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Int J Adv Manuf Technol

DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7732-8


Microstructural and mechanical properties of resistance spot weld

of Inconel 625 supper alloy
Hamid Reza Rezaei Ashtiani 1 & R. Zarandooz 1

Received: 22 November 2014 / Accepted: 18 August 2015

# Springer-Verlag London 2015

Abstract This study was carried out to evaluate the micro- process ability, weldability, and resistance to high temperature
structural and mechanical properties of resistance spot-welded corrosion on prolonged exposure to aggressive environments
Inconel 625 alloy. The effects of welding current, applied [1].
force, and holding time of resistance spot welding (RSW) Resistance spot welding (RSW) is one of the oldest
process were investigated by optical microscopy (OM) and welding methods being used in many industries such as the
scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, microhardness power, automobile, aerospace, and electronics. The RSW pro-
tests, and also tensile shear tests. Microstructural investiga- cess includes coupled interactions of electrical, mechanical,
tions showed that the nugget structure consisted of homoge- thermal, and metallurgical phenomena.
nous columnar dendrite structure, which epitaxially grew In this process, the sheets to be joined are brought together
along the electrode direction, and the microstructure of the under pressure by a pair of electrodes and then a high electrical
heat-affected zone (HAZ) included a fine-grain recrystallized current is passed through the workpieces between the elec-
zone (FRXZ), coarse-grain recrystallized zone (CRXZ), and trodes. Due to contact resistance and joule heating, a molten
recovery zone (REZ). The effects of welding parameters on weld nugget is formed in the sheets. The workpieces are
the mechanical properties of the spot weld in terms of peak joined as solidification of the weld pool occurs. Moreover,
load, fracture energy, and failure mode were investigated. force is applied before, during, and after the application of
electric current to maintain the electric current continuity
Keyword RSW . Inconel 625 . Microstructure . Failure and to provide the pressure necessary to form the weld nugget.
mode . Fracture energy The total heat generation between two sheets is defined as the
product of the current intensity squared multiplied by the total
resistance and the welding time.
Some works have already been carried out about the effects
1 Introduction
of RSW process parameters on the microstructural and me-
chanical properties. Hayat [2] investigated the RSW capability
Nickel-based superalloy Inconel 625 was developed as a solid
of magnesium AZ31 alloy sheets and aluminum 1350 alloy
solution-strengthened alloy having molybdenum and niobium
sheets. The results of this study confirmed that nugget geom-
on its nickel–chromium matrix, and the high strength can be
etry was different for the Al and Mg sides and also the nugget
retained without any precipitation heat treatment. It is widely
size and the weld strength increased with increasing of the
used in aeronautical, aerospace, chemical, petrochemical, and
welding current and duration. Uwaba et al. [3] inspected
marine applications due to its good mechanical properties,
RSW of ferritic/martensitic steel sheets with different thick-
nesses to develop a manufacturing technology for a fast reac-
* Hamid Reza Rezaei Ashtiani tor fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure. They; showed that welding conditions under which spot-welded
joints did not have either crack or void defects in the nugget
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Arak University of could be found when the electrode force was increased to
Technology, Arak 38135-1177, Iran 9.8 kN. They also found that the electrode cap with a longer
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 1 Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the investigated Inconel 625

Chemical composition (wt%) Mechanical properties

C Nb Mo Fe Cr Ti Al Co Ni YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) EL (%)

