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I. PHONETICS. (1.2mks)
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
1. A. poor B. tour C. mature D. group
2. A. tiny B. device C. krill D. migrate
3. A. gulf B surface C. submarine D. current
B. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from that of the other three.
4. A. organism B. environment C. temperature D. satellite
5. A. fascinating B. behavior C. automobile D. organism
6. A. carnivore B. entrapment C. technology D. Atlantic
II. READING (2mks).
A. Read the following text and choose the best answers.
When the first white men came to America, they found vast amount of natural resources of
tremendous values. Forests covered large part of the nation; later gas, oil and minerals were
found in unbelievable amounts. There was a great abundance of very fertile soil. Forests,
prairies, streams and rivers abounded with wildlife. So vast were these resources to make way
for farmland. Grassland and prairies were ploughed and harrowed. Mineral and soil were used
in great quantities to supply power company. Mammals and birds were slaughtered for food and
Within a short time, the results were obvious. Floods caused millions of dollars worth of damage
each year. The very fertile soil washed away or blew up in great clouds. The seemingly
inexhaustible oil and mineral showed signs of emptying. Rivers were filled with wastes from
factories and silt from eroding farm. Many of the rivers were made uncomfortable for fish.
Several species of birds disappeared and some mammals seemed on the nearly leaving. Future
timber shortages were predicted.
7. It seemed to the early American settlers that
A. food was hard to find
B. forest should be cut
C. the natural resources were inexhaustible.
D. there was a shortage of minerals.
8. The use of America’s natural resources by the early settlers was
A. careless B. scientific C. unbelievable D. predicted
9. Many rivers are no longer suitable living places for fish because
A. too many fish have been caught
B. floods have caused much damage
C. a conservation program has been set up
D. factories have dumped wastes into them
10. The sentence best expresses the main subject of this passage
A. What the first white man found in America
B. The causes of timber shortages
C. The loss of topsoil
D. The story of America’s natural resources
11. It can be inferred from the passage that
A. Nature in America is in danger.
B. There are still a lot of natural resources in America now.
C. People have uses up all natural resources in America.
D. There are no natural disasters in this region.
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Conservation is the (12) _________ and preservation of natural resources, so that they can
continue (13) ____________and enjoyed. In the past, most people believed that the world's (14)
__________ could never be used up. Today, we know that this is not true. An important part of
conservation is the (15) ___________of waste - waste of forests, soil, wild-life, minerals and human
lives. As important is the fight (16) __________ pollution of our environment, in particular, the
dirtying and poisoning of air and water. Conservation is also concerned with the reclaiming of land
by irrigating deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea.
12. a. destruction b. safeguarding c. prevention d. damage
13. a. to use b. being used c. to be used d. used
14. a. resources b. supplies c. gases d. property
15. a. circulation b. preservation c. prevention d. defense
16. a. for b. against c. to d. on
III. USE OF LANGUAGE (2mks). Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
17. Sandra pretended___________ ill to avoid going to school.
A. to be B. being C. be D. been
18. I expected to Nam’s birthday party, but I wasn’t.
A. invited B. inviting C. to invite D. to be invited
19. More people are suffering ________ heart disease.
A. for B. from C. with D. that
20. Pop music usually refers ________ a non-classical type of music emerging in the early 1900s.
A. with B. in C. on D. to
21. People who work with dolphins are often _______at how intelligent they are.
A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. surprisingly
22. He asked me why I to his party the day before.
A. did not come B. had not come C. do not come D. would not come
23. They used to build their houses by mud and straw.
A. Their houses used to be build by mud and straw.
B. Their houses used to be built by mud and straw.
C. Their houses were used to be built by mud and straw.
D. Their houses are used to be building by mud and straw.
24. He left his wallet at home so he didn't have money to pay for the meal.
A. If he hadn't left his wallet at home, he would have had money to pay for the meal.
B. If he hadn't left his wallet at home, he would have money to pay for the meal.
C. If he hadn't left his wallet at home, he would had money to pay for the meal.
D. If he had left his wallet at home, he would have had money to pay for the meal.
25. having a lot of difficulties in her life, she managed to study well.
A. Despite B. In spite of
C. Even though D. A and B are correct.
26. However he is, I don’t think he will be successful.
A. intelligence B. intelligent C. talent D. wisdom
Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting. (0.8mks).
27. Jane doesn’t speak English as good as Betty.
28. Unless we worked harder, we won’t finish on time.
29. When he drove home, it started to rain heavily.
30. Thank to modern technology, scientists have been able to reveal many mysteries of the seabed.
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets (1.2mk)
1. When I (be) young, I (use) to fly kites in the field near my house
2. I am hungry. I (not, have) lunch yet. - Don't worry. I (get) you a
3. Avoid (make) these mistakes in your next essay.
4. The teacher expected her students (study) hard for the final test.
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (0.8mk)
1. There is a danger of serious (contaminate) from radioactive waste.
2. Peter does not feel really (hope) about the outcome of the interview.
3. Raw sewage makes the sea (pollute) and endangers sea plants and animals.
4. We need a (biology) to explain this phenomenon.

VII. WRITING (2mks). Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. We send these newspapers to Scotland by train.
 These newspapers
2. Do you know Mr. Baker? I have worked for his company since 2000.
 wh
3. Mary said, “Would you like to go out for dinner tonight, Tom?”


 Mary invited
4. She said, “I often help my mother with the housework when I have free time, Peter”.
 She told
5. He spent too much money on gambling so he was in debt.
 Unless


I. PHONETICS. (1.5mks)
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
1. A. pollute B. species C. accept D. receipt
2. A. medicine B. protect C. species D. never
3. A. talks B. stops C. sits D. listens
B. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from that of the other three.
4. A. nature B. power C. damage D. dispose
5. A. orphan B. marine C. challenge D. treatment
6. A. circulation B. destruction C. variety D. appearance
II. READING (2mks).
A. Read the following text and choose the best answers.
Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know much about them. For
example, there are about 350 species of sharks that live in oceans over the world. All of the sharks
are carnivores, but most of them don't attack people. Some sharks are very small - the smallest
shark is about 6 inches long - about as long as your hand. But some sharks are very large. The
largest species of sharks may be 60 feet long and weigh 15 tons. Unlike many other kinds of fish,
sharks do not have bone. Their bodies are made up of a kind of tough white flexible material (called
cartilage). Sharks do not have ears. However, they 'hear' sounds and movements in the wade. Any
sound or movement makes the water vibrate. Sharks can feel these vibrations and they help the
sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food, too. Most sharks see best in low light.
They often hunt for food at dawn, in the evening, or in the middle of the night.
Nowadays scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example, cancer
is common in many animals, including, people. However, it is rare in sharks. Scientists want to find
out why sharks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer
7. How long is the smallest shark?
A. About 6 centimeters B. As long as a hand C. About 1.5 meters D. As one's long leg
8. Sharks can hunt for food at night because
A. they see well in the dark. B. they feel vibrations in the water.
C. they 'hear' more clearly at night. D. their eyes are small.
9. According to the passage, sharks
A. always attack humans. B. are carnivores
C. usually live in warm water D. are big mammals.
10. The word "they" underline in the passage refers to
A. sounds B. sharks C. movements D. vibrations
11. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that
A. information about sharks help people cure cancer.
B. scientists are given permission to catch sharks for their studies.
C. the cancer risk among animals is found to be higher.
D. sharks are being studied.
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Many centuries ago, a park was an enclosed piece of land where wild (12) were kept
for hunting. Then the word came to mean a play (13) laid out for pleasure,
usually round a large house. This is one meaning of “park” today, but the word is more often used to
describe grounds in or near a city to (14) anyone may go – a public rather than private
park. Such a park may be laid out in flower beds or kept in a natural state. Sometimes parks include
lakes and woods, and some have open spaces for (15) like football and tennis. Although


the main idea is that a park is for pleasure, it is sometimes used for grazing sheep and cattle – and
(16) deer, as in Richmond Park near London.
12. a. animals b. buffaloes c. cattle d. deer
13. a. land b. ground c. soil d. earth
14. a. where b. that c. which d. it
15. a. competitions b. matches c. contests d. games
16. a. even b. event c. eventual d. eventually

III. USE OF LANGUAGE (2mks). Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

17. Why don’t you tell him you don’t want care of as if you were a child?
A. to take B. to be taken C. taking D. take
18. It's time you harder.
A. will study B. study C. studied D. have studied
19. Just a minute! I am looking that word in the dictionary.
A. up B. to C. on D. at
20. She turned my invitation to the party.
A. out B. on C. down D. off
21. "Why didn't you tell me the truth about his life?" she said to me.
A. She said to me why I hadn't told her the truth about his life.
B. She asked me why I hadn't told her the truth about his life.
C. She asked me why hadn't I told her the truth about his life.
D. She asked me why I didn't tell her the truth about his life.
22. Without his help yesterday, .
A. I could find the way to go home.
B. I could not find the way to go home.
C. I could not have found the way to go home.
D. I could have found the way to go home.
23. They believe that he escaped from the prison.
A. It is believed that he escaped from the prison.
B. He is believed to escape from the prison.
C. He is believed to have escaped from the prison.
D. A and C are correct.
24. She is a famous . She has been working to protect wild animals from extinction
for 20 years.
A. conserve B. conservation C. conservationist D. conservative
25. her failure to provide her qualifications, they did not offer her the job.
A. Because B. Because of C. Although D. Despite
26. ‘I'm not going.’ ‘ .’
A. So am I. B. Nor am I. D. Neither do I. D. I don’t, either.


Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting. (0.8mk).
27. He was making so much noise that I asked him left.
28. Sarah spoke so fastly that I couldn’t understand her.
29. The earth has been formed about 4,500 million years ago.
30. There was a very interesting news on the radio this morning.
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets (1.2mk)
1. If he (know) the answer, he would raise his hand.
2. Never in my life (I, see) a UFO.
3. I cannot do my homework if you keep (talk) .
4. I'd prefer (stay) home and take a rest than (go) out at Tet.
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (0.8mk)
1. The government have become more and more worried about the (erode) of
the coastline by the sea.
2. Oil spill is one of the serious (threaten) to the undersea world.


3. The giant panda is in danger of becoming (extinction) . It is an (danger)
4. Trees, grasses and other plant life play an important part in the natural (circulate)
of water.
V. WRITING (2mks). Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. Next month I am going to Canada. My grandparents live there.
 , wh
2. “If you need anything, call me!” John said to me.
 John asked
3. She said to the children, “Don't forget to put out the campfire before you leave.”
 She reminded
4. Are they going to build a new highway across this village?
 a new highway
5. He didn't have breakfast so he is hungry now.
 If



I. Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
1) Look! There are a lot of clouds. It (rain) soon.
2) It was the first time she (feel) sad so much.
3) The secretary (work) on her report for 3 hours. She hopes that she (finish) it
before lunchtime.
4) We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) to the train station,
Susan (leave) .
5) She (always, complain) everything that she doesn't like.
6) The train to Osaka (start) at Gate No.1 at 3 pm tomorrow.
7) Every day, Peter (have) rice and vegetables for lunch, but today he (have)
chicken soup and roast beef because today is his brother's wedding.
8) She (study) the Moon for 10 years and she (find) out some interesting information
about its structure.
9) Yesterday, I (drive) home when a heavy storm suddenly (break out) .
10) Last night, I (go) home at midnight, then, I (have) a wash and (go)
to bed at once because I was completely exhausted after a hard-working day.
11) At 8 o'clock yesterday, Mary (watch) a film at Galaxy Cinema.
12) When she (graduate) next week, she (hold) a party to celebrate this event.
13) He (live) in Yorkshire for 5 years and then he (move) to Boston to look
for a job.
14) As soon as Mark (find) out the answer for the last question, his teacher (collect)
his paper.
15) Since when I (fall) in love with her?
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1) Her boss promised (offer) her a raise because she never minds (work) on the night shifts.
2) The questions are very easy (answer) . We hope (get) high scores.
3) He prefers (stay) at home to (go) on a trip in this summer.
4) She would rather (eat) out than (cook) dinner.
5) It is no use (repair) this old car. You had better (buy) a new one.
6) I am not sure if I have met Mark, but I remember (hear) his name.
7) Don't forget (turn) off the printer after (use) it.
8) When I lived with my parents, they did not let me (watch) TV at night. I was made (do)
homework every night.
9) I tried (open) the door but I did not succeed.
10) You should try (eat) this cake. I have just baked it.
11) There is no point in (discuss) this matter any further.
12) He stopped (drink) when his doctor warned him about his stomach cancer.
13) I regret (attend) this meeting. It was not worth (listen) .
14) The teacher longed her students (study) hard for the mid-term test.
15) This website needs (redesign) . We will have Peter (do) it.
16) He warned me (not/invest) my money in that company.
17) Would you mind helping me (paint) this wall this week? - Oh, sorry. I'm busy (review) for
my exam next week.
18) The robbers forced the bank manager (open) the safe.
19) He dislikes (treat) unfair.
20) They seemed (be) disappointed with your studying record.
21) They do not allow (use) the calculator in the exam
22) I wasn't allowed (enter) this room without permission.
23) She permitted me (use) her car.
24) I feel like (go) to spa right now.
25) They were accustomed to (eat) fish as their main diet.

