Lesson Plan Assignment

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The Solemnity of Christ the King


Hi Welcome, everyone, as we start our class we reflect on the Gospel of the solemnity of Christ the King. Today, we will
explore the theme of Christ's kingship and how it calls us to a life of service specially our call to serve. Let us begin with a
prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide us today.

Opening Prayer:

Loving God, we thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who reigns as our King. Open our hearts and minds as we
explore His kingship and the call to serve and to be with one with the Lord. May our time together deepen our
understanding and inspire us to follow Christ our true King. Amen.

Please take a moment to read and reflect on the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus speaks about the final
judgment and the criteria by which we will be judged.


As I reflect on this Gospel passage, I encounter Jesus as the King who will judge us all. As I encounter people who judge
me easily, that even they not know what is the truth I was hurt, but even in that event I never give up understand them.
Because who am I to judge them, all I do is to pray for them, for the merciful King like Jesus, He separates us from our
sinfulness, and I don’t want to live in sinful ways. I admire Jesus the more in my life. I identify myself for the vulnerable
persons and teaches like Jesus that whatever we do for the least of our brothers and sisters, we do for Him. That’s my
life with my Lord and King.

Jesus is not an earthly king with power and authority in the traditional sense. His kingship is one of love, humility, and
service to us, specially the needy. He rules with compassion and calls us to imitate His example, even if it's hard to
imitate Jesus lives.


Share an experience when you felt the presence of Christ in someone you served or someone who served you.


As we conclude our lesson. let us remember that Christ the King calls us to be His disciples and serve others with love
and compassion. Let us strive to see Christ in the faces of those in need as we see it and respond with acts of kindness
and service and love. May we grow in our understanding of Christ's kingship and be transformed by His love as we live as
a catechists.

Closing Prayer:

Loving God, we thank you for the gift of this time together to reflect on the kingship of Christ. Help us to be mindful of
the call to serve others, seeing Your presence in those we encounter. May we live as true disciples of Christ the King,
bringing Your love and mercy to the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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