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Title: Ball Relay

In order to score points, players must roll marbles through a paper half pipe and shoot as many
marbles to the glass in 5 minutes.

5- Player Game

Materials Needed:
1. Paper
2. Marbles
3. Glass

1. Players must be 15 ft far from the finish line/glass.
2. Create a straight half-pipe tube using paper
3. Player 1 will be the starting point and the glass will be the end point.
4. Each marble earns five points.

1. In turn, players roll marbles through the halfpipe as they aim for the final line without
falling to the floor.
2. Falling off the ball will make the team start from the starting point.
3. If the marble has successfully passed Player 1, Player 1 must go beside Player 5, and
for every successful pass of the ball to every player, they should go forward until they
make a closer way to the end point.
4. Upon shooting the marble to the glass, everyone should go back to 15 ft away from the
end point and start over again to shoot another marble until the timer is over.
5. At the station, the team will be awarded some points based on the number of marbles
rolled across it, e.g., 5 points per marble.

The duration of the whole game is limited to five (5) minutes.

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