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UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

Student’s name: Carreño Centeno Luis Arturo Date: 21/11/2023

Activity name: U03. WT Actividad entregable

Write a 50 –70- word text

One of your friends got really sick last week. She was in bed all week, so she didn’t go
to school. Today, you received the following message:

How are you? I can finally use my computer!
I’m still in bed and I can’t go to school, but I feel OK now. What did you do
at school this week? What about the teachers and our friends? Tell me
everything that happened during the week!

Answer the message back and ask what she did during the week too. Write your message
in the box below.

Hello Wendy, I’m very fine. I went to my classes in the afternoon and to my English class in the
morning. I saw my colleagues present with the teacher Juan last Monday.
The teacher Juan gave new theme of Interbehavioral Psichology last Wednesday and the last
Friday we ate pizza with the teacher Soriano because it was her birthday, but we didn’t class
with the teacher Martha because never arrived.
I went in a bus with my friends Angus and Reene on the way home, it was verry funny!

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