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. -. . --
. ·,
. _: . . l
Sec · Jr.inter

. I·
I ' Answer the followilig. . _ . . . Max .Mar~ :75M
OJ. ~f e area of.the trian let; . . ·· · · 10 X 2 =20 M · . J

. g onned by the stta,ghr r - ....: 0 -

02.FindthevalueofP 'fth . . ' mesx- ,y-Oand3x+4y=ais6.Findthevalue:of'a' · \
. ' t ·.· e straight Imes -x + = 0 . 2 - 0 - . . -
,y+ -:- , 3x+2y+5::;0 are concurrent
03 Showth tth • · p ·
04·. Red . tha e po,_nts A (I~ 2,3), B (7,0,1), C (-2,3,4) are collinear . -.
· uce e equation x + 2 y _ 3 . .. · -.
_ z - 6 = 0 of the plane m to the normal form -
05 C
. ompute
1· ax -1 ( a> O,b-> 0,b 1)

0~. Find !~( x +

i>7. _Find the derivative of -l~g( secx + tanx)

08. If x. = a cos t, y = a sin3 t ,. then find dy
09. If the increase in the side of a square-is 4% find the_percentag~ of change in_the area of the square -
ro. Verify Rolle' s theoremJ~r th~ ~n~ticm f ( x) ~-~2 '-1 o~ [ 1,'1]
II Answer any FIVE of tbe following - s X 4 .= 20 M
i I. A (2,3), B (-3,4) are two given points. Find the equation of-locus of P, so that the area of APAB is 8.5
sq.units · · ·

U. When
. .
the axes are·rotated through an·angle ,r , find the transf~rmed eq-~ation of x
. . . . 6-·. .. . . _·
2 +
. .
_y2 2a 2 -
' .
13. Find the equation of the straight line perpendicuJar to.the line 2x + 3y = 0 and passing through the.points of
· intersection of the li_nes x + 3y 7 1 = 0 andx-2y+ 4 = 0 '.
. . .

·. . . ·
14. Check the contmmty of 'f given by
. ·J (x) ={(x· ·-9)!(x
. ..'. 2x~3)if.0<x<Sandx;c3
·· . -- . ·
at the pomt x =3
- - . }.5 . _ - if X = 3. ·
. . . .

15. Find the derivative of the tan 2x from the first principles x
16. The volume .of a cube is increasing at a rate of 9 cubic centimeters per second. How ·fast is the surface area
increasing when the length of the edge is ·t O. centimeters? . ,
. · , 3 2 .
17. Find the equation of tangent and normal to the curve y =:== x .+ 4x _at (-1, 3)
Ill Answer any FIVE of the following -· 5 X_7'= 35 M,
l 8. Find the circumcentre of the tri-angle whose sides are 3x - y - 5 =0, x + ~Y - 4 = ·o and 'sx + 3Y + 1 =0

- · Hyderabad
Sri .Chaitanya
- Page7
. . .
. . .. ·• . . . 2 2 + 2/y + C 0 .represents pair of parallel straight lines, then
19. Jfthe equation S=ax+2hxy+by + gx . . . . _. ·
.,.,) r/ 2 _ b 2 and iii) the distance between tbe paraJleJ. Imes is
show that i) , h2 := ab , a - g
2 .f2-bc
2 g -ac =2 ,.,;;_--
a(a+b) b(a+b)

·r th lines J. oining the origin 'to the point of intersection of the curve
. 20. Find the values of k, 1 e · . ·
. · 2 -1 = o and the line x+2y = k are mutually perpendicular
2x 2 -2.xy+3y + 2x-Y · . · · .. .
angles a p y and o · with four diagonals of a cube then · find
21. . If a ray makes the • · '- '
. 2 2 2
cos a+ COS+ os 0 p+ co_s y C . •.
. ··. dy
22. If y = .xtanx + (sin X )oosx 'find dx
_Showthat curves y 2 = 4(i+ i) and y = J6(9-x) intersect:orthogonaJly
~. Show that when the curved ~urface of r~ght circular cylinde~ in~cribed in ~phere of radius 'r' is maximum, a
.Jir ··. · · ·
· then the height ofd1e cylinder is .
Sec : Jr.inter - · IPE MODEL PAPER-2
Sub : Maths-1B Max .Marks :75M .
I · Answer the following , 10 X 2 =20 M
OLFind the equation of the strai&ht line passing thr~ugh _( ~2, 4) and making non-zero ~tercepts whos~ sum is
· zero ·· · · · · ·
02. T~sform the equations x + y + I = 0.into normal form . .
03: If ( 3, 2; -1) ( 4, i, 1) anfi ( 6, 2,5) are th~ee vertices. and {4,7,2) is the ~entroid.of a tetrahedron, find the
fourth vertex ·
04. Find the .angle between the planes 2x - y + z =6 and x + y + 2z = 7 .

