 2 +u3 u̇3 and the time derivative
of the control u̇ = (u̇1 , u̇2 , u̇3 ) is established from ρ(tb ) = 1 ⇒ z(tb ) = z(t0 )δ 1+ε > 0
the fact that S̄q = 0 implies S̄˙ q = 0. Then, from can be made arbitrarily small in arbitrarily finite
Eqs. 32 and 36 u̇ = K̄d γ̄ sgn( S̄q ). qd is obtained, time tb . Thus, the key idea is to bring the solution
from the desired Euler angles, by using the con- of the attitude tracking errors to an equation sim-
version between quaternion and Euler angles. ilar to Eq. 45, defining ρ0 = 1+ε
. Notice that q0e (t)
Notice that, Eqs. 38–42 are well-posed, since is positive and converges to 1, so ρ0 is well possed.
the third component of the control u3 is coun- Consider that the sliding mode is induced on
teracting the gravity, and therefore u3 > 0 for all Sq (t) = 0, for all time, and Sd (t) ≈ 0 as has been
time. proved in Appendix. Then, from Eq. 70, and re-
placing the gain α by 2ρ we obtain
5.3 Control Design for Terminal Stability
d qe
qe = −ρ0 q0e
dχ (1 − χ) + δ
In order to implement the control law 36, the
vectorial term T Rez must converge to u in finite- which attains the following solution
time. This is done by assuring finite-time conver-
qe (t) = qe (t0 ) [(1 − χ) + δ]1+ε
gence of attitude tracking errors through a de-
sired rotation matrix Rd and thrust Td , computed = qe (t0 )δ 1+ε at time t = tb
J Intell Robot Syst

since by assumption χ(tb ) = 1 and by considering q and r stand for Quadrotor and object, respec-
q0e ≈ 1. Considering that δ and ε are very small, tively, then Mq (xq ) ∈ R M×M and Mr (xr ) ∈ R6×6
then at t = tb , tracking errors belong to a very stand for the symmetric and positive definite iner-
small vicinity ε of the origin, which in practice tial matrices, Cq (xq , ẋq ) ∈ R M and Cr (xr , ẋr ) ∈ R6
may stand for the required precision or zero error. contain the centripetal and centrifugal forces in
Note that at t > tb , the time varying feedback gain terms of the Coriolis components, and gq (xq ) ∈
ρ(t) must be reset to the desired constant α > 0. R M and gr (xr ) ∈ R6 are the vectors of generalized
Thus, convergence of the attitude tracking errors gravity forces. Finally, wext ∈ R6 contains the ex-
are guaranteed in finite-time. ternal generalized wrench acting on the object,
and then w f ∈ R6 models the wrench applied to
the object at the contact points by the Quadro-
6 Control Design of Force for Stable Grasp tors. Vector τ f represents the generalized torque
inputs due to the contact forces in the Quadro-
Based on [20], which establishes the model and tors. In order to focus on the presentation of
computation for internal forces at a static equi- the multi-Quadrotor part of the dynamics, other
librium, [22] proposes a multi-grasp manipulation physical effects like link and joint flexibility as
scheme for robot arms that account for a stiffness well as joint friction are neglected reasonably be-
control, that is, force model is computed according cause it is assumed frictionless contact and rigid
to the restitution force of the Joule model. In frames.
this way, force arises because of the compression The following definitions are used to facili-
ratio of virtual springs that connect each finger tate the notation. A frame Hx,y = [R X,Y , p X,Y ] ∈
with the object and the object with the target SE(3), consisting of a rotation matrix R X,Y ∈
point. This is interesting for our problem, because SO(3) and a translation p X,Y ∈ R3 , transforms a
it indicates that it is possible to design a grasp- given position in the coordinate system Y into the
ing matrix to enforce stable grasp using a simple coordinate system X. If only one index is used, the
stiffness control as the gradient of the potential coordinate system X is considered as an inertial
energy of the virtual springs. To accommodate this coordinate system, that is, H y = H I,Y . A frame
new torque control term, the position-orientation H X can be described by a local parametrization
controller proposed in the previous section will x X ∈ R6 . Vector w X = ( f XT , mTX )T contains the
compensate for as if this torque stands for a torque generalized forces and moments acting at the ori-
disturbance. gin of the coordinate system Hx , with fx , mx ∈ R3
represented in the body frame [16].
6.1 System Model and Assumptions In the following, fine manipulation with mul-
tiple Quadrotors is treated. Assume N > 2 and
Consider without loss of generality that j = 4, that a manipulable grasp map [16], for a 3D object;
is modeling 4 Quadrotors to grasp a rigid object. furthermore, consider the following assumptions
Then, the following Euler-Lagrange model can be
derived for the multi-body system, 1. Internal forces are sufficiently large such that
the friction constraints are fulfilled for all con-
Mr (xr )ẍr + Cr (xr , ẋr )ẋr + gr (xr ) = wext + w f tact points, that is no sliding arises at any
Mq (xq )ẍq + Cq (xq , ẋq )ẋq + gq (xq ) = τ − τ f + τext contact point.
2. The contact between the object and the
where xq = (xTf1 , ..., xTfN )T ∈ R M is the vector of Quadrotors is restricted at one point.
generalized positions for N Quadrotors. The vec- 3. The relative contact points between the
tor τ ∈ R M−2N contains the corresponding gener- fingertips and the object do not change
alized control inputs, that is three for orientation (neglecting rolling effects). This assumption
and the thrust in z axis for each Quadrotor. The introduces a relatively small kinematic er-
vector xr ∈ R6 is the local representation of the ror to maintain consistently a holonomic
object frame Hr ∈ SE(3). Consider that indexes constraint.
J Intell Robot Syst