I. Combine the following sentences, using a relative pronoun.
1. Their house needs a lot of work doing to it. It is near the beach.
 wh
2. That new manager seems to be a very capable woman. I met her last week.
 wh
3. The day is Sunday. I will take an exam on that day.
 The day when
4. This book is about Dennis Thatcher. His wife became Prime Minister.
 wh
5. Maria is my sister’s friend. I introduced you to Maria last night.
 wh

 to wh

6. The fruit is fresh. We are tasting the fruit now.

 wh
7. Mary and Margaret are twins. You met them yesterday.
 wh
8. She failed the final exam. This made her parents very sad.
 wh
9. I know a place. You can find good accommodation there.
 wh
10. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. His films amused millions of people in the world.
 wh
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D
1. The engineers _______ designed the building received an award.
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
2. Express Money Transfer is one of the quickest ways _______ helps us to send money.
A. who B. whose C. when D. that
3. The government sent money and food to the people _______ houses were destroyed by the storm
last week.
A. which B. that C. whom D. whose
4. All she did helped me to overcome the difficulties 2 years ago.
A. which B. that C. of which D. whose
5. Ms. Donaldson, _______ teaches linguistics at the university, recently received recognition for her
research on the use of gestures in communication.
A. who B. that C. whom D. whose
6. The lamp _______ I bought downtown is beautiful but quite expensive.
A. which B. Ø C. that D. All are correct
7. We saw many soldiers and tanks _______ were moving to the front.
A. which B. who C. that D. whom
8. The bed ______ I slept on has no mattress.
A. that B. which C. where D. A and B are correct.
9. The man ________ car was stolen called the police.
A. whose B. whom C. that D. who
10. The chair is hard. I am sitting on it.
A. The chair which I am sitting on is hard. B. The chair that I am sitting on is hard.
C. The chair on which I am sitting is hard. D. All are correct.
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
1. Science has changed human life.
 Human life
2. They gave him a chance to turn over a new leaf.
 He

 A chance

3. Kathy had returned the books to the library.

 The books
4. Mrs. Andrew has just signed those papers.
 Those papers
5. Someone invented the radio in the early century.
 The radio
6. I want you to finish this report by noon.
 I want this report
7. You shouldn’t leave these documents on the desk.


 These documents
8. The team members have to work together. That's what the boss told them.
 The team members
9. The police found him in the forest yesterday.
 He
10. You must see it to believe it.
 It
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. The chairman didn’t approve the proposal
A. The proposal was approved by the chairman.
B. The proposal isn’t approved by the chairman.
C. The proposal wasn’t approved by the chairman.
D. The proposal weren’t approved by the chairman.
2. They can produce new material from the synthetics.
A. New material can be produced from the synthetics.
B. New material can produced from the synthetics.
C. New material from the synthetics can be produced.
D. New material from the synthetics is produced.
3. Careless driving causes many accidents.
A. Many accidents are caused by careless driving.
B. Many accidents have caused by careless driving.
C. Many accidents have been caused by careless driving.
D. All are correct.
4. People often don’t invite me to parties.
A. I was not often invited to parties.
B. I have not often invited to parties.
C. I will not often invited to parties.
D. I am not often invited to parties.
5. Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment.
A. The room at the moment is cleaned.
B. The room is cleaned by somebody at the moment.
C. The room is being cleaned by somebody at the moment.
D. The room is being cleaned at the moment.
6. A local advertising company has offered Mary a good job.
A. Mary has been offered a good job by a local advertising company.
B. A good job has been offered to Mary by a local advertising company.
C. A good job has been offered Mary by a local advertising company.
D. A & B are correct.
7. They are going to build a bridge on this site.
A. A bridge is being to built on this site.
B. A bridge is going to built on this site.
C. A bridge is going to be built on this site.
D. A bridge is going to be build on this site.
8. Mr. Dean locked the box and no one could open it.
A. The box was locked by Mr. Dean and no one could open it.
B. The box was locked by Mr. Dean and it couldn’t be opened.
C. The box was locked and it couldn’t be opened by Mr. Dean.
D. The box was locked by Mr. Dean and it could be opened.
9. Somebody has robbed the bank near our house.
A. The bank has been robbed near our house.
B. The bank have been robbed near our house.
C. The bank near our house has robbed.
D. The bank near our house has been robbed.
10. They did not let me enter this restricted area.
A. I was not let to enter this restricted area.
B. I was not allowed to enter this restricted area
C. I was not allowed entering this restricted area.
D. I was not let to entering this restricted area.



I. Rewrite the following sentences.
1. She said to me, "Don't go out if it is raining."
 She told
2. She said, “What will you do if the train is late?"
 She asked
3. Mary said, “Have you received your mother's letter last week?"
 Mary asked
4. He said to me, “If I were you, I would stay home because the streets are often crowded on the
public holiday."
 He advised
5. He said to me, “Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?”
 He invited
6. They said to me, “Could you show us how to get there as soon as possible?"
 They asked
7. She said to Tom, “Remember to come back home before 12 o'clock today.”
 She reminded
8. She said to her boyfriend, “Are you sure this man was a spy in the civil war?”
 She asked
9. “When we turned on the light, a bear was stealing food from our fridge,” they said.
 They said
10. “We didn’t go to the art gallery yesterday”, they said.
 They said
11. She said to me, “I will give you a hand with your homework."
 She promised
12. She said to Tom, “To be honest, I broke your vase when I was cleaning yesterday.”
 She admitted
13. The boss said to her worker, “I will sack you if you refuse to work on Sundays.”
 The boss threatened
14. “I wish I had a big house with a sunflower garden”, they said.
 They dreamed
15. “We must report this case to the police”, they said.
 They insisted

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.

1. “I wish I had some days-off to visit my grandparents.” He said that _________________.
A. he wished he had some days-off to visit his grandparents.
B. he wished he had had some days-off to visit his grandparents
C. he wished he had had some days-off to visit my grandparents
D. he wished he had some days-off to visit my grandparents
2. “How many times did you conduct the experiment?” He asked __________________.
A. how many times I had conducted the experiment.
B. me how many times I had conducted the experiment.
C. us how many times we had conducted the experiment.
D. All are correct.
4. “Do you agree on the day when we are going to hold the party?” she said to me.
A. She asked me if I agreed on the day when we were going to hold the party.
B. She asked me whether I agreed on the day when we are going to hold the party.
C. She said to me if I agreed on the day when we were going to hold the party.
D. She asked me if I agree on the day when we were going to hold the party.
5. “Good morning. How are you?” she said to me.
A. She said good morning to me and asked me how I was.
B. She greeted me and asked me how I am.
C. She greeted to me and asked me how I was.
D. She greeted me and asked me how I was.
6. “I will come to your house after I‘ve finished my work.” She told me ____________.
A. she will come to my house after she has finished her work
B. she will come to your house after she has finished her work
C. she would come to my house after she had finished her work
D. she would come to your house after she had finished my work
7. “We will not be late for school again.” They promised _______________.
A. they would not be late for school again.
B. not to be late for school again.
C. that they would not be late for school again.
D. All are correct.
8. “Oh my God, we have missed the last train.”
A. He exclaimed to have missed the last train.
B. He exclaimed having missed the last train.
C. He exclaimed with disappointment that they had missed the last train.
D. All are correct
9.” I will come with you as soon as I’m ready.” She said ____________.
A. she will come with me as soon as she is ready
B. she would come with me as soon as she is ready
C. she would come with me as soon as she was ready
D. A, B & C are incorrect.
10. “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday.” They said ___________.
A. it isn’t so foggy that day as it was yesterday
B. it wasn’t so foggy that day as it had been yesterday
C. it wasn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday
D. None is correct.

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. The teacher will explain that part to you if you (ask)____________ him.
2. If George had had the money, he (lend)__________________ it to me.
3. I would have spoken to Frank if I (see)________________ him yesterday.
4. If I (be)______________the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
5. If that man worked harder, he (earn)_______________ more money
6. I would gladly tell you the answer if only I (know)______________it myself.
7. Alice would have told you the truth if you (ask)_______________her about it.
8. If you had studied a little harder, you (pass)______________________ the test.
9. But for some advice from my father, I (not/continue) _______________ my study last year.
10. If I (have) _______________ some money now, I (go) _______________ home by taxi.

II. Make conditional sentences according to the facts provided.

1. I don’t have any spare tickets, so I can’t take you to the football match.
 If
2. I can’t take much exercise because I don’t have enough free time
 If
3. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.
 If
4. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job.
 If
5. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money
 If
6. I took the job because I didn’t know how difficult it was.
 If
7. If he comes back home soon, I will go to the wedding party with him.
 Unless
8. She was sleeping at that time so she did not realize that her house was broken into.
 If
9. Unless we take action now, the countryside will completely disappear.
 If
10. I have got some financial problems so I cannot lend you money.
 If
11. If I were you, I would accept the truth.
 Were
12. If he refused the invitation, I would try to persuade him.
 Were
13. If you had told me, I would have lent you my car.
 Had
14. If they hadn't broken the window, they would not have been punished.
 Had
15. If he is here, he will show you how to do this math problem.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. The country is divided 9 regions.
2. I'd like to contribute the school fund.
3. Unless the biodiversity were maintained, marine life would be stake.
4. The river has been polluted toxic waste from local factories.
5. You should not look down the poor.
6. Does this book belong you?
7. You should not depend you parents whenever you have problems. In contrast, you should
learn how to be independent them.
8. Were you surprised the gift I gave you?
9. Unfortunately, the trip turned to be a disaster.
10. The cinema changed completely the end the 1920s.
11. the end, he had a happy life with his family.
12. Many kinds of animals are danger extinction due the pollution.
13. We should not dispose plastic bags in the water.
14. The garden was covered red and yellow leaves the autumn.
15. There are many places which are not explored Earth.
16. A female sperm whale gives birth one calf every 5 to 7 years.
17. Without plants, most water would run as soon as it falls.
18. The eggs of seahorses are carried by the water currents.
19. The rhinos fall 2 species - two horns and one horn.
20. He usually drunkenly went home midnight.
21. Animals and plants should be protected the destructive influence of human beings.
22. the age 19, he became the champion in tennis.
23. The match ended a tie.
24. You should stay bed when you are ill.
25. She cut the cake a sharp knife.
26. This letter was written Russian so I don't understand it.
27. My team gained a victory Red Club last week.
28. Oh my god! His essay is similar my paper.
29. Are you familiar this lifestyle here?
30. I like sharing my experience other people.

Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
1. I was (A) complete (B) disappointed (C) with the (D) results.
2. Julia plans (A) to work (B) in her father’s company (C) after she (D) will finish her degree.
3. There (A) are a number of (B) solutions (C) for the problem of (D) overpopulation.
4. (A) Have you finished (B) reading the book which I (C) lend you (D) last week?
5. She (A) was waiting (B) nervous in the (C) waiting room for the (D) interview.
6. Miss White (A) thanked Peter (B) to giving her (D) the present.
7. They (A) asked him (B) washing the glassware (C) carefully (D) in the laboratory.
8. The body (A) depends (B) in food (C) as (D) its primary source of energy.
9. (A) In New York I (B) took the subway by myself although I (C) have been told that it (D) was dangerous.
10. It (A) is estimated that (B) approximately 2.65 (C) billions of Christmas cards (D) are sold in the United

Choose the most suitable options to complete the sentences.
1. Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?” – Carol: “Oh! __________”
A. I don’t hope. B. I hope not. C. I don’t hope so. D. It’s hopeless.
2. “Do you fancy a coffee?” – “________”
A. Oh, yes, I’d love one. B. Not at all C. Yes, thank you. D. Yes, pleased.
3. Anne: "Thanks for the nice gift!" - John: "________"
A. In fact, I myself don't like it. B. You're welcomed.
C. I'm glad you like it. D. But do you know how much it costs?
4. Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" - Susan: "______"
A. I don't agree, I'm afraid. B. You’re welcome. C. That would be great. D. I feel very bored.
5. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” - “___ ___”
A. Yes, I’d love to. B. Yes, so do I. C. I’m very happy. D. Yes, it is.


6. Linda: "Excuse me! Where’s the post office?" - Maria: “__ ____”
A. It’s over there. B. I'm afraid not. C. Don’t worry. D. Yes, I think so.
7. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “__ ____”
A. Don’t mention it. B. Yes, I’d like that.
C. I’m glad you enjoy it. D. Yes, that would be very nice.
8. A: “I hope to see you again.” – B: “___ ___”
A. I hope so, too. B. Good enough.
C. Thank you. D. I really enjoy meeting you, too.
9. Would you like a cup of coffee?
A. Yes, I would. B. No, I don’t like anything.
C. Yes, please. D. No, I wouldn’t.
10. “Bye!” – “__________.”
A. See you lately B. See you later C. Thank you D. Meet you again
11. “I’ve passed my final exam.” – “__________”
A. Good luck. B. It’s nice of you to say so.
C. That’s a good idea. D. Congratulations!
12. “I have just won the first prize in the marathon race.” – “__________.”
A. Well-done. B. Never mind. C. No problem. D. Good jobs.
13. Maria: “I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.” - Sarah: “___ ___!”
A. Good chance B. Good time C. Good day D. Break a leg.
14. Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.” - Maria: “___ ___.”
A. I’m, too B. I don’t C. Neither do I D. So am I
15. Ann: “Are you going to visit Britain next month?” - Kim: “Yes, __ ____. ”
A. I am B. I do C. I like D. I am going


Rewrite the following sentences.
1. He had a child when he was 50.
It was not until .
2. We could relax after all the guests had gone home.
Not until .
3. He did not study harder until he failed the final exam.
It was not until .
4. He did not realize that he had lost the key till he got home.
Not until .
5. Not until she spoke to me did I realize she was not English.

It was not until .

6. He continued working until the morning.
Not until .
7. The Agriculture Minister announced the project last week.
It was not until .
8. He got married in 2000.
Not until .

Put in a/an/the where necessary. Leave an empty space if the sentence is already complete.
1. It is sad fact that money buys political power in many countries.
2. washing machine had had a huge impact on people’s lives since it was invented.
3. Do you remember Bakers? They used to live opposite our house..
4. I don’t usually have breakfast, but I always eat big lunch.
5. He found himself face to face with Lieutenant Evans.
6. She was first woman to cross Atlantic by canoe.
7. After she had leisurely dinner, Julia played piano for while.
8. When he was in hospital, she could not get permission to visit him.