. 0~ . .Compute
Jim( ..,,1 + x .1-1

"di'1m ......,_.___
06 . Fm 8jxj+3x
, . 3/xj-2x
07. lf y =aero:+ be-nx 'th~n prove that ·yn = n 2y _
· · . I 3 2 .. d
08.Jf = ( cot x ) _, then find ;

09. Find dy and dy if .Y = x 2 + 3x + 6 , when x = IO; dx = 0.01

IO. Verify the Rofle's theorem for the function "f (x) =·log(x .+ 2)-.log3 on [---1,1]

II . Answer any FIVE of the foUowiog . . 5 X 4 = 20 M

I I • Find the equation of locus of P, if the fine segment joining.(2,.3) and (-1 1 5) subtends a right :angle at P

Sri Chaitanya I . Hyderabad

----- ---- ------- Page 8
.0 h '- d equation of a curve is ·
12. Wh·en the axes are rotated through_ an angle ·45 , t e trans~orme
17x 2 -16.xy + 17 y2 :d 225 . Find ·the original equation of the curve ·
. ' .. . '
13. f ind the value of k, if the_.angle between the :traight lines kx + Y + 9 = 0 •nd3x - Y + 4 = 0 .is
. siri X . if :C 5. 0
. ·x2 + a if() < x < I . . R .
· 14. Find real constants a, .b so that the-function f given by
. . . . .
i (x) ·= . bx + 3· ·
ifl 5 x 5. 3
is continuous on · ·

·-3 . /fx>3

15. Find the derivative ·o f the cos ax from the first principles x
16. A point P is moving -on the curve y = 2x 2 • The co-ordinate of P is. increasing at the rate of 4 units per
second. Find the -rate at which .the y co-or~inate is increasing when the point is at (2, 8) ·
17 .Show that:the tangent at any point 0 on the curve x =,c sec 0 , y = c tan 0 is y sin 0 =x - c cos 0
ID Answer any FIVE of the following . . .. ·_.. 5 X7 =~5 M '.
·18. If the equ_ations of the side_
. .
s of a triang.le are 7. X + y- iO·= 0,. X - ·2 y + 5 = ·o and. -X + y +2 = 0 . 'Find the -
orthocenter of.the triangle
I 9. Show .that the product of the ,perpendicular distances from .a point ( a,-fl)· to the pair of straight lines
.· · laa 2 +2haf)+bf3 1 ·
+2hxy+by · = 0 1s .
_ . . (a-b}2 +4li2
20. Find the angle between the lines joining ·th~'· origi~ to the ·poiri~ of inters~tio~ of the curve
2 2 · . . ; . . ·
x +2.xy+y +2x+2y-5=0 andthelme 3x-y+1=0:. ·
21. F:ind the direction cosines of two lines which are cohnect~d by :~he relations / + m + n =0 and
.. mn - 2nl - 2/m = 0.

_,,, ~1[ -~
22 ; If y-1an
. . . ..
- ~ - ~ 1or "o..<x<.
. -vl--:-x-
. . .
+PJ ".
- , 1· · 1· F·.,-
md. _
_ .dx

d/ ·. ··. _
. ,-

23._If the tangent 'at any point p· oil the.curve xm y.,'1 = a ~+n · ( mn :f:. 0) meets the coordin~te axes in A and _B
then show that AP:BP is a constant · · · · 0

24. 1:'- window!s in the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle. Iftbe perimeter ofth e window be 2Qft.,
find the maximum area· · ._ · • · · · . . .
'Sec : Jr.inter IPE MODEL PAPER-3.
Sub: Maths-1B Max .Marks :75M
I ·An~er the following . . . t OX =20 M
_. 0 L Find the value of y, if the line joining ( ~' y) and ( 2, _7) is parallel to the line joining the points ( -1, 4) and
.... . ' . ., ..

5x 3y::... '4 = 0,' 10.x 6i~ 9 ·= O

. 02. Find the distance between the parallel straight Iines _
. . . . . .

Sri Chaitanya . Hyderabad

· Page9
• • • • • • • h
• r .-~ining A (2, 4, 5)a~d B (3,5;-4) also find _the point of

03, Find the ratio m ~h1ch YZ-plane d1v1des t e me_ J . . . · . . .

