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Insect Molecular Biology (2017) 00(00), 00–00 doi: 10.1111/imb.


Point mutations in acetylcholinesterase 1 associated

with chlorpyrifos resistance in the brown planthopper,
Nilaparvata lugens Stål

Y. Zhang*, B. Yang*†, J. Li*, M. Liu* and Z. Liu* on the catalytic efficiency of NlAChE1, whereas I332L
*Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Crop would decrease these adverse effects and maintain
Diseases and Pests (Ministry of Education), College of the normal functions of AChEs.
Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing,
Keywords: Nilaparvata lugens, acetylcholinesterase,
China; and †Rice Technology Research and Development
chlorpyrifos, insecticide resistance.
Center, China National Rice Research Institute,
Hangzhou, China

Abstract Introduction

Insecticide resistance frequently results from target- The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, is a
site insensitivity, such as point mutations in acetyl- major insect pest of rice crops throughout Asia, with
cholinesterases (AChEs) for resistance to organo- direct and indirect deleterious effects such as reducing
phosphates and carbamates. From a field-originated plant growth, wilting and leaf chlorosis (Gorman et al.,
population of Nilaparvata lugens, a major rice pest, a 2008). In addition to direct sucking, oviposition and virus
resistant population (R9) was obtained by nine- disease transmission by N. lugens result in more severe
generation continuous selection with chlorpyrifos. damage to rice plants (Wang et al., 2008). Chemical
From the same field population, a relatively suscepti- control has thus far been the primary strategy used to
ble population (S9) was also constructed through manage N. lugens; however, N. lugens has developed
rearing without any insecticides. Compared to resistance towards many kinds of insecticides. For
the susceptible strain, Sus [medium lethal dose example, high or super-high resistance to imidacloprid
(LC50) 5 0.012 mg/l], R9 had a resistance ratio (RR) of has been detected in both lab-selected strains and field
253.08-fold, whereas the RR of S9 was only 2.25-fold. populations (Liu et al., 2005; Wen et al., 2009; Zhang
Piperonyl butoxide and triphenyl phosphate syner- et al., 2014; Garrood et al., 2016). Given the high levels
gized chlorpyrifos in R9 less than three-fold, indicat- and geographical distribution of imidacloprid resistance
ing other important mechanisms for high resistance. in fields since 2006, imidacloprid application has dramat-
The target-site insensitivity was supported by the key ically reduced and is not recommended for wide use in
property differences of crude AChEs between R9 and controlling N. lugens in China (Wang et al., 2008; Wen
S9. Compared to S9, three mutations (G119S, F331C et al., 2009). Pymetrozine, an azomethine pyridine
and I332L) were detected in NlAChE1 from individuals insecticide, has been commonly used for N. lugens con-
of the R9 and field populations, but no mutation was trol in China recently. However, field resistance has also
detected in NlAChE2. G119S and F331C could been reported to pymetrozine (Zhang et al., 2014).
decreased insecticide sensitivities in recombinant Therefore, insecticides belonging to organophosphate or
NlAChE1, whereas I332L took effect through increas- carbamate classes have also been used in China in
ing the influence of F331C on target insensitivity. recent years, such as chlorpyrifos, to provide more
F331C might be deleterious because of its influence choices of available insecticides for N. lugens control
and decrease the stress due to the only application of
pymetrozine as well as imidacloprid and other neonicoti-
Correspondence: Zewen Liu, College of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricul-
tural University, Weigang 1, Nanjing 210095, China. Tel./fax: 1 86 25 noid insecticides in resistance development (Wang
84399051; e-mail: et al., 2009; Lin et al., 2011).

C 2017 The Royal Entomological Society

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2 Y. Zhang et al.