9. I am going out for a walk. Have you seen my shoes? - Yes, they are on floor in
10. Would you like ice cream? There’s one in fridge.
11. We had better go. We have been here for hour. That was fastest hour I have ever
12. Could you please tell me where the toilet is? – Go to second floor. It’s on left.
13. I have two brothers. older is training to be pilot while younger is still at
school. When he graduates from school, he hopes to go to university to study
Information Technology.
14. I am going to hospital to visit him. I heard that his leg was broken last week.
15. tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice week.
16. Using the new software, parents will be able to monitor their children’s use of
17. Don’t forget we are meeting on Friday for lunch.
18. I have got serious headache lately. – Why don’t you go to health centre or hospital to
19. music plays an important part in film. And I thought music used
in this film was best part.
20. I saw rainbow after the rain yesterday. rainbow lightened the sky at sunset.


I. Rewrite the following sentences with comparative or superlative structures.
1. Nobody in his class is as intelligent as Tim.
Tim is .
2. We have never experienced such a bad day in our life.
This is the .
3. Nobody in this team plays football as well as Tom.
Tom is the .
4. Andrew does not have many friends but Claire has lots of friend.
Claire .
5. The dress is cheaper than the skirt.
The skirt is more .
6. My salary is high but yours is higher.
My salary isn't .
7. A bus is cheaper than a taxi.
A bus is less .
8. I am not as fit as you.
You are .
9. This crossword is the easiest.
This crossword is the least .
10. This is the most romantic story I have ever read.
I have never read .
II. Choose the right form in these sentences. In some cases both forms are right.
1. Is your house much further/farther?
2. Who is the oldest/eldest in this class?
3. Have you heard the last/latest news?
4. We have no further/farther information.
5. His last/latest words were "The end."
6. Trevor spends less/lesser on clothes than Laura does.
7. His English is better/best than mine.
8. My elder/older sister got married last year.
9. Even if the worse/worst happens, you shouldn't give up your hope.
10. He is the stronger/strongest of the two.

1. How (depth) is the lake?
2. Oil spill is a great (threaten) to the undersea world.
3. She is a famous (conserve) . She is interested in protecting wild animals from
4. Up to now, we have hardly estimated the (destroy) that our country suffered during the
5. The government have become more and more (worry) about the spread of the disease.
6. I wonder when the world came into (exist) .
7. Can you play any (music) instruments?
8. Music is a wonderful kind of (entertain) , which is the passion of many people, young
and old alike.
9. The (discover) of vaccines is a turning point in the fight against diseases.
10. Thanks to many (science) discoveries and inventions, we can enjoy more and more
exciting films with a lot of wonderful scenes.
11. Mary finds it (bore) to do housework every day. She feels (bore)
with it.
12. She was very (worry) about her final exam. It was a (worry)
event because she had not studied well enough.
13. Hemingway used “Ring Lardner, Jr “ as his (name) in some his first writings.
14. The strikers of the visiting team had tried their best to score a goal but it was a (hope)
attempt. In the end, they lost the game.
15. She has saved a sum of money for her (retire) .
16. Football is one of the (compete) sports.
17. Football is considered to be the most (popularity) sport all over the world.
18. The aim of the festival is to promote the international (friend) among the
countries in the area.
19. Paris St. German will become the (win) of this game.
20. I think the (compete) for the title between the best teams in the country will be
very fierce.
21. Van Cao is one of the most well-known (music) in Vietnam.
22. There is a danger of serious (contaminate) from radioactive waste.
23. The giant panda is in danger of becoming (extinction) . It is an (endanger)
24. Trees, grasses and other plant life play an important part in the natural (circulate) of
25. He is one of this country's top professional (sport) . sportsmen
26. There are 32 (participate) in this race.
27. She is a (sport) girl. She is very active.
28. I wonder who will become the (championship) of this tournament.
29. The (compose) of this symphony passed away a long time ago.
30. Sadness, happiness and hopelessness are considered as (emotion) states of human
Choose the most suitable options to complete the sentences.
1. “What was the exam like, Carol?” – “Great! It was a piece of .”
a. cheese b. cake c. old rope
(Meaning: It was very easy.)
2. He took all the praise even though we had done most of the work.
a. bear b. camel c. donkey
(Meaning: The hard, tiring and boring work involved in a task.)
3. You will have to shout, I am afraid. My father’s as deaf as .
a. a stone b. a politician c. a post
(Meaning: stone deaf, unable to hear a thing)
4. I will never eat as much as that again. I was as sick as on my way home.
a. a pig b. a dog c. a horse
(Meaning: very sick or unwell)
5. That snake cannot bite you. It is as dead as .
a. a doornail b. a funeral c. a brick
(Meaning: completely dead)
6. Ask Jan to give you a hand moving the furniture. He is as strong as .


a. a horse b. a bull c. a buffalo
(Meaning: very strong)”
7. The resignation of the chairman of the board came like a bolt from .
a. the sky b. above c. the blue
(Meaning: It was sudden and unexpected.)
8. “Two tins of baked beans, please.” – “I am afraid we have not got any at the moment.”
a. in stock b. on call c. under cover
(Meaning: available for sale)
9. The old man was very weak and close to death. He was .
a. out of his mind b. over the hill c. on his last legs
(Meaning: He was dying.)
10. After years of commuting 90 miles to London, he decided to get out of the race and bought a
small farm in Yorkshire.
a. hen b. rat c. monkey
(Meaning: To leave the constant struggle for success in business or one’s job.)

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.
1. Every time I the matter up, he changes the subject.

2. She goes in all the competitions in the magazines and never wins anything.

3. The gun went by accident.

4. Sam has been going with Kate for 6 months.

5. She made an excuse for being late.

6. They brought their children very strictly.

7. She goes for very bright colours.

8. Let’s kiss and up.

9. This milk has off. You cannot drink it.

10. There was a power cut and all the lights out.

11. Campers must use earth to out their campfires completely.

12. It is said that he has set his own company with 1000 workers.

13. I cannot put with his bad behavior anymore.

14. I think you may end working for a multinational firm.

15. I want to get from the noisy and busy city life.

Choose the most suitable options to complete the sentences.
1. The hotel offers a range of facilities.
a. large b. wide c. big d. great
2. A female sperm whale birth to one calf every five to seven years.
a. takes b. gives c. gets d. has
3. You will never know the true of your health until you lose it.
a. price b. value c. cost d. money
4. Doing exercise plays an important in our life.
a. role b. part c. A and B are correct. d. A and B are incorrect.
5. A new law was in 2007.
a. passed b. enacted c. introduced d. All are correct.
6. People conservation to protect environment.
a. do b. make c. practise d. get
7. I like living in a city with a lot of parks and spaces.
a. large b. green c. open d. big
8. My father criticized me with a solemn on his face.
a. attitude b. opinion c. posture d. expression
9. The Titanic sank on its maiden .
a. trip journey c. travel d. voyage
10. She a delicious meal out of a few leftovers.
a. produced b. did c. snatched d. mastered
11. It’s time you started doing some work.
a. tall b. high c. suitable d. on
12. He seemed to weight.
a. reduce b. decrease c. lose d. decline
13. My grandfather was a smoker, so few people were surprised when he died of oral
a. heavy b. big c. serious d. None is correct.
14. My boss wants us to our customer’s demands.
a. make b. meet c. solve d. do
15. You are not having a second about it, are you?
a. decision b. mind c. thought d. All are correct.
16. I've lost with all my old friends.
a. address b. communication c. touch d. All are correct.
17. You have to allowances for him because he’s tired.
a. get b. make c. do d. take
18. We are making an to persuade her to join this trip.
a. attempt b. efforts c. hard d. best
19. Could you do me a and pick up Sam from school today?
a. favour b. help c. assistance d. hand
20. I want a black coffee.
a. well b. heavy c. strong d. stone

I/ Combine the sentences by using “so…that” or “such…that”.
1. The wastepaper basket overflowed. Sally used too much paper when she was writing her
report. (SO)

2. Ted was too worried about the exam to get to sleep last night. (SO)

3. Jerry got angry. He put his fist through the wall. (SO)

4. She talked too fast for me to understand. (SO)

5. The audience booed the actors. It was a bad performance. (SO/SUCH)

6. I don’t feel like going to class because we are having beautiful weather. (SO)

7. It was too expensive a car for us to buy. (SO/SUCH)

8. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk because of the hot weather. (SO)

9. There were few people at the meeting. It was cancelled. (SO)

II/ Combine the sentences by using “too…to” or “enough…to”.

1. The child is very thin. He cannot lift the shelf. (too)
3. There is no more sugar left. We cannot make a cake. (enough)
We don’t have
4. This room is so small that we cannot not book it. (too)

5. If he were not so weak, he could take part in the adventure.


6. The bread was so stale that she could eat it.

III/ Combine the sentences by using “…so that…”.

1. I am going to leave the party early. I want to be able to get a good night’s sleep tonight.

2. When it started to rain, Harry opened his umbrella. He wanted to be sure that he did not get

3. Ed took some change from his pocket. He wanted to buy a newspaper.

4. I unplugged the phone. I did not want to be interrupted while I was working.

5. Jack locked his door. He did not want anybody to visit him. (nobody)

IV/ Combine the sentences by using “…so as to…”.

1. I need to get a part-time job so that I can earn some money for my school expenses.

2. I turned down the volume. I did want to disturb my neighbors.

3. I went to the store for some bread.

4. The purpose of her lies was that she was not punished by her teacher.

5. I got up early in order that I could take the earliest train.



Cats of all kinds are present in the legends, religion, mythology, and history of (1) ... different
cultures. Cave paintings created by early humans display different types of wild cats (2) ... are now
extinct, or no longer around. Many of these great beasts saw humans as food, but were hunted by
humans in return. Cats similar (3) ... the ones kept as pets today started showing up in artwork
thousands of years ago. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed cats were the sacred, or
special, animal of a goddess named Bast. They believed that Bast often appeared as a cat, so
many ancient Egyptians respected and honoured cats and kittens. (4) ..., other cultures feared cats
or thought that they brought illnesses and bad luck. Today, with millions kept as pets in homes
around the world, cats have become important members of many families. No one knows for sure
when or how cats became very popular household pets. It's possible (5) ... people noticed how cats
hunted mice and rats, (6) ... they set food and milk out to keep the cats near their homes. This
helped to prevent (7) ... many of these rodents (8) ... coming into homes and eating people's food or
spreading sickness.
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

5/ 6/ 7/ 8/


No other national cuisine enjoys quite the degree of popularity that Thai food does . Ten years
ago it was a rarity in Europe and the United States and prior (1) ... that it was virtually unknown.
Now Thai cooking has become (2) ... of the West’s favourite exotic styles of cooking. As well as the
growing popularity of Thai restaurants throughout the world, there has been an increase little by
little in (3) ... availability of ingredients on supermarket shelves.
One of the things that makes Thai cooking so challenging is the sheer variety of types of dish.
Thai food lies (4) ... Chinese and Indian cuisine, with influences from Burma, Cambodia and
Malaysia, all of (5) ... has had an effect on Thailand at different stages of its history. Some (6) ...
the ingredients come from far afield. Chillies, to give just one example, are originally from Central
and South America but were incorporated quickly (7) ... the national diet. Taken all (8) ..., these
influences from abroad have made Thai cooking a strongly regional set of cuisines.

1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

5/ 6/ 7/ 8/

Smoking is one of the most common and deadliest habits in the world. You have probably seen
thousands of cigarettes smoked in your lifetime, (1) ... perhaps not by your family. Even though
fewer people smoke today than in the past, one (2) ... every four adults still smokes, and there are
parts of the world where smoking is increasing. Most people who become regular smokers started
when they were young. This is the time to get the facts straight: smoking does no one (3) ... good,
and it does a great (4) ... of harm to your health. It also often means giving up a lot later in life, such
as the chance to excel in sports, extra spending money, and even years of one’s life. There is a lot
of to lose. Most smokers have a hard time explaining why they started – and why they continue.
They know it is harmful, and many even know someone who has died from a smoking-related
illness, like lung cancer or heart disease. But (5) ... the same time, these smokers continue lighting
up when they go out for a drink, take a break from work, or hear alarming news. Some smokers
even light up when they learn about the dangers of smoking, because they become worried. (6) ...
the reason people start smoking, the habit soon loses (7) ... attraction. (8) ... from the obvious health
risks, smoking is an ugly, unpleasant habit. Most people would prefer to avoid a room that someone
was filling with smelly smoke.
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

5/ 6/ 7/ 8/



Sea turtles have roamed the Earth’s oceans for the last 100 million years. An important link
to marine ecosystems, such (1) ... coral reefs and seagrass beds, some sea turtles also eat large
numbers of jellyfish and provide a source of income to local communities as a draw for ecotourism.
The actual documentation of the age of any species of sea turtle is difficult. What we do know is that
sea turtles live a long time (some can live (2) … to 50 years or more) and have similar lifespans to
humans. Most marine turtles (3) ... decades to mature—between 20 and 30 years—and
remain actively reproductive for another 10 years. Depending on the species, sea turtles feast on
anything from seaweed (4) ... jellyfish. They consume squid, barnacles, sponges and other
creatures, (5) ... green turtles—the herbivores—primarily eat sea grasses and algae. In a single
nesting season, females lay between two and six clutches of eggs, each containing 65 to 180 eggs.
The clutches are laid approximately every two weeks, and the period between female nesting
season ranges from one to nine years. Temperature determines the sex of the turtle; warmer nests
produce female hatchlings and cooler nests produce males. Sea turtle populations have been (6) ...
the decline. Thousands of marine turtles are accidentally caught (7) ... fishing gear each year, and
the beaches (8) ... which they depend for nesting are disappearing.

1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

5/ 6/ 7/ 8/

5. Sleeping difficulty is when you have trouble sleeping (1) ... night. It may be hard for you to fall
asleep, or you may wake up several times throughout the night. Sleep difficulty may affect your
physical and mental health. (2) ... of sleep may also cause you to have frequent headaches or
trouble concentrating. Most people experience difficulty sleeping at some point in their lives. (3) ...
to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 30 percent of U.S. adults get
six hours of sleep (4) ... less every night. Some people may feel refreshed after only six or seven
hours of sleep. However, most adults need about eight (5) ... of sleep every night to feel rested.
Signs of sleeping difficulty may include an inability to focus during the day, frequent headaches,
irritability, daytime fatigue, waking up too early, waking up throughout the night, or taking several
hours to fall (6) .... You may also experience low energy during the day or have noticeably dark
circles under your eyes.

