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Presenter: Prof Public Health MPH, PhD

Mbuyiselo Department

Commonly used Theories
• Models of Individual Behavior: the Health
Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model, Theory of
Reason Action, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Models of interpersonal health Behavior:
Social Cognitive Theory, Social Network and
Social Support.
• Community and group intervention: Diffusion
of innovation, Theories of Organizational
Change, Communication Theory

16 October 2023
Theory as it relates to selection
of strategies and methods

• There have been many attempts to

develop models and theories to address
health behaviour and behaviour change
• No single theory or model by itself can
hope to provide a comprehensive
description of human behaviour

16 October 2023
Components of Theories
Theories or components of them can be
useful to guide us the search for reason:
• Why people engage in activities that are
• What do you need before developing an
• How program strategies and methods can
be shaped to reach your target group?
• How to determine the things that should
be measured in the program evaluation?
16 October 2023

• Theories can contribute to success of your

• But theories have limitations
• May not answer all problems,attitudes,
observations, cultural interventions

16 October 2023
Health Belief Model
The main Components/Constructs of HBM
1. Perceived susceptibility
2. Perceived severity or seriousness
3. Perceived benefits
4. Perceived barriers
5. Cues to action
6. Self-efficacy
16 October 2023
Social Cognitive Theory
Bandura 1977
• Basis: Is related to the learning that occurs within a social
Key components…
1. Self efficacy,
2. Learning through observation, (role modeling)
3. reinforcement,
4. Reciprocal determinism, (society/environment and the
5. Expectations, (community expectations, consequences…)
6. Behavioral capability.

16 October 2023
Diffusion Theory

16 October 2023
Diffusion theory
Green & McAlister 1984
• Innovators and early adopters, more
affluent, and networked

• Early and late majorities

• Laggards.

16 October 2023
Components of Diffusion
• Compatability

• Relative advantage

• Simplicity & flexibility

• Reversibility & perceived risk of adoption

• Observability

16 October 2023
• Egger, G., Ross, S. & Donovan, R. (2013).
Health promotion: strategies and methods, 3rd
edition. North Ryde, NSW McGraw-Hill
Education (Australia).
• Naidoo, J. & Wills, J. (2009). Foundations for
Health Promotion. 3rd Edition. Bristol and
London UK: Bailièrre Tindall, Elsevier.
• Scriven, A. (2010). Promoting health: a practical
guide, 6th edition. Edinburg: Elsevier

16 October 2023

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