Table 1. Chlorpyrifos toxicity against different strains and populations Table 2. Influence of three synergists on chlorpyrifos toxicity against
different populations
strain LC50 (mg/l) Slope RR
strain synergist LC50 (mg/l) Slope RR SR
Sus 0.012 (0.011–0.014) a 3.326 6 0.275 1.00
S9 0.027 (0.024–0.032) b 2.744 6 0.380 2.25 S9 Chlorpyrifos 0.027 (0.024–0.032) a 2.744 6 0.380 2.25 /
R9 3.037 (2.612–3.595) e 2.403 6 0.296 253.08 1PBO 0.022 (0.019–0.027) a 1.965 6 0.224 1.86 1.21
FG 0.202 (0.166–0.247) c 1.873 6 0.282 16.83 1TPP 0.026 (0.022–0.031) a 2.130 6 0.175 2.14 1.05
FN 0.714 (0.573–0.882) d 1.592 6 0.314 59.50 1DEM 0.029 (0.025–0.035) a 2.366 6 2.267 2.39 0.94
FJ 0.881 (0.726–1.060) d 1.618 6 0.321 73.42 R9 Chlorpyrifos 3.037 (2.612–3.595) f 2.403 6 0.296 253.08 /
1PBO 1.133 (0.966–1.301) d 1.536 6 0.228 94.43 2.68
Different letters in medium lethal dose (LC50) column indicate significant 1TPP 1.766 (1.522–2.113) e 1.804 6 0.255 147.14 1.72
differences amongst populations. 1DEM 2.949 (2.630–3.458) f 2.027 6 0.261 245.71 1.03
Data are means of at least three independent experiments. FN Chlorpyrifos 0.714 (0.573–0.882) c 1.592 6 0.314 59.50 /
For LC50 values, 95% confidence intervals are provided in parentheses. 1PBO 0.353 (0.268–0.444) b 1.322 6 0.291 29.46 2.02
For Slope values, SEM values are provided. 1TPP 0.533 (0.411–0.675) bc 1.403 6 0.225 44.40 1.34
FG, FN, FJ, field populations from Guilin, Nanjing and Jiujiang, respectively; 1DEM 0.752 (0.596–0.920) c 1.634 6 0.320 62.63 0.95
RR, resistance ratio; R9, resistant strain; Sus, susceptible strain; S9, rela-
tively susceptible strain. Different letters in medium lethal dose (LC50) column indicate significant
differences amongst populations.
Data are means of at least three independent experiments.
For LC50 values, 95% confidence intervals are provided in parentheses.
Following activation by desulphurases, chlorpyrifos- For Slope values, SEM values are provided.
oxon acts as an inhibitor of insect acetylcholinesterases FN, field population from Nanjing; R9, resistant strain; S9, relatively sus-
(AChEs, EC AChEs hydrolyse the neurotrans- ceptible strain; PBO, piperonyl butoxide; TPP, triphenyl phosphate; DEM,
diethyl maleate; RR, resistance ratio; SR, synergism ratio.
mitter acetylcholine in the cholinergic system and termi-
nate nerve impulses (Toutant et al., 1988). Two mutations in chlorpyrifos resistance were evaluated by
acetylcholinesterase genes (ace) loci are present in comparing NlAChE1 wild-type and mutants in vitro.
many insect species, encoding two distinct AChEs
(AChE1 and AChE2), of which ace1 is orthologous to Results
Drosophila ace (Kim & Lee, 2013). Insect AChE1 has
Susceptibility of N. lugens populations to chlorpyrifos
been proposed as the major catalytic enzyme because
of the high level expression and frequent point mutations To determine the main mechanisms underlying chlorpyri-
associated with insecticide resistance. Kim & Lee (2013) fos resistance in N. lugens, chlorpyrifos toxicity was exam-
compared the catalytic activities between two AChEs ined in a resistant population R9 and a susceptible
amongst 100 insect species. AChE1 showed higher population S9, both derived from the same original popula-
activity than AChE2 in 67 species, but the opposite tion. S9 was relatively susceptible, with a resistance ratio
results were observed in the other 33 species, indicating (RR) of 2.25-fold compared to the susceptible laboratory
that the two AChEs differ in importance amongst insect strain Sus [medium lethal dose (LC50) 5 0.012 mg/l, Table 1].
species and require evaluation in each case. R9 was highly resistant, with an RR of 253.08-fold compared
Several mutations conferring insect target-site insensi- to Sus and 112.48-fold compared to S9. Not surprisingly,
tivity to organophosphate or carbamate insecticides chlorpyrifos resistance was also detected in field populations,
have been reported, and almost all mutations are on with RRs of 16.83- to 73.42-fold (Table 1).
AChE1 (Fournier & Mutero, 1994; Russell et al., 2004;
Fournier, 2005). Hemipteran species are believed to Determination of synergistic effects in different N. lugens
have two AChEs, and AChE1 is the major catalytic populations
enzyme in many species (Kliot & Ghanim, 2012; Kim & The tested synergists did not show any effect on chlorpyri-
Lee, 2013). Point mutations in AChE1 have been found fos toxicity in the susceptible population S9, but both
to be associated with insecticide resistance in Hemiptera piperonyl butoxide (PBO) and triphenyl phosphate (TPP)
such as aphids, rice planthoppers and whiteflies (Nabe- significantly synergized chlorpyrifos against the resistant
shima et al., 2003; Li & Han, 2004; Alon et al., 2008; population R9 with synergistic ratios (SRs) of 2.68- and
Kwon et al., 2012a). In N. lugens, four mutations 1.72-fold, respectively (Table 2). PBO also showed
(G119A, F/Y330S, F331H and I332L) were identified in obvious synergistic effects on chlorpyrifos toxicity in the
NlAChE1 and these mutations were believed to be asso- field population from Nanjing (FN), with an SR of 2.02-fold.
ciated with resistance to carbofuran, a carbamate insec-
ticide (Kwon et al., 2012a,b). In the present study, Characterization of AChE preparations from different
similar mutations (G119S, F331C and I332L) at three populations
loci of NlAChE1 were detected in a laboratory-selected, To examine the potential role of NlAChE insensitivity in
chlorpyrifos-resistant population, and the roles of these chlorpyrifos resistance, the biochemical properties of

