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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Being a driver is not that kind of joke. Because it has so many

responsibilities, responsibilities to consider while driving. First, driving carefully.

You do not just responsibilities to take care of yourself, but more think about the

welfare of your passengers.

It is now becoming very unsafe to drive on the road day by day.

Sometimes people use their personal vehicle for long time without regular

maintenance and servicing, so it is very necessary to ensure vehicle’s proper

working condition with timely service. It’s not only increases the life of vehicle; it

reduces the number of accidents too. Drivers should check the brake system

properly and well aware of the warning signs of failing brakes. Every vehicle

should always have aid box emergency tools, sufficient gasoline and proper

functioning vehicle.

Road safety is a most common and important topic in order to bring more

awareness in the public. It reduce the risks of road accident and road injury

because of the mistake of people while driving on the road. Every person going

on the road has high risk of injury or death. Everyone needs to be well aware of

the road traffic rules especially children and young people who are at significant

road accident risk. Road accident has been very common nowadays because

people are not following the road rules and road safety measures.

Traffic congestion in many cities is severe. One possible solution to this

problem is to impose heavy vehicles and use this to make public transport better.

This mean that they would begin to make use of public transport instead, thus

reducing traffic problem and pollution as well.

Traffic safety is much concerned both in the urban and rural areas.

Mismanagement af traffic rules generally results to damage of people lives and

properties in general. Safety in freedom from risks. However in traffic system,

safety is a stability of the system of free of traffic. The focus on human factor is

sanctioned which provided in article 8.3 in the Philippine Road Rules and

Regulation which state that.

“Every driver shall possess the necessary physical and mental ability and

Is fit physically and mentally in order to driver….”

In Section 22 the Republic Act 4136 in 1984 also provides that:

“No person shall be issued a profession driver license who is suffering

from a highly contagious disease such as advanced tuberculosis, gonorrhea,

syphilis and the like. The commission on his deputies shall also ascertain that

the applicant’s sight and are normal, and may in their discretion, require a

certificate to that effect, signed by a reputable physician….”

In additional to this provision, Section 22 of the Land Transportation and

Traffic Code, i.e. 4316 as amended by RA No. 5715 and RA No. 6374, and

Presidential Decree Nos. 382; 896; 1057; 1934; 1950; and 1958 with Batas

Pambansa Bilang 43,74 and 398 further states that:

“No person shall be issued a professional driver’s license who is suffering from

contagious disease and epilepsy, or who is an alcohol or drug addicts and


Recently, road traffic accidents are considered as the leading cause of

death both in the developed and developing countries. In Bangladesh, BRAC has

recently initiated a new program on road safety in aiming to increase road safety

awareness among road users. The ultimate goal of the program is to achieve

“zero fatal road accidents” between Syedpur- Enayetganj road of Nabiganj

Upazila in Habiganj district. The study intends to understand the current status of

knowledge and practices on road safety of selected motor and non-motor drivers,

students, teachers and a group named community road safety group (CRSG). To

achieve this goal, the present study conducts conducted a baseline survey in

both intervention and control areas followed by Focus Group Discussion (FGD),

in-depth interviews, and investing the CRSG group formation including its activity

plan in the treatment area. Findings show that both the drivers and students

possess poor knowledge about the traffic rules and the road safety issue.

Alternatively, it is also found a significant issue that there is a huge gap between

knowledge and behavior of drivers at time of driving. Finally, it has been revealed

that road accidents blame to many contributory factors leading to site-specific

road accidents such as variety of vehicles in a specific road structure, speed of


the vehicles, traffic regulations, poor education of students etc. and all of these

are interrelated with the human attitude, behavior and road conditions.