4. The magnitude of internal forces ensures a f f represented in the inertial system into the i-
stable grasp for any reachable pose within the th contact frame. The grasp map relates not only
available Quadrotors’ thrust. forces, but also velocities and variations at the
5. The corresponding internal forces that guar- Cartesian fingertip level, with the ones at the
antee object manipulation are inside the sub- object level as follows
space of admissible Quadrotor pose during
the contact with the object. w f = Gr f f , GrT ẋr = ṗ f , GrT δxr = δp f
6. There is a point contact with friction, that Now, the well-known grasp constraint can be for-
is, only forces and no torques can be trans- mulated as follows
mitted at the contact point. There are only
constraints in position, but not in orienta- Jq (xq )x˙q = GrT (xq , xr )ẋr (48)
tion, it means that the Quadrotor exerts only
forces to the object, but not moments and the 6.2 Implementation of Impedance Behaviors
Quadrotor can change its orientation without
directly affecting the orientation of the object. The impedance behaviors are based on the follow-
ing control law defined as
Now consider forces f f i , the velocities ṗ f i , and the
variations of position δp f i (x f i ) of the Quadrotors ∂ V(xq )
τo = −T Rez − (49)
in stacked notation, and that the i-th Cartesian ∂ xq
Quadrotor position p f i (x f i ) ∈ R3 and its orien-
where T Rez represents the virtual control on the
tation relative to the inertial frame R f i (x f i ) can
Quadrotor position for hovering at a desired al-
be calculated as a function of the generalized
titude zd . The overall potential function V(xq )
positions x f i . To indicate stacked notation the
models the environmental potential energy from
index is removed [e.g. f f = ( f Tf,1 , ..., f Tf,N )T ]. Note
the virtual springs connecting the Quadrotors with
that stacked variables are expressed in the iner-
the object at each contact point. Clearly, V(xq )
tial frame, then the Quadrotors’ stacked jacobian
∂ p (x ) stands for the impedance behaviors according to
Jq (xq ) = ∂fxq q maps the Quadrotor velocities to
[22], consisting of the sum of the individual po-
the inertial frame. Assumptions (4) and (5) en- tential functions of all the springs components.
sure that Jq−1 (xq ) exists and is well-posed. In this In our case, since the controller τq guarantees
condition, the grasp map Gr ∈ R6×3N is used to an invariant manifold Sq = 0 in closed-loop for
determine the effect of the stacked contact forces tracking of admissible position and orientation,
at the Quadrotors’ contact points f f ∈ R3N on the the control input τo creates the restitution forces
object wrench w f , with of such springs.
Gr = [AdTH−1 B, ..., AdTH−1 B]RTf ,
r, f1 r, f N 6.3 Inversion of the Grip Map
R f = blockdiag(R f1 , ..., R f N ),
Most grasp controllers presented in the literature
B = [I3×3 03×3 ]T , (46)
are based on the inversion of the grip map Q [13].
where B ∈ R6×3 is the wrench basis, and AdTHx,y To obtain it, consider the grasp map G( p f (xq ), xr )
represents the adjoint transformation associated stacked together with its orthogonal complement
with Hx,y [16], given by E( p f (xq )), which spans its null space. The ma-
trix E( p f (xq )) can be modeled using the virtual
Rx,y p̂x,y Rx,y linkage [20]. To this end, consider task states x as
Ad Hx,y = , (47)
0 Rx,y follows
xr Kr 0
with the skew-symmetric operator ŵ = w × : x= , x = x − xd , Kx = (50)
xη 0 Kη
R3 → R3×3 , and Hr, fi is the configuration of the i-
th contact frame relative to the object frame. Ro- where xr stands for the coordinates of the object
tation RTfi transforms the forces at the fingertips and xη ∈ R(N−1)N/2 is the coordinates of the virtual
J Intell Robot Syst