1/ 2/ 3/

4/ 5/ 6/




A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1.A. traveled B. stared C. landed D. compared
2.A. replaces B. fascinates C. embarrasses D. watches
3.A. eliminate B. elephant C. endanger D. erosion(n) -> erode(v)
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three.
4.A. various B. animal C. ‘temperature D. con’nection
5.A. discover B. endanger C. variety D. intro’duce
6.A. ‘carnivore <> herbivore B. e’xistence C. ges’tation D. en’trapment
A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
The oceans of the world are filled with thousands and thousands of different living things.
(10)Scientists believe there may be a million different species living in the oceans, some of which have yet to
be discovered. And just like on land, there are many different plants and animals. Many of the ocean plants
either float on the surface of the water or grow in shallow water. Plants in the ocean need sunlight to grow just
like those on land. The deepest parts of the ocean may not contain plant life because the energy from the Sun
cannot reach deep into the ocean.
An ocean plant called seaweed is a type of algae called phytoplankton. (7)Phytoplankton are very
tiny, but it is the plant that gives off more oxygen than any other plant on Earth. Seaweed is a type of algae
that floats on the surface of the water and has been used by people for food, and material for housing, ropes,
and baskets. Kelp is an ocean plant that can reach sizes up to 250 feet. It the largest ocean plant in the world
and is usually brown. Kelp grows and lives on the surface of the water, but some kelp can also be very
colorful. Kelp is another kind of seaweed. It grows very quickly and also needs the energy from the Sun to
survive. A final type of plant is called seagrass. Seagrass also grows in shallow water living on the floor of the
ocean. In addition, they have roots and flowers. There are many other plants in the ocean that are similar to
algae and seaweed.
The ocean is the largest habitat for animals in the world. There is animal life throughout the ocean.
The oceans are so large, there may be animals that have yet to be discovered. The animals of the ocean live
in the deep open sea, or they live on the land and in the water. Coral is an animal of the ocean, even though
many people believe it is a plant. (8)Coral relies on algae in the ocean to keep it alive. The coral also helps
the algae to survive. The algae attached to the coral gives coral its beautiful colors. Coral has tentacles to
capture small fish. Finally, there are many different types of fish living in the world's oceans. Some of the fish
include tuna, sharks, eels, stingrays, clownfish, salmon, sardines, and many others. In addition to fish species,
there are mammals that live in the ocean including dolphins, whales, seals, sea lions, sea otters, manatee and
several others.
Many other animals living in the ocean include the octopus, lobster, crabs, jelly fish, squid, clams, and
many more. Some animals live on land and in the ocean, relying on the ocean for their food. These animals
include sea turtles, saltwater crocodile, marine iguana, and several others, including the polar bear.
Furthermore, there are many seabirds that rely on the ocean for survival including penguins, pelicans,
albatross, gulls, and a few others. In summary, the ocean is filled with a variety of plant and animal life, from
tiny plankton to the largest mammal in the world, the whale. The ocean is a giant habitat where many of the
living organisms rely on each other to stay alive.
7. Which of the following gives off more oxygen than any other plant in the world?
A. Seaweed B. Seagrass
C. Algae D. Phytoplankton
8. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Kelp can have a lot of colours.
B. Coral can live independently.
C. Coral is an animal.
D. All kinds of whales such as humpback whales, killer whales, blue whales are mammals.
9. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that
A. The ocean is only filled with plants and mammals.
B. All the animals of the ocean live in deep-sea water.
C. There is a close relationship between coral and algae.
D. Coral feeds on algae.
10. What does the word “which” refer to?
A. Species B. Plants
C. Animals D. Energy
11. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that
A. Kelp is an ocean plant that can reach sizes up to 250 meters.
B. Human beings cannot eat seaweed.
C. Phytoplankton are very huge.
D. Kelp would die without the Sun.
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
For many years people believe that the cleverest animals after man were chimpanzees. Now
however, there is thought that dolphins may be (12) cleverer than these big apes.
Although dolphins live in the sea, they are not fish. They are (13) __________. Dolphins have
simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be (14) __________ for man to learn
how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds
man can (15) _________. If the man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a
third language which both he and the dolphin can understand. Dolphins are also friendly towards
man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of dolphins guiding ships (16) __________
difficult and dangerous water.
12. A. so B. more C. even D. or
13. A. animals B. carnivores C. mammals D. reptile
14. A. difficult B. possible C. impossible D. simple
15. A. make B. do C. speak D. create
16. A. to B. through C. into D. from
III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the best answers A, B, C or D.
17. How do you feel _________ the comedy _________ TV?
A. of / in B. of / on C. about / in D. about / on
18. This exercise is good _______ both young people and old ones.
A. for B. at C. with D. to
19. I often have beef for dinner.
A. Ø B. the C. a D. an
20. Fax machine was a wonderful ____________ at that time.
A. invent B. inventor C. invention D. inventing
21. People must learn about keeping the environment ____________.
A. polluted B. pollution C. unpolluted D. pollute
22. What’s your favorite TV program? - ___________
A. I hate news B. I prefer game shows
C. I love going shopping D. I like game shows
23. ____________? _ I’m sorry, I can’t do it now.
A. Would you like some coffee? B. Why don’t you make some coffee?
C. Would you mind making some coffee? D. Will you make some coffee?
24. My parents never let me _______ late.
A. stay up B. to stay up C. staying up D. stayed up
25. She is busy so she cannot join us. busy (with) Ving sth
A. to paint B. painting C. paint D. to painting
26. So far there nine national parks established in Vietnam.There+Be+O sn/O so it
A. have B. will be C. has had D. have been
27. He didn’t dare what he thought.Dare + to V1/V1
A. saying B. say C. to say D. B and C are correct.
28. ___________ we queued for an hour, we couldn’t get any tickets.
A. Because B. Because of=Due to/ Owing to/ Given C. Much as =Although D. In spite of
Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
29. We reached the nearest village after walk for five hours. walking
30. What do you use to do when you felt afraid? did
31. Can you tell me where were you born? – Stockholm you were
32. My mother made me doing my homework so I couldn’t go out. do
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
1. It is difficult (solve)______to solve_______ the problem of pollution.
2. Will they stop (make)__making_____ that horrible noise ?
3. The road in our town (widen)_____is being widened_______ now .
4. They have spent a lot of time and money (make)___making___ careful preparations for the activities.
5. It is the first time I (travel) have travelled abroad. It was the first time + S + had V3/ed
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. People who work with dolphins are often (surprise) surprised at how intelligent they are.
2. Scientists are (investigation) _ investigating____to find out the cause of the incident.
3. Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main (challenging) challenge facing
the government.
4. The survey showed that oil spill was one of the most serious (threaten) threats to marine
5. There are (vary) various kinds of plants and animals in (tropic) tropical forests.
6. The main witness had (mystery) mysteriously disappeared.
VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Whales feed _____on______ krill.
2. Biodiversity is the variety ____of______ different types of plant and animal life in a particular
3. Some tiny organisms are carried ____along______ by the currents.
4. Herbicide is a chemical used _____for____ killing weeds.pesticide- thuốc diệt côn trùng
5. Sperm whale population are __at_ risk due to risk/ in danger of/ at stake- bị đe
VIII. WRITING. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. “The weather may get much worse tomorrow.”
 He told me the weather might get much worse the day after. .
2. If it rains soon, our crop won’t die.
 Unless it rains soon, our crop will die. .
3. We stopped playing games because it rained.
 If it hadn’t rained, we wouldn’t have stopped playing games. .
4. They divided this museum into three main departments.
 This museum was divided into three main departments. .
5. The book has been borrowed by someone. You want it.
 The book which you want has been borrowed by someone. .
6. John succeeded easily in his exam because he had worked hard.Have/had V3/ed->having
 Because of having worked hard, he succeeded easily in his exam. .
7. Yesterday Alice was absent from class because her mother was sick.
 Owing to her mother’s sickness/Alice’s sick mother, Alice was absent from class
8. Did you see the woman? Her husband was taken to hospital.
 Did you see the woman whose husband was taken to hospital ? .
9. We’re going to hold a reunion party next week.
 A reunion party is going to be held next week. .
10. They used to make children clean the chimneys.
 Children used to be made to clean the chimneys. .


A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. disabled B. forced C. believed D. realized
2. A. physics B. dreams C. conditions D. guitars
3. A. toxic B. tourist C. feature D. threaten
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three.
4. A. es’tablish B. butterfly C. orphanage D. national
5. A. va’riety B. ‘recognize C. con’taminate D. a’bandoned
6. A. expensive B. ‘tropical C. release D. survival
A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
We are slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is so
much smoke in the air that is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities. In one well-known city,
for example, poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear
oxygen masks.
We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of waste land all over the
world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia
there is too little rice. Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are
quickly disappearing. For instant, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for
them to survive. However, it isn’t enough simply to talk about the problem. We must act now before
it is too late to do anything about it. Join us now. Save the Earth. This is too important to ignore.
7. The seas and rivers nowadays _______________
A. cannot be swum in. B. are less dirty than they used to be.
C. are dirty enough to swim in. D. are contaminated.
8. In one well-known city, traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks ______________
A. in order to protect themselves from being injured. B. in spite of poisonous gases.
C. because there are so many cars on the streets. D. because of air pollution.
9. Why do farmers in parts of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat?
A. Because many trees have been planted.
B. Because people cut down many trees.
C. Because there is too little rice.
D. Because there’re large areas of waste land that cannot be used.
10. Wild animals are _______________
A. in danger of extinction.
B. being protected from natural environment.
C. killed so many that they cannot live in the forests.
D. so rare that they cannot survive.
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Siberian (or Amur) tigers are the world's largest cats. They live primarily in eastern Russia's
birch forests, though some exist in China and North Korea. They live (11)
and aggressively scent-mark large territories to (12) their rivals away. They are
powerful hunters that travel many miles to find prey, such as elk and wild boar, on nocturnal
hunts. Females give (13) to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no
help from the male. Cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old, and remain with their mothers
for two to three years, when they disperse to find their own territory. Over the last hundred years,
hunting and forest destruction have reduced overall tiger populations dramatically. Tigers are
hunted (14) trophies and also for body parts that are used in traditional Chinese
medicine. Siberian tigers remain in eastern Russia and the bordering regions. Habitat loss
and poaching threaten the dwindling population, but one group is focused on protecting the
tigers. Go behind the scenes as Russian park rangers and conservationists crack (15)
on illegal poaching.
11. A. lonely B. own C. alone D. themselves
12. A. make B. keep C. do D. lead
13. A. born B. bear C. birthday D. birth
14. A. for B. alike C. as D. like
15. A. down B. up C. in D. out
III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the best answers A, B, C or D.
16. I’ll have to work hard now to make for lost time.
A. with B. on C. up D. to
17. Scientists go to Cuc Phuong National Park to look ______ the 1,000-year-old tree.
A. up B. after C. into D. down
18. Cuc Phuong National Park is _________ 160 km South West of Hanoi.
A. lied B. established C. abandoned D. located
19. It's hard to tell with Alice. Her mood is always very ______.
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. being surprised
20. You look ______ when you see me. _ Yes. I think you are in China.
A. astonish B. astonishing C. astonished D. astonishingly
21. Do you mind if I open the window? _ _________________________
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Not at all. D. No at all.
22. May I ask you a question? - ___________. I’m very busy now.
A. Please, don’t B. Not at all C. Yes, I may D. Please do
23. I could not help her because I felt worried about her.
A. to calling B. calling C. call D. to call
24. Whenever we met, John avoided _________ at me.
A. to look B. looking C. being looked D. to looking
25. Vega scored his own goal when he slipped and tried the ball.
A. clearing B. to clear C. and cleared D. clear
26. Rarely to the parties with his parents.
A. he goes B. does he goes C. does he go D. have he gone
27. She walked carefully __________ her poor eyesight.
A. although B. in spite of C. because D. on account of


Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
11. The first modern type of printing press was invented with Johannes Gutenberg in 1439. by
12. Why not you try the cake I have just made? Why don't
13. Hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico has caused considerable damage to coastal cities in Texas.
have caused
14. We are going to study tonight until we will finish this chapter. finish/have finished
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I distinctly remember (pay) ____paying_______ him. I gave him two dollars.
2. At this time tomorrow, we _____will take______ our final exam. (take)
3. You seem to cheat by his generosity at the party last night. (cheat)
4. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he _____feels______ homesick. (feel)
5. I expected to invite to Nam’s birthday party, but I wasn’t. (invite)
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. They are investigating the mysterious __appearance________of a young woman. (appear)
2. After several flood, many families have become ___homeless_______. (home)
3. The government has made no attempt to reduce soil ___eroded_________. (erode)
4. Sperm whale ____population_________ are at risk due to hunting. (populate)
5. People are ____constantly__________ doing harm to the environment. (constant)
VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I’d like to contribute ______to______the class fund.
2. Physicians search ____for______ the causes of injury and sickness at the workplace.
3. In addition to the souvenirs, the guests will have lunch free with a seafood
4. Do you belong _____to______any campus clubs or organization?
5. The polar bear is teetering to the brink of extinction.
VIII. WRITING. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. “There’s been an accident and the road is being blocked”, said the policeman.
 The policeman said there was been an accident and the road was being blocked.
2. It was so cold outside that we could not go out for dinner.
 Unless it hadn’t been so cold outside, we could have gone out for dinner. .
3. Today isn’t Sunday, so the students can’t go swimming.
 If today was Sunday, the students could go swimming. .
4. After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board.
 After class, the chalk board always be erased by one of the students. .
5. Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
 Many diseases of which people died years ago are no longer dangerous. .
6. The girl speaks English very well. She’s standing over there.
 The girl who speaks English very well is standing over there. ___________ .
7. The extra time helped us score another goal in the final game.
 If it had not been for extra time, we wouldn’t have scored another goal in the final game.
8. Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.
Janet was given a present by her colleagues when she retired. .