Road accidents are one of the major challenges faced by most countries

worldwide. It has been recognized as one of the major causes for human and

economic losses both in developed and developing countries. Road accidents

cause social and economic problems. This study investigated age and gender

related differences in driver's attitudes towards violations of traffic laws in Tripoli-

Libya. A total of 384 drivers were sampled for the study drawn from, work places

as companies and banks in the city center and universities and other gatherings

within Tripoli the metropolis. The results of the study showed that age and

gender have significant influence on attitudes and knowledge of traffic laws, but

not by a large margin. Males had a better knowledge on traffic law compared with

the female respondents 74% of male and 61% of female. Implications and

explanations for knowledge of traffic laws as well as traffic safety campaigns and

methodological issues are discussed, also highlighted, suggestions for further


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the awareness and practices of tricycle

drivers of traffic rules at the Municipality of Bautista, Pangasinan during the

calendar year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following question:


1. What are the practices of tricycle drivers on traffic rules and safety in terms of?

a. weather condition;

b. road surface; and

c. road safety

2. What is the level of awareness of tricycle drivers on traffic rules and safety in

terms of the following factors?

a. Driving task;

b. Driver’s behavior;

c. Road courtesy;

3. What is the effect of tricycle driver’s awareness and practices of traffic rules

and safety to the pedestrian-passengers?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main concern of this study is to determine the traffic rules awareness

of tricycle drivers in the Municipality of Bautista during the calendar year of 2018-

2019. This investigation involved one hundred (100) tricycle drivers in the

Municipality of Bautista. The tricycle drivers were chosen randomly in the

municipality covered in the study. Data were gathered based from the subjects’

responses on the research instruments considered in this study, namely; traffic

rules awareness of tricycle drivers.


Significance of the Study

It is only in the Philippines where the existence of traffic conditions that

grow from bad to worse as progress comes to age. Both in urban and rural

areas. Traffic is a daily woe among commuters as it builds up notoriously in neck-

to-neck bottle areas. The traffic enforces had experimented in some areas on the

odd-even scheme in order to help ease traffic especially during rush hour. All of

these caused a lot of confusion among the motorists and the pedestrian-

passengers. The study is deemed necessary for everybody, the fact that traffic is

everyone’s concern and everybody’s business. Conceptually, the investigation

aimed to discover an ultimate answer to the traffic rules awareness of tricycle

drivers, particularly in the municipality area.

Specially, the research purposely benefits the following:

Traffic Enforcers. The results of the study present to the traffic enforcers

an objective view of the status of traffic education and safety program in the area

so that they could properly control and direct to full utilization their efforts to meet

the needs of the community public.

Motorists/Tricycle Drivers. The results of this investigation provide the

motorists/tricycle drivers with updated and relevant information about their

valuable contribution as well as full cooperation and make travel of passengers

more comfortable and ensuring safe travel anytime, and anywhere.

School Administrators. The result of the study will provide the school

administrators the basic information on the status of the traffic education in the

place area investigated such that they may be able to assess the extent of their

participation on the enforcement of their roles on traffic management.

Student and Researchers. The result of the study will create among

students in the higher education level on awareness of their roles on effective

and efficient traffic management. The effective application of their knowledge in

traffic rules and traffic education would somehow ease traffic problems and

tricycle driver’s behavior in the busy lace ares.

The Philippine National Police (PNP). The result and the findings of this

study will inform them on the situation of people they serve. Their feedback mat

serve as their guides towards the improvement of traffic rules for more effective

rendering of service and to developed the relationship between the PNP and the


Definition of Terms

To provide clear and better understanding of the terms used in the

investigation, the following terms are conceptually and operationally defined.

Traffic rules. This term refers to the laws and regulation that tricycle

drivers are strictly obliged to follow.

Traffic law enforcement. This terms refers to the action taken by the

police and other authoried agencies who induce voluntary compliance and

compel adherence to traffic laws and ordinances by regulating the use and

movement of the vehicles along the highway for the purpose of creating a

deterrent to al potential traffic violations and pedestrians traffic offenses.

Traffic safety education. This term refers to the system, formal or

informal. That imparts knowledge as effective in the prevention of traffic

accidents. In this study, the term was used to the tricycle drivers’ attitudes,

behavior, traffic safety knowledge an road courtesy and the pedestrian-

passenger’s attitude toward effect of traffic, traffic safety knowledge, and traffic

safety morality.