linkage, with the i-th distance between fingertips a non-degenerate map. In this case, the inverse of
xη,i = p f, j − p f,k . The coefficients j, k cover the grip map arises as follows
all possible fingertip connections, where xd = T
, xη,d
) models its corresponding desired val- Q−1 = = [Gr+ E]. (55)
ues where full rank of G( p f (xq ), xr ) occurs. As ∂p f
suggested by [22], such a grip map-based con- In [20], the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of the
troller can be obtained as follows. Consider a grasp map Gr is used, furthermore, [4] shows
potential function that describes the energy of that a weighted pseudoinverse, the object wrench
an object-level spring, corresponding to internal is in the range space of the grasp map Kr xr ⊂
forces, clearly a direct choice is R(Gr ) and the controlled fingertip forces f f =
1 T Jq−T τo have consistent physical units, providing
V(x) = x Kx x (51) a way to introduce kernel control schemes, if
although more interesting and physical meaning-
Since ẋr cannot be measured directly, the in-
ful restitution forces can be modeled with nonlin-
verse of the transposed grasp map is used to derive
ear saturated springs. Then, the compliance con-
it based on the velocities of the fingertips
trol law 49 is nothing but
T ẋr = GrT+ ṗ f (56)
∂ V(x) ∂x ∂ p f
τo =
∂x ∂ p f ∂ xq Furthermore, according to [21], integrating Eq. 56
T yields xr , respectively Hr (xr ), instead of observing
= JqT Kx x, (52) the real-object dynamics, certainly a viable option
∂p f in real implementations, as long as initial condi-
using the local transformation tions are available for the integration process.
  To obtain the stiffness properties, it is assumed
∂p f ∂p f ∂p f
= ≡ QT . (53) that the controller compensates for object gravi-
∂x ∂ xr ∂ xη
tational forces, and the object Coriolis forces are
Herein, using the local properties, GrT( pf (xq ), xr) = neglected; object dynamics can be analyzed in
∂p f virtual coordinates, that is
∂ xr
can be recognized as the grasp map, and the
inversion map E( p f ) := ∂ pηf can be determined by Mx ẍ = fx + fx,ext (57)
the virtual linkage [22].
with fx = Q f f , the generalized external force
For a four-fingered hand, each entry of E( p f )
fx,ext = (wext
, fη,ext
)T , and fη,ext the external force
can be computed using the unit vector pointing
related to the coordinates xη . The inertia matrix
from fingertip k to j, that is, e j,k = ( p f, j − p f,k )/ 
Mx = blockdiag(Mr , 0) since the object does not
p f, j − p f,k  , then E( p f ) becomes
have any inertia w.r.t. to internal motions. Now
⎡ ⎤
e12 e13 e14 0 0 0 since t f = JqT f f , dynamics can be written as
⎢ −e12 0 0 e23 e24 0 ⎥
E=⎢ ⎣ 0 −e13 0 −e23 0 e34 ⎦ ,
⎥ (54) Mq ẍq = −JqT f f + τ (58)
0 0 −e14 0 −e24 −e34 with ẋ = Q−1 Jq ẋq , and the acceleration constraint
where the equivalence between the virtual linkage ẍ = Q−T Jq ẍq + dtd (Q−T Jq )ẋq , in which the second
E as proposed in the literature and our potential- term can be interpreted as a Coriolis term, ne-
function-based derived mapping is discussed in glected in the damping design. Pre-multiplying
Appendix. In this way, the virtual linkage E is Eq. 58 by Q−T Jq Mq−1 , and using f f = Q−1 fx and
orthogonal to the grasp map, that is, Gr E = 0. ẍ, we obtain
Consequently, the choice of coordinates for the ẍ = −Q−T Jq Mq−1 JqT Q−1 fx + Q−T Jq Mq−1 τ. (59)
virtual linkage combined with the grasp is such
that the matrix Q is square with full rank if the Now, multiplying Eq. 59 with Mqx =
grasp is stable and the virtual linkage establishes (Q−T Jq Mq−1 JqT Q−1 )−1 , the Quadrotors inertia
J Intell Robot Syst

