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641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word
whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. forest B. wonder C. rock D.
2. A. beach B. cheese C. change D.
3. A. finger B. lip C. light D. thin
4. A. painkiller B. scissors C. river D.
5. A. scissors B. compass C. necessary
D. password
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word
that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. natural 1 B. welcome 1 C. wonderful1
D. remember2 nhớ phải làm gì
2. A. amazing B. mountain C. forest
D. compass
3. A. useful hữu ích B. holiday1 ngày nghỉ
C. careful1 cẩn thận D. canteen
4. A. lesson B. tourist C. litter xả rác / rác
D. exciting2 thú vị
5. A. dangerous nguy hiểm B. landscape nhan 1
C. rainy1 có mưa D. explore khám phá 2
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the

correct answer to each of the following
1. She is going to introduce some ________wonders
of the world tomorrow.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. un
2. If you want to protect your skin from the sunlight,
you should use some ___
A. Scissors B. ice-creams kem C. sun cream
D. pain killers
3. If you travel to a forest, you should bring a tent, a
torch and a ___________.
A. sleeping bag B. waterfall C. mountain
4. We use _______ to cut papers or something.
A. scissors B. valley C. plaster
D. compass
5. We use ____________ to cover the pain.
A. compass B. plaster C. forest
D. computer
6. ____________ is essential when you go to the
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

A. sun scream B. pain killer C. sleeping bag

D. walking boots
7. A large bag, carried on the back and used especially
by people who go climbing or walking. What is it?
A. Boat tàu thuyền B. Torch đuốt/ đèn pin
C. Boots D. Backpack
8. _______ is large area of land that has very little
water and very few plants growing on it.
A. Valley B. Desert C. Island
D. Mountain
9. The cave is very dark, you should bring the
_______with you.
A. torch B. compass C. sleeping bag
D. hat
10. Ha Long Bay is one of the Seven ____________
of the world.
A. beauties B. cuisines C. agents D.
11. In order not to get lost, we need a ____________.
A. scissors B. painkiller C. backpack
D. compass
12. A group of _______ set up camp in the field.
A. travel B. travelling C. travels
D. travellers
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

13. It is often rainy in Hue

……………………… remember to bring an
A. but B. so C. or D.
14. Which city is ………………………………….. ,
Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City?
A. large B. larger C. largest D. the
15. We won’t cut anything, so these _________ are
not necessary.
A. walking boots B. scissors C. travel items D.
16. Bring some _________ in case you have a
headache or so.
A. backpack B. map C. compass D.
17. A _________ helps you see things at night.
A. sleeping bag B. sun cream C. torch D.
sun hat
18. Bring your _________ so that you can call me
when you get there.
A. waterproof coat B. tent C. mobile phone
D. compass
19. I don’t know where to go now. Pass me the
_________, please.
A. backpack B. map C. sleeping bag
D. sun hat
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

20. Bring only _________ travel items; don’t

carry too much.
A. essential B. new C. old D.
21. It can be very dark inside a _________.
A. coat B. cave C. beach D. coast
22. It is extremely hot in a _________.
A. bay B. island C. lake D. desert
23. Can anyone swim across this _________ within
30 minutes?
A. valley B. river C. waterfall D.
24. Can you name some famous tourist _________ in
A. attractions B. nature C. cuisine D.
travel items

25. _________ is a large thick bag for sleeping in,

especially when you are camping.
A.A sleeping bag B.A sleep bag C. A sleepy bag
D.A bag for sleeping
26. Ha Long Bay is the number one ____________ in
Viet Nam.
A. nature wonder B. natural wonder C. wonderful
nature D. wonder nature
27. Ha Long Bay is famous __________ its scenic
rock formations.
A. to B. with C. for D.
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

28. When hiking (hike đi bộ đường

dài )overnight, don’t forget quên to bring the
__________. It will keep you warm ấm at night.

A. sleeping bag B. hiking boots C. sun


D. painkiller thuốc giảm đau

29. You __________ look at nhìn vào other
students’ work. It’s against the rules. (chống lại
qui định)
A. must B. should C. shouldn’t D.
30. The Sahara is the third largest __________ in the
A. island đảo B. desert sa mạc C.
valley thung lũng D. mountain núi
31. Peter must __+ V1________ this essay today.
He’s going out tomorrow.
A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D.
to finish
32. You ____________ be late trễ for school. It's
against chống the school regulations. Qui định trường
A. must B. mustn't C. canD. can't
33. You ____________ all necessary things do dung
can thiet along with you before you start your trip.
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

