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Assignment Report - Instructions

Written Report (2000 words; Microsoft Word)

Topic: Reviewing current and emerging food technologies to solve specific technical
barriers in food processing

• Deadline 16th December 2022, 4 pm

Your report should include the following sections:

 Title Page

 Abstract

 Introduction

 Discussion

 References

Your written report should be submitted via the module Bb Ultra site.

Maximum 300 works, should summarise the whole document with the overall purpose of
study and the problems you investigated, what was the major findings/result, what the
results mean, how it can be solved. Avoid use citations in abstract


Introduction should be around 800-1000 words, not including table and figures

Background of your selected topic, such as history, importance, uses and scientific

You can include sub headings if appropriate.


This session should be around 600-1000 words, not including table and figures

This session is used to analyse, apply and interpret data/evidence from a variety of food
science and technology sources. In this section also you need to analyse the potential impact
of reviewed technologies on food production, food quality, society, and environment and to
explain any new understanding or fresh insights about the problem after you've taken the
findings into consideration.


Should not be more than one paragraph and should not have more than 300 words


Harvard style only

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