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a ® Aakash Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pus, orate Office : Aakash Tower Puss Road, Now Det 110005, PhOw-A7623458 MM: 720 TemmExam2024CF+OYM(P1) rE o5q ‘time. 200 MiP- Topics Covered: Chysics: Electromagnetic induction, Altemaing Current, Clectomagnetc Waves Botany rare ee nock Elements: (Group 15-18), The d& Block Elements Cesrginaton Compounds Fount: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production, Microbes in Human goa a Zoology: Human Health & Disease General instructions +, There are two sections in each subject, ie. Section-A & Section-B. You hy Section-A & only 10 questions from Section-B out of 15, 2 Gach question carries +8 marks. For every vrong response, ~1 mark shall be ‘deducted from the total score. Usanswered/unattempted questions will be given no marks, 3. Use blue/black ballpoint pen only o darken the appropriate circle 4. Mark should be dark and completely fil the circle, 5. Dark only one circle for each enty, 6 !ave to attemptall 35 questions from Dark the circle in the space provided only pacgh work mustnot be done en the Answer sheet and do not use white fluid or any other rubbing material on he Answer sheet SECTION-A In resonance state of LCR series circuit Three identical inductors are connecte capacitance is made 4 tmes of inital value inductance beween pons A and Bis keeping inductance same, then the new resonance Frequency willbe A L ol A Lwiin—e stimese a A + u s times = @ + A times (4) 4tmese HE rermexamzo24cr+OYM(P1)TEO5A, 3 4 A cireular conducting col of radius ry having resistance Fis placed in a time’ varying transverse uniform magnetic felg etic feld B = 4? as shown in the figure. The currentin the culos time f= 2 8 is (consider aor Ges all quanties are in @ @) @ An alternating currentof 1.5 mA with angular frequency 100 radis flows through a 10 ko Fesistor and a 0.50 uF capacitor in series. ‘The RMS value of potential drop across the capacitors @ 4av 2) 30v @ 1sv (4) 190 etd 00 towing store ar cone al the correct option Statement A : An emf can be induced by ‘moving a conductor a magnet eld Statement B : An emf can be induced in a colby changing the magnetic eld, n which the cal is yng. D7 Both statements Aand 8 are tue @) Aistue butBistalse @ Bistve butaistalse (4) Both statements A and B are false ‘The potential of an AC source connected in series with an inductor of inductance L, a capacitor of capacitance C and a resistor of a x x RA series ac ore ana, reading of deal vows Vea Yaa volt and 70 volt respectively = volometer Vis wen o> = Tren reaams (2) 60voK (2) 10 vot (3) 100vort (@) 130vok current in the svaight wire is decreasing, then induced currentin the loop is € (0) Choose @) Anteocavise <2 Fest cocnise hen anscociwise (ze Energy stored in a pure inductor of inductance L when a current flows tough itis @ uF ene Kane [Photons per second, te radiations belong t© a par ofthe specrum called Kerays @ Uta violetrays @) Micto waves (2) yerays resistance R is V = (6 sin wo) volt. i current in 21. «; and wp are the two half power angular the circuit is 1 = 2 sin (wt-+ 2) then the frequencies and tp is anguiar resonant 4 Bo owes dissipated inthe circuitwill be frequency of an LCR senes cireut then a = selectincorrect relation. cae (Q) tap = ta = band width @ 3v2W @) 8 = VaR (y= O jones ju» -w| = 2 2 20 =: + OYM(P1)-TEOSA PF Ac source of 25 vor, 60 zis appied scss CR ses cute shown elage Aetoss resistance Is 20 vo, then across capacitor is aimee <20V5 R Gi 25 V, 60 Hz () 20v @) 15v @) av (4) 40v Ga Nee lomnyo font nen tenes 14, connected to an ac source through a key as shown in the figure below. The key is closed and after sometime an iron rod is inserted into the interior of the inductor. The glow of the light bulb irae (@) increases Pr decreases () remains unchanged (@) will fuctuate In the circuit shown, the current through batery ust afer swichscosed is 2 20V WW 1 30 L 2H WW 4a @ Ba 2 2 Ba (4A (4) 2A 15. 