Table 2 Desired trajectories

matrix represented in generalized coordinates, it
arises Quadrotor 1 Quadrotor 2 Quadrotor 3 Quadrotor 4
x1d =  + 1
2 x2d = − + 2 x3d = − + 2 x4d =  + 1
Mqx ẍ = − fx + Mqx Q−T Jq Mq−1 τ. (60) y1d =  + 1
y2d =  + 1
y3d = − + 2 y4d = − + 2
2 2

Solving for fx , and using the above equation z1d =  + 1

2 z2d =  + 1
2 z3d =  + 1
2 z4d =  + 1

with  = 0.5 tanh(4t − 3.4)

(Mx + Mqx )ẍ = Mqx Q−T Jq Mq−1 τ + fx,ext . (61)

where τ = τq + τo is the total control law. Finally,

the simplified closed-loop dynamics can be written 7.2 Conditions, Desired Trajectories, Parameters
as and Feedback Gains

(Mx + Mqx )ẍ + Kx x = −Mqx Q−T Jq Mq−1 Kd Sr 7.2.1 Conditions

+ fx,ext + Kx xd (62) In the first case, initial conditions for each 4
Quadrotor starts at different locations, see Table
6.4 The Full Controller 1; then, the controller τq drives them in finite time
to grab a cylindrical plate and immobilizing it. The
The control τ = τq + τo for stable grasping yields object has a plate shape of a diameter do = 0.7 m,
Kx xd as an additional endogenous controlled a height ho = 0.05 m, a mass mo = 0.4 Kg and is
force. placed motionless at z = 1 m of altitude.

