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How to describe a picture ?

Presentation :

1) Identify the document : What document is it ?

This document is a ……..

a. Un portrait 1. A painting
b. Une publicité 2. A portrait
c. Une carte 3. An advertisement
d. Une peinture 4. A map
e. Une photo 5. A photograph
f. Un dessin humoristique 6. A close-up
g. Une affiche de film 7. A cover
h. Une couverture (de magasine) 8. A cartoon
i. Un gros-plan 9. A film poster
j. Un poème 10. A poem

2. origin ? Date ? Author ?

- It is an advertisement for ….

- It comes from… / it dates from… / It was taken in …

- It was published in (+ name of newspaper / magazine / website / ) on + (date)…

- It was drawn by … / painted by … / taken by … / made by … … a painter / a

photographer / a cartoonist / an advertiser ….

3. Description : Who ? (Qui ?) / When ? (Quand ?) /What ? (Quoi ?) / Where ?

(Où ?)

The scene takes place in …. (date / place) / we can see …. (characters = personnages).

It consists of … / it is composed of … / It is made up of ….

4. Situation of the elements and characters / the different parts

There is … / There are… / I can see… / They are + verbe +ing

Help Box : Trouvez la traduction des prépositions suivantes :

à gauche / sur / dans / à droite / derrière / en face / en haut / en bas / au milieu / au

premier plan / au second plan / entre /devant / au-dessous / près de / à côté

In = On = Under = Next to = Near = In front of =

Behind = Between =

Opposite = At the top = At the bottom = On the left =

On the right =

In the middle = In the foreground = In the background =

5. Interpretation and analysis

Look at the colours, the contrasts / the context (historical or social context )

The picture illustrates / represents ( the theme ) / it is composed of … / the photo was take in
during …

The purpose of the author :

the painter wanted to show that … / the photographer’s aim was to illustrate… / the artist wanted
to denounce… / the artist stressed on …

6. Conclusion : Give your opinion

I think … / in my opinion / I really liked the picture because … / I think it’s shocking

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