16. a7, 19. ay LR series cieuit is shown, the oney stored im auctor ong me ater 089 keyis 240 = 100mH i 0 —_—*" v=t2V (1) 125m (2) 1253 (3) 25m (@) 253 Magnetic fux is changing through a closed circuit as function of time as = (47 -3t + 6)WO, The resistance of circuit is 10 Q. The induced current at 0.5 second is. () 018 (2) 028 @ 038 (6) 048 The current passing through a choke coil of self inductance 0.5 H Is decreasing at the fate of 12 Als. The emi developed across the cols (@ osv @ 6v (@) 10 @12Vv ‘An ideal transformer has 50 turns in its primary winding and 25 tums. in its Secondary winding. I the current in the Secondly winding in 4 A whats the current in primary winding ita 200 V AC is applied across it? (4a @ 2A @3a (@) 8A 50 Hz ac. current of peak value 2 A flows through one of the pair of coils. ifthe mutual inductance between pai of coils is 150 mH, then peak value of voltage induced in the second coil is (a) 20nv (2) 3onv (3) 4onv (4) 10nV m(P2)-TEOSA +0¥! igor conducting rod of length 1 is a mere on devekpeocas te Ste rd willbe a no tAN* "By ne (2) Bolvo and Ais at higher potential (2) Bolvp and Bis at higher potential Bey (3) [ite and Bis athigher potential» (a) Bal “3 and Ais at higher potential . P Raciaton of energy E falls normaly on a perfect reflecting surface. The momentum transfered tothe surface is (ye ey 26K (@ ec © ex? B ex XX pe Vo Poca pe x a ex Clockwise (2) Anticlockwise (8) Depending on speed of loop (4) No current will induce gf he average power dsipaion in pute Inducer m one complete eye (mbas rove utun meaning) @) a? er re0 @ Lo @ Lee 24 25. 26. An 28, Consider a series LA circult In whieh "LH and resistance [2 = 1000Wnen eae 1 0 ac SOurce 220 ¥, rawr from the source IS the circuit is. con 50 He, The curent (@) Ly2a (2 Zer0 (3) LA () y2A rentin an AC circuit are nf applied and cur Ey volt and wt B= lov?) i=5V2coswt ampere respectively. jverage power loss in the circuits (1) sow @ Zero ircut are given Voltage and currentin an acc by V = 6sin (100%¢ -i)V and T= sin (10016 + =) Avhence (2) Voltage leads the current by 30° (2) Currentleads the voltage by 30° (3) Currentleads the voltage by 60° (4) Voltage leads the current by 60° ‘A transformer having efficiency of 90% is ‘working on 200 V and 3 KW power supply. If the current in the secondary coil is 6A, the voltage across the secondary coil and the Currentin the primary coll respectively are (4) 300,15, @) 450,15 A @) 450,135 (@) 600v,15 A For the series LCR circuit shown in figure, the resonance frequency and the amplitude fof current at resonant frequency are respectively 8 mH 220 20 uF 440 (1) 2500 rad/s and 5 A. (2) 250 radis and 52 A () 2500 radis ana $A (4) 2500 radis and 5/2 a _ acr+oYM(PL)-TEOSA Pe el ciemsn jie 2 Au with Speed yin a uniform mote ronal ted’ as sheen tne emt developed across fe ws ia, re oa a6 ends oe ro wl vey, 24. (2) Bolva and Ais at higher potential (2) Bolvg and Bis athigher potential ) Buy (3) 25 aya 5 athigherpoentale 25. a) Ba (©) 23% ana Ais atigher potent. Radiation of energy E fals normaly on a perfecly retecing sutace. The morventum transfered tthe sae is ( ere (@) E (4) Ec? 26. la square conducting loop js taken out from ‘a region of unifarm magnetic field with speed v as shown in igure. Then direction of induced current in the loop wil be Dia XX us pone) mR mod ORES Clockwise (2) anticlockwise (2) Depending on speed of loop (4) No current will induce 28. The average power dissipation in pure inductor in one complete cycle is (symbols have usual meaning) ®) ae err (3) ne () Ln Consider a series L-F circuit in which "I and resistance R= 1000When fe ‘ected 10 ac source 220 V, Sjrawn from the source 1S the circuit is conné 50 Hz. The current @ 1iy2a @) Ze @ Ha @) 2A circuit are mf applied and current in an AC ci E = loy2sinwt volt and ampere respectively. i= 5y2coswt ‘average power 035 (1) sow @ 25 @ Sw inthe circuit is (@) Zero Voltage and currentin an ac circuit are alven by V=5sin (100x¢ ) Vv and 1= sin (100n¢ +3) A, hence (2) Voltage leads the curentby 30° (2) Currentieads the voltage by 30° (3) Currentleads the voltage by 60° (4) Voltage leads the current by 60° ‘A transformer having efficiency of 90% is ‘working on 200 V and 3 kW power supply. tf the current in the secondary coil is 6A, the Voltage across the secondary coil and the ‘currentin the primary coil respectively are (2) 300, 15 (2) 450,154 (3) 450V,13.58 (@) 600,154 For the series LCR circuit shown in figure, the resonance frequency and the amplitude fof current at resonant frequency are respectively 8 mH 220 20 uF 40. (2) 2500 radis and 5 A (2) 250 radis and 5y2. (8) 2500 radis and 4 vi (4) 2500 radis and 5/2 & 30. 31. 