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Why Differential Equations?

Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Differential Equations

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

July 14, 2023

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

1 Why Differential Equations?

2 Introduction to DEs

3 Classification of DEs

4 Solving DEs

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Why Differential Equations?

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

They come up everywhere!

In systems where we study its evolution: the change of state rather than its absolute

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Study of population

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Maxwell’s Equations govern the entirety of electromagnetism!

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Study of the Financial Market:

Various models like the Black–Scholes

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

1 Why Differential Equations?

2 Introduction to DEs

3 Classification of DEs

4 Solving DEs

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

What are they?

Definition (Differential Equation)
An algebraic equation involving a function and its derivatives

F (t, x(t), ẋ(t), · · · ) = 0

Examples of differential equations:

= sin x
d 2y
+ y sin x = 1
dx 2

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Some terms

Definition (Order)
The order of the differential equation is the highest order of derivative of the unknown
function that appears in the differential equation.

Definition (Degree)
The degree of a differential equation is the power of its highest derivative after the
equation has been made rational and integral in all of its derivatives† .

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs


Find the degree and order

d 2y

+ 2y + 3 sin(x) = 1
dx 2 dx
d 5y d 7y
= + 6 sin
dx 5 dx 7 dx

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs


1 Order = 2 and Degree = 1

2 Order = 7 and Degree =???

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

An ill-defined term

Should one be allowed to manipulate a differential equation to convert it into its
polynomial form? Consider

y′ = x , y ′3 = x 3
Both are equivalent but have different degrees.

Most modern texts do not talk about degree at all. It offers no valuable insight.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

1 Why Differential Equations?

2 Introduction to DEs

3 Classification of DEs

4 Solving DEs

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of DE


Elliptic Parabolic Hyperbolic

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of DEs
Definition (ODE)
A differential equation (DE) dependent on only a single independent variable.

y = f (x)

Definition (PDE)
A differential equation (DE) dependent on many independent variables, which possibly
results in equations consisting of partial derivatives.

y = f (x1 , x2 , · · · )

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of DEs

Definition (SDE)
A differential equation (DE) involving stochastic derivatives.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of DEs

There are various other types of DEs like

Fractional DEs: They involve fractional and non-integer order(D 2 and such).
Functional DEs: These have functions and their derivatives evaluated at multiple
Example: f ′ (x) = 3f (x − 2) + 2f 2 (x + 7)

We shall only deal with ODEs for now.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of ODEs

ODEs can further be classified into many types based on their homogeneity, linearity,
exactness, coefficients, autonomy, explicitness, etc.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of ODEs
Definition (Linear ODE)
A linear differential equation is defined by a linear polynomial in the unknown function
and its derivatives, an equation of the form.

a0 (x)y + a1 (x)y ′ + a2 (x)y ′′ + · · · + an (x)y (n) + b(x) = 0

where a0 (x), . . . , an (x) and b(x) are arbitrary differentiable functions that do not need
to be linear, and y ′ , . . . , y (n) are the successive derivatives of the unknown function y
of the variable x.
y ′′ + (sin x)y ′ + (cos x)y = tan x

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of ODEs
Definition (Homogeneous ODE)
A differential equation is homogeneous if it is a homogeneous function of the unknown
function and its derivatives. In the case of linear differential equations, there are no
constant terms.
Example of a homogeneous function:
x +y
x −y
Example of a homogeneous ODE:
dy x3
= 3
dx y

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Types of ODEs

Definition (Constant coefficient ODE)

A differential equation has constant coefficients if only constant functions appear as
coefficients in the associated homogeneous equation.

2y ′′′ + 7y ′′ + y ′ − y = x sin x

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Simple Harmonic Motion

Equation of an SHM
ẍ = −ω 2 x
where ω ∈ R and x = x(t) is position as a function of time.

This is a second-order, linear, ordinary differential equation with constant


Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

1 Why Differential Equations?

2 Introduction to DEs

3 Classification of DEs

4 Solving DEs

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

First order, Linear and Homogeneous ODE

We will now solve the most fundamental type of ODE, of the form

y ′ + p(x)y = 0

Rewrite the equation as
= −p(x)dx
Integrate both sides!

