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Topic: Formal and Informal letter Writing Name: ……………………………

Class: IX Date: …………………………….

Formal letter

A formal letter is a short and concise letter written to a representative of an

organization in order to address an issue or concern. This kind of letter uses strictly
formal language and does not allow for anything which is irrelevant, too personal or an
unnecessary addition to the given topic. A formal letter can be written for various
purposes such as complaint, permission for an action, leave application etc.


Sender’s address
Home or School: full address in 2-3 lines

Date in correct format viz.

20th April, 20XX.

Receiver’s designation and address viz.

The Principal,
Shikshantar School,
South City I, Gurgaon.

[Sir/Madam/ Dear Sir/ Dear Madam,]

Body of the Letter

[Content to be did=vided into at least 3 paragraphs]

Yours truly, (for letters to editors)
/ (for all other letters) Yours faithfully,
Name+ Surname

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Informal Letter

An informal letter is written for personal purposes to a family member or a person known
to you outside of a professional setting. The language in an informal letter can be more
personal and the tone more intimate. Do remember, however, that an informal letter you
write as an assignment or in the examination is written for an academic purpose;
therefore, the language should not be too casual or colloquial, nor should the content be
inappropriate. An informal letter can be written for various purposes such as a birthday
invitation, asking about health of a loved one, sharing a piece of news or advice etc.


Sender’s address
Home or School: full address in 2-3 lines

Date in correct format viz.

20th April, 20XX.

Dear/ My dear ------- (Name or relation)

Body of the Letter

[Content to be divided into at least 3 paragraphs]

Yours lovingly/affectionately or Your loving --------,
First name (in legible handwriting)


 Month in the date should be written in full, no short forms. (No marks are given if year is not written.)
 Incorrect spelling anywhere in the format is penalized. (No marks are given if spelling is incorrect.)
 Pay due attention to punctuation.
 Divide the body of the letter into 3 paragraphs. (-2 in case of no paragraph division.)
 Salutation and subscription as specified by the board should be strictly followed. No deviation is
 Do not use colloquial forms of address in the salutation in an informal letter (For example: Use Dear
Mother/ Father instead of Dear Mom/Dad).
 A squiggle or signature in place of full name is not accepted in a letter.
 The following link will guide you to the samples uploaded by the council for letter writing:

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 Click on the link below to find some old Board question papers to see the kind of letter writing questions
that are asked in the Board examination. Go under the heading <ANALYSIS OF PUPIL
PERFORMANCE – ICSE> to see year-wise question papers.

From the examination point of view:

 Letter Writing is Question 2 in the ICSE English Language paper and carries 10
 In the examination, there are two parts to the question of which you are asked to attempt any
one. There is a choice between formal and informal letter.
 By following the format closely and paying due attention to accuracy in your expression, you can
easily score high in this question.

Marking Scheme:

Component Formal Letter Informal Letter

Format: 3 marks (half mark for each component 2.5 marks (half mark for each
shared in the format) component shared in the format)

Content: 2 marks 2.5 marks

(May vary from question to question, Varies from question to question. Make
usually): sure you pay due attention to the
i. Reason for request: Bring out keywords in the question. Include
the problem clearly. Give details. 1 specific details in the content of your
mark letter based on the question
ii. Suggestions: Explain what can
be done to rectify the situation.
Mention how granting your
request will make a difference. 1

Expression: 5 marks- Expression needs to be appropriate with accurate use of spelling,

punctuation and syntax. Vocabulary used should be in context of the topic of the

A 4-4.5
B 3-3.5
C 2-2.5
D 1-1.5
E .5

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Hope you have gone through the samples uploaded by the council on the link shared

Questions for practice

Attempt the following questions in your register now. Follow the format shared with
you. To guide you in framing the content of the letter, the keywords- the information
that you must include in the body of your letter (and which carries marks for Content)-
have been highlighted.

1. Write a letter to the Principal of your school expressing your desire to start a new
club in the school. Explain your role in the club and also how it is going to be
beneficial for the students.

2. You recently came across an online course at a foreign university and found it to
be of use for your future college applications. You know that your friend would also
be interested in the same program. Write a letter to your friend explaining to
him/her the various features of the course and how you both could benefit
from it.

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