36. a7. us Hectic field electromagnetc wave is (800 + - 102k Associated with this el TAI units are in Si unit} Oe (4x10 ®T) sin(300¢ ~ 10 2) ® (4x 10-°T) sin(300¢ -10-*2)i 3) ( x1 O( Hf Alternating Current in a circuit is given 1= fsin(100m), then time taken by the current to change from zero to peak value will (Here Jis in ampere and tis in second) associated with = (100 Nic) sin then magnetic field lectromagnetic wave is 32, (0°) sin(300r 10-2) j 33. x10 *T) sin(300" — 10°62) j 24, Light with average flux of 50 wien? falls normally on non-reflecting surface at normal incident having surface area 10 em?, The energy received by the surface during time pan of one minutes is @ 1043 2) 31089 @) 6x 1035 (4) 5 «1073 35. SECTION-B ‘Atan instant, magnetic fed at a point due to 38. an electromagnetic wave is along x axis and electric field is along y axis. The direction of propagation of the wave is along (1) Positive z axis (2) Negative z axis (2) Positive y axis (4) Negative x axis ‘The voltage of an AC supply varies with time (t) as V = 60 sin SOmt cos 50m. The wea volage and. Kequency reapectvely are ae specie ate Vans = Yo Sin wt) (2) 60V.100 He (o @) 60V,50Hz (@) 60V2 v,50 Hz i oe e tne {nan electromagnec wave in fee SP 4 is foot mean square value of te electt"© Ens = 6 Vim. The peak value magnetic feld is ) 1arx 10-87 2) 283 «10-8 T 8) 070% 10-8 r (9) 423» 10° T A 200 watt bulb is connected in secondary coll ts primary #8 connected at 400 vol. It efficiency of tranformer is 80% and the bulb is running with its peak power then, the courtentin primary coll is () 3p (2) (3) Oy da A A ae ‘A magnetic ux of 8 x 10~4 weber is linked with each turn of coil having 400 turns when there is an electric current of 2 A in it. Self inductance of the coil is 4 (a) 80 mi $= 84S we (2) 160 mH NF was @) 3¢mH Be) xe (4) 40 mH ccs Unit of inductance is. ‘voltampere (2) joule/ampere (3) voltsecond/ampere (4) volt-ampere/second ‘The electric field associated with e.m wave in vacuum is given by E = i[40cos(kz — 6 x 108t)] where E, Z and t are in vollim, meter and seconds respectively. The value of wave vector K is amet osm (3) 6m? () 3m4 eae Pr ezaciso eaten -Termexat oh pimensional formula of (Lis (where L is ouetance and /18 Curent) wt 2 PAA Dette (@) wou Ay (4) pt 2 7? Ady ao. In the given network, the equivalent inductance beween x and Y will be approximately (neglect mutual inductance in ru aH 2H 4H 1H @) 15H 33H (3) 44H (@ 11H “phy Aconueing rot ng i tang aout ‘7 point P in a uniform tansverse magnetic speed heads ay ten rage of renee Ser acss tne ono 0 be (PA = 4 and PB=+) 42, Current flowing through an_ inductor of inductance 2 H, is 4 A. The magnitude of flux through the inductor is, (a) 2wo (2) 3Wb a) awo (4) 6Wo 44, & 48. a7. transparent The refractive index of the jr usual medium [it all symbols have thei meaninglis @ (ae Or @ (2 V me @ f hen a plane electromagnetic wave travels veeraum tre average electric field energy ovat is given by (here Epis the amplitude ofthe electric field ofthe wave) ) deoE} 1 eB? @ LeokR @) eoER (8) 22083 In a circuit l, Cand A are connected in Series wath an altemating voltage source of frequency. The current leads the voliage by 60". The value of Xe X.)is (a) 2 PAR @) V3R uy c va if potential difference across the plates of capacitor of capacitance 10 pF changes at the rate of 10°, then displacement current between the plates of capacitor is. (1a (2) 108 @) 5A (@ oa two coils of self inductances 1 mH and 4 mH has coupling coefficient 0.5, then coeficient of mutual inductance between ‘wo coils is (a) 1m (2) 3mHt (3) 2mH (4) 4H an ac. circuit V and / are gwen by V=50sin (100m) volt, T= Lo0sin|toone + $]mA. the average ; ower dissipated in he cult @) 25 @ sw @) osw (@) 1.25 is 49, Te resi exe ty an clecronagrse eieienrg (ene tetecng suc ici vlc oan we at @B) ic? @t Which is correctly matched? (2) HzS0,—Haber's process (2) NOs - Contact process Elz - Deacon's process (4) HCI- Ostwald process Number of P-H bonds in onhophosphoric (2) Zero 2 ee 3 53. White phosphorous on reaction with thionyl chloride produces (1) PCIz + $0 + S2Cle (2) PCls + S02 only (2) PCls + $02 + S2Cl (4) PCI, + S02 only a neta. fray ares (3) Xe ate 6 onm 5G, & sees Lor creut consis of 60 resistance and 8 ohm reactance. Te factor of the circuit is a @ No 24) 2 SECTION-A 55, Which gas is obtained on reacting copper with dilute nitric acid? «@ No 2) No (3) NO2 (4) N20 56 winch of the folowing has highest bond decoriaton nha fe @) Ch @) Bre @) be 57. Shape of XeOF, is (2) Trigonal bipyramidale (2) Square