05 MediumRev01 Series and Sequences

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Series and Sequences

Medium Rev 01

Name: ________

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(1) A geometric series has T2 = 28 and T5 = 224. Find the first term and common ratio of the series.

(2) The tenth term of an arithmetic sequence is 32 and the sixteenth term is 14.
(a)Find the value of the common difference and the value of the first term.
(b) Find the sum of the first 60 terms.

(3) The number 4 + x , 3 − 2 x, 7 + 4 x form an arithmetic progression. Find value of x.

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(4) Consider the geometric series 1 + ( 5 − 2 ) + ( 5 − 2 ) + ..........

(a)Explain why the geometric series has a limiting sum.

Find the exact value of the limiting sum, giving your answer with a rational denominator

(5) State clearly the conditions required for a geometric progression to have a limiting sum.
(a)Hence, find all values of x so that the series 2x, 4x 2, 8x 3, … has a limiting sum.
(b) Evaluate the sum of the infinite series 2x + 4x 2 + 8x 3 + …, if x = 0·25.

(6) for what values of x does the series 1 + 2 x + (2 x) 2 + (2 x)3 + ... Have a limiting sum?
Given that the limiting sum is 3 find x.

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(7) For what values of x will the infinite geometric series
4 8
2+ + + ...... Have a limiting sum.
x + 5 ( x + 5) 2




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