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26. UNTT-4 JDESIGIN 2 Rayetem Age a “2 the phase, had bridges, the ar coche te levor and the exk ding 4 ovageh “Patten pThts phase foeises oa a aban oa, aa ” ye, aes mere? ® a as the. ongamteadion & dade. according dbo a athe Sa “The, natn. pina dell ane 3 & produce. So cab, ond physteal Nes 6 of the viel dal atabose Syst em do yee Phe sequirarnent of ihe and for ds performance. Procese: Dodakase ne 4 dear chithes occun tn all “tees sqplerns. derdopresch pours loge da deel eeign we use process called alice sek a-data, model, Tho ane four bey hens an soot database vmedeig ard dest tees Logical dadarrodel. for each \nmon user srferface qr ication normalization, ci DP Combine. Normabtred, es. ied wold aaa neereat frallen-nbofcswbet uh TWenslae te concephia: FAR lade. rode for Bho. applic ation ov eens “fhe an-: soltdabed log cal database dost wilh tho. ae oe ald and ie one. final Logical database model @Rdaktonal, Dalabase, Model: So A ose wl s data, mm the Fuel Fon aa se Bd. af rl eee Raabind dale oof dB apa se of shoo dada. 28 -tovel, tn dhe Mirena Tapes Fach noe tthe selon 46 kncn 08, bple rh ! ‘Donate Vornat 12 set of vals which #8 anditerble, ‘olwmns (Abbabules) Records, or TTuple. (Roo) Choractoristes exes ona Ee > Bach. relation an a, dalabase, yavsl hase a unigue name . BeeF > A_nebadion aust not shave, doo attributes ‘withcane name. Fach attntbule mush have a distinct name, > Duplrabe tuples must nol be pres et $n velatin. -> Fade tuple yust have exaclluone date value for an abbribue. coe and. abbrtules of vel ion. alo vod dave ty follow a aiynificrd ondor. @ Normalteation: tary Novmaltzation #3 the process of verseteteg redundancy from a relation ov cob of relabions . Redundancy sn selahon. may cause aw Regie. delebie. a dation anomaltes, tt canbe ‘erstdond As ‘a tt » oe a io? yo m, re. @Normal Forms: the normal fon. of a nelebion refers to Lhe highesd Pi ih, a S in ee and hence. ‘reese dep ed, @.De-Normalizabion: Th 4g the press a adeling nedunrdank data, ts up complex. queries ‘nosy rnudtyle table. ToINs, @h nctional Dependency: A funchional en done] lnehivort. co abs of aflatlules van ad a ee cperdany 0 replesened 25.6 of Pe Fiedinal v dha + Pind Novmal, Foon (ANE): A ashe a an firsd normal firm. Ff. Jt doos nol cond. -compostde, or-rnulti valued abla = walkin coeban con Fal las dk ee Sob fixel norwal form. -- Exawele: Ratio STUDENT on abled 4¢ wol f° ANF because. of rrnullt—valued abbnthute stun pHone, Ils lecompost tion tbo ANP shag heen. shom. m table 2, \SrepNo | STvNAme | STU-PHONE | STU_ADDRESS 4. RAM 9916244924 | Kathmandu 35 Qospt1 D419 [a sures | 98t046o117 | Bubual “able 4 | sromno [sTname [STU_PHONE | STU_ADDRESS ] 4 F RAM 9816941494 | Ketnandu 4 RAM 9214419944 | Kathmandu, 2, SURESH | 4¢0260144 | Gubval Table 2 = 2 Second, Normal, Foren. (NF): = A onsladion 24 sm scan nomad, form, sf selation 18 at Feuch poo em and orelabion, mush vob cb forbial ender af subsel can | dep ad perenne “ae dale, Loy demons Now- abl, prime rhulesAbbabubes tebch ané vol pant ea ee Kegon ey 48 an abbrabube or sel of atdnsbules Phat uid 8 each, vecord an the yelation Candida legpy Bae 2 by vhece pope subsel 5 wal a ey ‘ Rime ebbribule-> the abbrrbubes hich ane. making aviddale keys WY ent pone. abbabule , Ecsle: Crile, Se ibe bb Tema ual ConcEN | COURSEREF =o] aaa | Se lg08 C2. 