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The Answer-book is bar coded. Identity of the student in any form should not be revealed in the answer-bookisupplomentary sheet. SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE ‘WIT DATE. icker here AW onaalosla2 sy prosranme: 1 > C TRIMESTERISEMESTER SPECIALISATION pveion:__F AEMT AccouNTONG coursesusiccr:_T\ ANAGETr MAIN ANSWER BOCK + surrtemenrany sueeris: | Q)|=| | | (ota: tos=rtteserstuoein NOS, els a s 6 7 © s ° nye __ OBTAINED MARKS: TMARRS. 2 g Z| 7 ft = CO — Bae we Zoo] [5 A | 11 | Bo ‘QUESTION Nos. GBTANED) (TO SEALED NEY SECOND BEAMINER | MoneReror) | ‘SIONATURE OF THE SECOND EXAMINER MODERATOR QUESTION ] , TOTALMARKS | MARINUM ee vfelalale)s)7)o]efwla] 2] Tuma plies rams oeneo) owe riiea mr Thioexneny | "SIGNATURE OF THE THIRD EXAMINER INSTRUGTIONS TO BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED BY CANDIDATES 1. This answer-book coniains twenty pages, Check whether the relevant answer-book provided contains twenty pages: endlwnether the pagesare properly numbered, 2. Candidates should occupy their correc! seals as per the seating plan cisplayec and write appropriate details in the space provided fer the purpeseon theanswer-book. 3. Gendiidates must produce their photo identity card provided by the University for verfiation to the room supervisor ‘curing the examination. Cand'dates will notbe permitted to appear for the examination withoutthe identity cerd, PIO 16. 47. 18. 19, 20, 4 22, 23, 24, 26 28. Ib es As per the rules, Candidates, who are not in their soats by the time notified, will not penmitied to appear for the examination, Candidates should ensure that all answer-books including supplementary sheets provided to them bear the signature of the rocm supervisor and dete of exernination witnoutwhien ihe answe~bock willnot ke examined. Tie all supplementary shesls lo tre main answer-buok relating to the same paper and enier on the first page ofthe answar-bcok, the total numberof suaplementary shesis tied together. Begin enswerto each question ona new page. For each answer, write the corresponding question number in the leithandside margin, provided forthe same. De notwrite anything in the right hand side margin provided for marks to be assigned by the exeminer. Candidates will ret be permitted te leave the exeminetion hall until half en hour after the question papers are ributed. Apart ftom certain specfic conditions such as mecical emergency, nalural calamity etc, cancidates ‘will not be allowed to leave the examination hall during the examination unil they submit their anawer-book to the roomsuperviser, Every Candidate present must sign against hie / her Student number on the attendance sheet provided by the room supervisor, Candidates are forbidden to (i) bring any book, nates. scribbling paper, pages, mobile phones, laptop or any other similar devicesithings. Any such material fouad in possession of the Candidate will be confiscated, {ii) smoke in the examination hall, (ii) bring eatables / drinks in the examination hall, (Iv) speakor communicate inany manner with any other candidate, while the examination isin progress, and (W) take with them any answer-bock, written or blank, while leaving the examination hall. Such acts amountte adoption of unfair means by the candidates/s concerned and strict action willbe taken against them. The supervisors/authorised person are autharisedto trisk the Candidates. Candidates suspacted to be gulltyof aryof the afareseid acts will be allowed to wiite examination only after ivirg an undertaking in writing that the decision of the Unversity In resgect of the reporied act of unfair means will be binding onthem, Any method lo bribe the exerrined/s by allaching curteney notes oF Istters or making appeal inside the answer- bock is strictly prohibited and will result n serious action taken by the Ln versity Candidates should write legibly and with blue/ black pen, Answers written in illegible handwriting orwith penciimaynotbeevaluated. Candidates should wite on both sides of 3 page. Rough work, when necessai anawer-baok oy specifically marking the pageas Rough Work Candidates should not write their name, Roll No. StucdentNo. etc, anywhere Inthe answer-beokand reveal thoir identity in any form in the answer written by thorn. Writing those details, or pulting signature ie revelation of Identity, Use of religious invocation or any willing that is not relevant anywhere In the answer-book wilbe treatedas attempt toroveal one’s identity. /, Should be done oniy in the While undeitining of answer for tocusing attention is permitted, use of varied inks forilustration and figures must be avoided. DO NOT use any symbol like encircling the question or using arrows for PT.O.' These will be considered as attemptste readily identi the specific answer-book. The answer-bookswill be sonutinised before they are sentts examiners. Ifthe Universily autvorties are convinces that any candidate hae atiomptad to reveal his/her identity by any mans, the answor-beokis may NOT be sent to the examiner for evalualion ana ine Cancldate's case will be Gealt win as per Examination Rules ofthe University. Candidates should neither tear any sheetis from the anewer-pook provided nor shail attach additional sheels to them, excepl the Supplementary sheets il needed, the details of which should be provided es perpaint No.8. Severe ponalty woul be imposed on the Candidates whoare fourd:o be involved inthe adoption ofunisirmeans intheexarinations, The answer-bock /suppiementary shasts whether written or blarke should be returned back to the Reom Supervisor. Smuggling / Carrying the Answer book / Supplemeniary sheet in / out of the examination hall wil amount ioadoption of unfair means. Cancidates should not write anythingeon the question-pepor. Exchangeotwaling material, stencils, mathernaticalinsirumenis, queston-paper elo. is stricly prohibited It cancidates wan! anything, they should approach the room supervisor without disturbing otter candidates, However, thoy should not|save tha examination hall or any purpose. Candidates will not be allovred ta leave the examination hall during the last ten minules, They must tie their supplementary shaats if any to the main answer-book in time and hand over thair anewer-hooks to the rom supervisor, They should net ieave their seats until ansiver-bovks from all cendidales are collected by the room supervisor A.cancidate whe disobeys eny instructions issued oy the Senior / Room Supervigor or who is guilly of rude or disobedientbehav ours lable ford scistinaryactonto betaken againsthim herby the University. “TT IS PRESUMED THAT THE CANDIDATE HAS READ ALL THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS. Nbulbas -) Ovex head? Cn, t5 per owt = T Pod Reelens A B <@ ~*~ r. devS [J61s00. AK. SRC ter 330 15x00 g BR2o000 | 58 £00000 PSs fGrchas Overheads Cost per ont t Pox ASaalor S A % No. of orders exces! 33015000 ZRZOOVOO}, S¥Rdceneo C9 Nor of Pohase Preq SsthPo ALAVOO | Fiqsoo | 463680 [ [No. ed sohue IAbovo00H |[IMoywmooo {162000000 Ne. 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