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It's a story of that strong girl who passed though lots of ups and downs and how she learnt to
move forward despite off, the problems in her life. Lets begin with first lesson

She was cute and very aggressive about her studies. She always seems to be buried inside her
books. its not for her own. its because she wants to make her family happy. she wants to
bring prosperity in their life. She was even torture by her family especially by her uncle
whenever she scored lower from first devision in her class even with the difference of 0.5%.
she used to sit alone any cry, but yet she loves her family the most.

As someone said that life is not always same, really days changed not in her side but
completely opposite what she thought.
After her school education, she decide to go to foreign country for her higher studies. But at
that point her uncle's family and her grandparents left them with no money. She cried a lot
even though she changed her decision of studying abroad her family had no money left. Her
father borrowed money from someone only for paying her fees. She studied hard. but she
knows nothing is possible in this world, with the studies what she is doing. So paid her other
fees with scholarship by getting good grades.

Finally. it a life changing moment for her, she stood up for herself and started learning
english and scored 07 in her english language proficiency test. everyone is very happy in her
family, even her uncle and grandparents. but It was not a happiness of her good performance,
it was happiness of saying good to her from her family by marrying with rich boy. she broke
up totally. It was very painful moment for her. She was left with no one of her side. Nobody
was understanding the mental status of that 20 years old girl.

From here depression begins......................................

Gurjot Kaur

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