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Patient Name : MRS.

MALI SHAKUNTALA KIRSNAT Collection Date : 09/11/2023 12:47 PM

Age / Gender : 54 Years / Female Accession On : 09/11/2023 12:48 PM
Referral Doctor: DR.GOWANDE HOSPITAL Reporting Date : 09/11/2023 12:55 PM
Collected At : DEHU PATHOLOGY LABORATORY Pt.Type / ID : Direct/

Complete Blood Count

Test Description Value(s) Unit Reference Range

Hemoglobin 11.6 gms/dl 12 - 15
Erythrocyte(RBC) Count 4.77 mil./cmm 3.8 - 5.8
Haematocrit (HCT) 33.1 % 37 - 47
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) 69.3 fL 80 - 100
MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hb) 24.3 pg 27 - 34
MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hb Concn.) 35.0 gm/dl 32 - 36
RDW-CV (Red Cell Distribution Width) 22.0 % 11 - 16
Total Leucocytes (WBC) Count 10000 /uL 4000 - 10000
Absolute Neutrophils Count 7600 / 2000 - 7000
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 1500 / 1000 - 3000
Absolute Monocyte Count 400 / 200 - 1000
Absolute Eosinophil Count 300 / 20 - 500
Neutrophils 78 % 40 - 70
Lymphocytes 15 % 20 - 40
Monocytes 04 % 2-8
Eosinophils 03 % 1-6
Basophils 00 % 0-1
Platelet Count 164000 /cmm. 150000 - 450000
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) 9.2 fl 6 - 9.5
PDW-CV (platelet distribution width) 15.6 % 9 - 17
PCT ( Plateletcrit) 0.15 - 0.10 - 0.50
RBC Morphology MIld Microcytic Hypochromic ,Anisocytosis
WBC Morphology Band Neutrophil (band shape Nucleus)
Platelet Adequate on smear
Medical Remarks: Platelet,WBC, count manually confirmed.
Pathological Remark Suggested clinical correlation & follow
Type of primary sample : whole blood EDTA (WBC, RBC Platelet count by impedance method, All
Abnormal Haemograms are reviewed confirmed microscopically. Hematological parameter have phyiological variation according to age, sex, time of day exercize
,tempreture ,stress ,menstruation as well as due to drugs and storage bloob , please correlate with clinical codition Alll Test Results Are Dependent On The Quality Of The
Sample Received By The Laboratory.


Checked by Authenticity Check Dr. Mohini Garg

This Report To Be Printed
Patient Name : MRS. MALI SHAKUNTALA KIRSNAT Collection Date : 09/11/2023 12:47 PM
Age / Gender : 54 Years / Female Accession On : 09/11/2023 12:48 PM
Referral Doctor: DR.GOWANDE HOSPITAL Reporting Date : 09/11/2023 12:55 PM
Collected At : DEHU PATHOLOGY LABORATORY Pt.Type / ID : Direct/

Complete Blood Count

Test Description Value(s) Unit Reference Range

Only. Reg No. 73929

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