pyramidal + (3) See-saw (4) Square planar TermExam2024CF+OYM(P1)TEO5A 58. Assertion (A): Extensive H-bonding 1s present in NHa, while other hydrides of 15" {group can not form H-bonding. Reason (R): Among the hydrides of 15! group, NH has highest boiling point In light of above statements, choose the correct answer (2) Both Assertion & Reason are tue and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion (2) Both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct ‘explanation ofthe assertion (3) Assertion is true statement but Reason 'sfalse (4) Both Assertion and Reason are false statements: Peale Qa) sp @) sp? @) spa * More. (2) PHy At oom, 61. Peroxide linkage is presentin (1) H2S207 (2) H25206 (3) HaS20s (4) H2820¢ 62, The brown coloured complex formed in brown ring testis (@) [Fe(enygy (2) [re(cnys(wosyt (3) [Fe(H,0)sNo}** (4) [Fe(CN)sNOP- 63. IUPAC Name of FealFe(CN)gls is (1) Ferrous ferric cyanide (2) Ferric ferrous hexacyanate (2) Iron (il) hexacyanidoferrate (I) (4) Ferrous hexacyanidoferrate (I) 64. Correct order of oxidising power af Cr, 02, MnO, and VO; 16 (1) VO} > Cr 07 > MnO, @) MnO, > Cr, 0} > VO, @) Gr0} > MnO, > VO; (4) MnO, > VO} » Cr OF 65. Consider the following statements () Manganate and permanganate ions are tevahedral in shape. (i) Manganate 1on is paramagnetic in nature {il) Permanganate ion oxidises iodide to iodate in alkaline medium The correct statements are (4) () and (i) only (2) (and (i) only (2) (i) and (i) only (4) (.(iand qi 66. Correct order of basic strength of the given lanthanoid hydroxides is, (1) Er(OH)3 > GU(OH)s > Ce(OH); (2) Co(O)g > G(OH)s > Ex(OHs (3) Gd(OH)g > E1(OH)s » Ce(OH)s (4) Ce(OH), > Er(OH) > GAOH) Correct order of first ionisation enthalpy of the given metal atoms is () Mn>Cr> Se (@) se>cr> mn XG >Sc>Mn (@) Mn > So> Cr 68. Consider the following statements about interstitial compounds. They are chemically inert They are very hard {ii They retain metalic conductivity ‘The correct statements are (2) @and (i) only 2) Gi and (ii) only (3) ( and (i only (4) (9. (i) and (ay sigan (1) co? (2) cue OF sci (4) yor 1g hetal present in Wilkinson catalystis Rh 2) Co @ (@ Te (het mets 73. 74. 75. 76. (2) Ma a @) Ni Inner orbital diamagnec complex species in the following is @) ppan(Cnyg)> (2) [Fe(CNye] @) [coFe}- (4) [Co(C204)3) Consider the following complex ions L [crete IL [Cr(NH3)6)* m.teneN)eF The correct order of crystal feld spliting energyis (a) Hoa (2) w>m>t @ m>u>t (4) >> Which of ne following complexes is optically active? @) [CnNHS)6)* (2) INi(H20)_)"* (2) [PUNHa)2B.INOs (4) (Crlens)ICls For same central atom and ligands, correct relauonis (1) Ay = Ae QA = © A, ) A, T 78, a1 In which of the following, ammani 0 formed as one of the product? (2) NHACH (aq) + NaNO, (aq) > @) (NH), CnO; ® Ba (my), 2 (®) (NH,),$0, + NaOH > {Co(wty),04] Brand {Co(NHy)s81150e are (2) Linkage isomers (2) Coordination isomers (2) lonisation isomers (4) Solvate isomers ‘The primary and secondary valency of the Central atom of a schematic representation of given complex are respectively. (a 686 evans (@) 643 (@) 343 Noble gas having minimum boiling pointis (@) He (2) Ne (3) ar (a) xe In which of the following oxoacids of phosphorous, number of P-OH bonds is ‘maximum? (2) Pyrophosphorous acid (2) Hypophosphorous acid (3) Hypophosphoric acid (4) Onhophosphoric acid Which of the following complexes is a heteroleptic complex? (1) (ee(cnyet* (2) {Co(ntts)g}* @) [co(NHs)¢ClaI” ( (Pdclae TermExam202: 83. scr +OYM(P1)-TEOSA wmich of the following has maximum spin Sry magnetic Moment value? (1) Fe? @ 1 @) Ne (9) zn? ¥ 86, Among lanthanide series, which one has largest size? () Ce Pm (@) €u (4) Gd Which of the following metal carbonyls has longest M-C bond length? (@) [Mn(Co)gI" (2) [CCO}] (3) [Fe(CO)s} (9) (cor oe ‘Which among the following is a m acid 89. 90. ligand? (@) #0 @ co wn Correct order of meltng pointis (a) N>P>As>Sb>Bi (2) Bi> Sb>AS>P>N (3) As>Sb>Bi>P>N (4) Sb>As>Bi>P>N Swongest reducing agent among the hychides of group 15 elements is (2) NH @) PHs (3) SbHs @) Bills the numer of P-O-P linkages presenti Prowsisequal «Tee 9 (2) Four p Zz (3) Five a p Sx 85, Basic oxide among the following is (2) ¥205 * @) 60" VAT C1203 (4) C103 SECTION-B, 91. [coci.