7.2.2 Desired Trajectories

7 Simulation Study
Desired references are shown in Table 2.
7.1 Simulator Setup
7.2.3 Control Gains
A modular simulator is programmed using
Matlab and Simulink V10.2, on a Windows 7 Feedback gains for all Quadrotors are equally
personal computer equipped with Intel Core I7 tuned independent of different reference signals
first generation, with 4 Gb of DRAM. It can be and different initial conditions. Desired time to
distinguished six modules, four for the 4 Quadro- grasp the object is at 1.88 s, see Table 3.
tors dynamics, one for the object interaction, and
another for the grasp matrix calculations. Module
7.3 Simulations Results
means an embedded function block of Simulink.
Two cases are considered, the first one is grasp-
7.3.1 Case 1: Grasping Only
ing, that is, immobilize the object from different
initial conditions of each Quadrotor. The second
Convergence of position trajectories stands for the
simulation considers grasp and then manipulation,
synchronization of all Quadrotors, according to
that is controlling the pose of the object. In both
the task, as it can be seen in Figs. 2 and 3.
case, terminal stability is considered to reach and
touch the object exactly at the same time by all
Quadrotors. Table 3 Control gains
Attitude control gains Position control gains
kd = diag(10, 10, 10) k̄d = diag(26, 26, 23)
Table 1 Quadrotors’ initial conditions
γ = diag(1, 1, 1) γ̄ = diag(0.25, 0.25, 0.8)
Quadrotor 1 Quadrotor 2 Quadrotor 3 Quadrotor 4 α = diag(25, 25, 25) ᾱ = diag(11, 11, 11)
x0 = 0 x0 = 2.5 x0 = 2.5 x0 = 0 s(t0 ) = diag(0, 0, 0) s(t0 ) = −0.0089I3×3
y0 = 0 y0 = 0 y0 = 2.5 y0 = 2.5 k=5 k=5
z0 = 0 z0 = 0 z0 = 0 z0 = 0 tb = 0.5 tb = 1.88
J Intell Robot Syst

1.2 2.5

0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8


0.5 0.5

0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 2 Exponential position tracking

Figure 4 shows the force tracking that ensures to establish a grasp map that enforces stable
exerting of a planned profile that complies to a grasp.
stable grasp of all the Quadrotors starting at time Figure 5 shows how the grip map does not lose
t = tb . rank at any moment once the Quadrotors have
Three dimensional contact forces allows the grabbed the object, meaning that stable grasp is
exertion of predefined and necessary forces always obtained.

Fig. 3 Representation in
3D of the 4 Quadrotors
and the object


Z (m)



1.5 2
1 1.5
0.5 1
Y (m) 0.5 X (m)
0 0
J Intell Robot Syst

0.16 0.2

0.14 0.15

0.02 -0.1

0 -0.15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8


0 0

-0.05 -0.05

-0.1 -0.1

-0.15 -0.15

-0.2 -0.2
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 4 Force applied to the object

7.3.2 Case 2: Grasping and Manipulation of matrices Q, Gr and E which maintain rank
during the whole manipulation regime, see Fig. 7.
This involves the whole case 1, complemented
with controlling the pose of the object, that is,
manipulation using slight different feedback gains, 8 Remarks
see Table 3, with same initial conditions. Once
stable grasp, the object is taken up and down over 8.1 On the Control System
and over, and desired trajectories are achieved.
For the second case of study, the reference sig- The closed-loop system shows fast and robust
nals were changed after the grabbing of the plate tracking without any knowledge of dynamic
and the objective is to move the plate up and model of any Quadrotor nor the object. The con-
down, see Fig. 6. In consequence, the reference troller is quite simple to implement it, while the
signals are divided and chosen for a certain time; theoretical proof is not that easy. It involves ad-
the reference signals until t = 4 s are shown in vanced arguments of Lyapunov stability, terminal
Table 4. stability, variable structure control and high order
After t = 4s, manipulation starts with the tra- sliding modes, as well as structural properties of
jectories defined in Table 5. the Quadrotors.
Results indicate that Quadrotors lift up and So, this makes more interesting the control
down the object, and stable grasp has been structure since the computational cost to imple-
achieved, see Fig. 6. Evidence of this is the ranks ment this controller is very low, demanding low
J Intell Robot Syst