A present was given to Janet by her colleagues when she retired. .

9. Unless they paid my expenses, I would refuse to go.
 If they paid my expenses, I wouldn’t refuse to go. .
10. “Give us a lift or we won’t go to the art gallery.” they said.
 They asked me to give them a lift. .




A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three
1. A. chorus B. chemical C. challenge D. architecture
2. A. nation B. cave C. locate D. park
3. A. talk B. call C. wash D. shake
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three
4. A. composer B. language C. solemn D. wonderful
5. A. disaster B. erosion C. continue D. suitable
6. A. artificial B. kilometre C. instrumental D. corresponding
A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
The three national parks in Wales are visited by an estimate 15 million people each year.
Recreation and tourism are important contributors to the local economy and can contribute to the
social stability of modern rural communities. The National Parks are responsible for promoting
enjoyment and understanding of the special qualities of their particular parks. This is achieved
through visitor centres, guides and books, management of sites and maintaining excess of 5,000
km of rights of way. All three parks operate full-time ranger services.
Of the 15 million about 90% of these arrive in private motor cars, which is a key challenge in
terms of managing visitors but also environment pressure. The parks have been at the forefront of
trying to develop and promote integrated public transport that facilitates and encourages modal shift
and brings economic and service benefits to local people.
7. How many people come to the three national parks in Wales?
A. 15,000 B. 150,000 C. 1,500,000 D. 15,000,000
8. What does the word “this” refer to?
A. The special qualities of the park
B. The responsibility of the parks
C. The enjoyment and understanding of the park
D. Their particular park
9. Which of the following is not true?
A. Tourism develops the local economy a little
B. There are visitor centres in the three parks
C. There are ranger all day in the three parks
D. It is not easy to manage visitors coming to the parks by cars
10. How many people come to the parks by public transport?
A. 90,000 B. 13,500,000 C. 1,500,000 D. 150,000
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Nairobi National Park was established in 1946. It gives visitors a chance to indulge in pure African
safari at the footsteps of a major urban center. It is tiny in comparison (11)
many of Kenya's other national parks, and shows how Kenya was in its natural state, when the City
of Nairobi was just becoming established over 100 years ago.
Nairobi National Park covers just 117km² (44 square miles), and consists (12)
typical, original Kenyan landscape such as plains, forests, steep gorges and lush
vegetation along the banks of the Embakasi River. It has a high-altitude, savannah landscape with
acacia trees dotting across the open plains. The park is located just outside of Nairobi, the capital
city of Kenya, and its boundary adjoins the city's industrial area.
The protection of animals such as lions, leopards and rhinos, as well as the black rhino
conservation program, so close to a major city sometimes results in conflicts between the local
Maasai tribe and the city's four million inhabitants. There are (13) problems as
development continues and air pollution from the nearby industrial area increases. It is quite odd to
see a giraffe grazing against the distant backdrop of high-rise buildings!
Nairobi National Park is perhaps best known for its significant black rhino sanctuary.
This is the best place (14) these endangered animals in their native environment. There
are no elephants in this national park, but four of the "Big Five" can be seen here (lions, leopards,
buffalo and rhinos). Other wildlife commonly seen in the national park include giraffes, elands,
zebras and wildebeest. As well, hippos and crocodiles can often be spotted along the Embakasi
River. Nairobi National Park attracts over 150,000 visitors who come to the park every year to see
the native African wildlife. Carry a notebook and a spotter's guide, (15) plenty of
water when you go on safari.

11. A. at B. for C. with D. on

12. A. in B. on C. of D. for
13. A. far B. farther C. further D. much
14. A. seen B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing
15. A. as good as B. no less than C. as well as D. together
III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the best answers A, B, C or D.
16. The peasants depend a good harvest for their existence.
A. at B. for C. on D. with
17. They the land to the south of Mekong River last summer.
A. expanded B. exposed C. explained D. explored
18. Tien Quan Ca is the national anthem _________ Viet Nam.
A. for B. at C. of D. on
19. You need to be a little more if you want to become a successful novelist.
A. imaginatively B. imaginative C. imagine D. imagination
20. Peter does not feel really about the outcome of the interview.
A. hope B. hopefully C. hopelessly D. hopeful
21. No sooner out than it rained heavily.
A. had he gone B. did he go C. he had gone D. he went
22. Would you mind closing the window? – .
A. Yes, I would B. I’ll do it C. No problem D. I can
23. The Mekong river ________ into the South China Sea.
A. flows B. is flowing C. has flowed D. flowed
24. Would you mind ________ me how ________ this machine?
A. show / using B. showing / use C. showing / to use D. to show / use
25. The doctor advised me to loud music because the noise is bad for my hearing.
A. not listening B. not to listen C. to not listen D. do not listen
26. Thomas said that he and his parents home the next day.
A. would be B. were C. will be D. had been
27. He is unfriendly. , he is very selfish.
A. Therefore B. Furthermore C. However D. Nevertheless
Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
28. Before the final decision is reached, the various possibilities should probably discussed by
the whole team.
29. The car would survive after the tornado had it been parked on the other side of the road.
30. What is he look like? – He is very tall with brown eyes.
30. How is the area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National Park?
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
1. He (see) her while he (walk) down the street yesterday.
2. She is not accustomed to (take) care of by others.
3. He discovered how (open) the safe.
4. I (not/hear) thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep) .
5. No one (enjoy) (deceive) by others.
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Oxygen is the most necessary (chemistry) to human life.
2. She arranged the (dispose) of her unwanted property by sale.
3. He didn’t read the letter and so was unaware of its (contain).
4. The (establish) of a university is of great value to the whole area.
5. At the beginning of my job I had to put up with slight (convenience).
VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. Fire is the greatest threat forests during the dry season.
2. Your success in this conservation project mainly depends how hard you can work.
3. He came a lot of money from his father after he passed .
4. This book is going to be published the end of this month.
5. The girl passed because the extreme heat in the room.

VIII. WRITING. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. They will not allow using calculators in this exam.
The students will .
2. "What will you want to buy if I give you some money?" my brother said to me.
My brother wanted to know .
3. The reason I could not help you with your problem was that I did not have free time.
If .
4. The room was so hot that we could not stay in it.
The room was too .
5. He was unable to apply to this company until early the following year.
It was not until .
6. Without a visa, she couldn’t have come to that country.
If she .
7. As soon as he arrived, he called his mother.
Hardly .
8. The little boy was not allowed to go out until he finished his homework.
It was not until .
9. They have to solve this problem as soon as possible.
This problem .
10. "Don’t be late for school again if you don’t want to be punished," my teacher said to me.
My teacher asked .


A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three
1. A. lyrics B. plays C. concerts D. works
2. A. established B. learned C. recognized D. endangered
3. A. music B. compose C. famous D. reason
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three
4. A. integral B. solemn C. entertain D. lullaby
5. A. express B. joyful C. emotion D. delight
6. A. musician B. classical C. lyrical D. gentle
A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
People listen to classical music all over the world. One reason for its popularity can be the
different meanings it may bring to different people at different time. Some famous classical
composers were Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, and Mozart. In their music, they did not tell a story or show
strong emotions. They wanted to make a beautiful, interesting design. They wanted to write lovely
Then composers started to interpret ideas. They told stories about wars, armies and soldiers.
They wrote about religions. Sometimes they composed music for holidays. They told love stories
and showed strong emotions. Some of these composers were Beethoven, Schumann Chopin,
Mendelssohn, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky.
Classical music has stayed with us for a long time. Bach wrote about 300 years ago,
Beethoven wrote about 200 years ago, and Tchaikovsky wrote over 100 years ago. With closing
eyes while listening to classical music, we can see the design. We can listen to the same piece of
classical music many times and enjoy it in different ways. Classical music can be difficult to
understand sometimes because some pieces require us to think really hard in order to interpret their
messages. Still, it is a wonderful music category which is absolutely worth listening to.
7. Classical music is famous ……………..
A. in the Western B. in Europe
C. in the United States D. all over the world
8. The first classical composers wanted to……………
A. tell stories about religion B. write lovely sounds
C. show strong emotion D. B and C
9. According to the text, some stories not mentioned in the works by the composers are ….
A. love B. wars C. religions D. racial discrimination
10. According to the text, all of the following statements are false, except ……….
A. Beethoven composed music more than 3 centuries ago.
B. Bach just wanted to make an interesting design.
C. Tchaikovsky told stories in his works.
D. Schumann always wrote music that was difficult to understand.
11. One special thing about classical music mentioned in the text is that ………..
A. people can listen to classical music all the time without getting bored of it
B. one piece of music can means differently if people listen to it at different time
C. only rich and wealthy people enjoy classical music
D. classical music is good for babies
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Happy, sad, angry, triumphant, and everything in between – there is music to express (12)
type of human emotions. Whether you are listening to someone else’s music, singing along, or
creating your own, music provides a healthy outlet for your emotions. At the same time, listening to or creating
music can also directly (13) your mood and emotions.
Studies have shown that listening to upbeat music can make people happier. Similarly, listening to
sad music can help people who are feeling sad to feel better. Through words, rhythms, and melodies, music
can engage both the mind and the body, altering or enhancing your perception of a situation. (14)
tempo of the music can affect the brain directly, causing a state of alertness with faster tempos, and relaxation
or meditation with slower tempos.
Music therapy (15) use of these physical effects of music to bring the benefits to patients of all
ages and diagnoses to reduce stress and pain, while improving mood and outlook. Music therapists help
patients choose music to listen to, and engage them in singing and playing music of their own. This practice
dramatically enriches the lives of people living (16) illness or injury.
12. a. every b. all c. some d. most
13. a. affects b. affect c. effect d. effectively
14. a. None b. A c. The d. Few
15. a. does b. gets c. takes d. makes
16. a. in b. on c. with d. at

III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the best answers A, B, C or D.

17. She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looks .
A. cheerful B. joyful C. solemn D. delightful
18. How ___________ we are to hear that you got the scholarship.
A. please B. pleased C. pleasingly D. pleasing
19. As an ecotourism site, it can provide tourists beautiful landscape in the
biosphere reserve.
A. for B. with C. about D. on
20. The first films were usually one minute _________
A. in long B. length C. in length D. for long
21. When we arrived _______ the village, the only hotel in the area was still ______ construction
so we had to spend the night in a small inn.
A. at-under B. for-of C. toward-in D. on-over
22. Are you still employed at the bank? _ Yes, I there since 1982.”
A. am worked B. worked
C. have been working D. had been working
23.The soft background music made her sleepy.
A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. feels.
24. ___________, he would have signed his name in the corner.
A. If he painted that picture B. If he paints that picture
C. If he had painted that picture D. If he would have painted that picture
25.He resigned as manager he was tired of all the things he had to face every
A. because of the fact that B. so
C. due to the fact that D. due to
26.She hid the present
A. so that the children wouldn't find it B. in order to the children not to find it
C. for the children not find it D. in order that the children not to find it
Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
22. The house was enough comfortable but not luxurious. comfortable enough
23. The doctor called to confirm about the appointment this morning while you were sleeping.
Omit "about"
24. I’d rather to stay home than go out tonight with him. stay
25. That he cheated in the exam were unforgivable.
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The house (decorate) by the designers before we moved in.
2. I will get some students (plant) a few young trees along the pavement.
3. This meeting is not worth (listen) anymore.
4. This guy risked (kill) by putting a pen into an electrical socket.
5. Hardly had I opened the door when he (come) in.
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Jane is __________ of spiders (scare)
2. Little John tried to_______________ the poem but he failed to recite it. (memory)
3. He now plays as (goal) for Liverpool.
4. The school pays for heating and the _________________ of the buildings. (maintain)
5. The boy looked _______________ at his parents before giving me his painting. (worry)
VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. No, I saw it with my own eyes. You broke her vase ________ purpose.
2. Don’t worry! They are ________ the way. They’ll be here in 5 minutes.
3. She was born ________ December 12th, 1998, ________ Texas.
4. Conservationists are trying to save these kinds of plants ________ extinction.
5. The old woman warned them ____________ going out after midnight.
VIII. WRITING. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. “I left the umbrella here two days ago”.
 Susan told .
2. “My father built this house in 1993.” he said.
 He said .
3. If we raise and resurface the roads, they will not be muddy and flooded.
 Unless .
4. We will agree with their project if they show that it will do no harm to the environment.
 Only if .
5. Mary feels sorry now because she didn’t listen to her parents.
 If .
6. My old teacher did not teach at this school any longer.
 No longer .
7. No one has seen John ever since his wife died in the accident.
 John .
8. My boss has decided to employ an assistant. He has to go abroad all the time.
 My boss wh .
9. We have to learn some new words. They are difficult to remember.
 The new words wh .
10. Lisa is my colleague. We saw her on TV last night.
 Lisa wh .




A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three
1. A. defenders B. scores C. players D. coughs
2. A. orphaned B. raised C. beloved D. endangered
3. A. efficiency B. participation C. receive D. faucet
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three
4. A. excellent B. audience C. entertain D. technical
5. A. existence B. character C. industry D. audience
6. A. perception B. explorer C. artistic D. musician
A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
When we go and watch a movie in the cinema, we see real people moving and talking on a
big screen in front of us. But how are movies filmed and shown to us? In actual fact, movies do not
really `move' like we think they do. It is our eyes that play tricks on us and make the movies look as
if they are moving.
A movie is filmed using a camera which takes pictures at a very fast speed. The camera can
take 24 pictures in one second! If it is taking pictures of somebody walking, the pictures will show
the different movements of the person in that one second. Since the pictures are taken so quickly,
the difference between each picture is very slight.
The pictures are developed into long strips of film which are then shown, using a film
projector. As we watch, 24 pictures flash before our eyes every second. The pictures go by so fast
that we cannot see each one by itself. What we see is just one picture that seems to move. Our
eyes play a part by blending the pictures with each other.
The same method applies to cartoons. In a cartoon, instead of taking pictures of real people, the
camera takes pictures of drawings. Many drawings have to be made just to show a simple action.
Each drawing is again made only slightly different from the others. The drawings are then
photographed orderly. When everything is complete and the cartoon is shown, it also looks as
though the characters are really moving.
7. What do we often think we see in the cinema?
A. Photographs of people
B. People moving in a picture
C. A big screen
D. Camera tricks
8. If a person is acting in a movie, he ______.
A. has to move in slow motion
B. has to move on a big screen
C. gets many pictures of him taken
D. moves 24 times in one second
9. What is the difference between each of the 24 pictures?
A. Very rough
B. Very small
C. Very large
D. Very unusual
10. What do our eyes do when we watch a movie?
A. They join many pictures into one.
B. They move with the pictures.
C. They mix the pictures up.
D. They take pictures of the movie.
11. To film a cartoon, ______ have to be photographed.
A. People
B. Actions
C. Drawings
D. Characters
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Cartoon films have very (12) limits. If you can draw something you can make
it move on the cinema screen. The use of new ideas and advanced computer programs means that
cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of (13)_________________ages.
By the (14)_________________of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided that cartoons
were only for children. But soon afterwards, one or two directors had some original new ideas. They
proved that it was possible to make films in which both adults and children could
(15)____________________the fun.