C 2017 The Royal Entomological Society, 00, 00–00

Chlorpyrifos resistance in Nilaparvata lugens 3

Table 3. Kinetics of substrate hydrolysis (acetylthiocholine iodide) and sensitivity to chlorpyrifos of crude acetylcholinesterases (AChEs)

Vmax/KM IC50 (31028 M)

strain KM (mM) Vmax [nmol(mgmin)21] [ml(mgmin)21] for chlorpyrifos-oxon

Sus 21.92 6 2.16 a 33.72 6 3.15 a 1538.32 1.59 6 0.22 a

S9 23.76 6 2.49 a 34.24 6 3.10 a 1441.08 2.03 6 0.38 a
R9 39.88 6 3.60 c 12.82 6 2.23 c 321.46 14.86 6 3.27 d
FG 24.35 6 3.72 ab 29.51 6 3.76 ab 1211.91 3.19 6 0.53 b
FN 28.48 6 3.24 b 27.32 6 3.45 b 959.27 6.58 6 1.40 c
FJ 29.27 6 4.13 b 28.16 6 3.09 b 962.08 7.75 6 1.94 c

Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences amongst crude AChEs prepared from different populations.
Data are mean 6 SEM of at least five independent experiments.
KM, Michaelis-Menten constant; Vmax, maximum velocity; IC50, medium inhibitory concentration; FG, FN, FJ, field populations from Guilin, Nanjing and Jiu-
jiang, respectively; R9, resistant strain; Sus, susceptible strain; S9, relatively susceptible strain.