· intersection
. · · . , 5 _ o into intercept fonn . .
04. Transform .the equation 4x - 4y +2 z + - ·
. ,. llx3 -3x+4
05. Find hm 3 2
x-+<Xl l3x -Sx - 7

06. Show that 1lll!.( 2Jxl + x + 1) = 3 . X ·

07. If f (x) = 7x3+3-\ x > 0)' then find J' (x)

·. . . t( 2x ) . ti. d dy
08. If?= sin- 1+x2 then m. J;
09. Find ~y and dy for y _=ex+ x when X = 5, /)..x =0.02
10. Verify the conditions of the Lagrange's mean value theorem for x -1 on [2,3]
. , . . .. ;, .

II Answer any Fl~.of the following 5X4=20M

·11. Find the equation of locus of P, if A~(~;O), B=(-4, 0) and JPA - PBI 4 .·
. . . . . . . . .

12. When the origin is shifted to_ the point ·(2,3.), the transformed .equation · of a curve 1s
x2 3xy-2y2 + 17.t- 7y . 11 = 0. Find the original equation of
. . .
. .

13. Transform the equ~tio,n ·. fix +y = 4 into {a)siope-intercept from -(6) Intercept form and (c) norm~! form ·
·- · 1cosax.-cosbx · · · ·· · · . ·· · -·
14. Show that f (x) = · . x' . x O where a and bare real ~nstants is continuous at x= 0
. . . . . . . ½(b2 a2) ,· x- 0 '. _ .· - . , . .. .· .

15 .. Find the derivative of the sec 3x from the first principles w.rJo x
. ' :

16. A particle is moving in a straight Iine so that after t se_conds its distance is s (in ems) from a fixed point on
· the line i~ given by s =f (t)= 8t+ t3. Find i) the.velocity ~t time t = 2 sec ._ : : ii) the i~itial velocity
iii) acceleration at t -= 2 sec

17: ;ind the le~s ofnorm~I and sub normal at a point on.the curve y ; (,; + e-; J
ill Answer any-FIVE of ·_the following' 5 X 7 = 35 M
18. Jf Q (h,k) is the image of the point P (xi,yi) w.r.t the straight line ax +by +c · = 0. Then
h-·x k-y1 -2(ax +by1 +c) · · · · • · · •· ·
--1 :::;: - .- = · and find the image of (1,-2) w.r.t. The straight line 2x - 3y +5 = 0 •
a b . · a +b2 . . · · ·· · . ·
19. If the equation t1X 2 + 2hxy + by 2 = O represents a pai~ of distinct (ie. Inte~secting) lines, t,h~n the combined
·· equation of the pair ofb_isectors of the ~ngles between.these lines is h( x
- y~) = ( a·- b )xy .

Sri Chaitanya Hyderabad

Show that the r .
· x2 + 2 mes jo_ining the origin · to the points ··o f intersection of the curve -
21. X)'+y +3x+3y-2-0a ~th · h 1· · · ~2 0
. th. - . n"' e-stra1g t mes, x - y - v L == are mutually perpendicular

+_m +· n ==e 0,12
+ m2 -between
_n2 == 0· th.e liries whose direction · cosines satisfy the equations

22.lf~ · , -d ·
x + -V 1- Y == a ( x - Y) then show that .k ::: -L
Jg- 2

. · dx · I-:--x 2
- , 2 2 2
23. If th_e tangent at any point on .the curve x·J+ y.3 --· ·a s · t · t th · d" ·
B, then show that-the length AB is a constant m ersec s e coor mate axes _
m A and ·
24. A wire of length '/' ·· · ·' · . · . . ·· -
Wh . · is cut mt? _two Parts w_h1ch are bent respectively m ,the form of a square and a circle.
· at are the lengths of the pieces of the wire so that the sum of the areas is the least?

Additional VSAO.'s . .
· 01..Find the condition forthe points ( a, 0), (h, k).and (0, b), where ab :;t: O·to be ~llihear ·
02. Find the equation
coordinate axes · · ·. ·
the straight line passing thro~gh ( -4, 5) and cutting off eqmll nonzero interc.epts on the
- . - . - ·- . · .
03. _Find the value ofk, if the straight lines 6x-10y+3 = Oanp kx-5y+8 = 0_are parallel
- \ , . . .

04. Find the rat~o iri_-which the straight °line 2x + 3y _= 5, divide~ ~ejoin of the points (0, 0) and (-2, 1):
· 05. Find the length of the )lerpeJ)dicular dra\\'11 from the point (-i, -3) to th; Sliaift line Sx - 2y + 4 0

.06. lf 2x-3y-5 = 0 ·is the perpendicular hisectorOf!be linese~mentjoining ( 3, -4) and ( a,-ft)find a+ p.

