Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

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1. We usually eat dinner ….

a. in the morning

b. in the afternoon

c. in the evening

d. in the midnight

2. …., the sun is so hot.

a. In the morning

b. In the afternoon

c. In the evening

d. In the midnight

3. Glass is made from ….

a. sand

b. water

c. metal

d. silver

4. My grandmother is going to cook. She needs ….

A. table

B. bag

C. stove

D. blanket

5. The example of a solid object is….

a. cooking oil

b. shampoo

c. oxygen
d. book

6. “Garasi” in English is ….

a. living room

b. garage

c. bathroom

d. kitchen

7. “I see sunset in the evening.”

Please translate the sentence in Indonesia!

a. Aku melihat hewan di kebun binatang.

b. Aku mendengarkan musik.

c. Aku sarapan di pagi hari.

d. Aku melihat matahari terbenam di sore hari.

8. I – help – must- to prepare – my parents – dinner.

a. I must help my parents to prepare dinner.

b. Must help dinner my parent to prepare.

c. I help to prepare must dinner my parents.

d. Must to prepare I help my parents dinner.

9. Example obligation in home is ….

a. clean up my toys after I play

b. respect for the teacher

c. clean the classroom

d. reading in library

10. What is an example of an obligation at school that should be done every day?

a. Talking during class.

b. Listening to the teacher.

c. Leaving school early.

d. Bullying friend.

11. Who is responsible for fulfilling obligations at school?

a. Only teachers.

b. Only students.

c. Both teachers and students.

d. Headmaster.

12. I am … in the bathroom.

a. watching TV

b. eating meal

c. sleeping

d. brushing teeth

1. Humans breath using ….

A. hearth

B. liver

C. lung

D. kidney

14. It is very hot. Turn on the … please.

a. television

b. radio

c. fan

d. stove

15. Charlie is sweeping the floor using ….

a. a broom

b. a fan

c. a chair

d. a book

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