crude NlAChEs prepared from different populations were Subsequently, specific primers (Table S1) were
determined. As expected, the key parameters in S9 and designed to amplify the fragments containing sites for
Sus were similar (Table 3). The crude NlAChEs in R9 these mutations in NlAChE1. The fragments were
had lower affinity (Michaelis-Menten constant, KM) to the sequenced in 50 individuals from each population. No
model substrate acetylthiocholine iodide (ATChI) and a mutation mentioned above was detected in S9 com-
lower maximum reaction velocity (Vmax) value, which pared to the sequences from the Sus strain (Table 4). In
consequently decreased the catalytic efficiency (Vmax/ contrast, the frequencies for G119S, F331C and I332L
KM) (Table 3). Amongst the three field populations (FG: in R9 were 34, 28 and 22%, respectively. Amongst 50
Guilin, FN: Nanjing, FJ: Jiujiang), the key parameters in insects examined from R9, the frequency for the double
FN and FJ, two populations with relatively high resist- mutation F331C/I332L was 16%. These mutations
ance, were different from those of S9 and Sus. These (G119S, F331C and I332L) were also detected in the
results indicate that some factors changed the biochemi- three field populations, although G119S was the only
cal properties of endogenous NlAChEs in R9 and these mutation detected in the FG population. No single indi-
two field populations. In terms of the inhibition of vidual containing the double mutations G119S/F331C
chlorpyrifos-oxon, the active metabolite of chlorpyrifos, and G119S/I332L or all three mutations was observed in
on the crude NlAChEs, the medium inhibitory concentra- any population examined.
tion (IC50) values for AChEs from R9 (14.86 3 1028 M)
were 7.32 times that of S9 (2.03 3 1028 M), displaying
Kinetics analysis of recombinant NlAChEs
significant insensitivity in endogenous NlAChEs in R9.
AChE insensitivity was also observed in the three field NlAChE1, NlAChE2 and NlAChE1 mutants containing
populations, although the fold-change in IC50 values was different mutations (NlAChE1G119S, NlAChE1F331C, NlA-
not as high as that in the R9 population (Table 3). ChE1I332L and NlAChE1F331C/I332L) were successfully
expressed in insect Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells.
Detection of mutations in NlAChEs in the resistant and The peak activities for all recombinant NlAChEs were
field populations detected at 72 h after the infection of Sf9 cells. The key
In order to detect potential mutations in two N. lugens biochemical properties of the recombinant NlAChEs
AChE-encoding genes, specific primers (Table S1) were were determined by kinetics analysis and subsequently
designed to amplify the full open reading frames (ORFs) compared.
of Nlace1 (HQ605041) and Nlace2 (JN688930). A com-
parison of the sequences from 30 individuals from R9 and
S9, respectively, revealed potential mutations only in
Nlace1, the gene encoding the protein NlAChE1, such as
the G119S mutation (heterozygote and homozygote, the
same for other mutations) in eight individuals (26.67% in
frequency), F331C in seven individuals (23.33%) and
Figure 1. Amino acid replacements and nucleotide changes for point
I332L in five individuals (16.67%), amongst which the dou- mutations in Nilaparvata lugens acetylcholinesterase 1 (NlAChE1). WT
ble mutation F331C/I332L was detected in three individu- indicates the sequence of the wild-type of NlAChE1, which is susceptible
als (10.00%; Fig. 1, Table 4). Interestingly, neither F331C to chlorpyrifos. The mutated sequences G119S and F331C/I332L are indi-
cated by underlines, and the bold letters indicated the mutated amino
nor I332L was found in individuals containing the G119S acids or bases. The asterisks (*) indicate that the nucleotide sequence is
mutation. the same as the one above.

C 2017 The Royal Entomological Society, 00, 00–00

4 Y. Zhang et al.

Table 4. The number of individuals containing different mutations in each Table 6. Sensitivity indices (Ki) of recombinant acetylcholinesterases
population (AChEs) to the inhibitor and insecticides