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs


y ′ + (tan x)y = 0
Follow the algorithm:

= − tan xdx
=⇒ = − tan xdx

=⇒ ln y = − ln sec x + C

=⇒ y = a cos x
where C is the constant of integration and a = e C
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav
Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

First order, Linear and non-Homogeneous ODE

A bit more involved

y ′ + p(x)y = q(x) ⇐⇒ dy + yp(x)dx = q(x)dx

Intuition: We multiply by an appropriate factor r (x) such that r ′ (x) = p(x)r (x)†† .

r (x)dy + yp(x)r (x)dx = r (x)q(x)

can be re-written as

d(yr (x)) = r (x)q(x)dx

which is easily integrated.
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav
Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

Integrating Factor(IF)
†† : The solution to this, yet another differential equation, is r (x) = e p(x)dx . Note
that we get infinite different integrating factors since the result of the above indefinite
integration comes with a constant C . We usually choose C = 0 for simplicity.

Thus we find a general way to solve such DEs.

Multiply by e p(x)dx on both sides to get
p(x)dx p(x)dx
d(ye )=e q(x)dx

Integrate both sides!

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Why Differential Equations? Introduction to DEs Classification of DEs Solving DEs

A question about IF

What can you say about the existence of the Integrating Factor?

Keyword: Exactness of DE

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav

Differential Equations
Problem set - 1 (Differential Equations)

Mathematics Club - IIT Madras

Summer School 2023

1. Find the order, degree and type (based on linear/non linear, order and co-efficient of derivatives) for the
following ODEs:
(a) dx = 1 + cos(x)
d2 y dy
(b) dx 2 + 3y dx = tan(log(x))
d3 y dy xx
(c) dx 3 + 2 dx + 7 sin(x) = e
2 2
(d) = x 2xy

   3  5
dy 1 dy 1 dy
(e) x = dx − 3 dx + 5 dx ± ···

2. Solve the following first order ODEs:

(a) dx = 3x − log(x)
(b) dx = ebx + ay
dy y
(c) dx += x2 y 2
(d) (1 + tan(x)) dx − 2y tan(x) = 1
q 2xy
sin x
(e) d(3x−x 3) =
9 sin(x+ π
− 3(1−x 2 )2

3. A boat is rowed with constant velocity v (with respect to the river) directly across a stream of width b.
If the velocity of the river current is proportional to the product of the distances from the two banks
(take the costant of proportionality as k), find the distance by which it is deviated from the point the
boat would’ve landed if the river was still.

Solving higher order linear ODEs

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri

July 2023

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs


Introducing D operator
Homogeneous ODEs
Non Homogeneous ODEs
Power series
Power series method for solving ODEs.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

The D operator

What is an operator?
In simple words, an operator is something that takes a function as
input and gives some other function as output.
eg: O(f (x)) 2 O → ()2
R x= (f (x)) here, the operator
J(f (x)) = −∞ f (y )dy here, J → −∞ ()dy
D2 →
dx 2
,.. and so on.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

D(x 3 + sin(x)) = D(x 3 ) + D(sin(x)) = 3x 2 + cos(x)
(D 2 + 2xD)(e x ) = D 2 (e x ) + 2xD(e x ) = e x (2x + 1)
(D + 2)2 x = (D 2 + 4D + 4)x = D 2 x + 4Dx + 4x = 4 + 4x
D m (x n ) = n(n − 1)(n − 2) · · · (n − m + 1)x n−m = m! m
(Which will become zero if m > n)
(D 2 + D 4 ) sin(ax + b) = −a2 sin(ax + b) + a4 sin(ax + b). In

D 2n sin(ax + b) = (−a2 )n sin(ax + b)

Trick: replace D 2 with −a2

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

The Inverse operator
D is said to be inverse of D iff,
1 1
· Df (x) = D. f (x) = f (x)
Thus, Z
f (x) → f (x)dx
(Constant of integration is set to zero as inverse should be unique)
Note: D1 is simply a symbol to represent inverse of D and its NOT
any kind of fraction like 13 etc...
we have already seen in previous session,
+ py = q ⇒ (D + p)y = q
then, R
q(I .F )dx C
y= +
I .F I .F
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs
where, R
I .F = e
If C = 0 then, we can find the inverse of (D + p)

