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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.




Subject Code: 639410 Date: 27/06/2023

Subject Name: Network and Cyber Security
Time: 10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make Suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Use of simple calculators and non-programmable scientific calculators are permitted.

Q.1 (a) Explain following terms. 07

1) What is cybersecurity?
2) What is CIA?
3) Differentiate between IDS and IPS.
4) How is Encryption different from Hashing?
5) Penetration Testing.
6) What are some of the common Cyberattacks?
7) What is Port Scanning?
(b) Explain the IP section, crimes and punishments under IT ACT 2000. 07

Q.2 (a) What is Dos attack ? How it is performed ? Explain classification of Dos Attack. 07
(b) Explain different types of attacks possible on mobile phone. 07
(b) Explain types of Firewall with advantages and disadvantages. 07
Q.3 (a) Brief Intrusion prevention system -snort? What is the difference between IPS 07
and IDS
(b) What is pix Firewall Security ? How does it differ from a firewall? 07

Q.3 (a) Explain Virus and Worms ,Trojan Horses and Backdoors. 07
(b) Explain Wireshark and how do we use Wireshark to find a password in network ? 07
Q.4 (a) What is wireless security ? and explain wireless access points(WAP) with 07
(b) What are the principal elements of public-key cryptosystem ? Explain in brief. 07
Q.4 (a) Give the difference between hash function and message authentication codes. 07
(b) Explain Internet Key Exchange with benefits. 07
Q.5 (a) Explain Playfair cipher substitution technique in detail. Find out cipher text for 07
the following given key and plaintext.
Plaintext = COMPUTER
(b) What is Network devices ? and explain each layer of OSI Model. 07
Q.5 (a) Give the difference between ARP poising and MAC spoofing. 07
(b) Give the difference between packet analysis and protocol analysis. 07


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