45000) A CH poe 7 cS 40000 ees CA 40000 : CS 2.0000 oe B nt-cectde sthe vale of COURSEND oF STUD-NO; env pene canal dectle tbe vali of covksE.NO; Coursé_pee doaelhen. valth: COURSEND coma decide, se value of 6TOI-NO: H "Course pee ventld be a. nin-prtme. abbtbube, a8 3b ches nod bolog oto the one. only Ban { STV2ND, CouRsEND} ; buf, COURSENO—S COURSE. PEE. 6 COURSE_PEE 18 clependend ma COURSE_NO hd ae a Prpe—subseb of candrdife bey, Non pyre. atbrrbute COURSE PRE 8 deperndend, mas roper subsed ae candidate tp vehicle a2 potial, depandengy ard 50 reladion 4g vel ay, ONE, Te convert He above, velo. ONE; aia wad. to phil the fable Into bus Lables auch 38, clole 1! i STU9_vo0, COURSE.NO, Tahle2: covpse np, COURSE. PRE j Tabled. jes STUD_NO COURSE WO r C4 ez CH 7 cA Le CBee din] fo ed > [>] pf sho] | “wanetlive de LT ASB an. B>0 me tw Fs thor ASC 48 called haneibive clepan dency. Ee averle ees slat the. Fue mM ENF, In His o: Hy and shale ano dort aupon. ZEP code. To ple Hs dalle +m NP, VF shi sepenale ables auld, be e1 sone, nome. and, 20P ode and, the ober. Galena aly lal ZEP code. pat 6. : ae ER Yr saute Reladionss an ER diagram ant normalized vrelabions and. ewe pg en Oh Atl op on el cmechdle sell szelabions con be accom sian enbitica: Pacle ents an the: B c a relation. the. adentifon of ch ie digit of Pre. rdabion, and other abbyyl, 3 ier ae M4 ert int = Eid addon ‘n ae al Ses es Be pelabignal datchose desir, yd we pnezod ; yelations crealled snsdens ganda be th nei els »So we ne, Nor! Hens, bo vake have wll richie Sidhe abl 4 Across Hinianble of Salalins, there. naladions (40 relations Ural desenshe ro oly hy sala ogee and. ete semnove- dhe elbionss Gees fel he sabia yndy be alelandbonl , fw’ echo, merge. a, relalions bo Ia oli! tha. dun nedundany ear Sipe ig a te sel ailerbee. of dransgrntyg an ER diagram, Employees CEmp ID, nhme 5 Addhess, aoe ay SHE io a avclerface. night weal shea a same Teens Name. Address, Bheode, fate of years tm rdlebiong | Juve. Same, Sas sly TAY lng 2 az oxdladion, OR age oe Evaplogee Emp. TD; Name, Address, Phone Tobey de Number, - yal Hal le ga 7 im ec and calals. ce = oro in SE an tes el Tag jaw —> Novmalize ims, > Defirttions of each. “Merde se ete > Degen} wa where. she a. ORL Use, > Requlnennds Pr ven 1 uu ald y “> Segeaatins of of the ig used { rite She A choices foe ea 38 on at : “ee Sais and ‘A fiddas Aes tield. - the srnallest unth of Application. daca recognized, oftware, such. ax a programming slay one Rae ee ep Ll Got, ld aldo clahtee. management systems An atted Car omy, Ge eeotal ly sevnal Felde, ~ A field Pred, can- be derived, fromm. other datahaee, “Galds 8 called a calculated field Some. cledabaae Denohates allo us bo exphtlly define: calculated frelde among with other vw dala. fells the database technaogy will etl stove che calculeled valire or contpube ab when requested. @.Dosi hysteal Tales: A Physical. able az a named sel of sravss and. columns ae Rtn ae ot row of the. table thesia ofa en Hable nas. Shoe goals ellrciend vot af deren oe at abe pear are ether fs conch shes he efhderd econdyy| storage, nelabes t throw dada ane ine ov id, ee cake ib cial sees i eh hea 8 aCe pommel oa oa smoed then processed hen, Hho ana-shored close fs one, Ar mement , dhua, 19 He number. of anpud /rubpuet (cypyt operations Shab rwal JA cial, FE Dest Porms and, Repord's: a snl . The forms used be collec or “mn, i Ta stgdlen sul aso clslene, foclid ood pee mn for \noth. trpul and oukpuch. R As on Lhe ober, rand are. i BNA grrdonmation ma collec items. Both frims and 0: ane Product of tnpub and: ut design Theyatn, sreporhs are parly used for meadling. ®DProcess forums and reports: Kini 5 idee focinaea: adn Prime, ancl oreponts as 2. vaer=foc' Hy proach. 