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

1 R  R 
q = e − pdx q e pdx dx
(D + p)
Especially if p = constant (say a)
q = e −ax qe ax dx
(D + a)

Let f (D) be a polynomial in D i.e,

f (D) = D n + k1 D n−1 + k2 D n−2 + · · · + kn−1 D + kn

Then it can be factorized as

(D − m1 )(D − m2 )(D − m3 ) · · · (D − mn )

where m1 , m2 , · · · mn are roots of f (D) = 0

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

effects of f (D) acting on e bx
we have, f (D) = D n + k1 D n−1 + k2 D n−2 + · · · + kn−1 D + kn Now,

D(e bx ) = be bx , D 2 (e bx ) = b 2 e bx , · · · D m e bx = b m e bx

. Thus,

f (D)e bx = (D n + k1 D n−1 + k2 D n−2 + · · · kn−1 D + kn )e bx

= D n e bx + k1 D n−1 e bx + k2 D n−2 e bx + · · · kn−1 De bx + kn e bx

= b n e bx + k1 b n−1 e bx + k2 b n−2 e bx + · · · kn−1 be bx + kn e bx
= (b n + k1 b n−1 + k2 b n−2 + · · · kn−1 b + kn )e bx = f (b)e bx
1 1
f (D)e bx = f (b)e bx ⇒ f (D)e bx = f (b)e bx
f (D) f (D)
1 bx 1 bx 1 bx
e bx = f (b) e ⇒ e = e
f (D) f (D) f (b)
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs
But what if f (b) = 0?
f (D) = (D − b)g (D) where g (b) ̸= 0

e bx
1 bx 1 1 1 bx 1
e = e bx = e = ·
f (D) (D − b)g (D) (D − b) g (D) (D − b) g (b)

xe bx
1 1 1 bx
= · e bx = e e bx e −bx dx =
g (b) (D − b) g (b) g (b)
we already have f (D) = (D − b)g (D) differentiating on both sides,

f ′ (D) = (D − b)g ′ (D) + g (D) ⇒ f ′ (b) = g (b)

what if f ′ (b) = 0? Then put f (D) = (D − b)2 h(D) and proceed.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

by this way we can generalize as follows:
1 bx 1 bx
e = e (f (b) ̸= 0)
f (D) f (b)

1 bx xe bx
e = ′ (f ′ (b) ̸= 0)
f (D) f (b)
1 bx x 2 e bx
e = ′′ (f ′′ (b) ̸= 0)
f (D) f (b)
...and so on

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

1 1 1 1 1
+ ex ) =
(D−2) (1 (D−2) e
0x + (D−2) e
x = 0−2 e
0x + 1−2 e
x =
−(0.5 + e x )
e −5x . Let f (D) = (D − 2)(D + 5)2 . f (−5) = 0;
f ′ (D) = 2(D−2)(D+5)+(D+5)2 = 2(D 2 +3D−10)+(D+5)2
again, f ′ (−5) = 0.
f ′′ (D) = 2(2D + 3) + 2(D + 5) ⇒ f ′′ (−5) = −14. Thus,
2 −5x
e −5x = − x e14 .
(D 3 −3D 2 +2D)

Let, f (D) = D 3 − 3D 2 + 2D. 1 can be written as e 0x .f (0) = 0

f ′ (D) = 3D 2 − 6D + 2 ⇒ f ′ (0) = 2
1 x
(1) =
(D 3 2
− 3D + 2D) 2
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs
The shifting property

1 bx 1
e Q(x) = e bx Q(x)
f (D) f (D + b)
Try to prove it as an exercise. (Hint: Try using product rule )

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Effects of f (D) on x m
Try to write f (D) as a geometric series and apply
D k (x m ) = m! m k x

= a + ar + ar 2 + · · ·
applies for operator D too!
1 1
(D+D 2 )
(x 2 + 2x + 3) = D(1+D) (x 2 + 2x + 3) =
1 2 3 2
D (1 − D + D − D · · · )(x + 2x + 3) =