Traffic safety knowledge. This term refers to the levels that deal with the

practical aspects of safety education wherein one is taught to become capable of

moving about (as a driver or pedestrian) in a safe manner. The object of this

training is to develop quickness, agility, balance and delicacy of movements. In

this study the term refers to the awareness of traffic safety measures designed to

protect one from accident such as road rules and road signs.

Attitude towards traffic safety. This term refers to the behavior

indicating agreement towards traffic safety. In this study, the term refers to a

series of statements about situations related to effects to traffic and driving tasks.

Tricycle Driver. The term refers to the person operating motor vehicle. In

this paper, the term refers to the person registered and issues licenses in the

Land Transportation Office during the calendar year 2018-2019.


Police traffic enforcement action. The term refers to that part of police

law enforcement which involves arrest, citation, and warning of persons who

violated in a law, ordinance or regulation pertaining to the use of traffic ways.

Traffic safety morality. The term refers to the third level of traffic

education and safety program that is concerned with safety ethics. This level

leans upon the principle that if all people were completely moral or ethical, with

respect to traffic, a major proportion of traffic accidents would be prevented.

Moreover, if members of the community were capable of applying the proper

traffic morality, the traffic enforcement of traffic law would become unnecessary.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the readings the writer had on some closely related

literature and students which have significant relevance to the present study.

Such related literature and studies provided information and background directly

or indirectly to the present problem which aided the researchers in

conceptualizing the framework of the study.


This safety is of much concern in the busy areas. Mismanagement of

traffic generally results to damages to life and property. In general, safety is

freedom from risks. In traffic system, safety is stability of the system or free flow

of traffic. The study of traffic safety involves an interdisciplinary approach. This

means that many disciplines are involve in the study of traffic safety such as

psychology for making traffic signs easier to understand, physiology to study

alertness and drowsiness in long distance driving, medical science to study

human tolerance against impacts in automobile collision, and engineering to

study the man-vehicle system. The interdisciplinary approach ephasies the

importance of all disciplines in the traffic system. In this approach, however, is

classified into two distinct groups, to wit: human factors group and the

environmental factors group. The extensive understanding of the human factors

specifically, man’s physiology, psychological, and physical system is necessary

in the formulation of traffic schemes. The understanding of these factors enable

the vehicle designer, the traffic engineer, and the roads planner to set limits on

the traffic system.

Drivers must have normal motor functions. This means that the driver

physically must exhibit normal reflexes, complete control over the function of the

limbs, and have normal built with respect to hands and legs. Disabled persons

may still be issued license if they are able to compensate for their disabilities

using mechanical aids. Age is also a required factors in acquiring license.

Section 22 of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code as amended by

BP No. 398, May 18,1983 further requires an applicant, thus:

“No application for a driver’s license shall be received unless the


1) For a professional driver’s license, is at least, is at least 18 years

of age, possesses a valid students-drivers permit, and has undergone instruction

in the operation of motor vehicles for at least five months under a qualified


2) For a non-professional driver’s license, is at least 17 years of

age, possesses a valid students-driver’s permit, and has undergone instruction in

the operation of motor vehicles for at least a month.”

The researchers also looked into traffic education and safety program

sponsored by the government. This particular program uses multi-agency

approach. The principles involve in this program are education in ( traffic safety),

(enforcement of traffic rules), and engineering (traffic engineering).

Traffic safety education is carried out on three levels, namely: 1) imparting

knowledge concerning traffic safety; 2) training and practice in the application of

traffic safety knowledge; 3) developing traffic safety morality.

