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Some people say that to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, it is compulsory for all

children to get vaccinated. Do you agree or disagree? Write an essay of at least 220-250 words to
give reasons for your answer and include

any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.(bắt buộc tất cả trẻ em phải được
tiêm phòng)


Some people believe that to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, it is mandatory that all
children be vaccinated. This essay asserts that mandatory childhood vaccination is a public health
measure. important community, necessary for the prosperity of the entire society. I agree with the
above opinion

First, childhood vaccination has proven to be one of the most effective tools in preventing the
spread of infectious diseases. Diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella, which were once
common, have decreased significantly thanks to vaccination programs.

Furthermore, infectious diseases pose a significant threat to public health and can have serious
consequences. Outbreaks can strain health care systems, leading to increased morbidity and
mortality. For example, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the devastating impact of a
new infectious disease and highlighted the need for comprehensive vaccination strategies to mitigate
such crises.

In short, the necessity of childhood vaccination cannot be overstated. Clear evidence of its
effectiveness in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, coupled with the potential public health
risks posed by unvaccinated people, has demonstrated the need for Compulsory vaccination. Striking
a balance between individual rights and collective well-being is important, and in this case, the well-
being of society requires a commitment to vaccinating children.

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