((x 2 + 2x + 3) − D(x 2 + 2x + 3) + D 2 (x 2 + 2x + 3)
−D 3 (x 2 + 2x + 3) · · · ) = ((x 2 + 2x + 3 − 2x − 2 + 2)
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs
1 2
= (x + 4) = (x 2 + 4)dx = + 4x
D 3
Find (D 2 +4D+2)
1 1
= 2
(D 2
+ 4D + 2) 2(1 + D +4D )
 2   2 2
1 D + 4D D + 4D
= (1 − + + ···)
2 2 2
1 D2
= (1 − − 2D + 4D 2 + terms with higher power than 2)
2 2
1 7D 2
= (1 − 2D + + ···)
2 2
1 1 7 1
x 2 = (x 2 −2D(x 2 )+ D 2 (x 2 )) = (x 2 −4x+7)
(D 2 + 4D + 2) 2 2 2
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs
Effect of f (D) acting on sine or cosine functions

As we have seen earlier in an example, D 2 acting on sin(ax + b) or

cos(ax + b) is same as −a2 acting on sin(ax + b) or cos(ax + b).
Thus, replace all D 2 with −a2 . Or if D 2 is not there, then try
making it by rationalizing.
Find (D 2 +2)
sin(2x + 1)

replacing D 2 with −22 = −4, we get

1 1 sin(2x + 1)
sin(2x + 1) = sin(2x + 1) = −
(D 2 + 2) −4 + 2 2

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Find (D 2 −D 3 )

1 1
(cos(x)) = (cos(x))
(D 2 3
−D ) (D − D(D 2 ))

Replace D 2 with −12 , we get

1 1
cos(x) = cos(x)
(−12 ) 2
− D(−1 ) −1 + D
−1 − D −1 − D
= cos(x) = cos(x)
(−1 + D)(−1 − D) 1 − D2
−1 − D 1 1
= 2
cos(x) = − (1 + D) cos(x) = (cos(x) − sin(x))
1 − (−1 ) 2 2

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Find (D 2 +4)
(2 sin2 (x))

We know that 2 sin2 (θ) = 1 − cos(2θ)

1 1
(2 sin2 (x)) = (1 − cos(2x))
(D 2 + 4) 2
(D + 4)

1 1
= e 0x − cos(2x)
(D 2 + 4) (D 2 + 4)
1 1 1
= e 0x − cos(2x) = − undefined!
(02 + 4) (−22 + 4) 4

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

But this should not happen as cos(2x) is a perfectly smooth,
integrable function. There must be a finite answer. What can we

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Write cos(2x) as real part(denoted by ℜ) of e 2ix . So we have,
1 1 2ix 1 (2i)x
cos(2x) = ℜ(e ) = ℜ e
(D 2 + 4) (D 2 + 4) (D 2 + 4)

let f (D) = D 2 + 4 we have f (2i) = (2i)2 + 4 = 0 so, find f ′ (D).

f ′ (D) = 2D ⇒ f ′ (2i) = 4i. Thus,
1 1 2ix x
cos(2x) = ℜ x (e ) = ℜ( ((−i) cos(2x)−(i)2 sin(2x)))
(D + 4) 4i 4

x sin(2x)
1 1 − x sin(2x)
(2 sin2 (x)) =
(D 2 + 4) 4

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

f (D) acting on a general function Q(x)

When our function (Q(x)) is not a sin/cos or exponential or a

polynomial, then we have to decompose f (D) into partial fraction,
A1 A2 An
like D−m1 + D−m2 + · · · D−m n
and then use the formula
Q(x) = e −ax Q(x)e ax dx
(D + a)

for each term in the partial fraction decomposition.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Solving Homogeneous ODEs

Now we will focus on solving equations of form

dn y dn−1 y dn−2 y dy
+ k1 + k2 + · · · + kn−1 + kn y = 0
dxn dxn−1 dxn−2 dx
Generally, when the Right hand side is zero, we call the equation,
homogeneous. The above equation can be written as

(D n + k1 D n−1 + k2 D n−2 + · · · kn−1 D + kn )y = 0

f (D)y = 0
How to find y ?

