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Operant conditioning, also known as instrumental conditioning, is a method of

learning normally attributed to B.F. Skinner, where the consequences of a response
determine the probability of it being repeated. Through operant conditioning behavior
which is reinforced (rewarded) will likely be repeated, and behavior which is punished
will occur less frequently.

Reinforcement in operant conditioning involves strengthening an action by

associating it with a consequence. Reinforcement might involve presenting praise (a
reinforcer) immediately after a child puts away their toys (the response). By reinforcing
the desired behavior with praise, the child will be more likely to perform the same action
again in the future. It can also include anything that strengthens or increases a
behavior. In a classroom setting, for example, types of reinforcement might include
giving praise, letting students out of unwanted work, or providing token rewards, candy,
extra playtime, or fun activities.

Primary Reinforcement

Primary reinforcement referred to as unconditional reinforcement, which occurs

naturally. The reinforcers often have an evolutionary basis in that they aid in survival of
the species and they don’t require learning in order to work. Examples of primary
reinforcers include air, food, sleep, and water.

Secondary Reinforcement

Secondary reinforcement involves stimuli that have become rewarding by being paired
with another reinforcing stimulus. This is also known as conditioned reinforcement. For
example, when training a dog, praise and treats might be used as primary reinforcers.
The sound of a clicker can be added with the praise and treats as a secondary
reinforcer. Eventually, the sound of the clicker alone begins to work as a reinforcer.
Positive reinforcement involves adding something to increase response, such as
giving a piece of candy to a child after they clean their room.
Negative reinforcement involves removing something to increase response, such as
canceling a quiz if students turn in all of their homework for the week. By removing the
aversive stimulus (the quiz), the teacher hopes to increase the desired behavior
(completing all homework).
Main Types of Partial Reinforcement
Once a behavior has been acquired, a partial reinforcement schedule can be used. The
timing of when a reinforcer is presented can be manipulated. During the early stages of
learning, continuous reinforcement is often used. This involves reinforcing a response
each and every time it occurs.
 Fixed-interval Reinforcement – is delivered at predictable time so it is when
behavior is rewarded after a set amount of time.
 Variable Interval Reinforcement – is delivered at unpredictable time intervals.
Example of this is when you check your Facebook. You check your Facebook
like after 5 minutes, 10, or 12. So, the person gets the reinforcement based on
varying amounts of time, which are unpredictable.
 Fixed Ratio Reinforcement – is delivered after a predictable number of
responses. Example for this is a factory worker getting paid for every number of
items manufactured.
 Variable Ratio Reinforcement – is delivered after an unpredictable number of
responses. Example of it is gambling because the number of responses needed
for reward varies.

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