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Grammar 6 I’m so happy! I a new computer tomorrow!

Task 1 A get

Choose the correct answer. B am getting

C am going to get
1 I’m sorry, but the library early on Saturdays.

A doesn’t open
7 They’re so lucky. They to Rome tomorrow!
B isn’t opening
A fly
C isn’t going to open
B are flying

C are going to fly

2 I hope I have time to see the art exhibition. When

A does it end 8 Hurry up! The show in ten minutes and I don’t
want to be late.
B is it ending
A starts
C is it going to end
B is starting

C is going to start
3 They on a school trip this Wednesday – that’s
why they’re so excited. ___/8

A go

B are going

C are going to go

4 Jack a present for his birthday next week?

A Do you buy

B Are you buying

C Are you going to buy

5 She a famous athlete one day.

A becomes

B is becoming

C is going to become
Task 2 24 All of my friends
(come) to my party next week.
Choose the correct words to complete the
sentences. 25 The next bus (come)
in twenty minutes.

9 I might / will meet you later, but I can’t promise you. ___/7

10 Students definitely may not / won’t use books in

twenty years because of technology.

11 It’s possible that Jane might / will know the


12 We promise we may / will call you when we arrive.

13 Our friends may / will go to the concert, but they

don’t know yet.

14 I think Chris might / will get excellent grades – he’s

the best student.

15 We may not / won’t lose the game – I’m sure of it!

16 ‘Are you going to Anna’s party?’ ‘I don’t know. I

might / will not.’

17 Don’t worry. Ben may / will help you – he can fix


18 You may / will not know this, but Tim’s mum is a

famous scientist!


Task 3

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Use the present simple, present continuous, going
to and will.

19 (Andy / walk) home

after school today?

20 Listen to this song. I know you

(love) it.

21 We (look) forward to
our summer holiday!

22 Oh no! The shop is closed. When

(it / open)?

23 I promise I (tidy) my
room, Mum.
Task 1 Choose the correct answer.

Do you feel stressed when you revise for exams? You’re not alone. Lots of students are under pressure to do well. Is
this how you study? You settle (26) at your desk with your books and everything you have noted (27) in
You spend hours trying to solve problems in maths,
for example, but you (28) mistakes and lose confidence. You’re studying in the wrong way! To (29)
good grades, you need to take a break every hour. So stand (30) and move away from your desk. Do
something totally different. Listen to music for ten minutes or throw (31) the rubbish! When you sit (32)
again to study, you’ll realise that you can think more clearly than you did before. Why don’t you (33) it a try?

26 A down B in C off

27 A out B around C down

28 A take B make C have

29 A get B give C do

30 A around B up C in

31 A out B down C off

32 A around B up C down

33 A give B take C make

Task 2. Match 34–41 with A–H to make sentences.

34 Your idea sounds

35 You have to develop

36 Remember to hand

37 You should cross

38 You can’t start

39 You should take

40 It’s hard to manage

41 I want to make

A a business if you don’t have any money.

B in your history homework tomorrow.

C all the people in a big company.

D out all the mistakes and write it again.

E a business plan and follow it.

F a chance and not be scared.

G money and give it to people who need it.

H really good, so you should do it.


Task 3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

42 Do you like / fancy going to the cinema tonight?

43 When did you make / take up your mind about going to university?

44 The teacher told Danny off / out because he wasn’t listening to her.

45 My parents are going to start / open a computer shop.

46 Why don’t you have / give a go and see if you like working in a café?

47 I’m going to walk off / around outside for a few minutes.

48 My dad was right, but I didn’t take / give his advice.

49 When we saw a mouse in the classroom, we all jumped up / in!

50 I don’t think Sam runs / works his business very well.


Grammar 2 I think going to real shops is shopping online.

Task 1 A the best

Choose the correct answer. B the better

C better than
1 This shampoo is of all for curly hair.

A the best
3 Alice Martha.
B good
A not as tall
C better
B isn’t tall as
C isn’t as tall as
Task 2

Match 9–16 with A–H to make sentences.

4 I think my hair is .
9 I can’t wear this – it’s too
A too short

B shorter than 10 These are the most

C as short as 11 Tim’s hair is as

12 Our fans are the

5 She is one of fashion designers in the world. 13 Fashion is much more

A the most famous 14 My youngest cousin is quite

B more famous 15 This is the most

C most famous 16 Her style is more

6 I don’t go to that shop because the owner isn’t A noisiest of all.

B modern than her friend’s.
A as friendly as
C beautiful dresses in the shop.
B friendly enough
D important to teenagers than children.
C too friendly
E fair as his brother’s.

F small for me.

7 I think baseball isn’t as exciting as basketball.
G exciting match of the year.
A more
H tall now.
B quite
C much

Task 3
8 He’s in jeans than a suit.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
A much more comfortable the words in brackets. Use too or enough.

B the most comfortable

17 Is she (confident) to
C much comfortable colour her hair green?
___/8 18 The clothes in this shop are
(cheap) for teenagers to buy.

19 I can’t drive a car yet because I’m

20 We can’t sleep because the music from the party 23 I wear size thirty-nine shoes and these are size
next door is (loud). thirty-seven – they (not
21 My homework (not
good) and I have to do it all again! 24 We can’t sleep. We’re
(excited) because we’re going on holiday tomorrow.
22 These accessories are
(old) – I need new ones. 25 Can you get that book on the top shelf? Are you

Vocabulary 35 A: What’s Lucas ?

Task 1 B: He’s really .

Choose the correct words to complete the

36 A: What does your sister like?

26 We’re going to a party tonight so we’re going to B: She’s of height.

dress / save up.

27 She wears small sizes because she’s very long /

slim. 37 A: old do you think that girl is?

28 If you want to check / stand out, wear bright B: she’s fourteen.


29 Don’t sit in the sun for too long or you’ll get freckles
/ stripes. 38 A: does she like?

30 Excuse me. Where can I put / try on these dresses, B: She wears nice clothes, so she
please? likes fashion.

31 My dentist says I need braces / glasses to make ___/10

my teeth straight.

32 I like wearing make-up / accessories, but I don’t

like washing it off!

33 Those circles make an interesting pattern / slogan

on your scarf.


Task 2

Complete the conversations with a word from A

and a word from B.

how like look what who

average friendly maybe probably tall

34 A: does he look like?

B: His dad? They’re both very .

Task 3 44 Are you going to save for the smartphone
you like?
Choose the correct answer.
A on

39 What do you think of these earrings? Do they B up

C out
A go

B match
45 Nick be at home. Let’s call him.
C suit
A might

B maybe
40 Do you going to the fashion show tonight?
C probably
A like
B enjoy

C fancy
Total: ___/50

41 He carries all his books in a big red .

A wallet

B baseball cap

C backpack

42 I always my glasses when I watch TV.

A have

B wear

C carry

43 Anna is always nice to people – she has a lovely


A personality

B appearance

C style

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