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Laboratory results summary:

Haemoglobin 7.0 g/dL 11.8 – 16.3

Serum urea 47 mmol/L 3.3 – 6.7

Serum creatinine 900 µm/L 60 – 120

Potassium 6.6 mmol/L 3.6 – 5

Serum calcium 2.0 mmol/L 2.2 – 2.56

Alkaline phosphate 205 IU/L 30 – 90

Parathyroid hormone 86 pg./mL 10 – 65

Arterial Blood gases:

pH 7.21 7.35 – 7.45

PaO2 90 mmHg 80 – 100

PaCO2 29 mmHg 35 – 45

HCO3- 12 mmol/L 22 – 30

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) 15.5 mg/ml <4

Chest X – Ray: showed cardiomegaly and congested lung fields.

X-rays showed decreased bone density.

Cardiac ultrasound revealed cardiomegaly, with a small pericardial effusion. Myocardial

contractility was good with left ventricular hypertrophy.

Trans-rectal and upper abdominal ultra-sound scan report:

Prostate was uniformly enlarged. The bladder was dilated and full. The ureters were dilated
and there was mild bilateral hydro-nephrosis.

14. Explaining the findings above and relate to history and physical examination.
15. List Mr Matyaba’s problem.
16. For each problem listed, outline the principles of management to this patient.

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