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

factorizing f (D), we have
f (D) = (D − m1 )(D − m2 )(D − m3 ) · · · (D − mn ). So we have to

(D − m1 )(D − m2 )(D − m3 ) · · · (D − mn )y = 0 (1)

Case-1:When all roots are distinct.

We know that the order of the equation is n, hence it must have n
arbitrary constants.
we can also notice that if (D − mn )y = 0 then (1) will be satisfied.
dy dy
(D − mn )y = 0 ⇒ − mn y = 0 ⇒ = mn dx ⇒ y = cn e mn x
dx y
But since the order of writing the product does not matter. i,e

(D − m1 )(D − m2 )(D − m3 ) · · · (D − mn )y

is same as

(D − m1 )(D − m2 )(D − mn ) · · · (D − m3 )y

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Thus, y can be of the form c1 e m1 x or c2 e m2 x etc....
But y should have n independent constants. Hence , y should be a
combination of all of them. i,e

y = c1 e m1 x + c2 e m2 x + · · · + cn e mn x

Case-2: The roots are repeating.

let m1 = m2 then our DE will look like
(D − m1 )2 (D − m3 )(D − m4 ) · · · (D − mn )y = 0. If we put
m1 = m2 in case-1, we will get,
y = (c1 + c2 )e m1 x + c3 e m3 x + · · · + cn e mn x which has only n − 1
arbitrary constants if we put c1 + c2 = A. Thus, its incorrect.
Let’s first solve
(D − m1 )2 y = 0
put (D − m1 )y = z then ,

(D − m1 )z = 0 ⇒ z = Ae m1 x

⇒ (D − m1 )y = Ae m1 x
Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs
− m1 y = c1 e m1 x
I .F = e −m1 x Thus,
y =e m1 x
c1 e m1 x (e −m1 x )dx + c2 e m1 x = (c1 x + c2 )e m1 x

. But again the order in which we write the factor should not
matter. Hence y can be (c1 x + c2 )e m1 x or c3 e m3 x c4 e m4 x etc..

y = (c1 x + c2 )e m1 x + c3 e m3 x + · · · + cn e mn x

. similarly if three roots are repeating (m1 = m2 = m3 ), then

y = (c1 x 2 + c2 x + c3 )e m1 x + c4 e m4 x + · · · + cn e mn x

and so on

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Case-3: Distinct complex roots.
If the co-efficients of f(D) are real, then complex roots will always
be in conjugate pair. i,e if one root, say m1 is α + iβ, then the
other , say m2 must be α − iβ. But all the roots are still distinct,
so this is similar to case-1.

y = c1′ e (α+iβ)x + c2′ e (α−iβ)x + c3 e m3 x + · · · + cn e mn x

= e αx (c1′ e iβx + c2′ e −iβx ) + c3 e m3 x + · · · + cn e mn x

using e iβx = cos(βx) + i sin(βx) we will get

y = e αx (c1 cos(βx) + c2 sin(βx)) + c3 e m3 x + · · · + cn e mn x

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

case-4: Repeating complex roots.
let m1 = m2 = α + iβ and m3 = m4 = α − iβ. Then using the
similar logic as case-2, one can find that,

y = e αx [(c1 x+c2 ) cos(βx)+(c3 x+c4 ) sin(βx)]+c5 e m5 x +· · ·+cn e mn x

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs


d 2y
Solve dx 2
+ 6 dy
dx + 9y = 0

(D 2 + 6D + 9)y = 0 ⇒ (D + 3)2 y = 0

The roots are −3, −3. By case-2, The solution will be

y = (c1 x + c2 )e −3x
d 2y
Solve dx 2
+ 3 dy
dx + 2y = 0

(D 2 + 3D + 2)y = 0 ⇒ (D + 1)(D + 2)y = 0

The roots are -1,-2. By case-1,

y = c1 e −x + c2 e −2x

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

d 2x
Solve dt 2
+ ω2x = 0

(D 2 + ω 2 )x = 0 ⇒ (D + iω)(D − iω)x = 0

The roots are iω, −iω. By case-3 (distinct complex roots,

α = 0, β = ω Thus,

y = e 0t (c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt)) = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt)