0.032 2.87 8.61 4.4 21.67 0.2 0.18 0.124 Base 1167 1428 21

YS yield strength, UTS ultimate tensile strength, EL elongation

tip end length was effective for preventing weld defect forma- welding processes has become necessary. Considering this
tions. Florea et al. [4] compared weld quality for different information, this study can be accepted as unique. The aim
welding conditions in order to achieve optimal end-product of the present research is to investigate the influence of RSW
results. They found a strong dependency between the welding parameters such as welding current, electrode force, and hold-
parameters and the grain size and its orientation. Also, Florea ing time on the microstructural and mechanical properties of
et al. [5] investigated the fatigue behavior of RSW of alumi- resistant spot-welded sheets of Inconel 625 superalloy by op-
num 6061-T6 alloy. Their investigations revealed that the tical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM),
welding process parameters had a great influence on the mi- microhardness, and tensile–shear tests. In addition, failure
crostructure and fatigue life of aluminum sheet resistance spot mode, peak or failure load, and fracture energy obtained in
welded joints. Khodabakhshi et al. [6] optimized RSW pro- tensile–shear test have been used to describe the performance
cess for welding of the constrained groove pressed (CGP) of spot welds.
sheets with different severe deformations, and their results
were compared with those of as-received sheets. They found
that optimum welding parameters (welding current and 2 Experimental procedure
welding time) for ultra-fine grained sheets were shifted to
lower values with respect to those for as-received sheets. Sev- In this investigation, the cold rolled Inconel 625 sheets (with-
eral studies are available about RSW of aluminum, stainless out annealing treatment) with thickness of 0.7 mm were joined
steel, etc. There are also different processes used to join by RSW process. The tensile properties of the base metal were
Inconel 625 sheets such as plasma [7], laser [8], and friction determined using a standard tensile test in accordance to
stir welding [9]. ASTM: E8M. Table 1 shows the chemical composition and
However, there is no investigation on RSW of Inconel 625. tensile properties of the base metal. Welding process was per-
With the rapid increase in the use of super alloys for structural formed using a calibrated 100 kVA and 50 Hz AC pneumatic
components, a better understanding of Inconel 625 spot type RSW machine. Welding process was conducted using

Table 2 The employed welding

parameters of RSW Sample Welding parameter

Welding current (kA) Holding time (s) Electrode force (N)

TS-1 5.4 5 3400

TS-2 5.7 5 3400
TS-3 6.1 5 3400
TS-4 6.4 5 3400
TS-5 6.8 5 3400
TS-6 7.15 5 3400
TS-7 5.4 5 4250
TS-8 6.1 5 4250
TS-9 7.15 5 4250
TS-10 5.4 10 4250
TS-11 6.1 10 4250
TS-12 7.15 10 4250
TS-13 5.4 3 4250
TS-14 6.1 3 4250
TS-15 7.15 3 4250
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

copper-chromium-zirconium electrodes from group A of re- characterization of the BM, FZ, and HAZ was conducted by
sistance welding manufacturing alliance (RWMA) with a tip performing standard metallography procedure, and the speci-
diameter of 4.7 mm. Throughout the process, welding time mens were electrochemically etched at room temperature
and squeeze time were kept constant at 10 and 5 cycles, re- using saturated oxalic acid solution as electrolyte and a stain-
spectively. The RSW process parameters were changed as less steel cathode at 3–5 V for nearly 40 s and then micro-
shown in Table 2 (1 cycle=0.02 s and welding atmosphere: structures were observed using optical microscope (OM) and
ambient). scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The micro-hardness
The tensile–shear test samples were prepared according to measurement was made using the vickers scale at an applied
ANSI/AWS/SAE/C1.1 standard [10]. The tensile test of base load of 100 g. The measurement intervals were 0.2 mm in the
material and tensile–shear tests of the spot welded joint were diagonal direction along transverse cross-section of the
conducted at room temperature using a universal testing ma- welded sheet.
chine with constant crosshead speed of 15 mm/min. Failure
modes were studied from failed specimens, and fracture ener-
gy was calculated by measuring the area under the load–dis- 3 Results and discussion
placement curve up to the maximum tensile–shear load [11].
Fracture energy, which is the area under the stress–strain curve 3.1 Microstructural characterization
up to the maximum or peak load, which is measured as the
maximum point in the tensile–shear curve, was extracted from Figure 1a shows the typical microstructures of Inconel 625
the obtained load–displacement curves. Microstructure resistance spot welds at welding current of 7.15 kA and