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 5 Computation of rank(Gr ), rank(E), rank(Q), showing a stable grasp at time of grabbing and during manipulation

computational resources, although full state feed- as any scheme that assumes it. The challenging
back is required. No acceleration is needed, and and relevant problem of partial feedback stabi-
no approximation of any sort has been assumed lization or tracking with velocity estimation is not
on the controller of system dynamics. studied in this paper. For instance, an alternative
Our approach requires full state feedback, approach for the regulation case is proposed in
which limits its scope for practical applications, [3]. However, the Quadrotor possesses a typical

Fig. 6 Manipulation of
3D object with 4
Quadrotors Plate at 4, 6 and 12s

Plate at 9.14s

Plate at 1.88s



2 2.5
1.5 2
0.5 0.5
0 0
J Intell Robot Syst

Table 4 Reference signals

successful in multirobot arms for cooperative ma-
Quadrotor 1 Quadrotor 2 Quadrotor 3 Quadrotor 4 nipulation [24].
x1d =  + 1
2 x2d = − + 2 x3d = − + 2 x4d =  + 1
y1d =  + 1
2 y2d =  + 1
2 y3d = − + 2 y4d = − + 2 8.3 What We Learned on the Simulation Study
z1d = ς + 2 z2d = ς + 2 z3d = ς + 2 z4d = ς + 2
with  = 0.5 tanh(4t − 3.4) and ς = 2 tanh(1.3t − 2) Exponential tracking is achieved in position co-
ordinates to synchronize all Quadrotors, so as
to they meet at a given peripheral point onto
structure of an Euler Lagrange system (with vir- the object at a given precise time. Grasp occurs
tual inputs) which makes plausible to develop a and then manipulation happens. Simulations are
deterministic estimator for position and orien- carried out in rather ideal conditions since nei-
tation dynamics. We are studying this problem ther gust wind nor cross (from one Quadrotor
based on our previous work [11]. to the other) wind are considered. Anyway, the
controller considers such bounded external distur-
8.2 On the Interaction Process bances, but clearly as long as no aerodynamical
cross gust happens.
Interaction forces couple the whole system since Nevertheless, if a disturbance strong enough
object and UAVs are considered composed by were to happen, the object will be thrown by
rigid frames. However, our approach considers the Quadrotors due to the lack of a cooperative
only one type of interaction forces, the contact interaction control design with each other since
forces, and leave out forces arising from rigid our controller is not cooperative. For cooperation,
interaction of UAV i to UAV m. A passive im- an additional control variable must be included to
pedance attaching device [23], may be an effective convey a variable that codes a cooperative behav-
option to accommodate smoothly such interac- ior, for instance see [24].
tion with a second order filter, then such force
is treated as a smooth external bounded force. 8.4 The Virtual Linkage Approach
Another option to compensate actively for the
interaction forces, similar to [24], is to model In some cases, the virtual linkage can degenerate,
the interaction as a constrained velocity, that is however for the Quadrotors case we are inter-
the velocity projected into each force subspace ested in those configurations corresponding to not
Jϕ (q) spanned by the gradient ∂ϕ ∂q
of the kinematic feasible poses where flight control cannot happen.
model of the object, written in terms of an im- For instance, when all contact points are coplanar
plicit equation ϕ(q) = 0. This would stand for an or more than two points lie on a common line. Ex-
active compensation of interaction forces, a more cluding such defunct configurations with assumed
promising scheme that would couple models and good motion planning, E does not lose row rank
controllers only in terms of this vi = i JϕTi (qi ) q̇ j. according to [21]. Thus, it poses no problem to the
In definition of the stiffness properties of the virtual
 jthis case, clearly  j for rigid interaction it had that
v = linkage.
i i 0, then i vi = 0, for vi = vi − vdi , and
vdi = Jϕi (qdi ) q̇ j. This last approach has been proved