}*-is Q) y8BM. @ y3em. @ yom (4) 246M. 92. Find out the CFSE for high spin o* ‘octahedral complex (2) -0.605 (2) -1.20 @) - 1.8 (4) -2.005 IN(COyshare (2) 5p3, square planar DF sp, tevanedral (9) sp%a?, square planar (4) asp?,tevahedral gf The most common oxidation state of lanthanoids is (ay +2 +3 (3) +4 @) +5 > 2 2 Lanthoncid metal (2) Carbon (@) Calcium (@) Aluminium 10 The spin only magnetic moment of complex, ‘The hybridization and shape of the complex the element of most hea among the fa 7 (4) co Positive 87. Gadolinium belongs to af sen ‘umber is 64, Which o correct electronic ‘gadolinium? ) pxejarsatgs? 2) (reyP sates? ®) pelea? ® [reyaAsst eS. Its atomic the following is the configuration of 101. Read the following statements and mark ihe correct option Statement A : Ladybird, a beetle with red and black markings is usetul im contoling aphids, Statement B : Dragonflies are usetul to get Fid of mosquitoes, Ais correct (2) Only statement Bis correct. (4) Both statements A and B are incorrect ‘Match the following wart. sewage treatment ie (oleae Selec 0 pen] [Secondary |, Use ofreverse | 2|@}reament” | Josnoss | | Ifrera iy fenysicat proces 1/©jweamen_{)/Prsia process} @) a,b,c) (2) ali), BG), cit) ‘a(ii),b(i), c(i) 82 Element wit, valence Configuration 3c4s2 ay Qc () Fe (4) Co *2 ovidation state is not showin by ye 2) v @) Co QT electronic oh 100. Correctorderotigand feldsvengh is © Co> GN > Nth > 4,0 © GN > co> NH, > 1,0 ® 60> GN> m0 > Neh © cos ni > eN> mo SECTION-A 198 sain epee and a proton (2) Aspergitus niger — Gluconie acid 2) Lactobacillus Lactic acid fostidium butylicum ~ Butyric acid A bioactive molecule used as an immunosuppressive agent in organ ‘vansplant patients is. obtained From (2) Clot buster, svepiococcus 2) TPA Sveprobacilus (4) Stauns, Monascus purpureus 4105, During sewage treatment when the BOD is Feduced significant, the effluent is passed tothe (2) Large aeration tank to form flocs (2) Primary aa tank to remove primary (4) Anaerobic sludge digester a. eee which work, Emest chain and Howard Frey lobel prize? (@) Extracting the antibiotic streptomycin froma species of Streptomyces @) Exploring the various benefits of Saccharomyces (@) Finding the use of __ various, microorganisms for human welfare. wt Read the following statements and choose ‘ the correct option. Statement A: Trichoderma species are free living fungi that are very common in root ecosystems, Statement B: Trichoderma species are effective biocontrol agents of several plant pathogens, (2) Only statement Ais correct (2) Only statement is correct (4) Both statements are incorrect 2108. Activated sludge is used as inoculum in osu i” digesters () Production of biogas + (4) Tertiary treatment Which of the following is not a source of bioferulizer? (2) Bacteria (@) Fungi (4) Cyanobacteria 120. Select the incorrect statement regarding baculoviruses. (2) These viruses are species-specific (2) Majority of them used as biocontrol agents are in the genus Nucleopolyhedrovirus. (3) Have no negative impacts on non- target insects 18) om pects open Which of the following is a major component of biogas? (a) Coz (@) NH @) Hs 96, vnc te toning choke mane @ naturally fermented? (a) Rume (2) Whisky (4) Brandy ‘Which of the following enzyme is used for removing clots from blood vessels of patients suffering from myocardial infarction leading to heart attack? (1) Lipase (2) Protease (4) Amylase statin lowers the cholesterol by ompettvelyinibiing (1) Hexokinase (2) Amylase (3) Steptokinase x 46. during sewage weatment, methane is © (Phew sess (2) Intertiary treatment step (3) Inpprimary setting tank (4) By aerobic bacteria y6 nic anthote wos erenaiey ised to Solr in word Wasi (2) Streptomycin 8) Enythromycin (@) Neomycin 127. Which of the following products is formed {due to fermentation activity of bacteria? @) Roqueton cheese (2) Bread (3) Beer Select the stage of sewage treatment which mainly involves microbes. (2) Primary treatment (2) Physics Teary weatment 12 Curd is more nutritous thar utritous than milk as itis rich in vitamin specially QA @) k (4) FE acca (2) Degradation of pevoleum (@) Vinegar production (4) Antibiotic formation Which of the following is a waditonal drink of some parts of South India and is made by fermenting sap trom palm? (2) Tempeh (2) sofu @) Tofu Ganga action plan (1985) and Yamuna Action plan was inate (2) The Ministry of Agriculture and Co- operation (3) The Ministry of Rural Development (@) The Ministy of Health and Medicine 424 the gremer e800 ot ase water ss the amount of organic matter (2) More the number of anaerobic bacteria are required to reduce 80D (4) More itis suitable for drinking ingle cell protein is obtained from 7 (a) Yeast (0) Mushroom (©) Cyanobacteria ~ (6) Viruses. (e) Mycoplasma (2) (0), (6) &(0) @) @),)&(e) CONOEAG) ACF+OYM(P1)-TE050 table by (6 Fine blank spaces in he oven Seleing te nghtopton jesetance 0 crop varie Resetan Wheat A Hlbunt usa cowpea PU, Brassica C_Whierust A ° c Pusa (a) Himgin + alackrot EUS (2) PUSASMOW Leateut Hing Bacterial | Pusa PA ema «Sas + SMe Pisa ——Leafand —Puse Sadabahar stipe ust Komal aa (2) 2) fe co ancl Jaya and Ratna are (2) Semi dwarf of wheat (8) Mexican varieties of wheat (4) Developed in Japan ‘Methylophilus methylorophus can be expected to produce about (2) 2 tonnes of protein : on tonnes of protein (4) 0.2tonnes of protein Which of the given vegetable crops a geomes by IARIis vitamin A enriched? (2) Biner gourd Bathua + (4) Mustard 13 ee Fill the blank spaces in the given table PY selecting the right option. fo Resistance to Qa Crop Variety diseases @) kK Wheat A Hill bunt @o Pusa Cowpea Komal 8 496. Lactobacitus is helpful in Brassica C White rust y G7 Curd formation = aS (2) Degradation of petroleum Pusa sshubhra (3) Vinegar production (4) Antibiotic formation Which of the following is a taditional drink of ‘some parts of South India and is made by {fermenting sap from palm? (@) Himgiri * Black rot Himgin Pusa ‘Swarim Pusa al @) Tempen ) eed @) (a) @) Ganga action plan (1985) and Yamuna Action plan was initiated by he Ministry of Environment and Forest (2) The Ministy of Agriculture and Co- operation (3) The Ministy of Rural Development (@) The Ministry of Health and Medicine ‘The greater the BOD of waste water, (2) Lesser the amount of organic matter ~2F More is ts polluting potential (@) More the number of anaerobic bacteria are required to reduce BOD (4) More itis suitable for drinking ‘Single cell protein is obtained tom 7 (a) Yeast {) Mushroom {© Cyanobactena ~ {@) Viruses {@) Mycoplasma IF). 0)&(0) (2) (b), (c) &(d) @ @.W&e) @ ©.() (0) Uf Yak te comectly matched pair wit biotettcason (a) Alaa 68 — Donor for improving eine eet (2) Proina-Tryrephan ich maze vay (3) Spinach - Cz YRS Fo enced ices * Jaya and Ratna are (2) Semi dwarf varieti ‘Semi dwarf va (8) Mexican varieties (4) Developed in ‘Methylophius meu ‘expected to produce a (1) 2 tonnes of prot 2725 tonnes of prot (8) 12 tonnes of protel (4) 02 tonnes of prot and Mg enriched i ‘TermExam2024CF+OYM(P1)-TEOSA 420. Solid stem of wheat eads wo non-preterence by (2) Aphid (3) Jassid (4) Fruit borer hve crucial stop forthe success of breeding expgumentis a (2) Release and commercialisation of new eulivars Evaluation and selection of parents : (4) Cross hybridisation among the selected parents In mung bean. resistance to yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew were (2) Introduced by conventional breeding (3) Carried out by pure line selection (4) Both (2) and (3) > eae (2) Bacteria (3) Viruses: (4) Cyanobacteria Bacteria which can fix nivogen while free # ving inthe soil are (2) Azospritum and azorbacer| (3) Azospirillum and Rhizobium cca eed Large holed swiss cheese is ripened by (1) Penicitiiam s (3) Leuconostoc (4) Sweptococcus 139, ‘Flocs'in STP include, (2) Filaments of anaerobic bacteria (2) Filaments of fungi and anaerobic bacteria € amen ttngrae seabed bactenia _agh- Propagation of large number of plans in very shot durabon called (2) Bioforiifcation (3) Protoplast fusion (4) Somatic hybridisation International Rice Research Institute (IRR) is situated in (1) Taiwan (2) Japan (4) Mexico ioprospectng (4) Bioremediation SECTION-B 196. In the production of which of the following, we yeast is not used? (@) Bread RI Toddy (@) Beer f.. The technology of biogas production was developed in India mainly due to the efforts of (2) Ministy of Environment and Forest (2) Indian Agricultural Research Insitute (AR) only (@) Khadi and village sreentainare oe wise ee a (arses () Stepounase Industies 143, Cereals are commonly deficientin a) Ly on (3) Methionine and Cysteine (4) Methionine and typtophan 14 ACF+OYM(P1)-TEOSA hoot and rut borer resistant varity of a — (2) Pusa Gaurav (3) Pusa Sem-2 (4) Pusa Komal 145. in india ra revolution occurred during, (2) 1950s (3) 1980s (4) 1990s re Cine canton enero ee cells cated (1) Micropropagation @) Bioforuficaton (3) Somate hybridisation 4147, From 1960 