However, not every cartoon film was successful. The Black Cauldron, for example, failed,
mainly because it was too frightening for children and too childish for adults. Directors learnt from
this (16)_________________ and the film companies began to make large amount of money again.
12. A. a little B. a few C. few D. little
13. A. more B. other C. all D. these
14. A. end B. finish C. departure D. back
15. A. divide B. add C. mix D. share
16. A. damage B. mistake C. crime D. fault.

III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the best answers A, B, C or D.

17. They were bitterly disappointed ______ the result of the game.
A. for B. as C. with D. against
18. That film is only 90 minutes _______ length but it is very interesting.
A. at B. in C. with D. for
19. Neither his friends nor his wife his daily behavior.
A. agree B. accept C. like D. likes
20. Thanks to many ______ discoveries and inventions, we can enjoy more and more exciting
films with a lot of wonderful scenes.
A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically
21. He did not make it easy _____ me to leave the club.
A. to B. with C. for D. on
22. Peter: “Do you find it very interesting to travel alone?” Maria: “_____________.”
A. What a pity! B. Never mind
C. Yes, you’re welcome D. No, not at all
22. When we arrived _______ the village, the only hotel in the area was still ______
construction so we had to spend the night in a small inn.
A. at-under B. for-of C. toward-in D. on-over
23. Are you still employed at the bank? _ Yes, I there since 1982.”
A. am worked B. worked
C. have been working D. had been working
24. Two thieves _______ at a bus stop were arrested yesterday.
A. were waiting B. having waited C. wait D. waiting
25. ______________________, he would have signed his name in the corner.
A. If he painted that picture B. If he paints that picture
C. If he had painted that picture D. If he would have painted that picture
26. The gardener fertilizes his land to _____ it more productive.
A. force B. make C. do D. help
Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
27. Many species of wild animals would become extinction if people continued to cut down

28. The doctor called to confirm the appointment this morning while you slept.
29. In England, young and old people are fond with watching football.
30. Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London?
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The tin opener seems ________________ for left-handed people.(design)
2. I wish you _______________ to the theatre last night, but you didn’t. (come)
3. I felt so embarrassed; I was sure that someone __________________ at me. (look)
4. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ____________in the crash. (injure)
5. When the police first questioned him, Wayne denied ________________ in the robbery.
VI. VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The movie was so that we couldn’t sleep last night. (thrill)
2. We’re concerned about your welfare. (spirit)
3. Motion picture is one of the most popular forms of . (entertain)
4. I think Shakespeare was one of the most playwrights of all time. I
find it quite to enjoy his plays. (distinguish / interest)
5. Thanks to many scientific discoveries and , we can enjoy more and
more exciting films with a lot of wonderful scenes. (invent)
6. The cliff face has been steadily (erode) by the sea.
7. She appears (change) for over 10 years. She is still beautiful as if she
were only 20.
8. Protecting the environment controls (atmosphere) pollution.
9. Cutting trees to supply foreign buyers with wood products quickly leads to

VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. ______ the early days of film development, films were short and silent.
2. The children were amazed ______ the performance of the acrobats in the circus.
3. Watching TV too much takes ______ most of your time.
1. Cartoons are suitable _______ children only. Adults or high school students are not
interested them.
4. You should get acquainted _________ different lifestyles.
VIII. WRITING. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. Mr. Brown said to his child, “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?”
 Mr. Brown asked .
2. They want to buy a bigger house but they don’t have enough money.
 If .
3. The judge gave him two weeks to pay the fine.
 He .
4. Paul wanted to take the mountain road. His tires were nearly new
 wh .
5. “I have left my watch at home. What time is it now?” he asked.
 He said .
6. It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me.
 Not until__________________________ .
7. They are going to steal your money if you’re not careful.
 Your money .
8. Libya is a leading producer of oil. It is a country in North Africa.
 __________________ wh
9. I didn’t finish my report yesterday, so I can’t begin a new project today.
 If .




A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three
1. A. cup B. runner C. stadium D. fun
2. A. honour B. hero C. held D. happy
3. A. champion B. character C. match D. cheerful
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from that of the other three
4. A. trophy B. promote C. attract D. compete
5. A. final B. title C. stadium D. eliminate
6. A. competitor B. participant C. volunteer D. announcer
A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
The American type of football was developed in the 19th century from soccer and rugby football.
Played by professionals, amateurs, college, high school, or young children, football in America is one of the
most popular sports. It attracts millions of fans each fall and people are very supportive of their favorite teams.
The origin or beginning of football may have been a game played by the ancient Greeks called harpaston. In
this game, there was no limit to the number of players. The ball was kicked, thrown, or run by the players and
the object was to move a ball across a goal by kicking.
The football playing field of today is rectangular in shape and measures 100 yards long and 53.5
yards wide. White lines are painted on the playing field to mark off the distances to the end zone. The game is
divided into four quarters, each fifteen minutes long. The first two quarters are known as the first half. There is
a rest period between the two halves which usually lasts about fifteen minutes.
Each team has eleven players. Each team has offensive players (play when the team has possession
of the ball) and defensive players (play when the other team has possession of the ball). Players are required
to wear protective equipment to help keep the body safe during the game. Helmets are worn to protect the
head and face area. Pads are worn to protect the shoulders, arms, and legs. Protective equipment must be
worn because of the body contact players have during the game. Officials supervise the game and are
considered to be very important to the game of football. They carry whistles and flags and make certain that
the rules of the game are followed during the game.
The football is made of leather and is brown in color. It is shaped much like an oval and has white
rings near each end of the football. These rings help the players see the ball when it is thrown or someone is
running with it. The eight stitches on the top of the football help players to grip the ball when throwing or
passing. The most famous football game of the year is the Super Bowl that is played in January or February. It
is televised around the world and is watched by millions of people each year.
7. What shape is the football?
A. Rectangular B. Circle C. Triangle D. Oval
8. Why are there white rings on each end of the football?
A. To help players see the ball B. To make it look nice
C. To help players score D. To help players run
9. Why do players need protective equipment during the game?
A. To make their uniforms fit B. To keep the body safe
C. To see the ball D. To make touchdowns
10. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The football field is rectangular in shape.
B. The field measures 100 yards long and 53.5 yards wide.
C. The white lines are used to keep players safe.
D. The rest period between at the half lasts about fifteen minutes.
11. The word “grip” means to ________.
A. Hold tightly B. Score during the game
C. End zone D. Supervise the game
B. Read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each space.
Pele is a legendary sporting figure and an iconic soccer player who during his active years ruled
the game to the point of being called the ‘King of Football’. Till date, he is widely regarded by
football fans, critics, experts and players (current and retired) (12) the best player of
all time. With his impeccable style, electrifying play and impressive performance, he scored a total
of 1281 goals (13) 1363 games. It was his deep embedded penchant for the game and
knack for scoring spectacular goals that made him a star around the world. He was praised for his
exceptional heading ability, powerful shot and unbowed goal scoring. A Brazilian national team
footballer and key player for the Santos club, he (14) a major role in every
game he played. While at field, he gave his hundred per cent to every match and played like an
unbeaten pro since his very first professional game. Over his career (15) spanned
for a little over two decades, he showcased some invincible performances and catapulted the
popularity of the game astronomically. Other than his spectacular showmanship on the field, Pele is
regarded as the ultimate humanitarian as well, for he has raised his (16) to
enhance the living standard and social conditions of the poor, a number of times. In his active years,
he created numerous records, some of which till date remain undefeated and unaltered.
12. A. as B. on C. like D. alike
13. A. at B. for C. of D. in
14. A. participated B. contributed C. showed D. played
15. A. who B. that C. what D. whose
16. A. view B. opinion C. speech D. voice
III. USE OF ENGLISH. Choose the best answers A, B, C or D.
17. In the 2002 World Cup, Brazil became the first team to win the trophy five times.
A. competition B. game C. prize D. money
18. The first World Cup was held in Uruguay, in which the host nation defeated Argentina in the
A. beat B. lost C. played D. fought
19. All the people were really shocked by the violent scenes they had witnessed.
A. announced B. seen C. reported D. informed
20. The loser will be out of the ___________.
A. round B. meeting C. tour D. tournament
21. The match was eventually won on ____________.
A. penalties B. hopefully C. hopelessly D. hopeful
22. In the 1990 World Cup, Italy got a victory Argentina and became the champion.
A. over B. on C. for D. out
23. Would you mind closing the front door? – .
A. Yes, I would B. I’ll do it C. No problem D. I can
24. The doctor advised to loud music because the noise is bad for my hearing.
A. not listening B. not to listen C. to not listen D. do not listen
25. Thomas said that he and his parents home the previous day.
A. would be B. were C. will be D. had been
26. They asked him to leave— he was fired.
A. besides B. in other words C. as a result D. on the contrary
Choose the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting.
27. A) Football (B) became popular in the US (C) in the last (D) few years.
28. (A) What was (B) fascinated to me was (C )the way the creatures (D) moved
29. (A )An extra-time penalty (B) gave Barcelona a last gasp (C) winner (D) over Chelsea.
30. (A) Even though his great fame, (B) the director was (C) friendly and (D) approachable.
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I suddenly remembered that I (forget) ________ my keys.
2. I think she is accustomed to ________ English at a private school.
3. This book was written by a well-known writer. It is worth ________.
4. Who (drive)_______the car at the time of the accident?
5. What products (manufacture) _______ in your country at present?
VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The government is trying to tackle (violent) on the football terraces.
2. The World Cup is regarded as the world (champion) ____________of the sport.
3. What did Pele do after his (retire) ?
4. The World Cup is followed with passionate interest around the (global) .
5. Pele is a prolific goal (score)___________ for swimmers.
VII. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. We can't compete ______________them on price.
2. The police have eliminated two suspects __________their investigation.
3. We are hoping ___________ good weather on Sunday.
4. He has been witness ______________a terrible murder.
5. These workers are considered ____________a high-risk group?
VIII. WRITING. Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. “I will come to see you when I am free”. My sister said.
 My sister told _______________________________________________________.
2. “I’ll send you a postcard as soon as I arrive in Parris” he said to me.
 He told ____________________________________________________________.
3. John didn't celebrate until he received the office of promotion in writing.
 It was not until_______________________________________________________.
4. It rained heavily yesterday afternoon. The football match was cancelled.
 Unless ____________________________________________________________.
5. He forgot all about the gun until he got home.
 It was not until ___________________________________________ .
6. We can avoid waiting by booking tickets in advance.
 If _________________________________________________________________.
7. Nobody has ever beaten him at tennis.
 He ________________________________________________________________.
8. Who looked after your children when you are on business?
 By whom .
9. Mr. Carter is very interested in our plan. You spoke to him.
 Mr. Carter _________________________________________________________.
10. Thomas is my brother. He is reading the newspaper.
 Thomas ________________________________________ __________________.




1. Underline the most suitable word in each sentence
1. United managed to beat/win City in the last minute of the match.

2. At the end of the play, everyone in the theater exploded/applauded.

3. The cycling club is doing/holding a meeting next Thursday.

4. The youth orchestra has acted/performed all over Europe

5. I’m doing/going fishing next week. Do you want to come?

6. David passes/spends an hour every day playing computer games.

7. Did you enjoy/please yourself at the folk festival?

8. We were late and so we lost/missed the beginning of the film.

2. Match each word from the box with one of the explanations
A. athletes B. audience C. cast D. competitors E. fans

F. group G. members H. spectators I. team J. viewers

1. People who watch a sporting performance.

2. People who exercise and take part in games of speed and strength.
3. People who support a sport, or a famous person.
4. People who together take part in a sport.
5. People who all belong to the same club.
6. People who play rock music together.
7. People who listen to or watch a play or performance.
8. People who watch television.
9. People who act together in a play.
10. People who are all trying to win the same prize.

3. Complete each sentence with a word from the box

exhibition line medal prize queue
rod screen ticket tyre whistle

1. Helen won the competition.

2. When Steve won the race, he was given a gold...................................................................

3. We had to wait in a/an................................................before we could get into the cinema.


4. Rachel had to push her bike after she got a flat...........................

5. There was so much shouting that no one heard the referee's.............................................

6. I've got a spare...........................................for tomorrow's concert. Do you want to come?'

7. Have you seen the new...............................................of paintings at the National Gallery?

8. I'm going fishing tomorrow. I've just bought a new...............................................................

9. Kate was the first runner to cross the finishing.....................................................................

10. We didn't enjoy the film because we were too close to the…………...................………

4. Complete each sentence with the a word from the box

drop go join knock live make stand turn

1. Lenny 'The Fist' Smith, the boxer, said he would…………………………… out his opponent.

2. Carol won the match because the other player failed to.................................................up.

3. The singer asked the audience and all sing together.

4. It was a reasonable film, but it didn't really.......................................up to my expectations.

5. Tom and Sue used to.......................................................................................out together.

