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Problems of the joints

In Master Tung’s Acupuncture, the shoulder joint is not only the homologue of the hip joint and buttocks
but also the knee joint. To treat painful disorders in these homologues, one should choose the shoulder
joint contralateral to the affected hip, buttock, or knee. When treating disorders of the knee or foot, one
should inspect the affected area(s) for hematoma and/or congested veinules; ‘let’ them with a three
edged needle prior to needling the planned Dao Ma³ group(s).

Deltoid muscle =Joints = knee= hip

All Dao ma groups on Deltoid muscle will treat

hemiplegia etc

Biceps are similar to calf muscles =Heart

All Dao Ma group on upper Biceps good for


Lower part of calf muscle = lungs

All Dao Ma group on lower biceps good for lung
disorders, asthma.

44-03 ‘Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles’

This Dao Ma’ group comprises Jian Zhong’ (ML44.06), Jian’ Feng’ (NA), and Jian” Zhong (NA).

Point Location: These 3 points are located uniformly on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Channel, along a line extending from LI-15 to LI-11. When locating
these points, allow the upper extremity to hang loosely by the side.

Reaction Area: Lung branch, Heart auxiliary, Heart branch reaction areas.

Indications: Carcinoma of the breast (improvement in symptomatology, not a radical cure), fibrocystic
disease of the breast, mastitis, mammillitis, hypertension, hyperhidrosis, Brachial palsy, cerebral
thrombosis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, osteoarthritis of the knee, sprain/strain of the knee, dermatoses
(particularly in the neck and buttock region), poliomyelitis, palpitations, shoulder pain, glenohumeral
periarthritis, epistaxis, arteriosclerosis, and cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis.

Method of Manipulation: Perpendicular insertion 5 fen to 2 cun.

Illustrative Combination:
1. Combine any of the above Dao Ma groups with 22-01 ‘Palm Knee Three Needles’ to treat knee
pain. Needle the points contralateral to the affected knee.
2. Combine 44-03 ‘Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles’ with 77-08 ‘Straight Brain Three
Needles’ and 22-06 ‘Control Three Needles’ to address Epistaxis.

Jian Zhong’ [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder Center’] –The key to

locating the point is to place it in the center of the
deltoid muscle; experientially this is actually 3 cun
distal to LI-15

Jian’ Feng’ [ML44.07 ‘Shoulder Summit’] – This point

is located 2 cun proximal to Jian’ Zhong’ [ML44.06
Shoulder Center’] on the Hand Yang Ming Large
Intestine Channel.

Tian* Zhong’ [ML44.10 ‘Establish Center’] – This point

is located 2 cun distal to Jian’ Zhong’ [ML44.06
‘Shoulder Center’] on the Hand Yang Ming Large
Intestine Channel.

Note :
 44-03 ‘Shoulder Centre Vertical Three Needles’ addresses knee pain at the center of the anterior
aspect of the joint.
 Yun Bai (ML44.11), Li Bai (ML44.12), and Yun Bai Shang (NA: 2 cun superior to Yun Bai (ML44.11)
and 2 cun anterior to Jian’ Feng [NA ‘Shoulder Summit’]} treat pain in the lateral aspect of the
knee joint.
 Xia* Qu’ (ML44.15), Shang Qu’ (ML44.16), and Shang Qu’ Shang (NA: 2 cun superior to Shang
Qu’ (ML44.16) and 2 cun posterior to Jian’ Feng’ [NA ‘Shoulder Summit’]} treat pain in the
medial aspect of the knee.

44-04 ‘Shoulder Inferior Transverse Three Needles’

This Dao’ Ma’ group comprises Jian Zhong’ (NA). Li Bai (ML.44.12), and Xia” Qu’ (ML44.15).

Point Location: These 3 points are located uniformly on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium.

Reaction Area: Heart branch, Lung branch, Liver branch, and Kidney auxiliary reaction Areas.

Indications: Hypertension, sciatica (due to Liver and Lung impairment), hemiplegia, poliomyelitis,
neuropathic joint, bromidrosis, hyperhidrosis, ankle/foot sprains, foot pain, sural pain, arthritis of the
knee joint, knee pain, shoulder pain, adhesive capsulitis, hematochezia, and arteriosclerosis.

Method of Manipulation: Perpendicular insertion 5 fen to 1.5 cun. Oblique insertion from superior to
inferior 1.5 cun to 2 cun.
Jian Zhong’ [NA ‘Establish Center’] – This point is
located 5 cun distal to LI-15 on the Hand Yang
Ming Large Intestine Channel, i.e. 2 cun inferior to
Jian Zhong [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder Center’ – see Dao’
Ma group 44-03].

