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Research Statistics

Final Examination
Odd Semester 2023-2024
English Language Education Study Program, FKIP ULM

1) There are 80 students enrolled in statistics. (a) You and 11 others earned the same score. What is the percentage of the
class that received your score? (b) Forty percent (%) of the class received a grade of C. How many students received a C?
(c) Only 7.5% of the class received a D. How many students is this?

2) Thirty student-teachers take a microteaching competency test. The results are as follows:
81 91 89 81 79 82
70 92 80 64 73 86
87 72 74 75 90 85
83 82 79 82 78 96
77 85 83 87 88 80
Because the range of these 30 scores is 96 - 64 32, the plausible values of i(interval) are 2 or 3.
(a) Construct a frequency distribution with i 3 and 63–65 as the lowest interval; include frequencies, percentages,
cumulative frequencies, and cumulative percentages.
(b) Construct a frequency distribution with i 2 and 64–65 as the lowest interval; include percentages, cumulative
frequencies, and cumulative percentages.
(d) Which frequency distribution do you prefer—one based on i 2 or i 3? Why?

3) Complete the chart below to identify the characteristics of each variable.

Good luck
Research Statistics
Final Examination
Odd Semester 2023-2024
English Language Education Study Program, FKIP ULM

4) A researcher observes the behavior of a group of monkeys in the jungle. He determines each monkey’s relative position
in the dominance hierarchy of the group (1 being most dominant) and also notes each monkey’s relative weight (1 being
the lightest). What is the relationship between dominance rankings and weight rankings in these data?

5.) You investigate whether the older or younger male in pairs of brothers tends to be more extroverted. You obtain the
following extroversion scores:

(a) What are H0 and H1?

(b) Compute tobt (Uji-t)

(c) With α = .05 and, what is t (based on t-table)?

(d) What should you conclude about this relationship?

(e) Which of our approaches should we use to determine if this a scientifically important relationship?

Good luck

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