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Yasmina Kantar

Goal #1: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes

a. Identifying research topics appropriate to the assignment: Through completion of
annotations on “The Yellow Wallpaper” and studying “The Great Gatsby” I identified
relevant research topics that aligned with the course requirements. This helped my group
and I better understand the work.
b. Locating appropriate reference materials: Engaging in free writes, literature circles, and
close readings allowed me to find proper materials that incorporated literary criticism to
enrich my understanding over the course.
c. Evaluating research materials for bias and authority: I actively assessed the bias and
authority of the sources, ensuring the credibility of my research on “The Great Gatsby”.
Goal #2: Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused
academic arguments.
a. Distinguishing between primary and secondary sources: Through extensive study and
annotations, I adeptly differentiated between primary and secondary sources for “The
Great Gatsby.”
b. Synthesizing information from a variety of reference materials: The multiple free writes
and workshops enabled me to synthesize information from multiple sources, contributing
to the development of focused research.
c. Employing relevant material appropriately in support of an argument: I effectively
incorporated relevant materials into my arguments, utilizing summary, paraphrase, and
quotation techniques as needed.
Goal #3: Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for ethical and logical uses of
a. Demonstrating an understanding of literary works: During the course, engaging with
“The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Great Gatsby” deepened my understanding of literary
genres, fostering an understanding of plot, structure, characterization, and other elements.
b. Identifying literary and rhetorical elements: Through annotations and responses to
literature, I strengthened my skills in identifying literary and rhetorical elements,
demonstrating a comprehensive understanding.
c. Analyzing style and literary devices: The literary circles allowed me to analyze the use of
literary devices, such as figurative language and language patterns in both texts.
d. Responding to literature with rational judgments supported by evidence: I made rational
judgments supported by textual evidence, showing a thoughtful approach to literary
Goal #4: Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and
inspires belief or action.
a. Following standard essay composition procedures: Connecting to standard essay
composition steps, I created clear and organized pieces, ensuring coherence in my
b. Applying logical organization and support: The multiple writing workshops and
free-writes strengthened my ability to organize ideas and provide substantial support for
my arguments.
c. Incorporating primary and secondary research to support argument: Combining primary
and secondary research strengthens the credibility of my arguments, demonstrating a
comprehensive understanding of the texts.
Goal #5: Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines.
a. Using MLA style for documentation and citation: I consistently applied MLA style for
documenting and citing primary and secondary sources, this helped to ensure accuracy.
b. Using MLA style for manuscript preparation: In preparation, I adhered to MLA style,
maintaining consistency in formatting and presentation.
Overall, my engagement with “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Great Gatsby” has significantly
contributed to the achievement of these course goals, enhancing my research, analytical, and
writing skills within the context of literary studies.

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