13) we. reust eee ae olla os i vided user and dak. eed decks el urements, Dani femal chee MA gm es ‘dowel al See >Who wall use Lhe form or vepo ~>Whob sa Lhe purpose. or spent? When 4 Be doar oe wehlrvited? hoe, dee he fone of veport mec te be. debe. ound wool? Hoo mont people. vieed ts use. ar visio the form or reperdt amring and understands of these. questions 48 a wet sp m cxalin ny ford ov nead he ae ke requinernonds, a trick and. refine, fond “nto an Bt ad ay al ee Now, we. ask USES = ble. iy He ybh it filer. iiperd 2a the chen 2 sags el che we ie wh di accanlig. bs BDdliverakles avd Ouleomes: DNeralive Ovenviewo: TY containg averviein chanacoteties x Jog? Users, poe eke. an i ch = w ioe ad Neg al lis hi op Teo Lane usabel ae This Bichon: prota ely 3) amfonnation, Asses: aera cae ave paabtdacin, 'C) Mbt pede rOL08, ‘30+ ®. Formate ms_and- ordis, Lamp - a ; Grenenall, formatting Gutdeliness. freoper ferniabls ms Bn seponts 38 essenlial. Bln = gevoral delines for Lhe sits Eh Ec Dail dn lll gale Meaningful tebtes The form or report sh mn cleon Vand. specific, TL shold clear) desenthe. the content and use. of for. or nepart. y Meaningdul mfovrnadion: Only the anformetion thal 43 relevout and " by the user should be. displayed on Lhe ferne or repord. : uk: the tnformedion should be. balanced'an the. See Phe, to hull, wed bese cvoioded 3 wok fo apread. out, Bas ation: TA chaild ie.’ peseible tov the user fo ately we A ee ee Guidlines, dis a Leste my the fom on a vp appears to the. Jwman. eye. das ated of mnpacd on the: user go, we follow some, prrdines ‘for bebder disp f contents, Highlighting snformncdbion: Highlights the snformation id enhance the ce of the ut, Highly of, snformad lon. be, cavill ad eat diced sehdl Ma: lle. ead “rlersthy def ch, underinigg, font and gre, deff ereveos ete 1A Deen Clown: Use of ppropracle colons while. dest. "of has several adv Atke shtkes the. » draws altertion fo tA Des; fed, Ne shoul, vge appropriate cenciathen, whenever mad te ted shuld be pope spaced nd ae nf wbe” blk Wine bebveen peneanaphs, WMDestgring tables and. cles We pol uses inl bla spay Columms and, vos “and seperate Labels from, Sabhon. aufonmadion Py usta highlighting, otephyed clade should he. sorted ne meaningful: order. ic @ Paper hosed. vs. lect ent reports: per. based Jee orbs j pascal reports axe. PElecdesonte reports ane stored Maire m fing cabmede, | 21 file syalhins of computer. Wh Eddi yard Copying 28 > Edina, and Copytng 8 deff an oon id eoporls| CAP. Pr elecbrrente sraposs: tPorrmublrale users db access [rt Multiple aes Wy Aaenee™ one dole acel of reports rnd jeponrd sindloncdly Per each. accessing pers, s : MTL con he. delivered, py vel shal cain’ betdelyioied Jos OF Semele ebooks, lakes ecg Pig ee dele toe tr Sean. Bhsese Usabibhys Vsabrlrby Lypteally nefors ty Lhe follaos three. ie cleriettess ee aa = Speed + Can complete a exyclentyy ? Accuracy: mad dhe sysdem. provide what yo expec, MBSedesficbion: Do yor bhe vaing Be syshom 2 General, design. Guidelines for usablly of forms and reporls, Usability ler Gutdaline tr adhtorered of usabil ne Cmdtld opeof enoclag ety cog + lt py oll Orgeotaation Ted and, data, should be aligned. ‘ a efthered rasipabion onde wrt son don Clantty > Oulbpuds shuld he. dear 45 Be sen. and Batok untls of measure shall be. aidtealed => aieeat fal should be eoretsberd: bebvecn, 1 ‘ f | Plait = Tiformacion shal “be. viewed, aod vebived ine = oie ‘manner, most convenient. ao She user, fDestyntyg Filerfacos and Daegu Tnderface. design. focuges ont hore anforradion. % provided, Sequencing of anderface. dreplays: “the deston of snlerfaces and. alia 1a the process of mg Pho manner. 