6. From my seat, I couldn't...........................................out what was happening on the stage.

7. The referee made it clear that he would not............................................for bad behaviour.

8. Peter had to..........................................................out of the race after his Car broke down.

5. Match each activity (1-8) with a place (a-h).

1 Sunbathing and wearing swimming costumes. a a stage

2 Watching elephants dancing………….. b a running track

3 Doing keep fit exercises………….. c a party

4 Crossing the finishing line………….. d a funfair

5 Taking a dog for a walk………….. e a circus

6 Celebrating someone's birthday………….. f a park

7 Riding a ghost train or a big wheel………….. g a gym

8 Speaking clearly so the audience can hear………….. h a beach


6. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space


What kind of music do you (1)……….? Some people like going to (2) ……….

concerts, and listening to (3) ……….The (4) ……….wear very formal clothes, and

the (5) ………. is silent until the end of the (6) ………. Perhaps you're a rock music

(7) ……….Rock concerts are often held at football (8) ……….or in parks.

(9) ……….of the audience dance to the music, or sing the songs. (10) ……….music is

(11) ………. at weddings and parties in many countries, and some people

(12) ……….their own music at home Nowadays we (15) ……….music in shops

and lifts, and many people (14) ……….their own music with them, or even

(15) ……….to music when they study. Music is everywhere!

1 A listen B enjoy C have D preferring

2 A classic B classics C classical D classified
3 A a group B an orchestra C a band. D a record
4 A musicians B actors C musicals D instruments
5 A spectators B people C guests D audience
6 A happening B action C music D performance
7 A fan B enthusiasm C reader D friend
8 A matches B stadiums C pitches D pools
9 A Members B Selections C Persons D Those
10 A Historical B Nation C Traditional D Ancient
11 A acted B formed C done D played
12 Ado B get C make D take
13 A listen B hear C perform D understand
14 A carry B wear C Cliff D play
15 A hear B have C follow D listen




1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Before we set off, we listened to the climate/weather forecast.
2 Paula saw a flash of lightning/thunder and then heard a deep boom.
3 The traffic had to slow down because of the thick fog/vapour.
4 There won't be much rain. It's only a shower/stream.
5 Spring is my favourite season/term of the year.
6 Last summer was very hot, and there was a real heatwave/temperature.
7 Look at those clouds! There's going to be a blast/storm.
8 On a hot day in summer, I look forward to the chilly/cool evening.
9 We were caught in the rain and got damp/soaked to the skin.
10 In the morning there was half a metre of ice/snow blocking the road.

2. Choose the word which best matches the description.

1 Large white water bird with a long neck. Duck/swan

2 Four-legged animal with horns, good at climbing. goat/sheep
3 Sea animal with a shell and claws. crab/frog
4 Insect with large, beautifully coloured wings. bee/butterfly
5 Small reptile with four legs and a long tail. lizard/snake
6 Small flying insect which drinks blood from the skin. fly/mosquito
7 Small animal with long ears living in a hole in the ground. fox/rabbit
8 Plant-eating animal with long legs and neck. lion/giraffe
9 Eight-legged creature which catches insects. bat/spider
10 Young animal which barks, often a pet. kitten/puppy

3. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

bark berry branch leaf root thorn trunk

1 Sue managed to reach the………….of a tree and climb up to the window.

2 I felt ill after I ate a red……………………………from a bush in the woods.
3 The wall was cracked by the………………of a tree growing underneath it.
4 In the autumn, every……………on the tree turns yellow and then falls off.
5 Liz hurt herself on a ……………………while she was picking some roses.
6 The……………...of this tree can be removed and used as a kind of paper.
7 In spring all the apple trees are covered in white…………………………….
8 An oak tree has a very broad……………….., sometimes two metres thick.


4. Choose the best ending (a-h) for each sentence (1-8).
1 In cities the air is hard to breathe because of car………….. a waste.
2 The earth's climate is changing because of………….. b pollution.
3 Not having enough of something is called a………….. c recycling.
4 Air, sea and land can suffer from………….. d global warming.
5 Throwing things away unnecessarily is called………….. e rubbish.
6 A mixture of smoke and fog is called ………….. f exhaust fumes.
7 Things which we throw away are called………….. g shortage.
8 To avoid wasting things we can use………….. h smog.

5. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

The Threat to the Environment

Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all

over the world is in (1) ………. Many (2) ……….of animals are threatened, and could
easily become (3) ……….if we do not make an effort to (4) ……….them. There are
many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are (5) ………. for their fur or for other
valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, (6) ………. as parrots, are caught (7) ……….
, and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat - the (8)
……….where they live - is (9) ……….More (10) ……….is used for farms, for houses or
industry, and there are fewer open (11) ……….than there once were. Farmers use
powerful chemicals to help them grow better (12) but these chemicals pollute the
environment and (13) ……….wildlife. The most successful animals on earth - human
beings - will soon be the only ones (14) ………., unless we can (15) ……….this


1 A danger B threat C problem D vanishing
2 A marks B more C species D forms
3 A disappeared B vanished C empty D extinct
4 A harm B safe C protect D serve
5 A hunted B chased C game D extinct
6 A like B such C or D where
7 A lively B alive C for life D for living
8 A spot B point C place D site
9 A exhausting B departing C escaping D disappearing
10 A earth B land C soil D area
11 A spaces B air C up D parts
12 A products B fields C herbs D crops
13 A spoil B harm C wound D wrong
14 A survived B over C missing D left
15 A answer B calculate C solve D explain

6. Complete each sentence with a pair of verbs from the box with opposite meanings.

Save improve clean up cut down destroy let plant pollute

prevent protect recycle waste remain throw away change
get worse

1. People should be encouraged to…………………the environment, rather

2. We should try to…………………disasters happening, not just…………………them
3. We should encourage people to…………………beaches, and not………………… them.
4. It would be a good idea to…………………more trees, not to…………………trees.
5. It is better to…………………things than treat them like rubbish and…………………them

6. We need to …………………gas and electricity, rather than…………………them.

7. Unless we…………………, public transport, traffic jams caused by polluting cars are
going to…………………
8. In fact, all of us need to…………………the way we live, because if we…………………as
we are now, our problems will increase.

7. Complete each sentence with a pairs of words from the box.

country/city beach/seaside farm/cottage fence/hedge hills/mountains

rocks/stones paths/tracks stream/river town/village crops/weeds

1. Elderly people often move away from the…………………to live in the…………………

2. I've often walked up…………………, but I don't like climbing…………………
3. A boat can sail up a…………………, but a…………………is too small.


4. If you go for a walk, stay on the…………………If you follow any of the
animal…………………you might get lost.
5. Farmers try to get rid of all the …………………and increase the quantity
of…………………they grow.
6. I come from a little…………………The nearest big…………………is Bedford.
7. At the end of the garden is a wooden…………………, but down each side there's a
8. The woman who milked the cows on the…………………lived in an old…………………
with a garden.
9. Whenever I go to the…………………, I enjoy taking a walk along the…………………
10. Tom was sitting among the…………………, throwing small…………………into the sea.




1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.
1 In the USA it’s called a 'cell phone’, but in the UK it's a mobile phone/pocket phone.
2 In Britain, most private cars run on gas/petrol or diesel.
3 Ann's friends bought her an electric/electrical mixer for her birthday.
4 Peter had to push his bike when he got a flat tyre/wheel.
5 This car has got a really powerful engine/machine.
6 When the machine is on, a little red light/torch comes on.
7 The noise of the workmen banging in nails/screws was disturbing.

2. Match the words in the box with the explanations.

answering machine camera dishwasher photocopier

mobile phone sewing machine vacuum cleaner

1 Use this if you can't stay in to take your calls. ………………………………......

2 Use this to make calls when you're out and about.

3 Use this to do your own dressmaking.
4 Use this to get rid of dust and dirt.
5 Use this to take a snapshot for your album.
6 Use this to deal with dirty cutlery and crockery.

7 Use this if you need several pages all the same. ………………………………......

3. Complete each phrase in italics with a verb from the box.

blow break cut go plug ring run Turn warm wear

1 I'm sorry I can't talk now, but I'll .......................................back in half an Hour.
2 The police think that a car bomb was used to...........................up the building.
3 These tyres are strong, and won't...................................................out for ages.
4 Jane's old car used to ..............................................................down all the time.
5 You the vacuum cleaner to the socket by the window.
6 If you don’t pay the electricity bill they will off.
7 I think it’s time to the television and go to bed.
8 Whenever there is a thunder storm, all the lights.............................................out.
9 You don't have to........................up the engine first, even in very cold weather.
10 If you leave the radio on all night the battery will.........................................out.


4. Complete the sentences about computers with a word from the box.
button cursor hard disk highlight Icon
print out memory modem website

1 The computer stores large amounts of information on its......................................

2 When a program is running, it is using the computer's..........................................

3 A small picture that represents a program is called a/an......................................

4 The flashing symbol that shows where text will appear is the................................
5 After finishing a document you may want to.......................what you have written.
6 You can click the left or right mouse......................................................................
7 Organizations use the Internet to provide information about themselves - they put the
information on their....................................................................................................
8 You connect the computer to the Internet via a/an................................................
9 Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor across any text that you want to

5. Replace the general group word in italics in each sentence with a specific example
from the box.

ear cello electric toothbrush oven

frying pan gun ladder saw

1 The police discovered the vehicle more than 20 miles away.


2 My sister bought me this gadget to clean my teeth.


3 The builders left their equipment outside the house.


4 The cost of the kitchen includes a/an electrical appliance.


5 This kitchen utensil is lightweight and non-stick.


6 I had to use al an tool to cut the floorboards in half.


7 One of the robbers was carrying a/an weapon.


8 This instrument is rather heavy to carry.



6. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

battery handle key lock plug socket switch wire

1 Lisa turned the door........................., opened the door and entered the room.

2 My watch stopped working because the.......................................had run out.

3 The television won’t work in this room, as there isn’t an electric......................

4 Bill pressed the light................................, nut none of the lights was working.

5 To wind up this old clock you need a special kind of........................................

6 Mary put the key in the....................................................., but it wouldn’t turn.

7 I’ve bought an electric kettle, but the lead hasn’t got a.............................on it.

8 The electric bell didn’t work because the....................................had been cut.

7. Match each sentence with the object you need in each situation.

binoculars compass hairdrier iron lawnmower

pump razor scissors thermometer tin-opener

1 There is no air in either of these tyres.

2 Do you fancy some tinned salmon for lunch?
3 The grass in the back garden is awfully long.
4 Sam has been letting his beard grow but now he's going to shave.
5 Mine is really long and I need more than a towel.
6 I've got to cut the ends off the legs of my new jeans.
7 Do you think I've got a temperature?
8 It's difficult to see wild animals when they're so far away.
9 Jean was completely lost, and needed to know where north was.
10 You can't go out with all those creases in your shirt.



1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Mrs Grant is a good employee/employer and pays her staff well.

2 Excuse me, but are you the ower/owner of this bike?
3 Tom works in a local garage as a car engineer/mechanic.
4 I want to borrow some money, so I'm seeing the bank boss/manager.
5 Little jimmy has got a new professor/teacher at his primary school.
6 Helen joined the army as an officer/official, and is now a captain.
7 The house really needed decorating so I called a painter/wallpaper.
8 Please ask the cash/cashier for a receipt.
9 Have you thought about getting a job as a waiter/table server?
10 I waited for my letters, but the poster/postman was late as usual.

2. Match a person in the box with each problem.

carpenter dentist electrician gardener guide

optician photographer plumber vet

1 The lawn is really long and there are weeds everywhere.

2 I want to visit as much of the old city as possible in an afternoon.
3 The taps don't work, and there is water all over the floor.
4 I want a special portrait for my eighteenth birthday.
5 One of my fillings has come out, and I've got terrible toothache.
6 I want to use the wood from these shelves to make a bookcase.
7 When I turn on the television, all the lights go off.
8 I can't see to read very well and I think I need glasses.
9 Benny hurt one of his paws when I was taking him for a walk.


3. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.
assistant flatmate employee guest Host
member Partner supporter team-mate

1 Peter has just become a/an...........................................................of the fishing club.

2 I started this business with my........................, Mary Downing, about ten years ago.

3 I’ve got a help pay the rent. She moved in last week.

4 We provided the hotel with whatever he or she needs.

5 At the end of the party, Bill thanked his..................................................and then left.

6 Any.................................who wishes to work at weekends should see the manager.

7 I’ve been a/an....................................of Hull City FC for as long as I can remember.

8 Mary was my..................................................last year in the basketball tournament.

9 This job is a lot for one person, so we think you need a/an........................................

4. Match each word from the box with an explanation.

Celebrity Coward Expert Favourite Fool

Genius Liar Miser Optimist Pessimist

1 Someone who does not have any courage.

2 Someone who hates spending money and becomes rich by keeping it.
3 Someone who says that a bottle is half full.
4 Someone who is very well known in the media.
5 Someone who is loved more than any other.
6 Someone who has special knowledge or training.
7 Someone who does something silly or mistaken.
8 Someone who has very great ability or special talent.
9 Someone who says that a bottle is half empty.
10 Someone who does not tell the truth.