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Non Homogeneous ODEs

Here, we will solve the nth order, Linear, constant coefficient , non
homogeneous ODEs. Which will have the form,

dn y dn−1 y dn−2 y dy
+ k1 + k2 + · · · + kn−1 + kn y = Q(x)
dxn dxn−1 dxn−2 dx
f (D)y = Q(x).
1. Find the homogeneous solution f (D)y = 0. Let’s call this
solution H.S. It will have all the arbitrary constants.
2. Find f (D) Q(x) using the techniques we have seen earlier. The
expression f (D) Q(x) is known as the particular solution (P.S). It
will not have any arbitrary constant.
3. The general solution is H.S+P.S.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs


The only 2 properties a general solution should have is that it

should have n arbitrary constants, and obviously it should satisfy
the differential equation.

f (D)(H.S) = 0

f (D)(P.S) = Q(x)
Now adding both,

f (D)(H.S + P.S) = Q(x)

here, H.S + P.S satisfies the differential equation and also it has n
independent constants coming from H.S. Hence, it is a general

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

d 2x
Solve dt 2
+ ω 2 x = f sin(µt)

(D 2 + ω 2 )x = f sin(µt)
Let us find the homogeneous solution by step-1.

(D 2 + ω 2 )x = 0

The roots are iω, −iω. Hence, by case-3 (Distinct complex

roots) α = 0, β = ω

H.S = e 0x (c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt))

Now let’s find the particular solution (P.S) according to

P.S = Q(x)
f (D)

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

here, f (D) = D 2 + ω 2 and Q(x) = f sin(µt). so,

1 1
P.S = f sin(µt) = f sin(µt)
(D 2 2
+ω ) (D + ω 2 )

As we know in case of f (D) sin(ax + b) or cos(ax + b) functions
simply replace D with −a . Hence in our question, replace D 2
2 2

with −µ2 , (ω ̸= µ)

1 1
f sin(µt) = f sin(µt).
(D 2 2
+ω ) (−µ + ω 2 )

The general solution by step-3 is H.S + P.S,

f sin(µt)
∴ x = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt) +
(ω 2 − µ2 )

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

If ω = µ, then write sin(µt) as Imaginary part(denoted by ℑ) of
e µit .
1 1 µit 1 µit
f sin(µt) = f ℑ(e ) = f ℑ e
(D 2 + µ2 ) (D 2 + µ2 ) (D 2 + µ2 )

f (D) = D 2 + µ2 ⇒ f (iµ) = 0
So find f ′ (D),
f ′ (D) = 2D ⇒ f ′ (iµ) = 2µi
1 µit te iµt
⇒ e =
(D 2 + µ2 ) 2iµ
1 ft cos(µt)
⇒fℑ 2 2
e iµt =
(D + µ ) 2µ
And the general solution (H.S+P.S) will be,
ft cos(µt)
x(t) = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt) +

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

d 4y 3 2
e 3x −1
Solve dx 4
− 4 ddxy3 + 3 ddxy2 = e x −1

e 3x − 1 (e x − 1)(e 2x + e x + 1)
(D 4 − 4D 3 + 3D 2 )y = =
ex − 1 ex − 1

⇒ (D 4 − 4D 3 + 3D 2 )y = e 2x + e x + 1
. Lets find the H.S by step-1.

(D 4 − 4D 3 + 3D 2 )y = 0 ⇒ D 2 (D − 1)(D − 3)y = 0

The roots are 0, 0, 1, 3. Thus,

H.S = (c1 x + c2 )e 0x + c3 e x + c4 e 3x

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Now, let’s find P.S = f (D) Q(x) by step-2.

1 1
P.S = (e 2x + e x + 1) = (e 2x + e x + 1)
(D 4 3 2
− 4D + 3D ) f (D)

First lets find

1 2x
f (D)
. here, f (2) = 22 (2 − 1)(2 − 3) = −4. so

1 2x e 2x
e =−
f (D) 4

. now lets solve

1 x
f (D)

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

f (1) = 0. so we find that
f ′ (D) = 4D 3 − 12D 2 + 6D ⇒ f ′ (1) = 4(13 ) − 12(12 ) + 6(1) = −2

1 x xe x
∴ e =−
f (D) 2

now again we have to find f (D) 1

(e 0x ). f (0) = 0 and f ′ (0) = 0 so
find f ′′ (D). f ′′ (D) = 12D 2 − 24D + 6 ⇒ f ′′ (0) = 6 Thus,

1 0x x 2 e 0x
e =
f (D) 6

Therefore, the general solution by step 3 is H.S+P.S,

x 2 xe x e 2x
y = c1 x + c2 + c3 e x + c4 e 3x + − −
6 2 4

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

What is a Power Series?