to 2000 wheat production in India increased from A milion tonnes to B_ milion tonnes Select the option which correctly fills A and 5 a) A- i, oe Anil, (@) A-35.8-75 1h. inecove iia iene (2) Merozoite (3) Gametocyte (4) Cryptozoite ‘An endoparasite of humans, that causes blockage of intestinal passage and causes internal bleeding is, (a) Wuchereria (2) Microsporum @) oe Karan Rai bred by hybndisaton and selecuon for resistance t0 white rust. is a variety of (2) Wheat 2) Cowpea (3) chit Pomato was produced by (2) Mutaton. allen culture (4) Biofortfication 150. Mark the odd one wrt. fungal diseases. (2) Brown rustof wheat (2) Black rotof cructers (3) Late blight of potato (4) Red rot ot sugarcane a +9 2 symptoms of dis Uist given below: @ sing amoebic dysentery is vests: RY He FaNsmsson of pathogen tog healthy person, except BSP Which of he following does not spread a rough taeco-oral route? “ve 2) amoebiasis Fennngunya | {@) Ascanasis 48S. Widal test is used t detect disease caused ee @) Asc is tumbricaides (G) Entamoeba histlyeca Plasmodium falciparum 159. Selectthe odd one wrt viral diseases. (2) Poliomyelitis (2) Dengue fever 1g seston (A) : ADS and hepats 8 ae rec ata oncucbi Retson () “ADS and epee canbe Se Ss eae (2) Both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct ‘explanation of the assertion (3) Assertion is sue statement but Reason isfalse (4) Both Assertion and Reason are false statements 45 Symproms ot scaviasis include all, except (1) Internal leeding (2) Muscular pain LAF intestinal pertoraton (4) Anaemia Mechanical carriers th parasite of amoebi {@) Helminns, (4) Protozoan 36}. Select the factor responsible forthe chill and high fever recurring every 3 to 4 days in case of malaria, (2) Rapid multiplication of sporozoites: within hepatocytes, (2) When mosquito bites host and inject sporozoites ey (4) Released parasite infect new RBCs in ‘human blood: ce (2) Asthma (8) Anaphylactie shock (8) Hay fever oa Choose the correct option to complete the analogy. Ringworm = Haemophilus (2) Typhoid (3) Elephantiasis hoose the correct option for the blanks (A 1B, & D) given below. Pneumonia A 5 Treponema f pallidum contact pornos jeune fe | 0) A= Scone) et Droplet, D - Faeco-oral @) A~ Steeocs 8 ~ Syphis €- Drone (4) A ~ Haemophilus, B = Plague, ¢ — Faeco-oral, D~Faeco-oral 4CF+OYM(P1)-TE0SA ‘The pathogens van of female mosa tfammaton in the lower limbsis es | (3) P vivax () Evidermophyton 'smited through the bite ‘© causing chronic. 'ymphanc vessels of 168. The sporozoites that cause infection when a female Anopheles bites a human being are ies a hums r stored in ron (2) RBCsofmosquito * (3) Salivary glands of mosquito (4) Gutwall of mosquito + 6 Git epreenyrr ert (@) Kala-azar Which of the following viral diseases are ‘ansmitted by mosquitoes? aiareei (4) Chikungt Jengue “fp senanavce Sa eee Js the major cause of death pa, (3) Mary Mallon was the biological cartier of typhoid, (4) Female Aedesis the vector of diseases. like dengue and chikungunya 172, Which of the following is a primary lymphoid organ? (2) Thyroid (3) Spleen (4) Lymph nodes + The exaggerated response of immune system to certain antigens present in the environment results in (a) Withdrawal syndrome }) Auto-immune disease (4) Amnestic immune response only ‘of the following are properties of ‘malignant tumor cells except (2) Tumor cells grow very tapidly, we invade and damage the surrounding issue (2) Compete with the normal cells for vital g nutrients lof metastasis @) ek 3764 sland at is large at inn but Keeps Adbeing in size with age reaching a very ‘small size by puberty is (2) Thyroid (2) Pituitary Saliva and tears belong to which barrier Under innate immunity? (a) Physical (2) Cytokine Poe apf ates snake bite, the antivenom injected into the body of the patients an example of (2) Natural active immunity (2) Natural passive immunity j ‘Avtificial active samt 474. complete the analogy wit causes of cance Chemical carcino carcinogen an 3 (@) Uvrays (4) Gamma rays Memory based acq @ in higher vertebrates differentiate foreign cells. Sometimes, due unknown reasons, and this results causing certain di Identity the set 80. i 180. Assertion(a): Tobacco can raise BP and increases heartrate. Reason(R): Tobacco contains nicotine Which stimulates adrenal cortex to release epinephrine and nor-epinephine. in the light of the above statements, select the corect