A. takes B. won't take C. must take

D. mustn't take
34. We _________ get up early dậy sớm to be at the
campsite in time. Kịp giờ
A. can B. must C. can't D.
35. You _________throw vứt the rubbish rác into the
West Lake.
A. may B. must C. mustn't D.
may not
36. We _________ hold a party tổ chức 1 bữa tiệc
tonight but we _________make some loud noises
(làm ồn) affecting ảnh hưởng our neighbours. Hang
A. must/ mustn't B. mustn't/ must C.
can/ must D. can/ mustn't
37. You _________ travel alone (du lich 1 mình) to
the mountain núi. Always go in a group. Đi theo
A. must B. mustn't C. do D.
38. You _________ take a lot of warm clothes quần
áo ấm when you go to Sa Pa in winter.
A. must B. mustn't C. can D.
39. You _______ across the road băng qua đường
without mà không looking around. Nhìn xung quanh
A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. don’t
have to
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

40. This is the smoking room (phòng để hút

thuốc) at this airport sân bay . You ______
smoke in this room.
A. must B. mustn't C. Can D.
don't have to
41. I _______ do my homework. My teacher said (đã
nói )so.
A. can B. mustn't C. have to D.
don't have to
42. I ______ watch TV late (xem Tv muộn) at night.
My parents say I must go to bed early.sớm
A. can't B. must C. can D. don’t
have to
43. Travelling on mountains is really dangerous nguy
hiểm, so vì vậy you _____ go alone.
A. should B. can C. must D. mustn’t
44. You _____ pick up flowers (ngắt hoa) in the
school garden.
A. must B. mustn't C. can’tD. should
IV. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't.
1. You ………………………….. help your mother
with the heavy box.
2. It’s very cold. You ………………………….. go
3. You ………………………….. look after the house
when your parents are away.
4. You ………………………….. wash your face in
the morning.
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

5. You………………………….. take your

umbrella because it’s raining.
6. You ………………………….. drink that milk, it’s
very hot.
7. You ………………………….. make noise in the
8. It’s dangerous, you ………………………….. touch
that wire.
9. You ………………………….. be rude to your
10. In the class, you ………………………….. study
V. Identify the countable (C) and uncountable
nouns (U).
1. money 5. 9.
_____ happiness______
2. tree 6. sadness
_C_____ ______ 10. dog
3. 7. bottle ______
milk______ 8. bread _____
11. garden
4. dog ______
______ 12. Advice
VI. Write the plural form of the following nouns.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
noun noun noun noun
Rose Photo
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

Boy Foot
Family Man LAN
Tooth Sandwich
Child Mouse
Potato Girl DUY


1. This evening I'm going out with
_____________________________ friends of mine.
2. 'Have you seen _____________________________
good films recently?' 'No, I haven't been to the cinema
for ages.'
3. I didn't have _____________________________
money, so I had to borrow some.
4. Can I have _____________________________ milk
in my coffee, please?
5. Can you give me _____________________________
information about places of interest in the town?
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

6. If there are
_____________________________ words you
don't understand, use a dictionary.
7. We didn't buy _____________________________
1. Dad, I need _____________________________
money, please.
2. Hurry up! We don't have
_____________________________ time! they will
arrive soon.
3. I don't have _____________________________
brothers or sisters, but I have many friends.
4. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but I have
_____________________________ friends.
5. How _____________________________ true
friends do you have?
6. We love you so _____________________________,
7. Money? I think I have
_____________________________; I am not poor but
not rich either.
IX. Fill in the blanks with FEW, A FEW, LITTLE,
1. I can't wait for you. I've got
_____________________________ time.
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

2. I've got a _____________________________

books and I'll buy some more.
3. Julien has got a _____________________________
friends and they meet on Saturdays.
4. There is _____________________________ food
left. We'd better not be hungry then!
5. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. There
were always _____________________________
flowers in a vase.
X. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the
passage below
Tra Co Beach in Quang Ninh province is 9 kilometers
from Mong Cai. It has the (1) and the most
romantic beach in Viet Nam. Tourists can enjoy the (2)
of white sand beaches and green sea water all year
(3) . Visitors can (4) enjoy the sunset or sunrise in
Con Mang islet. You can visit Tra Co Communal House,
Linh Khanh Pagoda, and Tra Co Church. If tourists want
some fresh (5) , they can find it from fishing boats.
They can take part in "Tra Co Festival" from May 30 to
June 6.
1. A. long B. longer C. longest D.
much longer
2. A. beauty B. beautiful C. of beauty D.
3. A. over B. long C. round D. longer
4. A. be B. be able C. then D.
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

5. A. seafood B. menu C. air

D. water
XI. Rewrite the sentence without changing
1. It is necessary for us to review the lessons for the
We must _____________________________
2. There are some chairs and a table in the kitchen.
We have
3. It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.
We mustn’t
4. It is necessary for us to be present at the class
discussion on Saturday.
We must
5. The tour guide tells us not to throw rubbish.
The tour guide says that we
THE YOUTH ACADEMY – 038.308.5025
641/13 Ly Thai To, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai

Kiểm tra bài cũ: Thứ 5:khái niệm danh từ đếm được
và danh từ không đếm được, cách dùng lượng từ +
cách dùng động từ khuyết
Thứ 6: từ vựng Unit 5 từ 80 (Waterproof coat) đến
115 (Compass)

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