Deterrents to motorist and pedestrians must also be considered in

effective traffic management such as fear of fine and punishment, loss of driving

privileges, and possibility of meeting accidents. Looking at the macro level,

enforcement is actually directed to drivers whose behavior conflicts with the

behavior prescribe by law. Enforcement creates negative or avoidance action in

drivers. Since the investigation Is concerned on both the and the pedestrian, the

researcher also looked into the traffic violations that may be committed by drivers

as well as pedestrian. For the drivers, may commit such offenses, as hit and run,

reckless driving, right-of-way offenses, tampering with vehicles, hitching to a

vehicle, driving while under the influence of liquor or drug, obstruction to traffic,

and parking violation.


Foreign Studies

Poor road user behavior exhibited by the drivers in some developing

countries may be due to their lack of knowledge about road safety rules and

regulations or their general attitude towards road safety matters. A study of

drivers’ knowledge in Jamaican, Pakistan and Thailand [ Jacob et al.., 1981]

indicate that there were only a few topics where a lack of knowledge was

widespread. One such example was stopping distances where 87 percent of the

drivers underestimated the distance required to stop in an emergency when

travelling at 30mph. other areas of driver behavior, such as not stopping at

pedestrian crossing, traffic signals and stop signs were found to be due poor

attitudes rather than poor knowledge [Kayvan Aghabayk et al.., 2012

According to Kostyniuk et al., (2002) analyzed 34,244 Car-Car Crashes

and 10,732 fatal Car-Truck Crashes in which they analyzed main causes behind

these accidents. The study included that apart from another causes following

human factors were responsible for accidents:

 Failing to yield right of way

 Driving in excess of speed

 Inattentiveness

A few studies have addressed certain driving behaviors and attitudes

using a series of cross-sectional surveys in the U.S. commissioned by Prevention

Magazine. Schechtman et al. (1999) attempted to relate drinking habits

(frequency and amount) to seat belt use, speed limit obedience and drunk driving

over 11 years. They found no evidence to link drinking habits with seat belt use

and speed limit obedience. However, evidence indicated links between frequency

and amount of drinking with drunk driving, as expected. Shinar et al. (2001) used

more recent Prevention Magazine survey data to investigate associations

between seat belt use, speed limit observance, drunk driving and four

demographic characteristics (gender, age, education and income). Their four-

way ANOVA models using 1994-1995 data indicated that females reported more

law obedience than males in all behavioral categories. Rates of seat belt use

increased with age and education level for both males and females. Interestingly,

higher education and income levels were associated with speeding. Based on a

study by Koushki et al. (1998) on drivers in Kuwait, those who did not keen on

wearing seat belts were reported to violate twice as more traffic regulations

compared with those who did. Most of those who chose to not wear the seat

belts were young drivers and female drivers. These two categories of drivers

were also reported to have bad driving behaviors such as changing lanes without

giving proper signals and changing speed abruptly. They concluded that drivers

who are not keen on wearing seat belts tend to drive more precariously. Shinar et

al. (2001) utilized a survey data from Prevention Magazine in his study on the

relationship between four demographic characteristic (i.e., gender, income, age


and education) and seat belt use, speed limit compliance and drunk driving. They

used the data from the year 1994 to 1995 on four-way ANOVA models and found

that female drivers were more law abiding compared with males in all aspects of

driving behavior. For both male and female drivers, their awareness in using seat

belt increased as their age and education level increased. The severity of

punishment is a factor that is within the control of traffic authorities. Research has

shown that it is important that the severity of a penalty is consistent with the

severity of the offence and that it be substantial for it to influence illegal behavior

(SWOV, 2011). Iversen and Rundmo (2004) analyzed the relationship between

risky behavior, attitudes and accident involvement and concluded that the

attitudes of the driver contribute significantly in prediction of behavior. They found

that involvement in near accidents and involvement in accidents had an influence

on risky behavior and explained a 21% of the total variance. Eiksund (2009) in a

study on the difference in attitudes to traffic safety and driver behavior in urban

and rural Norway, found that among other variables such as culture,

demographic characteristics and attitudes to driving explained significant

amounts of variation in driver behavior in both rural and urban areas. Farah

(2011) studied the difference between gender and age in overtaking maneuvers

on rural highways and found differences in age and gender with respect to

frequency of overtaking time duration, overtaking, following distances, critical

overtaking gaps and overtaking speed. Young males were found to have, higher

overtaking speeds, shorter overtaking times and closer following distances than

old males and females. Vlahogianni and Golias (2012) also observed differences

in behavior between female drivers and young males during overtaking.