Mutation Sus S9 R9 FG FN FJ Compound Eserine Chlorpyrifos-oxon Carbofuran

G119S 0 0 17 (4) 2 (0) 5 (0) 5 (1) NlAChE1 4.43 6 0.38 a 8.64 6 1.22 a 3.13 6 0.28 a
F331C 0 0 14 (1) 0 4 (0) 5 (0) NlAChE1G119S 2.51 6 0.45 b 2.23 6 0.49 b 1.29 6 0.34 b
I332L 0 0 11 (0) 0 1 (0) 3 (0) NlAChE1F331C 1.37 6 0.24 c 1.39 6 0.33 c 1.02 6 0.25 b
G119S/F331C 0 0 0 0 0 0 NlAChE1I332L 4.06 6 0.53 a 7.01 6 1.61 a 2.82 6 0.40 a
G119S/I332L 0 0 0 0 0 0 NlAChE1F331C/I332L 0.48 6 0.07 e 0.35 6 0.08 d 0.32 6 0.09 c
F331C/I332L 0 0 8 (0) 0 0 1 (0)
G119S/F331C/I332L 0 0 0 0 0 0 Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences
amongst recombinant AChEs.
In each population, 50 individuals were tested. Data are mean 6 SEM of at least five independent experiments.
All digits in the table (except those in parentheses) indicate the heterozy- Nl, Nilaparvata lugens; Ki, inhibition constant.
gote numbers in 50 test individuals from different populations.
The digits in parentheses indicate the mutant homozygote numbers in 50
test individuals from each population. and the two insecticides, but I332L did not show such an
FG, FN, FJ, field populations from Guilin, Nanjing and Jiujiang, respectively;
influence (Table 6). The double mutation F331C/I332L
R9, resistant strain; Sus, susceptible strain; S9, relatively susceptible
strain. could further decreased the sensitivity of NlAChE1 to
both inhibitor and insecticides compared to the two single
mutations F331C and I332L. For chlorpyrifos-oxon,
Of the two wild-type NlAChEs, NlAChE2 showed
F331C increased IC50 (31028 M) from 1.33 6 0.22 for
higher affinity to the model substrate ATChI, but the
NlAChE1 to 9.35 6 1.14 for NlAChE1F331C, whereas the
Vmax of NlAChE1 was 15.9 times higher than that of
double mutation F331C/I332L increased the IC50 value to
NlAChE2, which endowed NlAChE1 with much higher
35.71 6 6.02, although I332L alone did not cause a signif-
catalytic efficiency (4.4 times) than that of NlAChE2
icant change in IC50 (Fig. 2).
(Table 5). Amongst the three point mutations in
NlAChE1, only F331C caused a significant decrease in
the substrate affinity (KM value). Compared to the wild- Discussion
type NlAChE1, all three mutations when present singly
Most insect species possess two different AChEs,
decreased the Vmax value, amongst which F331C
although only one AChE is present in true flies, the
decreased Vmax to less than half (41.54%) of that of
monophyletic Cyclorrhapha in Diptera (Huchard et al.,
NlAChE1. Interestingly, NlAChE1F331C/I332L showed
2006). In insect species with two AChEs, AChE1 has
higher substrate affinity than NlAChE1, with a Vmax
been proposed as a major catalytic enzyme because
value similar to that of NlAChE1, indicating that NlA-
AChE1 has higher catalytic activity than AChE2 and the
ChE1F331C/I332L had a much higher catalytic efficiency
ace1 gene has higher expression level than ace2 (Kim &
than NlAChE1 and other mutants.
Lee, 2013). The importance of insect AChE1 is also indi-
cated by the fact that most of insecticide resistance
Sensitivity of recombinant NlAChEs to inhibitors or associated point mutations are present in AChE1, the
insecticides protein responsible for target-site insensitivity (Lee et al.,
The inhibition constant Ki of serine (a specific inhibitor for 2015). However, the function of insect AChE2 cannot be
AChEs) and two insecticides (chlorpyrifos-oxon and car- overlooked, at least in true flies and Hymenoptera spe-
bofuran) were investigated for NlAChE1 and NlAChE1 cies. In true flies, only AChE2 is present, generating
mutants. The mutations G119S and F331C caused a sig- multiple molecular forms via alternative splicing (Kim &
nificant decrease in the sensitivities of NlAChE1 to serine Lee, 2013). In some social bees, AChE2 possesses the

Table 5. Kinetics of substrate hydrolysis by recombinant acetylcholinesterases (AChEs)

Mutation KM (mM) Vmax [nmol(mgmin)21] Vmax/KM [ml(mgmin)21]

NlAChE1 53.16 6 4.85 cd 105.22 6 9.17 a 1979.31

NlAChE1G119S 47.28 6 6.24 c 72.80 6 10.36 b 1539.76
NlAChE1F331C 75.37 6 8.78 e 43.71 6 6.50 c 579.94
NlAChE1I332L 60.25 6 7.43 d 82.50 6 10.36 b 1369.29
NlAChE1F331C/I332L 32.15 6 5.42 b 116.22 6 16.49 a 3614.93
NlAChE2 14.72 6 2.26 a 6.60 6 1.13 d 448.37

Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences amongst recombinant AChEs.
Data are mean 6 SEM of at least five independent experiments.
KM, Michaelis-Menten constant; Vmax, maximum velocity; Nl, Nilaparvata lugens.