Any series of the form:

an (x − c)n

is said to be a power series. c is known as the centre of the power

series. If the series is convergent in the interval |x − c| < ρ. ρ is
known as radius of convergence of the power series.

ρ = lim
n→∞ an+1

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Find the centre and radius of convergence of the power series
1 + 2x + 3x 2 + 4x 3 + · · ·
sol. centre = 0, an = n + 1 ⇒ ρ = limn→∞ n+2 =1

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Solving DE with power series
Sometimes, the solution
R xto the differential equation may not be a
known function. Eg: e dx. In such cases series solution is
useful. In our syllabus, we will be looking into the standard form
of linear ODEs:
y ′′ + p(x)y ′ + q(x)y = 0

function f (x) is said to be analytical at the point x0 if it is
infinitely differentiable at x = x0 .
The point x0 is said to be regular point a.k.a ordinary point
of an ODE iff both p(x) and q(x) are analytical at x = x0 .
Otherwise, x0 becomes a singular point.
The point x0 is said to be regular singular point of an ODE
iff both (x − x0 )p(x) and (x − x0 )2 q(x) are analytical at
x = x0 . Otherwise, x0 becomes an irregular singular point.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Solving ODEs about a regular point
Take any regular point x0 for the
P ODE, and then assume the
solution to be of form y (x) = ∞ n=0 an (x − x0 ) n and then equate

the coefficients on L.H.S and R.H.S.

Solve the differential equation using series method:

d 2y dy
(1 − x 2 ) 2
− 2x + 2y = 0
dx dx
solution: converting the ODE to standard form by dividing by
2x 2
1 − x 2 on both sides, we get p(x) = − 1−x 2 and q(x) = 1−x 2 . We
can see that both the functions are analytical at x = 0. So, let

X ∞
X ∞
y (x) = an x n ⇒ y ′ = nan x n−1 , y ′′ = n(n − 1)an x n−2
n=0 n=1 n=2

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Plugging into the ODE, we get

X ∞
X ∞
(1 − x 2 ) n(n − 1)an x n−2 − 2x nan x n−1 + 2 an x n = 0
n=2 n=1 n=0

X X∞ ∞
X ∞
⇒ n(n−1)an x n−2 − n(n−1)an x n −2 nan x n +2 an x n = 0
n=2 n=2 n=1 n=0

X X∞ ∞
X ∞
⇒ (n+1)(n+2)an+2 x n − n(n−1)an x n −2 nan x n +2 an x n = 0
n=0 n=2 n=1 n=0

X ∞
⇒ 2a2 + 6a3 x + (n + 1)(n + 2)an+2 x n − n(n − 1)an x n
n=2 n=2

X ∞
−2a1 x − 2 nan x + 2a0 + 2a1 x + 2 an x n = 0
n=2 n=2

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

(2a2 +2a0 +6a3 x)+ [(n+1)(n+2)an+2 −(n(n−1)+2n−2)an ]x n = 0

⇒ (2a2 +2a0 +6a3 x)+ [(n+1)(n+2)an+2 −(n−1)(n+2)an ]x n = 0

which is true for infinite values of x. Thus,

a3 = 0, a2 = −a0 , an+2 = an
. since a3 = 0, all the odd terms after 3 will also be 0 as a3 is a
factor for all of them. Also, a4 = 31 a2 = − 13 a0 similarly,
a6 = 35 a4 = 35 · − 31 a0 = − 15 a0 and so on... Hence a2n = − 2n−1

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

Thus, the general solution will be

X x 2n
a1 x − a0
2n − 1

where a0 and a1 are arbitrary constants.

Praveen, Ganesh, Aarav Giri Solving higher order linear ODEs

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