Li Bai [ML44.12 ‘Plum White’] – This point is

located 2 cun anterior to Jian Zhong’ [NA ‘Establish
Center’] on the same transverse plane.

Xia Qu’ [ML44.15 ‘Lower Curve’] – This point is

located 2 cun posterior to Jian Zhong [NA
‘Establish Center’] on the same transverse plane.

Illustrative Combination: Combine 44-04 ‘Shoulder Inferior Transverse Three Needles’ with 1111-02
“Three Branches Three Needles’, 77-12 ‘Lower Three Emperors’, and 88- 01 ‘Passing Through the Kidney
Three Needles’ to treat neuropathic joint.

Note : Master Tung’s Dao Ma technique frequently employs the concept of ‘Up- Down-Right-Left
Balancing Method’. In this technique, disorders in superior regions of the body are treated with points
located on inferior regions; disorders on one side of the body are treated with points located on the
contralateral side. To treat the left knee for example, one would use 44-04 ‘Shoulder Inferior Transverse
Three Needles’ on the right shoulder.

44-05 ‘Shoulder Superior Transverse Three Needles’

The primary focus of 44-05 ‘Shoulder Superior Transverse Three Needles’ is on disorders of the lower
extremity. Likewise, the primary focus of 44-04 ‘Shoulder Inferior Transverse Three Needles’ is also on
disorders of the lower extremity. One may alternate between these two Dao3 Ma³ groups on alternate
treatment days without detriment to the clinical outcome.

Reaction Area: Heart branch, 6 Bowels, Lung auxiliary, Kidney, and Liver auxiliary

Reaction areas.

Indications: Hypertension, sciatica (due to Liver and Lung impairment), hemiplegia, poliomyelitis,
neuropathic joint, bromidrosis, hyperhidrosis, ankle/foot sprains, foot pain, sural pain, arthritis of the
knee joint, knee pain, shoulder pain, adhesive capsulitis, hematochezia, and arteriosclerosis.

Method of Manipulation: Perpendicular insertion 5 fen to 1.5 cun. Oblique insertion from superior to
inferior 1.5 to 2 cun.
Point Location: This Dao’ Ma’ group comprises Jian Zhong (ML44.06), Yun Bai2 (ML44.11), and Shang Qu’
(ML44.16). These 3 points are located on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium on a transverse
plane located 3 cun inferior to LI-15

Jian Zhong’ [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder Center’] – This

point is located on the Hand Yang? Ming Large
Intestine Channel, on the lateral aspect of the
proximal brachium, 3 cun distal to LI-15

Yun Bai [ML44.11 ‘Cloud White’] – This point is

located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium 2 cun directly anterior to Jian’ Zhong’
[ML44.06 ‘Shoulder Center’] and on the same
transverse plane.

Shang Qu’ [ML44.16 ‘Upper Curve’] – This point is

located on the posterolateral aspect of the
proximal brachium, 2 cun directly posterior to Jian’
Zhong’ [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder Center’] and on the
same transverse plane.

Illustrative Combination: Combine 44-05 ‘Shoulder Superior Transverse Three Needles’ with 11-04
‘Finger Three Spaces’, 22-01 ‘Palm Knee Three Needles’, and 77-12 ‘Lower Three Emperors’ for knee

44-06 ‘Shoulder Three Needles’

This Dao Ma’ group comprises LI-15, Jian’ Qian (‘Shoulder Front’ = OB M-UE-48 ‘Shoulder’s Inner Tomb’),
and Jian’ Hou (‘Shoulder Posterior’ NA).

Point Location: These points are uniformly located in proximity to the glenohumeral

Joint. LI-15 [Jian Yu ‘Shoulder Bone’] – This point is

located between the acromion process of the scapula
and the greater tubercle of the humerus. When the
brachium is abducted to 90°, the point is found in a large
depression located immediately lateral to
the acromioclavicular joint.

Jian’ Qian [‘Shoulder Front’] – This point is located 1 cun

superior to the apex of the anterior axillary fold when
the upper extremity is hanging freely at the side.

Jian’ Hou” [“Shoulder Posterior’ NA] – This point is

located 1.5 cun superior to the apex of the posterior
axillary fold when the upper extremity is hanging freely
at the side.
Reaction Area: Six Bowels reaction areas.

Indications: Aching and soreness in the bones and ‘sinews’, pain in the shoulder and upper back,
glenohumeral periarthritis, adhesive capsulitis, ‘impediment’ (Bi- ‘Wind- Damp-Cold Rheumatism’) in the
shoulder, brachium, antebrachium, and/or finger(s), ‘Damp-Heat’ in the shoulder and/or brachium,
adhesive capsulitis, and pain in the hip joint (femoroacetabular joint).

