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FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT PATTERNS WALKING LE (side view): Little vertical lift, relaxed gait UE Action: Reflexive & relaxed

arm swing, relaxed trunk rotation LE Action: Narrow BOS, definite heel-toe contact. Mature Immature Anatomical part -Knee flex @ contact w/ quick movement knee ext. -Toes turned outward -Flat foot contact WS and WB distribution -WS heel to toe Balance -Unpredictable loss of balance -Arms used: High/Mid guard Timing Coordination -Rigid, halting LE motion Speed -Short steps slower speed Force Effort -Relaxed Dissociation/rotation -Present at trunk BOS/COG -Narrow BOS -Wide BOS ROM needed Sensory motor components -UE ROM required for arm swing -Perception of movement

HORIZONTAL STANDING LONG JUMP UE (side view): -during preparatory crouch arms move high and to the rear -during takeoff arms swing forward with force and reach high -arms stay high throughout jump Trunk Action: -propelled at 45 -focus on gaining horizontal distance LE Action: -preparatory crouch is deep and consistent -complete extension of ankles, knees, hips at takeoff -during flight: thigh parallel to ground, leg hangs vertically -at landing: body weight is forward, but controlled -symmetrical takeoff and landing Anatomical part movement WS and WB distribution Balance Mature -Trunk propelled more forwardly -Symmetric takeoff and landing Immature -Trunk moves more vertically

-during flight, asymmetric movements of UE sideways required for balance


Coordination Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed Sensory motor components

-produced by forward arm swing

-at landing COG is forward -during flight hips held flexed -Perception of movement

-at landing COG falls backwards -at takeoff theres limited LE extension

VERTICAL JUMP UE Action: -shoulder extension in preparation Trunk Action: -upward head tilt, eyes on target -full body extension -controlled landing LE Action: -preparatory crouch: knee flexion from 60 to 90 -forceful extension at hips, knees, and ankles -2-foot takeoff and landing Mature Anatomical part movement WS and WB distribution Balance Timing Coordination -simultaneous upward arm swing during takeoff -proper coordination increase momentum higher jump -forceful extension of LE joints Immature -on takeoff: poor body extension -little/no head lift -horizontal displacement on landing -arms not coordinated with trunk & LE action -difficulty using both feet at takeoff and landing

-arms aid in flight and balance

Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed Sensory motor components

-uncontrolled COG over BOS -wide BOS -full extension/flexion of shoulders -Perception of movement

GALLOPING UE (side view): Trunk Action: LE Action:

-arms not needed for balance (can use for other purposes) -low flight pattern -trail foot lands adjacent or behind lead foot -heel-toe contact combination during flight. Mature Immature -trail foot fails to remain behind lead foot at floor contact -often leans forward reverts to a run -(initial) arms do not help -(elementary) arms slightly out to side to maintain balance -non-rhythmical at face pace

Anatomical part movement WS and WB distribution Balance

Timing Coordination Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed Sensory motor components SKIPPING UE Action: Trunk Action: LE Action:

-smooth, rhythmical action -moderate tempo

-arms do not help with force production -No rotation required, oriented straight ahead

-Coordinating body sides -Perception of movement

-rhythmical use of arms, but reduced during time of weight transfer -relaxed, symmetrical rotation -rhythmical weight transfer throughout -less vertical lift on hop -toe landing Mature -reciprocal pattern requiring bilateral arm swing -step-hop pattern with reciprocal LE action -poor -smooth -good head and trunk control -poor -LE action appears segmented, halting Immature

Anatomical part movement

WS and WB distribution Balance Timing Coordination


Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed Sensory motor components

-effortless -relaxed, symmetrical trunk rotation

-deliberate step hop action -exaggerated movements -little rotation

-Coordinating body sides -Perception of movement

OVERHAND THROW Trunk Action: -stance is perpendicular to target LE Action: -Forward LE hip flexion to horizontal Anatomical part movement Mature -preparation: arm swings back -opp. UE raises to balance -throwing elbow moves forward horizontally as it extends -at release: fingers remain close together -throwing shoulder rotates in line with target preparatory phase: WS to back foot + WS off forward LE during throw: weight transfer to forward LE Immature -throwing motion derived mainly from elbow (pushing action) -at release: fingers spread out -child tends to move slightly back as throw is made

WS and WB distribution

(initial) -feet remain stationary, maybe some purposeless shifting of feet during preparation (elementary) throwing side leg steps forward + forward shift in body weight

Balance Timing Coordination Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation

-preparation: trunk rotated towards throwing side -as forward motion begins: dissociation/rotation thru hips, spine, shoulders. -prep: ab, ER, ext of shoulder -throw: horizontal ad, IR of shoulder + thumb points down -Perception of Movement

-very little shoulder rotation during throw -little trunk rotation action during throw

BOS/COG ROM needed

-less shoulder ROM used

Sensory motor


-Visual-Spatial Perception -Ocular Control

UNDERHAND THROW not sure about specific components, assume its similar to overhand Mature Anatomical part movement WS and WB distribution Balance Timing Coordination Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed Sensory motor components Immature

-Perception of Movement -Visual-Spatial Perception -Ocular Control

CATCHING -Avoidance reaction is completely suppressed Anatomical part movement Mature -arms are held relaxed at sides -forearms held in front of body -arms give upon contact to absorb force of ball Immature -definite avoidance reaction (turns face away/protect face with arms) -arms extended and held in front of body -fingers extended and held tense -hands not used in catching

WS and WB distribution Balance Timing

-hands grasp ball in well-timed simultaneous motion

Coordination Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed

-poorly timed squeeze of ball at contact with hands -scooping/trapping motion against body -

-arms adjust to flight of ball

-limited arm movement until

contact Sensory motor components -Perception of Movement -Visual-Spatial Perception -Ocular Control

KICKING BALL IN STANDING Anatomical part movement Mature Immature -at kick: arms swing in opposition -body remains erect to each other (kick-side: -arms held down at sides or out backforward) for stability -no follow thru of kicking leg WS to back foot during kick -good -poor

WS and WB distribution Balance Timing Coordination Speed Force Effort Dissociation/rotation BOS/COG ROM needed

-slow -weak

Sensory motor components

-trunk bends at waist during follow through. -kick motion initiated at hip w/ limited knee bend -support leg bends upon contact and raises onto toes during follow thru. -Visual-spatial perception -Perception of movement

-limited movt of arms/trunk -kicking LE is limited in backswing

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