07: Find the equation of the sttaight line passing through tlie points ( atf, 2;,,,) and ( qtJ, 2at

·os. Find the coordinates ofthe vertex 'C' of M#C ifit~ centroid is the origin and the vertices A, Bare (1,1, 1)
and (-2, 4, I) respectively. · _
. 09: Find the fuurth vertex of the parallelogram .~hose consecui_ive vertices are_(2,4,-1), (3,6,-1) and (4,5, I)
- .10. Fi~dx·if.the distance between (5~~-1, 7) and (x; 5, l) i~ 9_~nits .
11. Show that the points (1,2, 3), (2, 3, 1) and (~, :I, 2) form an equi_lateral triangle
t2. Find the . equation ~f' the plane passing th_
rough th~ _point (1, I; I) and parallel to the plane
x+2y+3z:....7:::0 . .
13. find the equation of the piane whose intercepts on x; Y, Z -axes are 1, 2, 4 respectively
14. Find the dlrection cosines of the normal to the plane x-:+- 2y + 2.z - 4 == 0
. .
_15. find the equation of the plane passing through the point (2 ,3 ,4) and perpendicular to :x-axis
16. Find ·1im,r ( cosx)
. 7(
. X--
.. 2

Sri chaitanya
- - - - - - - ----·-- -- ------ . _·--- ------- Page 11 Hyderabad .
·· ( 3x -1 ·)
17. Find Jim

18. Compute~!!

· . ex -sin-.x-1
19. Compute L t - - - -
. X

· tan(x-a)
20. Compute Lim • ·
-a 2
. X

. ~1 + x·- ~1- x .. - ~I+ x -1

21. Compute i) lim - - - - - a n d 11) Lt
x'-+O X . X

· 22. Compute fun · (·xsin·a-aSin .XJ
. x-a .
. · loge (1+ 5x)
. 23. Compute Lt - - - -
. · X

·24. Compute lirn ([x] +x) at1~-lim_ ([ x] +x)

.· :

· · · .. . {sin2x if' ·o . ·..


.25. Is 'f' defined by J(x)
. .
- - l X-:1-
x ·.
continuous at x =O?
1 . .

.. . . .
. .
1 .

.. . { 2 . • . : . .
. · k x-kifx~l . .- . ·. . . . · .
26. If' f given by f ( x) = . . • , 1s a contmuous funct10n R, then find the values of k
. 2 ifx<l · .. .. . . · ·
. • . .. 2
27. Find the derivative o~ the function f ( x) : : ax .ex

28. If y = log(sm-
( i')) then find : .
. .
. . . . ' .

29. If y = cos [ log( cot x)] then find dx

3(). If y = s~-I ( ; .J find dy ·

. · 2x -1 · dx

31. find the derivative of cos- 1( 4x3 ..:. 3x)

32.Find·ay and ~y if y=x 2 +~, at x=IO, L\x=O.l

33. Fjnd the approxim~te value of Jsi..

: 34. Find the equation·of tangent and normal to the curve xy = 10 at (2, 5)
35. Find the value of 'C'. in Rolle's theorem for the function f ( x) = x2 + 4 on [-3, 3].

. Sri Chaitanya
- Page12 --·-- . - - - ·- - ·- - -- ------ ----·- - -·-
17.rmdlim( J' - I )
•...O ji';;_,
18. Computt. Lim {.Jx+i -J;)
e' - sin:r - 1
19. Compute LJ - - - -
z -,0

tan(r - a)
20. Compute !-: r- -a2

: _;__
21. Compute i) Jim ri+;_-_
~ _ and 1.i) LJ. ~
~ ---I
r...O :r . z...0 X

· _:r )
22 _Compute lim(-x_sin_a_-_a_sm_
i~ x-a
. log, (l +Sr)
23. Compute Lt -'--'---'-
,.:..o X

24. Compute lim+ ([r ]+r )a.,d ([x]+x)

25. Is ' f defmed by f (:r)

. =1· ~ ?
ifx ;e O
. continuous at x =O?
. I if :r = 0

26. lf'fgiven by/ (r ).= {k x - k ifx . R,then find.tne\_,
. · ~ I,is acontinuousfimcnon w\teSo f'.:
2 if :r <l _

27. Find the derivative of the function f ( r) = a' .e'


28. If y = log( sin-

( e')) then find !
29. If y=cos[tog(cotx)] then find !

3(). lf y =sec-
2x -I
find dy
31 . Find the derivative ofcos- 1{ 4r 3 - Jr)

32. Find ·dy and fl y if y = x2 + x, ut x = IO, t.x = 0.I

33. Find the approximate value of Js2_
34. Find the equaiion of tangent and nonnal to the curve xy., 10 ut (2 . ?)
35. Find the value of 'C: in Rolle's theorem forthe !unction / (x) = xl + 4 on [-3.3].

Sri Chaitanya
l'age 12

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