Judul Jurnal - Covid-19 Pandemic Anxiety, Academic Stress, and Quality of Life Among College Students in The Philippines - A Mediation Study

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Judul Jurnal: Covid-19 pandemic anxiety, academic stress, and quality of life among college

students in the Philippines: A mediation study

Link Jurnal: https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/cp/article/view/47590/pdf
Profile: https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/703
Akreditas: Sinta 1

Jumlah Data: 1024

Range Data: 18-35

Tabel distribusi demografis data berdasarkan umur:

Umur partisipan Frekuensi

18 171

19 351

20 284

21 104

22 42

23 17

24 23

25 ke atas 32

Total 1024

Tabel Frekuensi Relatif dan Kumulatif kurang dari:

Frekuensi Kumulatif Kurang Dari

Umur partisipan Frekuensi Frekuensi Relatif
Nilai frekuensi relatif

< 17.5 0%

18 171 171/1024 = 16.7% < 18.5 16.7%

19 351 351/1024 = 34.3% < 19.5 51.0%

20 284 284/1024 = 27.7% < 20.5 78.7%

21 104 104/1024 = 10.2% < 21.5 88.9%

22 42 42/1024 = 4.1% < 22.5 93.0%

23 17 17/1024 = 1.7% < 23.5 94.7%

24 23 23/1024 = 2.2% < 24.5 96.9%

25 ke atas 32 32/1024 = 3.1% < 35.5 100%

Total 1024 100%

Tabel Frekuensi Relatif dan Kumulatif lebih dari:

Frekuensi Kumulatif Lebih Dari

Umur partisipan Frekuensi Frekuensi Relatif
Nilai frekuensi relatif

18 171 171/1024 = 16.7% > 17.5 100%

19 351 351/1024 = 34.3% > 18.5 83.3%

20 284 284/1024 = 27.7% > 19.5 49.0%

21 104 104/1024 = 10.2% > 20.5 21.3%

22 42 42/1024 = 4.1% > 21.5 11.1%

23 17 17/1024 = 1.7% > 22.5 7.0%

24 23 23/1024 = 2.2% > 23.5 5.3%

25 ke atas 32 32/1024 = 3.1% > 24.5 3.1%

> 35.5 0%

Total 1024 100%

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