2m which humans an compuuler.s exchange nanaitions Aoi @ Measures of Usabibity : J alo he Ino dt ie Phen Y es blll sb. a user. do perfonrn, bas soe quscly can Pe aes a Beroy nade, How mi ns might a user engwurser-,and Anood 12 Be ek Heer those ernons? ; se Menemiie + Hove easy a6 ih be vernornber thaw fo accompligh. B V> Sabtsfacbea: Hoo enjoyable as the eyptene. bo uae? ®.Proceag of Devi stlerfacos and di gu Srtlan, t dest forms avd rts, the evo of deotgning nlerfaces ray B E edhe elt “This means we. aheull filoo a probyerg melted 4 cobleching angformodion, and van ol arebe, a @.Deliveraldles and dubeess DNoncdive ovenied— it 1) Sample est Bee Ss Teh and vaualiby ascessmend, ~ @trlaaclion rabhads and. cleircear Methods of Interacting: Methods af “lenachyy uncludes Pll Mowmand lorage snbosacion: This hype ef -inlesacdion vepues : do remeber. conmand and semantics, the. vier ene exp kale fo snvoke. operatons idl. Sysiem. ‘ ze < ) Men, frberaction, A 38 stnpls Sieh oP tions. When wan ln te edeclel pe the alee pete voked, Menus ane She rms wibelis wel snbirtrcos for ae a con . ~ 5 WH Bom anborachon: TH allnos users fy All an He bhuke ihe Werking moth 2. Ayehem. Form mloacion 4% tapordloud aval ceffecdive Sov lath. dhe anpul ard presedadim, ss > Dbiech_\., actions Ustag icons 38 the yooh ‘comvron. method for Jmplemending objet poo Gl Yon. Keon ane Pho. hie a » Teoms dake JUWe. ace. a SIs” Me Hs er aly Natural srdenadion: Nahinal, language sirderachin 48 ; leeing applied. votth bath Keofeand ard voice. ena asters @, Desi twlerfaces: a 4 U 2 the drovberd. applicalion utero dy shih User. oe ho vise, peta Sofhoare becomes ne. heck ge a se NACEVE 5 esto use, responsive » Tb conete: naling, Sn pl ae dent toga ars Smal to erbaved founs Ss should e ued, es Rein liad on dab. endiy ae dob \pe, lb Dill, Popo bell 38 on paper tone, Plevealby and consis ane (ira! design. goals. Sie dbuady on-line orthal an he compa tal defaull, Valu, ape approp2l Fete te bpd dada untts pete - Use. charactor neplacemend then. erp = E 2odbllg dda. smpubs One. shjecdive. of trlordarce” meet reduce. ale “by enons, Eat fle & alepale 7 Cea nt user’ emnons an Comeck, lata. ai meee s 7 aul a A> Rroviding Feedhacl : See deskn chald provide stadus anfetinadion 2s 5 fella Ute keeping tons sfmed, of whol Je ST shold gig em the gyslem, provide emer. and wanna ressages, » Providing tH “i ty to place owsdlf pr ugens place vthen designer Hop mescages ghaild be shook and ty the poms ee aloquess eh pase dest the. overall sequences, tha vars folloo by ae with an’ anformadtion ayston 38 fi 2 steps: oe Ne dup os pees natal A SDdesigring the aes ager. > Burldi © profobype. > Assesetng usabt In. desi the didipe 2 arr | Gist gam the, andi oF users ust nee ul Ik pie Ua Sein wry fos ee ee ole pe pane gn usally 2 24 must be @Designing Interfaces and Viale an G Ewinonmnentae Grraphtea), User anderdace. (Gwr) envivonenents Wass, econ the Ae dace for humane eh sntexaclion, When diagno qoplical snlerfaces we Arffewnd reéuien,

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