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The Law of Cause & Effect Cheat Sheet

1) How cause & effect works

a) Unseen source → There is an unseen source from which all reality is created.

b) Non-linear chain → On the surface, it may appear that A→B→C, but all A, B & C are
originating from the unseen source.

c) What is the unseen source?

i) Thoughts – The thoughts we think

ii) Outer beliefs – The beliefs we have about the world

iii) Inner beliefs (identity) – The beliefs we have about ourselves in

relationship to our world.

d) Key – Focus on finding the unseen source from which everything originates. In
the case of our own personal realities, it is the identity that causes the outer
beliefs we have, the thoughts we think & the actions we take.

2) How to be at the cause

a) Inquire – Who must I become in order to effortlessly experience my goal as a

normal reality? Eg. Quazi & becoming the $20k/m version.

b) Steps

i) Clarity - Get clear first on what is wanted (eg. $20k/m) then on who you
must become.

ii) Suspension of disbelief - what are key habits this ideal self follows
without fail?

iii) Style of character - how does this ideal self dress?

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3) Inner & outer action

a) Inner action – Intention. Influences future frames of reality.

i) Inner intention – my resolve to “do” in order to have

ii) Outer intention – my resolve to “have” no matter what

b) Outer action – Physical action taken to influence current frame of reality

c) Key – Unite both. Take consistent inner and outer action for the fastest

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