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The undersigned:

Name :
Identification (ID) Card Number :
Title :
ID Card Address :
Telephone Number
We refer to the Dealership Cooperation Agreement Number ____/LGL-HCID/P/___/ __-201_ dated made
and signed by and between PT Home Credit Indonesia and ( ) and email correspondences
between PT Home Credit Indonesia and ( ) as attached, we hereby states that
( ) located in ( ) will have exhibition as


Exhibition Store :

Area :

Exhibition Period :

Location/Building Name/Floor :

Full Address :

City & ZIP Code :

Location Direction :

Contact Person 1 & Handphone:

Contact Person 2 & Handphone:

Email :

Telephone/Fax :

Bank Name :

Account Number :

Account Name :

Commodity :

POS Type & Assembly Point :

SA Name & Phone Number :

DSM Name & Phone Number :

Exhibition(s) above is/are an exhibition of ( ) [which has/have different bank
account with ( )]. Each exhibition shall be responsible for any transactions
financed by PT Home Credit Indonesia. Should any transaction occurs in the above exhibition(s), the Balance Amount
on the Commodity must be paid by PT Home Credit Indonesia to the Account Number above. PT Home Credit
Indonesia hereby approves that all banking transaction with the above exhibition(s) of (
) shall be conducted through the above bank accounts.

Thereby this Exhibition Statement Letter to be used properly.

Medan, _________________


Signature and Stamp Store

( )

Key Account Manager/District Manager

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