Vlahogianni (2013) in the case of back-to-lane maneuver, Vlahogianni,

concluded gender as a critical factor that influences the duration of overtaking in

two lane highways. Male drivers were observed to take longer time to return to

their original lane than female drivers. Alexander et al. (2002) revealed that older

drivers of men and women require larger gaps than younger drivers. Yan et al.

(2007) also established that older drivers tend to accept larger gaps than

younger drivers as driving slowly, turn the steering wheel, more slowly and keep

higher car following distances. Deaths from road traffic accidents are much more

prevalent amongst the under 25 sec than other causes of death often reported by

the media such as hangings, shootings, stabbings, alcohol or drug abuse.

Between the ages of 15-24 a young person is twice more likely to die from a road

traffic accident than be fatally assaulted by firearms, a sharp/blunt object or

intentional self-harm via hanging combined. Those in the 15-24 age categories

are also four times more likely to die from a road traffic accident than from drug,

alcohol or other substance poisoning.

The number of vehicles is increasing in India and with the ever-increasing

population of India, driving or riding a vehicle is becoming a dangerous

experience. The road accident rate in India (and particularly in Maharashtra) is

truly alarming. Studies conducted in India and other parts of the world have

indicated that negligent road-user behaviour is the main factor in 65 per cent of

the accidents and a contributing factor in about 90 per cent of the cases. It

becomes necessary to find out the knowledge of the Rules of Road


Regulation and how they are followed in practice, and in the process,

disseminate the actual guidelines to be followed while driving or riding on the


Local Studies

The study describe the level of the awareness of tricycle drivers on the

traffic rules and safety in terms of driving task, drivers behavior and road and its

effect to be pedestrian passenger. The descriptive survey method of research

was implied in this study.


To a certain extent, the preceding literature and studies reviewed were

found out by the researchers to be very significant and related to the present

study, thus providing them the necessary background and knowledge. They also

as your eye-openers and guide on how to go about with the present


Furthermore, the considerable amount of literature shed light on the

present undertaking. While the reality remains that these literature implied

different theoretical under pinning’s of tricycle drivers and motorist, a common

objective of unveiling the importance of assessment is presented to expose

tricycle drivers to the setting on traffic law enforcement.

The different studies reviewed are related and are similar to the present

study in that, all of them made use of descriptive-correlational and descriptive

survey method of the study using questionnaire-checklist that elicited the


personal and experience information of the respondents. This current

investigation is anchored on the assumption that the tricycle drivers has always

been expected to have proper knowledge and skills on traffic law enforcement

and able to apply traffic safety education. To be equal to the task, they need to

develop certain driving competencies which call for a clear understanding of an

upright citien including in its nature and its history, and the roles responsibilities

concomitant to the main role along the driving task, road courtesy and traffic

safety morality.


The study is built upon the need of preservation of human life, the theories

of human behavior, and legal dimension of traffic management and


Learned capabilities of the drivers include theoretical and practical

knowledge and skill, and habits. Experience alone is not a measure of

proficiency. Training improves the drivers capabilities. Knowledge of the drivers

can be gained thru reading, instruction, and observation. By this, the driver must

be up to date with traffic rules, must understand the meaning of signs and road

markings, must aware the operation of vehicle which include its care and


The conceptual framework of the study is based on the chaotic chaotic

conditions of traffic such as undicipline tricycle drivers and commuters using the

roads and transportation system, lack of knowledge of road and regulations, and

effective law enforcement system.

