Literacy Plus Unit Lesson 2 Worksheet

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Lesson 2: Text Connectives

Activity 1
Arrange the text connectives shown on the board on the register continuum below.

Activity 2
In the paragraph below, highlight any text connectives that you can find:

The Kaurna Season is deeply rooted in the Kaurna people’s profound connection to the land and its natural cycles.

As a result, it forms a significant aspect their culture. This season, which is marked by various climatic changes,

plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of the Kaurna people. In contrast, the European calendar is largely based on

dates and times. Subsequently, the Kaurna calendar is more fluid with seasons not locked to specific times. For

example, activities such as hunting, gathering, and ceremonial rituals can occur at different times year to year.

Moreover, the Kaurna Season is a testament to their rich cultural heritage, as it offers a unique insight into their

ancestral traditions and practices, passed down through generations. This season not only serves as a guide for

their activities but also fosters a sense of unity and community among the Kaurna people, strengthening their

bonds and preserving their cultural identity.

Activity 3
In the paragraph below, annotate sections where you think you could add text connectives to
improve the cohesiveness of the text. Write these connectives next to the annotations.

The European calendar is characterised by its intricate structure and historical significance. It was first developed

over 2000 years ago and is now used across the globe. Introduced by the Romans, the calendar has undergone

numerous modifications throughout its existence and hasn’t always been optimised. It has remained a crucial tool

for organising time and events. The European calendar is based on a solar system, allowing for precision in

measuring time, and it has become a global standard. The calendar’s widespread adoption has developed

international communication and trade. The European calendar, with its intricate history and global influence,

serves as a fundamental tool for organising time and events worldwide.

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