Fig. 1 a Typical microstructures of inconel625 resistance spot welds, and b base metal; c nugget and d HAZ microstructure
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

welding cycle of 10. As shown, the joint region consists of (a)

three basic distinct regions, namely fusion zone (FZ), heat-
affected zone (HAZ), and unaffected base metal (BM). The
microstructure of BM is shown in Fig. 1b. According to Carbides
Fig. 1c, a clear columnar dendritic structure indicates melting
and solidification in the nugget region, and therefore, the max- New grains from
imum temperature in this region has to be more than the melt- recrystallization
ing point of the alloy. In the HAZ region, no melting is oc-
curred during welding, but according to the temperature dis-
tribution, it can be divided into three distinct metallurgical
zones, namely fine-grain recrystallized zone (FRXZ),
coarse-grain recrystallized zone (CRXZ), and recovery zone
(REZ), that are shown in Fig. 1d. The dimensions of these
zones are based on the experimental data of microhardness
and microstructural observation and correspond to the grain-
refined zone (recrystallized zone), the recovered structure, and
the partially transformed zone respectively. The effects of (b)
welding parameters on the microstructural properties of these
regions will be explained later. The microstructural transfor-
mations in the HAZ are detailed, as follows: Carbides

1. FRXZ: The region next to FZ boundary that experi-

ences maximum temperatures ranging approximately
1250–1350 °C shows the fine-grained recrystallized
microstructure. Recrystallization will be started with
nucleation of new grains that are dislocation-free and
continued with growth of the new grains into the
dislocated matrix. As it is clear from Fig. 2, microstruc-
ture of FRXZ is a necklace structure that is created in
the grain boundaries and it cannot become larger due to
secondary phases. It can be claimed that in this region, Fig. 2 a OM and b SEM images of microstructure of FRXZ for TS-6
a partial recrystallization occurs and/or recrystalliza- sample
tion is prevented or significantly slowed by secondary
phases precipitated, depending upon the temperature. grains is proportional to amount of pre-strain and heat
In spite of Inconel 625 had been initially developed as generated by welding current and time.
a solid-solution strengthened alloy, it is slightly age- 2. CRXZ: By moving away from the FZ line, the maximum
hardenable [12, 13]. In the HAZ, some intermetallic temperature decreases to approximately 950–1250 °C,
phases such as δ [Ni3Nb], γ [Ni3Al], and γ0 0 [Ni3Nb] resulting in the formation of recrystallization zone with
may be precipitated in γ -Ni matrix depending upon the grain growth that is named coarse-grain recrystallization
temperature. Although the precipitation kinetics of zone (CRXZ) as shown in Fig. 1d. Temperature gradient
these intermetallic phase formations is very slow, some and secondary phases play an important role in preventing
precipitation is expected due to the very high tempera- the grain growth of Inconel 625 in recrystallization zone.
ture near the melt pool and solid interface. This is fur- Hence, the thermal history of different regions of the
ther supported by the lattice parameter of the zone [8]. welded sample was simulated using the quadrilateral
In the HAZ region, recrystallization occurs due to axi-symmetric elements of FE model by applying welding
the presence of energy stored in the Inconel sheet dur- current, welding time, and electrode force of 6.5 kA,
ing cold rolling and thermal cycle during welding pro- 10 cycles, and 3400 N, respectively. For this purpose,
cess. Also, Inconel 625 is the material with low stack- commercial finite element code ABAQUS was used to
ing fault energy of the FCC metals, which is easy to be model the coupling between electrical and thermal phe-
recrystallized during the hot working when compared nomena and between the thermal and mechanical phe-
to the material with higher stacking fault energy [14]. nomena (with mesh size of 5e-005). Figure 3 shows the
Therefore, RSW can be effective in the grain refine- simulation results of temperature contour and time history
ment of Inconel 625 and the size of recrystallized plot obtained from the FE model. In the RSW, all
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 3 Temperature contour plot and time history plot from FE model for RSW