C 2017 The Royal Entomological Society, 00, 00–00

Chlorpyrifos resistance in Nilaparvata lugens 5

organophosphate insecticides, point mutations have fre-

quently been identified in target AChEs (Villatte et al.,
2000; Fournier, 2005; Lee et al., 2015). In the present
study, the 1.7-fold synergistic ratio of TPP and 2.68-fold
of PBO in a 253.08-fold resistant population suggest
that mechanisms other than metabolic factors might be
involved in chlorpyrifos resistance in N. lugens, such as
target-site insensitivity. However, the role of metabolism
is a somewhat open question, as the synergist concen-
trations were not optimized for the particular insecti-
cides used in this study. The dual roles of cytochrome
P450 proteins (P450s) on chlorpyrifos toxicities, activat-
ing chlorpyrifos to chlorpyrifos-oxon and afterwards
detoxifying chlorpyrifos-oxon, also made it a little arbi-
trary to confirm the synergistic effects of PBO. Never-
theless, the differences in key properties of the crude
Figure 2. Inhibition curves of chlorpyrifos-oxon against recombinant Nila- AChEs between chlorpyrifos resistant and susceptible
parvata lugens acetylcholinesterase 1 (NlAChE1) and mutants. Data are
mean 6 SEM of at least five independent experiments. individuals support the idea that target-site insensitivity
is involved in chlorpyrifos resistance in N. lugens.
main catalytic activity, and AChE1 may have been speci- Target-site insensitivity has been reported to be respon-
alized to gain non-synaptic functions (Kim et al., 2012; sible for the resistance of N. lugens to carbofuran, a
Kim & Lee, 2013). In many species from Hemiptera, carbamate insecticide, which involves four mutations
AChE1 functions as the main catalytic enzyme, although (G119A, F/Y330S, F331H and I332L) only found in
there are few exceptions, such as Cinara sp. and NlAChE1 (Kwon et al., 2012a). Although the roles of the
four putative mutations were not confirmed through
Acanthosoma sp. (Kim & Lee, 2013). In N. lugens, a
direct evidence, the correlation between the resistance
Hemiptera species with agricultural importance, two
levels to carbofuran and putative resistance allele fre-
AChEs have been identified. NlAChE1 was found to
quencies suggested the importance of single point
have much higher catalytic activity than NlAChE2, and
mutations, such as F331H and I332L (Kwon et al.,
Nlace1 was expressed at a much higher level than that
2012b). Here, we identified three mutations (G119S,
of Nlace2 at all developmental stages and in all tissues,
F331C and I332L) in NlAChE1 from chlorpyrifos-
demonstrating that NlAChE1 may be the dominant
resistant individuals at sites identical to the three muta-
AChE form of the two enzymes (Li et al., 2012; Kim &
tions detected in carbofuran-resistant individuals. How-
Lee, 2013). This conclusion was also supported by the
ever, G119S was detected instead of G119A, and
data in the present study derived from the analysis of
F331C was detected instead of F331H. The Y330S
the two recombinant NlAChEs. Recombinant NlAChE1
mutation was not detected in chlorpyrifos-resistant indi-
showed a Vmax 15.9 times higher and a catalytic effi- viduals, or in individuals from field populations. This
ciency 4.4 times higher than NlAChE2. In insecticide- mutation may be not important in insecticide resistance,
resistant individuals of N. lugens, resistance-associated because the correlation coefficients (r2) between insecti-
mutations have only been observed in NlAChE1, cide resistance and mutation frequencies were quite
although the roles of these mutations in insecticide low, with 0.015 for carbofuran and 20.220 for carbosul-
resistance have not been evaluated in detail (Kwon fan (Kwon et al., 2012b).
et al., 2012a,b). In the present study, three mutations The precise role of G119A in carbofuran resistance is
(G119S, F331C and I332L) in NlAChE1 were detected ambiguous because the correlation coefficients (r2)
in individuals resistant to chlorpyrifos, and these muta- between insecticide resistance and mutation frequencies
tions were subsequently confirmed as being associated are relatively low, with 0.232 for carbofuran and 0.174 for
with chlorpyrifos resistance based on target-site insensi- carbosulfan (Kwon et al., 2012b). Here, we observed that,
tivity data from recombinant proteins. These results although the G119S mutation did not cause a big change in
reveal that NlAChE1 is the main target for insecticides the catalytic efficiency against the model substrate ATChI,
such as organophosphates and carbamates. this mutation significantly decreased the sensitivity of
Insecticide resistance often involves several mecha- NlAChE1 to chlorpyrifos-oxon and carbofuran. These
nisms including the enhancement of detoxification and results revealed that the G119S mutation should play impor-
target-site insensitivity through mutations in target pro- tant roles in chlorpyrifos and carbofuran resistance, and
teins (Perry et al., 2011). In terms of resistance to would also be involved in resistance to other