Method of Manipulation: Needle LI-15 from superior to inferior parallel with the course of the deltoid
muscle 1 – 3 cun. Needle Jian Qian [‘Shoulder Front’] perpendicularly from anterior to posterior and
Jian’ Hou [‘Shoulder Posterior’ NA] perpendicularly from posterior to anterior both to a depth of 1 cun.

Illustrative Combination: Combine 44-06 ‘Shoulder Three Needles’ with 11-07 ‘Finger Heart Three
Needles’, 44-03 ‘Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles’, and 77-12 ‘Lower Three Emperors’ for
adhesive capsulitis.

Note 1: The 44-06 ‘Shoulder Three Needles’ Dao Ma’ group is an example of employing ‘local points to
treat a local disorder’ and a Dao Ma’ group with points from different channels.

Note 2: When employing the 44-06 ‘Shoulder Three Needles’ Dao Ma’ group to treat shoulder pain,
glenohumeral periarthritis, and/or adhesive capsulitis, after inserting the needles one should apply
moxa over the affected shoulder to improve the clinical outcome (per Dr. Li). One must be patient in
addressing these recalcitrant disorders.

44-07 ‘Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles’

Point Location: This Dao’ Ma’ group comprises Jian’ Feng’ (NA), Yun’ Bai (ML44.11), and Shen’ Jian’
(NA). These 3 points are located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal Brachium.

Jian Feng’ [NA ‘Shoulder Summit’] – This point is

located 2 cun proximal to Jian’ Zhong’ [ML44.06
‘Shoulder Center’] on the Hand Yang Ming Large
Intestine Channel. Jian Zhong [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder
Center’] is located on the lateral aspect of the
proximal WHO brachium 3 cun distal to LI-15” on
the Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Channel.

Yun² Bai2 [ML44.11 ‘Cloud White’] – This point is

located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium 2 cun directly anterior to Jian Zhong
[ML44.06 Shoulder Center’] and on the same
transverse plane.

Shen Jian’ [NA ‘Magical Shoulder’] – This point is

located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian’
Feng’ [NA ‘Shoulder Summit’] with Yun2 Bai2
[ML44.11 ‘Cloud White’].
Reaction Area: Lung branch, Heart branch, 6 Bowels, Lung auxiliary, and Heart auxiliary

Reaction areas.

Indications: Poliomyelitis, cerebral hemorrhage, sequela of cerebral thrombosis (hemiplegia), brachial

palsy, medial thigh pain, paralysis, vaginitis, metritis, oophoritis, pruritus vulvae, vaginodynia, reddish-
white leukorrhea, and ankle/foot sprains.

Method of Manipulation: Perpendicular insertion 3 fen to 2 cun. Oblique insertion from Superior to
inferior 5 fen to 2 cun.
Illustrative Combination:
1. Combine 44-07 ‘Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles’ with 44-02 ‘Brachial Three
Ancestors’ and 88-07 ‘Upper Three Yellow’ for vaginodynia.
2. Combine the above Dao Ma³ group with 22-01 Palm Knee Three Needles’ to treat knee pain.
Needle the points contralateral to the affected knee.

44-08 ‘Shoulder Posterior Oblique Three Needles’

This Dao Ma’ group comprises Jian’ Feng’ (NA), Shang Qu’ (ML44.16), and Pian Jian’ (NA).

Point Location: These 3 points are located on the lateral and posterolateral aspect of the proximal

Jian’ Feng’ [NA ‘Shoulder Summit’] – This point is

located 2 cun proximal to Jian’ Zhong’ [ML44.06
‘Shoulder Center’] on the Hand Yang Ming² Large
Intestine Channel. Jian Zhong’ [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder
Center’] is located on the lateral aspect of the
proximal brachium 3 cun distal to LI-15 on the
Hand Yang Ming2 Large Intestine Channel.

Shang Qu’ [ML44.16 ‘Upper Curve’] – This point is

located on the posterolateral aspect of the
proximal brachium 2 cun directly posterior to Jian
Zhong’ [ML44.06 ‘Shoulder Center’] and on the
same transverse plane.

Pian’ Jian’ [NA ‘Slanting Shoulder’] – This point is

located on the posterolateral aspect of the
proximal brachium at the midpoint of a line
connecting Jian’ Feng’ [NA ‘Shoulder Summit’] with
Shang Qu’ [ML44.16 ‘Upper Curve’].

Reaction Area: Kidney, Lung branch, Heart branch, Kidney auxiliary, Heart auxiliary, and Liver auxiliary
reaction areas.
Indications: Lumbalgia, pain in the gluteal region, poliomyelitis, sciatica, brachial pain, hypertension,
liver cirrhosis, and distention and pain in the sural region. Method of Manipulation: Perpendicular
insertion 1 to 1.5 cun. Oblique insertion from Proximal to distal 1.5 to 2 cun.