strengthening elements such as Nb and Mo can form sec- temperature of stress relieving of Inconel 625. Also, com-
ondary phases in γ-Ni matrix that it is due to the faster parison of temperature gradient has shown that tempera-
cooling rate of weld metal. It is expected that these phases ture gradient of REZ has the lowest value compared to the
act as barriers to the growth of recrystallized grain. How- other zones. As shown in Fig. 1d, in recovery zone, resid-
ever, because of lower temperature gradient of CRXZ, the ual stresses resulting from cold rolling processes are re-
secondary phases are dissolved and full recrystallization moved without significant changes in grains size and
and grain growth can occur. microstructure.
3. REZ: The cold-worked state is a condition of higher in-
ternal energy than the undeformed metal. Although elon- Figure 4 shows the SEM microstructure of the FZ, indicat-
gated structure with grain orientation might present in ing fine columnar dendritic structure with secondary den-
cold-worked material is mechanically stable, it is not ther- drites. It can be seen that columnar dendrites grow epitaxially
modynamically stable. The cold-worked state becomes around the center of fusion zone. Temperatures in the FZ
more and more unstable with increasing temperature. surpass the liquids resulting in molten metal during welding.
Eventually, the metal becomes soft and returns to a This is followed by rapid cooling which promotes epitaxial
strain-free condition. Recovery is usually defined as the solidification of dendrites with directional growth towards the
restoration of physical properties of the cold-worked met- centerline. After welding, the water-cooled electrodes help to
al without any observable change in the microstructure. remove heat from the weld, inducing high initial cooling rates
According to Fig. 3, the maximum temperature of this in the solidified weld metal. It has been reported that RSW
zone is about 800 °C, that this, temperature is the proper cooling rates can be up to the order of 1000 °C/s, while the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 4 SEM image of FZ consist

of discontinuous cellular–
dendritics and continuous of
cellular–dendritics for sample of

electrodes are still in contact with the workpiece [6]. Two

different types of cellular–dendritic microstructures are ob-
served in the SEM microstructure of the FZ: The first micro-
structure is continuous cellular–dendritic, and the second mi-
crostructure is discontinuous cellular–dendritic. These two
types of cellular–dendritic microstructure exhibit identical
growth directions and alternately appear. Sometimes, the par-
tial melting zone (PMZ) appears next to the FZ, as it is par-
tially filled by coarse columnar grains, as shown in Fig. 5. This
region corresponds to a limit between the liquid and solid
regions in the phase diagram, but this zone cannot be found
in all positions and welding conditions of RSW. As described
previously, the structure and morphology of the phases present
at different locations of weldment depending upon the cooling
rate of the melt pool in the RSW process. Whereas the rate of
heat transfer depends upon the temperature gradient that it has
higher in the primary stages of cooling time, at the onset of
holding time, the solidification velocity is very fast resulting
from the water-cooled copper electrodes, leading to finer den-
drites. However, for the greater welded area, the temperature
gradient becomes small, and the cooling rate becomes less
(Fig. 3). Therefore, the dendrites become slightly coarse as
shown in Fig. 5b.
The hardness distribution provides indirect information
about the strength and the deformation behavior of spot
welded joints. Normally, the increase in hardness is usually
accompanied by an increase in strength and decreasing the
formability of the metal [10]. The microhardness profile re-
sults for the weld regions including BM, HAZ, and FZ at
welding current of 5.4 kA and welding time 10 cycles are
shown in Fig. 6. The heterogeneous hardness profile of the
HAZ compared to that of FZ and BM is a result of different Fig. 5 a Microstructure of PMZ and b fine dispersion of carbide
microstructure in this region of the weld. The lower hardness precipitates in PMZ (SEM) of TS-6 sample
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 6 Microhardness profiles of

the resistance spot welded joint
(sample of TS-1)

of the CRXZ compared to the adjacent regions may be con- up to the peak load), and failure mode were meticulously
tributed to the reduction in the residual stresses induced by considered and obtained results have been presented in
cold rolling process and followed by recrystallization and Table 3. The fractured samples after the tensile shear test have
grain growth. The maximum hardness obtained in BM is been shown in Fig. 7.
due to the cold working. In the FRXZ, the hardness is de-
creased due to recrystallization, whereas the micro-hardness
3.2.1 Failure mode
of recovery zone from CRXZ to BM increased due to decrease
in recovery phenomenon because of decreasing heat gradient
Failure mode of resistance spot-welded joint is a qualitative
and maximum temperature.
criterion for weld reliability. Figure 8 shows a schematic rep-
resentation of the main fracture path during tensile–shear test-
3.2 Mechanical characterization ing of spot welded joint. Basically, the fracture of resistance
spot-welded joint occurs in four modes: interfacial fracture
In this step, the effect of welding current, electrode force, and (IF), partial interfacial fracture (PIF), pull-out fracture (PF),
holding time on various parameters including peak or failure and tearing failure (TF) mode. In the interfacial (IF) mode,
load (the maximum amount of load that a welded joint can fracture propagates through the fusion zone (FZ) (Fig. 8a);
endure), fracture energy (calculated as the area under the curve as it is clear from Fig. 8b, in partial interfacial mode (PIF),