C 2017 The Royal Entomological Society, 00, 00–00

6 Y. Zhang et al.

organophosphate and carbamate insecticides. Similar to Brown planthopper (N. lugens) and toxicity bioassay
G119S, F331C also decreased the target-site sensitivity of The susceptible strain (Sus) of N. lugens was a laboratory strain,
NlAChE1 to chlorpyrifos and carbofuran. In contrast, the obtained from the China National Rice Research Institute in Sep-
I332L mutation did not show obvious effects on the insecti- tember 2001, and reared as a laboratory strain without any contact
cide sensitivity of NlAChE1. Because F331C and I332L with insecticides for more than 12 years. Resistance selection was
were next to each other, recombinant proteins expressing applied on a field population (F) collected from Guilin, China. A
these mutations singly or in combination were tested, which resistant population (R9) was obtained after nine generations of con-
tinuous selection on fourth-instar nymphs using the LC50 dose. In
resulted in the finding that the mutant enzyme F331C/I332L
parallel, the F population was also reared in the laboratory without
decreased insecticide sensitivity to a much higher extent
contact with any insecticides for nine generations to prepare a rela-
than the single mutation F331C. In addition, NlAChE1F331C/ tively susceptible population (S9). In July–August 2015, three field
showed the highest efficiency in catalysing the model populations were collected from three areas of China, including Gui-
substrate ATChI, whereas NlAChE1F331C showed a much lin (FG), Nanjing (FN) and Jiujiang (FJ). All insects were reared on
lower efficiency compared to either NlAChE1 or NlA- rice seedlings in soilless culture in laboratory cages at 25 6 1 8C, rel-
ChE1F331C/I332L. The mutations that altered the activity and ative humidity of 70–80% and a 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod.
stability of AChEs result in the fitness cost associated with The toxicity bioassay was performed with the fourth-instar
mutations providing resistance (Shi et al., 2004). F331C N. lugens nymphs using the rice-stem dipping method (Wang
might be deleterious to the normal function of NlAChE1, et al., 2008). The rice stems were treated with six concentra-
whereas I332L would decrease such adverse effects and tions (differently amongst populations) of chlorpyrifos and sub-
sequently used to rear the fourth-instar nymphs from each
maintain the integrated properties. This role of the I332L
population. The mortality of N. lugens was recorded after 48 h,
mutation, through combination with F331C, might also
and the treated insects unable to walk were considered dead
reflect the fact that the I332L mutation was primarily (Wen et al., 2009). The LC50 value was calculated on the basis
detected in individuals with the F331C mutation. However, of standard probit analysis, using DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM
these two mutations did not always co-exist, such as the (DPS) software v. 9.50 (Tang & Zhang, 2013). In the synergism
presence of F331H and I332L either singly or together in analysis, 2 mg of the synergist (TPP, PBO or DEM) in 0.08 ml
carbofuran-resistant individuals (Kwon et al., 2012a,b). In acetone was topically delivered onto the prothorax notum of the
the present study, the three mutations identified (G119S, test insects 1 h before the bioassay. The doses of synergists
F331C and I332L) were not simultaneously detected in any were not optimized for this study but were based on our previ-
single individual in any of the tested populations, which ous studies (Ding et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2015, 2016).
might be because of the fatal effects of mutations that affect
Mutation detection of AChEs in N. lugens
the functioning of NlAChE1. There is a trade-off in
insecticide-resistant insects between the potential advant- Total RNA was isolated from a single female adult using TrizolVR