8.5 On the Device for Contact

Table 5 Desired trajectories after t = 4 s Active and passive devices have been proposed
Quadrotor 1 Quadrotor 2 Quadrotor 3 Quadrotor 4 for grabbing and gripping an aerial object, as well
x1d =  + 1
2 x2d = − + 2 x3d = − + 2 x4d =  + 1
as simple devices for load carrying. They argue
y1d =  + 1
y2d =  + 1
y3d = − + 2 y4d = − + 2
that such devices allow the poor position preci-
2 2
sion observed in UAV with simple controllers.
z1d = ρ + 7
z2d = ρ + 7
z3d = ρ + 7
z4d = ρ + 7
2 2 2 2 Although the passive controlled and variable
with  = 0.5 tanh(4t − 3.4) and ρ = 0.5 cos(t − 6) impedance device proposed in [23] may accom-
J Intell Robot Syst



2 2

1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Fig. 7 Rank of matrices Gr , E and Q indicating stable grasp and manipulation of the object

modate poor position tracking of the UAV, it is order sliding mode for fast and robust tracking
true that sub-millimeter position tracking can be of admissible trajectories. Firstly, each Quadro-
achieved when a more complete dynamic model tor’s dynamics, with possible different initial con-
and advanced controller are used [8]. In our ap- ditions and different parameters, reaches a given
proach, it is clear that since we assume that the spatial point onto the object at the very same
object is grasped at the same time at given con- time to grasp the object. Then, when stable grasp
tact points by j-UAVs, it is required the best is verified, the virtual linkages approach ensures
possible position tracking attainable. The device rigid grasping and the manipulation can be carried
proposed in [23] may accommodate passively the out, with an object-level stiffness control term. It
force sensor within the object, so as to measure is assumed stable contact points and admissible
contact force fc ∈ R3 at each j-contact points with object trajectories. Clearly, implementation of this
a passive 3D ball joint. In this way, the object approach suggest a passive gripper for attach-
should be instrumented with j wireless 3D force ing and detaching, for instance, distance sensors
sensors. within the object would determine that all UAVs
are ready for contact to launch the attaching. The
numerical simulation study allows the detection
9 Conclusions of a number of issues to be analyzed. It suggests
that a new dynamic model is required such that
A control scheme for aerial grasp manipulation the j-Quadrotor system is modeled as a unique
with a j-Quadrotor system is proposed. Position super-system, such that the whole system behaves
and orientation dynamics are considered for the as a super-Quadrotor system, with the object in
design of the controller, which enforces a second common.
J Intell Robot Syst

Appendix Considering that Sd ≈ 0, then

Proof of Theorem 1 Substituting Eq. 22 into Eq. ωe = −αqe (69)

26 yields
  Introducing Eq. 69 into the time derivative of
J Ṡr = − Kd Sr + Sr× JSr + d(t) − Yr (63) qe yields
Let us consider the following Lyapunov ⎛ α ⎞
qeT qe
function ⎜ 2 ⎟ f1 (t)
q̇e = ⎝ ⎠= (70)
1 T α − f2 (t)qe
V= S JSr (64) − q0e qe
2 r 2
The total derivative of Eq. 64 along its solution where f1 (t) is a positive-definite function and
63 gives rise to f2 (t) is a positive-definite function, provided that
q0e (t0 ) > 0, a simple and yet practical constraint
V̇ = −SrT Kd Sr + SrT (d(t) − Yr ) easy to meet for small errors. Then the solution
of Eq. 70 is given by
≤ −Sr  (λmin (Kd )Sr  − η(t)) (65)
Let c = supt≥0 η(t). Note that if Sr  > q0e (t) = q0e (t1 ) + f1 (t) (71)
(c/λmin (Kd )) then V̇ < 0. This implies that − f2 (t)(t−t1 )
exists a time t1 such that qe (t) = qe (t1 )e (72)
c Then, by using the constraint of a unit quater-
Sr  ≤ ∀t > t1 (66)
λmin (Kd ) nion 10, exponential convergence of qe and q0e is
In this way Sr is upper bounded by c/λmin (Kd ). achieved. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.
Boundedness of Sr implies the boundedness of
the state which includes σ . Therefore, we can
conclude that Ṡr ≤ c̄ for some real c̄ > 0. References
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