Table 3 Results of the

mechanical properties of spot Welding Tensile–shear test results
welded joints condition no.
Failure mode Peak load (N) Fracture energy (J)

TS-1 IF 5650 6.1

TS-2 IF 6227 7.45
TS-3 IF 6627 8.76
TS-4 PF 6916 9.4
TS-5 PF 7141 10.29
TS-6 PF 7391 10.86
TS-7 IF 5224 5.16
TS-8 PIF 6246 7.93
TS-9 PF 7235 10.63
TS-10 IF 5892 6.27
TS-11 PF 6575 9.55
TS-12 PF 7106 10.07
TS-13 IF 5097 4.9
TS-14 IF 6108 7.5
TS-15 PF 6616 8.55
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 7 Fractured tensile shear test samples showing different modes of failure

fracture first propagates in fusion zone (FZ) and then is part is very similar to the stress–strain curve of ductile metals
redirected through thickness; in the pullout mode, fracture and is attributed to the strain hardening of the material. As
occurs with the nugget drawl from one sheet, the PF occurs shown in Fig. 9a, in the IF mode as the first crack propagates,
around the weld nugget, so it leaves the button in one sheet the load drops quickly. However, in the PF mode, as the first
and circular hole on the other sheet (Fig. 8c) and the tearing crack propagates along the circumference of the nugget, an-
failure (TF) mode, in addition to partial removal of weld nug- other crack (second crack) initiates and propagates (Fig. 9b)
get includes some parts of base sheet withdrawal from one of and the both cracks occur in the HAZ. According to Fig. 9b,
the sheets (Fig. 8d) [6, 15]. Failure mode can significantly the load–displacement of the pull-out fracture has a “tail” and
affect load bearing capacity and energy absorption capability two drop steps of the curve after the peak load due to these
of resistance spot welded joint. Generally, the PF mode is the cracks that the shape of the “tail” depends upon the post fail-
preferred failure mode due to higher plastic deformation and ure mode, a long tail corresponds to a partial nugget pullout,
energy absorption associated with it [15]. and subsequent tearing of base metal along the loading direc-
Figure 9 shows schematically the load–displacement tion and a short tail corresponds to complete nugget pullout.
curves as observed from the tests for interfacial and pull-out It is well known that necking phenomenon occurs at the
failure mode respectively. It is clear from these curves that region with lower hardness due to its lower resistance to plas-
there is a nonlinear region before reaching the peak load. This tic deformation. According to Fig. 6, CRXZ has the lowest

Fig. 8 Types of failure mode in tensile–shear test of spot welded samples: a interfacial (IF), b partial interfacial (PIF), c pull-out (PF), and d tearing (TF)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

hardness value in comparison with different regions of joint.

Therefore, the cracks nucleate at neck regions that exist in
CRXZ. The necking is not equal in both sheets and the stress
concentration caused by the uneven necking in the two sheets
leads to the withdrawal of the spot weld from one sheet. In the
IF mode, the maximum local strain occurs in the nugget while
in the PF mode the maximum local strain is concentrated in
the HAZ transition zone [15].

3.2.2 Strength properties

The effect of welding current on FZ size is shown in Fig. 10. It

is clear from this figure that the size of FZ increases with
increasing of welding current due to the heat input increases.
Also, macrographic images of nugget size and their variations
with welding current have been shown in Fig. 11.
The interaction effects of welding parameters on strength
properties of welds were described in terms of peak (failure)
load and fracture (failure) energy in Figs. 12, 13, and 14. The
effects of welding currents on the mechanical properties of the
weld in terms of peak load and fracture energy are shown in
Fig. 12. At low welding current values, interfacial failure (IF)
mode occurs due to small fusion zone size of joint. By increas-
ing the welding current from the low level, the partially fused
area expands and joining takes place on a wider area, that this,
condition increases both the peak load and fracture energy.
When the welding current is increased beyond 6.1 kA, the
failure mode is changed to the pullout mode (PF). As it is clear
in Fig. 12, the difference between the failures loads corre-
sponding to PF and IF modes is small, whereas the difference
Fig. 9 Load–displacement curves from the tension-shear test: a of the failures energies between these modes is significant due
interfacial fracture (IF) (sample of TS-2) and b pullout fracture (PF) to more plastic deformation occurring at PF mode. Indeed, the
(sample of TS-4)
formation of larger FZ size provides larger bonding area be-
tween lap sheets. Therefore, the nugget resistance and also the
load and energy required to crack propagation increase for PF