age of mutations conferring insecticide resistance and the reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manu-
facturer’s instructions. First-strand cDNA was synthesized using
opposing need to conserve normal protein functions. To
M-MLV (Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus) reverse transcriptase
resolve this trade-off, insects have adopted special strat-
(Promega, Madison, WI, USA) and oligo (dT)18. The primers
egies, such as the duplication of a wild-type copy of a target (Table S1) were designed to amplify the full ORF of the two
gene to compensate for the fitness cost caused by muta- AChE-encoding genes according to the published sequences
tions in the same target, or by two or more mutations in one for Nlace1 (GenBank: HQ605041) and Nlace2 (GenBank:
target or different targets (Lenormand et al., 1998; Raymond JN688930). The potential mutations were determined after com-
et al., 2001; Berticat et al., 2008; Remnant et al., 2013). The paring the ORF sequences of Nlace1 and Nlace2 from S9 and
roles of the double mutation F331C/I332L in insecticide R9. The PCR reactions were performed with 0.1 mM dNTPs
resistance may be also in such compensatory way, although (deoxy-ribonucleoside triphosphate), 5 lM oligonucleotide pri-
this idea needs further studies. mers, 4 ll cDNA and 1.0 unit of Ex-Taq DNA polymerase
(Promega) in a total volume of 20 ll. Thermal cycling conditions
for the PCR to clone the full ORF were 95 8C for 3 min, fol-
Experimental procedures lowed by 35 cycles at 95 8C for 30 s, 56 8C for 40 s and 72 8C
for 3 min.
Insecticides and reagents Genomic DNA (gDNA) was isolated from a single female
Chlorpyrifos (Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) 80844-07-1), adult using DNAzolV reagent (Invitrogen) according to the man-
carbofuran (CAS 1563-66-2), eserine (CAS. 57-64-7), PBO ufacturer’s instructions. The primers (Table S1) were designed
(CAS 51-03-6), TPP (CAS 115-86-6) and diethyl maleate to detect the potential mutations according to a previous report
(DEM, CAS 141-05-9) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St (Kwon et al., 2012a). The PCR reactions were performed with
Louis, MO, USA). Chlorpyrifos-oxon (CAS 5598-15-2) was pur- 0.1 mM dNTPs, 5 lM oligonucleotide primers, 1 ll gDNA and
chased from Toronto Research Chemicals (Toronto, Ontario, 1.0 unit of Ex-Taq DNA polymerase (Promega) in a total volume
Canada). of 20 ll. Thermal cycling conditions for the PCR to clone the

C 2017 The Royal Entomological Society, 00, 00–00

Chlorpyrifos resistance in Nilaparvata lugens 7

full ORF were 95 8C for 3 min followed by 35 cycles at 95 8C Statistical analysis

for 30 s, 56 8C for 40 s and 72 8C for 1 min. Data analyses were carried out using DPS software v. 9.50
(Tang & Zhang, 2013). Significant differences were analysed by
Preparation of crude AChE source one-way analysis of variance with at least three repeats. The
Twenty female adults were homogenized in 20 ml ice-cold 0.1 M least significant difference (LSD) pairwise comparison of means
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). After filtering through cheesecloth, the was used to analyse the difference between values and the
level of significance of results was set at P < 0.05.
homogenate was centrifuged at 10 000 g for 20 min. The superna-
tant was directly used as the AChE enzyme source.
Expression of the two NlAChEs in Sf9 cells We would like to thank Dr Na Yu from Ghent University
Sf9 cells were used for the expression of NlAChEs (with or without (Belgium) for her help in improving the English language.
point mutations) and Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) This work was supported by the National Key Research
(GenBank: AAK15492) using the Bac-to-Bac system (Invitrogen). and Development Plan (2016YFD0200501-4), National
The complete coding sequence region of the two NlAChEs was sub- Natural Science Foundation of China (31601656 and
cloned into the pFastBac-HTa vector (Invitrogen) at the multiple clon- 31322045) and National Key Technology Research and
ing sites BamHI and HindIII using a ClonExpress II One Step Development Program (2012BAD19B01).
Cloning kit (Vazyme, Nanjing, China) according to the manufac-
turer’s instructions and verified by nucleotide sequencing. Recombi- References
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