option. (2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of 4) ) (A)is tue but (R) is talse (4) (Ajis false but (R)is rue 324. choose the oddone wrt drugs that quickly Feduce symptoms of allergy. (2) Anthistamine ee ine (4) Steroids 19£ Hon many of the statements given below wt health are incorrect” @) When people are healthy they are more efficent at work (2) Health increases longeviy of people. (3) Wt reduces maternal mortaiy rate. and increases infant moray rate @) Early Greeks like Wiliam Harvey asserted that healt is detined by balance enween humors: Select tne correct option, (a) one Te (3) Three (4) Four A drug ‘x’ is a white, odourless, bitter erystalline compound which is obtained by acetylation of "Y’ extracted from latex of ‘Z' plant Select the correctoption for"X’"Y" and 2: (Ck iv iz fpastsh Jearnanifeero em (@[batura_ [Cocaine Jatrona belladonal [Papaver @ql|Heroin _||Morphine| Ba [@j|fMorshine||Cannabis|[Cannabis saova @ @ 2.2) 3) (4) (4) Histopathological examinations iS also known as (1) Chemotherapy (2) MRI (3) Xtays 284. antgen binding ste nan anobodys formed Qi {h) Vanable region of heavy chains only Varabe regions of ight chain end navy chain (2) Constant regions of lh esis end fourneay chan (1) Constant tegions oth chain nly ;- Which of the following drug is not used as ‘~” medicine to help patients cope with ilinesses > (2) Barbiturates (3) Morphine (4) Benzodiazepines SECTION-B Read statements A and B and select the correct answer from the opion given below. ‘A: The colostrum secreted by mother during * inital days of pregnancy is an efficient way to provide active immunity to the neonate, B: Colostrum contains IgA which protects. the neonate, @) M)istue, @)is (2) (A)is false, (8) (3) Both (A) and (8 (4) Both (A) and ( ~ ennpound gwen below and i von wit only "incorrect He ¢ Ha Son Ho NA A. IUis extracted from poppy plant. 18, They are known for their effects on central nervous system and GIT . Obiained from inflorescences of the plant. D. Ganetally taken only by iahalaon and } (1) Aandc (2) Aande. (@) Canad (4) A,Cand> 189. Which one is an incorrect match? (1) Morphine : Analgesic (2) Marijuana : Hallucinogen (3) Amphetamines : Stimulant (4) Nicotine : Hallucinogen Gace calsemens igen carter HIVIAIDS. Rvs emteren Bena arcane rearie cine ran lane Denar Ge ettcwal re oar eae cure ite «. The RNA genome of HIV replicates in host, forming viral DNA by reverse transcriptase, . The incubation period of HIV may vary from few months to many years. How many of the given statements are \correct? ‘One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four 191. What is the primary nature of the drug that is. obtained from the plant Aropa belladona? (1) Painkiller (2) Antipyretic (3) Depressant * “9 Hallucinogenic cc 192. Vaccination and immunisation programmes fave enabled us to completely eradicate Which deadly disease from world? 4 Small poxe (2) alps (3) Hepatiis-6* (4) Genital herpes 16 cen ston a sae ar: tn immunity in a box. [PMINL, NK cell, HCI in storffach, Skin, ad Saliv&, Mucus coating, interferons, Tear How many of them are physiological & 7 barriers? 4, (2) Jwo “, Thee oe (3) Four* (4) Five ‘A._of immunity and more sensibvity BT wnich could be due 10 protected environment. Here A and B are SEA lowering :B ~ allergens (2) A-increase ; 8 - antibodies (3) A-lowering ; B- antibodies (4) A~increase ;8 — allergens yh In recombinant DNA technology, hepatiis B vaccine is produced from (2) Bacteria feast (3) Protozoa (4) Virus sesty vive ioc at we ta fairest ee eee 2 ono ctucmee abi ae fr. MALT constitute about 50% ofthe total (2) Blood Lymphoid tissue (3) Neural tissue (4) Connective tissue 19 ‘TermExam2024CF+OYM(P1)-TEOSA 198. Primary lymphoids organs. , Anabolic steriods are mostly eee spore (@) Provides the interaction persons. They are synthe Proves tsi of macon of Peco eran ah steroids in females include all, exe 2) Ave sites where immature Iymphocyte le dierentate “imo "anugen sensilve (2), Abnormal menstrual oye! Iymphocytes Decrease aggressiveness (2) Ave spleen and Peyer's patches (3) Eniarged clitoris (4) Are sites where lymphocyte proliferate (@) Excessive hair growth to become effector cells 4 - 200 ty 2 et apf Smack and crack ave respectively the ‘common names of (2) Cocaine, morphine (2) Morphine, heroin (3) Heroin, cannabinoids Fieroin and coca alkaloid wh ow

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