Fig. 10 Effect of welding current

on FZ size
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 11 Effect of welding current

on nugget size: a 7.15, b 6.1, and
c 5.4 kA at welding time of
10 cycles and electrode tip
diameter of 4.7 mm

Figure 13 demonstrates the interaction effect of welding workpiece and the workpiece crushing. However, by de-
current and electrode force on the mechanical properties of creasing the welding time, the decrease in strength is not
RSW. As can be seen, at higher electrode force, there is a observed any more [16]. In other words, by decreasing the
decrease in strength because of excessive electrode force, welding time, the electrode force parameter causes much
leading to enlarge the contact area between workpieces and fewer variations in the strength.
electrodes. Thus, the resistant heat decreases because of lower The effects of welding current and holding time on the
current density with this phenomenon, and so the nugget size mechanical properties have been shown in Fig. 14. As it is
decreases. On the other hand, the electrode force creates a clear, the effects of holding time on the strength alter with
mechanical barrier around the molten metal to keep the mate- variation of welding current. When welding current is low
rial within the nugget area, so it has a vital role in the nugget (5.3 and 6.07 kA), the strength of welded joint increases
formation during RSW process. Also, sheet deformation was with increasing holding time due to water cooling elec-
increased and electrode life was reduced with higher electrode trodes and quench hardening of nugget zone. When the
force due to creating more pressure and temperature on the welding current is high (7.15 kA), as can be seen, by in-
electrode tip. creasing the holding time from the lowest level (3 cycles),
It has been found that the effect of the electrode force the strength of welded joint increases and after reaching a
greatly depends on the welding time at higher welding maximum amount (at holding time of 5 cycles), it de-
currents because the increase in the electrode force contrib- creases. The reason for this phenomenon is that the amount
utes to a decrease in strength at the higher welding time. of generated heat during RSW is much greater at high level
This is also due to the penetration of the electrodes into the of welding current; besides, if the holding time is short

Fig. 12 The effects of welding

current on failure (peak) load and
fracture energy
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 13 The interaction effects of

welding current and electrode
force on the a failure load b
failure energy

(lower than 4 cycles), fusion zone will not have the suitable zone (FRXZ), coarse-grain recrystallized zone (CRXZ),
opportunity to be frozen. So, if the holding time is too long and recovery zone (REZ). The microhardness of CRXZ
and the welded joint undergoes to high level of tempera- was slightly less than other regions due to removing re-
ture, effective quenching occurs and the welded joint is sidual stresses and the grain growth in this region.
being brittle. 3. The modes of fracture of welded specimens consist of
pull-out fracture (PF) mode (in the high values of the
welding current) and interfacial fracture (IF) mode (in
4 Conclusions the low welding current range) that fracture energy of pull
out mode is more than interfacial mode.
In summary, microstructural and mechanical properties of re- 4. The effects of welding parameters and their interactions
sistance spot-welded cold rolled sheet of Inconel 625 were on the tensile–shear strength were analyzed with ten-
investigated. The following conclusions can be drawn from sile–shear test. This can provide a beneficial reference
this research: for the RSW process of Inconel 625 sheets. It was
shown that the failure load and fracture energy of the
1. The results show that the welding process parameters welded joints were improved as the welding current
have a great influence on the microstructural and mechan- increases due to the formation of larger FZ size at
ical properties of RSW of Inconel 625 superalloy. higher heat input, whereas electrode force had reverse
2. Microstructure of the weld is mostly a fine columnar den- effects on the failure load and fracture energy. Also, the
dritic structure with secondary dendrites. Whereas HAZ is strength of weld was improved with increasing holding
divided to three distinct zones: fine-grain recrystallized time in low current density.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 14 The interaction effects of

welding current and holding time
on the a failure load b failure

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