Illustrative Combination:
1. Combine 44-08 ‘Shoulder Posterior Oblique Three Needles’ with 88-07 ‘Upper Three Yellow’ and
33-12 ‘Hold Three Doors’ to address cirrhosis of the liver.
2. Combine 44-08 ‘Shoulder Posterior Oblique Three Needles’ with 22-01 ‘Palm Knee Three
Needles’ to treat knee pain. Needle the points contralateral to the affected side.

Note 1: Shang Qu’ [ML44.16 ‘Upper Curve’] is an exceedingly important point in the treatment of
poliomyelitis. This point is especially effective in treating impaired use of the lower extremity; needle
contralateral to the affected side.

Note2: Because the indications for 44-08 ‘Shoulder Posterior Oblique Three Needles’, 44-03 ‘Shoulder
Center Vertical Three Needles’, and 44-07 ‘Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles’ are quite similar,
one may alternate between these three Dao Ma groups on alternate visits. This may be easier on the
patient and will not detract from the overall clinical efficacy.

11-14 ‘Finger Bone Three Needles’

Point Location: This Dao Ma’ group comprises Fu Yuan Er (ML11.22), Fu Yuan San’ (ML11.22). and Fu
Yuan Yi (ML11.22). These 3 points are located uniformly on anterior digit line D on the 1 phalanx of the
4th digit.

Fu Yuan Er [ML11.22 ‘Recover Source Two’] –

This point is located in the center of anterior
digit line D on the anterior surface of the
proximal phalanx of the ring finger.

Fu Yuan San’ [ML11.22 ‘Recover Source Three’]

Fu Yuan Yi’ [ML11.22 ‘Recover Source One’]

Reaction Area: Liver and Kidney reaction areas.

Indications: Osteoarthritis, Periostitis, enthesopathy, sciatica, spondylosis deformans, lumbalgia, and


Method of Manipulation: Insert a 5 fen needle perpendicularly 2-3 fen.

Illustrative Combination:
1. Combine 11-14 ‘Finger Bone Three Needles’ with 11-17 Finger Spine Three Needles’, 44-01
‘Straight Spine Three Needles’, 22-05 ‘Control the Spine Three Needles’, and 77-09 ‘Leg Spine
Three Needles’ to treat pain along the vertebral column.
2. The 11-14 ‘Finger Bone Three Needles’ Dao Ma group is seldom used by itself. It is frequently
used with 22-05 ‘Control the Spine Three Needles’ (aka: 22-05 ‘Wrist Normal Flow Three
Needles’) to treat lumbalgia or with 44-01 ‘Straight Spine Three Needles’ to treat spinal pain.

22-01 Palm Knee Three Needles’

This Dao’ Ma’ group comprises Tu Shui Er (ML22.11), Tu’ Shui San’ (ML22.11). and Tu Shui Yi (ML22.11).

Point Location: These 3 points are located uniformly on the palm of the hand, along the 1” metacarpal
bone on the border of the ‘red and white skin of the thenar eminence.

Tu Shui Er [ML22.11 ‘Earth Water Two’] – This

point is located 1 anatomical inch proximal to
the depression found at the junction of the shaft
and head of the 1 metacarpal bone, on the
border of the ‘red and white’ skin of the thenar

Tu Shui Yi’ [ML22.11 ‘Earth Water One’] – This

point is found 5 fen distal to Tu³ Shui Er
[ML22.11 ‘Earth Water Two’] on the border of
the ‘red and white’ skin of the thenar

Tu Shui San’ [ML22.11 ‘Earth Water Three’] –

This point is found 5 fen proximal to Tu Shui³ Er
[ML22.11 ‘Earth Water Two’] on the border of
the ‘red and white’ skin of the thenar

Reaction Area: Spleen branch and Kidney branch reaction areas.

Indications: Swelling and pain of the skeletal system, periostitis, sciatica, lumbalgia, sore achy knees,
pain in the adductor muscles of the thighs, acute/chronic gastritis, chronic gastric disturbances,
epigastralgia, cough, asthma, dyspnea, and tonsillitis.

Method of Manipulation: Perpendicular (to the skin) insertion, parallel to the transverse axis of the 1
metacarpal bone 5 fen to 1.5 cun. Needle into the thenar eminence, anterior and perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the 1” metacarpal bone; the needle passes through the abductor pollicis brevis
muscle, the opponens pollicis muscle, and the flexor pollicis brevis muscle.

Illustrative Combination:
1. Combine 22-01 Palm Knee Three Needles’ with 77-02 Four Flowers Three Needles’ and 22-06
‘Control Three Needles’ to treat epigastric pain and Distention.

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