Operationally, the paradigm in Figure 1. Illustrate the flow of technical

processes of this research of this research. The schematic diagram refers to the

awareness and practices of tricycle drivers on traffic rules and safety. The

process undergo the effect of the tricycle awareness and practices of traffic rules

and safety of the pedestrian-passenger. The description survey method of the

study using questionnaire as the principal instrument.


` Research Paradigm

Traffic Rules Awareness of

tricycle drivers

 Driving Task

 Driver’s Behavior

 Road Courtesy

Traffic Rules

Awareness of Tricycle


Practices of Tricycle

Drivers on the Traffic

Rules and Safety

 Weather Condition

 Road Surface

 Road Safety

Figure 1. A Schematic Paradigm Showing the awareness and practices of

Tricycle Drivers on Traffic Rules and Safety and the Effect of Traffic Rules and

Safety to the Pedestrian- Passengers.

Chapter 3


This chapter shows the research design, the description of the

respondents, instrumentation, data collection and procedure, and tools for data


Research Design

This study used the descriptive survey method of research, it includes the

description, analysis and interpretation of conditions that existing. This design is

suitable in investigations that needs description of the profile of the a group of

subjects with regards to certain variables.

Subject of the Study

The respondents of this study are one hundred (100) respondents,

specially one hundred (100) tricycle drivers. The researchers need the nearest

individuals as the respondent of this study to reaches the desired size. The

respondents, which are the tricycle drivers- where randomly chosen from many

drivers. Researcher must informed that the respondents-tricycle drivers are

registered in the area of the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher prepared set of questionnaires in this investigation. The

instrument were designed to gather information about the awareness of tricycle

drivers with traffic rules. The questionnaire composed of three parts; (1) attitudes

on the effects of traffic problems; (2) the traffic safety knowledge which include

road rules and road sighs; (3) the traffic safety morality behavior of the

pedestrian-passenger. The second part of questionnaire gathered information

about the driving techniques on weather conditions on road surface, and on road

safety. Both questionnaires, measured the knowledge and aware the tricycle

drivers in rules and road signs.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior of the conduct of the study, the following procedures were strictly


1. Permits to gather the study were informed the respondent about the

study. Requesting for the data needed in this investigation.


2. The investigation covered calendar year 2018. This were conducted

from January to March 2018. The gathering data covered a three (3) month


3. The tricycle driver-respondents were requested to attend an orientation

on the conduct of the study called for the purpose covered in the study, during

this time, the questionnaire distributed and retrieved at once by the the


4. The data gathered and responses from the questionnaires were scored,

recorded and subjected based on the statistical treatment and analysis scheme.

Statistical Treatment

The study used the descriptive and inferential statistical tools. In the

presentation of data, the violations on traffic rules by tricycle drivers. The

descriptive statistical tool were primarily involved the computation of the attitudes

scales. The arbitrary descriptive interpretation of the average weighted mean iss

as follows:

Rating Scale Degree of Effect of Traffic Extent of

to Pedestrian-Passengers Demonstration of

Attitude Related to

Driving Tasks

Fully demonstrated
Severely Affect

Moderately Affect
Averagely Demonstrated

Does Not Affect

Not Demonstrated

In determining the degree of demonstration of tricycle drivers behavior, the

average weighted mean were employed. The following are the interpretation

rating scale:

Rating Scale Degree of demonstration

of the behavior

3 Always (all the time)

2 Sometimes(More times not demonstrated)

1 Not Demonstrated At All

In determining the awareness of tricycle drivers on traffic rules and safety. The

descriptive interpretation is as follows:

Rating Scale Frequency of Performance Level of Morality

3 Always(all the time) Very High

2 Sometimes(as the need arises) Average

1 Never(Not at all) Very Poor

In determining the external factors concerning the traffic safety education of the

tricycle drivers, the average weighted mean were also employed. The descriptive

interpretation is as follows:

Rating Scale Frequency of performance

2.50-3.50 Positively Affected/Favorable

1.50-2.49 Negatively Affected/Unfavorable

1.00-1.49 Not Affected (Not Applicable)

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