Class 9 Computer Grand Test

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Total Marks: 30 Grand Test Time: 45 Mins

1. All the physical components and other I/O devices of Computer are called_____________
Software Firmware livewire Hardware

2. Which of the following is the major innovation of THIRD Generation?

Integrated Circuits Vacuum Tube LSIC Transistors

3. Which computer deals with continuously varying quantities?

Digital Computer Mini Computer Analog Computer Macro Computer

4. ____________________ are close to Human Language

Assembly Language High level language none of them Low level Languages

5. _____________________ translates one instruction at a time.

Compiler None of Them Assembler Interpreter

6. The main memory used in 1st Generation is:

ROM and RAM EPROM Magnetic Drums PROM

7. Punched card was invented by:

John Mauchley Blake Pascal Charles Babbage Hermen Hollerith

8. Computer can transmit all the information to transmission media as a series of binary bits.
1’s and 0’s 0’s and 3’s 2’s and 2’s 0’s and 2’s

9. Computer means:
To generate to produce to calculate to operate

10. Father of computer is ____________________

John Mauchley Blake Pascal Charles Babbage Hermen Hollerith

(Attempt any five from this section) Marks: 10

1. What is Computer?
2. What is CPU and Monitor?
3. What is Internet?
4. What are the types of Computer?
5. Who is John Napier and what he discovered or invented?
6. Differentiate between Hard copy and Soft Copy.

(Attempt any one from this section) Marks: 10

7. Define types of Computer?

8. Draw a Generation Table?
9. Define Printer and its types.

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