TIẾNG ANH 10 - Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
- Đề có 03 trang, 30 câu trắc nghiệm + tự luận
Từ câu 1 đến câu 30 : làm ở phần trắc nghiệm trong giấy làm bài  dấu X : chọn

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. lulled B. caused C. passed D. threatened
2. A. chorus B. chemical C. challenge D. architecture
B. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest
3. A. variety B. generation C. stimulation D. indispensable
4. A. disaster B. erosion C. continue D. suitable

A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow
Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know much about them. For example, there
are about 350 species of sharks that live in oceans over the world. All of the sharks are carnivores, but most of
them don't attack people. Some sharks are very small - the smallest shark is about 6 inches long - about as
long as your hand, but some sharks are very large. The largest species of sharks may be 60 feet long and
weigh 15 tons. Unlike many other kinds of fish, sharks do not have bone. Their bodies are made up of a kind
of tough white flexible material (called cartilage). Sharks do not have ears. However, they 'hear' sounds and
movements in the wade. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrates. Sharks can feel these vibrations
and they help the sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food, too. Most sharks see best in low
light. They often hunt for food at dawn, in the evening, or in the middle of the night.
Nowadays scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example, cancer is common
in many animals, including, people. However, it is rare in sharks. Scientists want to find out why sharks
almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too.
5. How long is the smallest shark?
A. About 6 centimeters B. As long as a hand
C. About 1.5 meters D. As one's long leg
6. Sharks can hunt for food at night because ____________
A. they see well in the dark. B. they feel vibrations in the water.
C. they 'hear' more clearly at night. D. their eyes are small.
7. According to the passage, sharks______________
A. always attack humans. B. are carnivores
C. usually live in warm water D. are big mammals.
8. The word "they" underlined in the passage refers to_____________
A. sounds B. sharks C. movements D. vibrations
9. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______________
A. information about sharks help people cure cancer.
B. scientists are given permission to catch sharks for their studies.
C. the cancer risk among animals is found to be higher.
D. sharks are being studied.
B. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that fits the blanks in the following passage
The Rocky Mountains run almost the length of North America. They start in the North West, but lie
only a (10) __________ hundred miles from the centre in the more southern areas. Although the Rockies are
smaller than the Alps, they are no less wonderful.
There are many roads across the Rockies, (11) __________ the best way to see them is to travel by
train. You start from Vancouver, the most attractive of Canada’s cities. Standing with its feet in the water and
its head in the mountains, this city (12) __________ its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from
the city centre.
Thirty passenger trains a day used to (13) __________ off from Vancouver on the cross-continent
railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board, (1 4)
__________ is fun, but travel through some of the best site at night.
10. A. many B. lot C. few D. couple
11. A. but B. because C. unless D. since
12. A. lets B. allows C. offers D. gives
13. A. leave B. get C. take D. set
14. A. when B. which C. who D. where

<III> USE OF LANGUAGE: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

15. Without his help yesterday, .
A. I could find the way to go home.
B. I could not find the way to go home.
C. I could not have found the way to go home.
D. I could have found the way to go home.
16. I’d rather you in my bedroom anymore.
A. will not smoke B. not to smoke C. not smoke D. did not smoke
17. “Can’t we do something about the situation?” – “Something ____________ right now.”
A. is done B. has to be done C. is doing D. has been done
18. A: I think it’s going to be a great party! – B: ________. We will have a great time for sure!
A. I don’t agree with you! B. I don’t think so!
C. I hope not! D. I can’t agree with you more!
19. The house ___________I lived in as a child has been pulled down now.
A. where B. which C. when D. whom
20. The eggs of seahorses are carried by the water currents.
A. up B. in C. along D. on
21. There is a of leaves in the middle of the yard. Could you help me sweep them?
A.heap B. crowd C. pair D. drop
22. After a few decades of the economic reform, Vietnam has increased the living _______ of people.
A. surfaces B. standards C. levels D. backgrounds
23. Cars have become much more complicated. _________, mechanics need more training than in the
A. Therefore B. However C. Nevertheless D. Because
24. “Hand your books to me when you have finished, please!”, he said.
A. He asked students to hand your books to me when you finished.
B. He asked students to hand your books to me when you had finished.
C. He asked students to hand their books to him when they finished.
D. He asked students to hand their books to him when they had finished.
25. Mr. Johnson in the army from 1970 to 1980.
A. had been serving B. had served C. served D. has served
26. We ____________ letters for the last 3 months.
A. had exchanged B. exchange C. exchanged D. have been exchanging

<IV> Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
27. Buying clothes (A) is often (B) a very time – consuming practice because those clothes that a person
likes (C) is rarely the ones (D) that fit him or her.
28. The salad tasted (A) so well that my brother (B)returned to the (C)salad bar for (D)another helping.
29. Tourists(A) go to national parks to study butterflies(B), visit caves, hike mountains and look at(C) the
1,000 years-old (D) trees.
30. In America, (A) erosion of farmland (B) by wind and water has been a problem that can hardly (C) to
be solved (D) up to now.

<V> Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets
1. The fire (put) _______________ out completely when the owner of the house returned.
2. You should try (wear) _________________ any shirt you want to buy.
3. It’s time you and I (turn) over a new leaf.
4. He couldn’t stand (bully) by his classmates anymore.
5. Peter _______________ his guitar loudly at night. (always/play)
6. By tomorrow morning everything ______________________ set up in time for the performance. (be)
<VI> Give the correct form of the words in brackets
1. Michael Jackson is considered a ________ (legend) singer.
2. The whole food chain is affected by the over – use of ________________ in agriculture. (chemistry)
3. He was ________________ hurt by a piece of glass from the broken window. (accident)
4. Oil spill is one of the great (threaten) to the undersea world.

<VII> Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged

1. I missed the last bus so I went home on foot.

2. If he didn’t clean up the car now, his boss could ask him to do this.

3. “Whose phone did you use to call me last night, Peter?” said his mother
Peter’s mother wanted to know

4. People warned us not to go out alone at night.


5. The exam question was so easy that we all got it right.

It was

-- THE END –


TIẾNG ANH 10 - Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
- Đề có 03 trang, 30 câu trắc nghiệm + tự luận -
Từ câu 1 đến câu 30 : làm ở phần trắc nghiệm trong giấy làm bài  dấu X : chọn

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. parked B. stopped C. watched D. endangered
2. A. energy B. reserve C. conservation D. entertain
B. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest
3. A. introduce B. industry C. character D. terrify
4. A. continent B. committee C. champion D. tournament
A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow
The American type of football was developed in the 19th century from soccer and rugby football.
Played by professionals, amateurs, college, high school, or young children, football in America is one of the
most popular sports. It attracts millions of fans each fall and people are very supportive of their favorite teams.
The origin or beginning of football may have been a game played by the ancient Greeks called
harpaston. In this game, there was no limit to the number of players. The ball was kicked, thrown, or run by
the players and the object was to move a ball across a goal by kicking. The football playing field of today is
rectangular in shape and measures 100 yards long and 53.5 yards wide. White lines are painted on the playing
field to mark off the distances to the end zone. The game is divided into four quarters, each fifteen minutes
long. The first two quarters are known as the first half. There is a rest period between the two halves which
usually lasts about fifteen minutes. Each team has eleven players. Each team has offensive players (play when
the team has possession of the ball) and defensive players (play when the other team has possession of the
Players are required to wear protective equipment to help keep the body safe during the game.
Helmets are worn to protect the head and face area. Pads are worn to protect the shoulders, arms, and legs.
Protective equipment must be worn because of the body contact players have during the game. Officials
supervise the game and are considered to be very important to the game of football. They carry whistles and
flags and make certain that the rules of the game are followed during the game. The football is made of leather
and is brown in color. It is shaped much like an oval and has white rings near each end of the football. These
rings help the players see the ball when it is thrown or someone is running with it. The eight stitches on the
top of the football help players to grip or hold the ball when throwing or passing. The most famous football
game of the year is the Super Bowl that is played in January or February. It is televised around the world and
is watched by millions of people each year.
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The football field is rectangular in shape.
B.The field measures 100 yards in length and 53.5 yards in width.
C.The white lines are used to keep players safe.
D.The rest period between at the half lasts about fifteen minutes.
6. What shape is the football?
A.rectangular C.triangle D.oval
7. Why are there white rings on each end of the football? help players see the ball make it look nice help players score help players run
8. The word grip means to ____________.
A.hold tightly B.score C.kick D.supervise
9. What is the most famous football game each year?
A.the Georgia-Florida game B.the Super Bowl
C.the Alabama-Auburn game D.the Army-Navy game
B. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that fits the blanks in the following passage
During the 1990s, Hollywood introduced special effect images created by computer, which (10)
_________ more fantasy stories possible. Steven Spielberg made dinosaurs come to life in present-day
settings in Jurassic Park. Men in Black was a popular science-fiction comedy about special agent (11)
_________ hunt alien creatures from other worlds. Such films were sometimes criticized for allowing special
effects (12) _________ story elements.


Computer animation reached new (13) _________ in such films as Toy Story and Dinosaur.
Computer special effect contributed to the success of Titanic, which broke box-office records throughout the
world. The movie portrayed the famous 1912 collision between a luxury ocean liner and an iceberg. It told a
romantic story while showing spectacular scenes of the (14) _________ ship. In the early 2000s, several
movies became huge international hits. They included Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone and Harry Potter and
the Chamber of Secrets.
10. A. did B. made C. let D. allowed
11. A. who B. when C. what D. whom
12. A. replace B. replacing C. replaced D. to replace
13. A. high B. tall C. tops D. heights
14. A. sink B. sinking C. sank D. sunk
<III> USE OF LANGUAGE: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
15. Have you had yet? – No, I haven’t. breakfast I ordered 15 minutes ago
has not been delivered.
A. the breakfast/the B. breakfast/a C. breakfast/an D. breakfast/the
16. He learnt to play _______ himself.
A. a trumpet B. the trumpet C. an trumpet D. trumpet
17. There’s a ____________ look on his face. I’m ____________ of him indeed.
A. frightening – scared B. frightened – scared
C. frightened – scaring D. frightening – scaring
18. Peter: “______________” - Mary: “Every two months.”
A.When do you see your dentist? B.How often do you see your dentist?
C.How much time do you see your dentist? D.How long ago did you see your dentist?
19. Paul: “In my opinion, action films are exciting.” – David: “____________”
A. Yes. Congratulations! B. There’s no doubt about it.
C. What an opinion! D. You shouldn’t have said that.
20. You should pay to the lecture if you want to pass this exam.
A.attention B. notice C. concern D. your mind
21. He made _____ some excuse about his daughter being seriously sick to explain for his absence.
A. for B. up C. with D. about
22. Nowadays, teenagers prefer chatting ____________ the Internet ____________ reading books.
A. at – for B. on – for C. in – to D. on – to
23. Cars have become much more complicated. _________, mechanics need more training than in the
A. Because B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. However
24. Of Charles Dickens’ many novels, “Great Expectations” is perhaps ____________ to many readers.
A. the most satisfying one B. most satisfying one
C. more than satisfying one D. the more satisfying one
25. Jane cooks much __________ than I do.
A. better B. well C. the best D. weller
26. By the end of this year, we ____________ in this city for 20 years.
A. had lived B. will have lived C. will lived D. will be living
<IV> Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
27. It was not (A) until we had what we (B) wanted that we (C) had stopped (D) making efforts.
28. (A) Don’t you think she (B) looks so (C) beautifully (D) in her new dress?
29. (A)Hadn’t you told me the (B) truth, I would (C) have been taken in by his (D) lies.
30. (A) The young mother needs (B) an advice (C) about (D) raising her baby.

<V> Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets
1. Mary kept trying to talk to me while my hair (cut) _________.
2. Jack Wells has a good chance of (elect) __________. I know I am going to vote for him.
3. She (not attend) _______________any parties since she came here.
4. Just a minute! I (look) ____________that word in the dictionary.
5. An eyewitness described how ten people (kill) _________ in the fire.
<VI> Give the correct form of the words in brackets
5. The 40 ___________ were divided into teams and they were given various challenges. (final)
6. ____________, his wife was killed in a car accident. (tragedy)
7. Little John tried to__________ the poem but he failed to recite it. (memory)
8. After having worked very hard for a long time, they achieved a ________ success. (remark)
9. The town has _______ his bravery by erecting a memorial. (honor)
<VII> Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged
1. The work on the new bridge wasn’t completed until the end of 2004.
It was not ____________________________________________________.

2. If Lisa doesn’t put more effort into her schoolwork, she will have to repeat a grade.
Unless ____________________ ________________________________.

3. I failed my driving test last week, so I can’t take my brother’s car now.
Had __________________________________________________________.

4. No one has found an effective way to protect endangered animals.

An effective _______________________________________________.

5. "Are you free to go to the cinema with me next week?” he said to me.
He ____________________________________________________________.

C. LISTENING. Listen and fill in the missing information

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

Climate researchers met recently in Cameroon to talk about (1) threats to Africa’s land and animals. They
said they believe the continent may lose as much as 30 percent of its animal and plant species by the end of
this century. They (2) blame the losses on the warming of the Earth, population growth and unrestricted

The researchers represent 20 African, American and (3) European universities. They say countries south
of the Saharan Desert are losing forest faster than any place on Earth. Wood companies are cutting down trees
to meet growing (4) demand from China, Europe and the United States. The population is growing three
percent each year. There are now homes, factories and farms on land that (5) once was forest. Many
African animals and plants no longer have a place to live as a result. Climate change also (6) continues to
threaten species.

Thomas Smith is with the University of California. He says Africa may lose 40 percent of its (7) mammal
species because of expected rises in temperatures. The African chimpanzee is among the mammals at risk.
Mary Katherine Gonder is a (8) professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She studies
chimpanzees in the Congo Basin. She says their forest home is disappearing. She also says hunters continue to
kill the animals to sell as food. The researchers say it is important to develop (9) environmentally friendly
economies. The Congo Basin area of western and central Africa has the second-largest equatorial rain forest
in the world. It is important to the (10) lives of millions of people.



TRƯỜNG THPT MẠC ĐĨNH CHI TIẾNG ANH 10 - Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
- Đề có 03 trang, 30 câu trắc nghiệm + Tự luận-
Từ câu 1 đến câu 30 : làm ở phần trắc nghiệm trong giấy làm bài  dấu X : chọn
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. conserved B. endangered C. practised D. threatened
2. A. contain B. locate C. contaminate D. national
B. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest
3. A. mysterious B. investigate C. population D. technology
4. A. polluted B. dangerous C. comfortable D. temperature

A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow
Why don’t birds get lost in their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this
question for many years. Now they are beginning to fill in the blanks.
Not long ago, experiments showed that birds relied on the sun to guide them during daylight hours.
But what about birds that fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night-flying birds are
able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights.
A dove had spent its lifetime in a cage and never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn
ability to use the stars for guidance. The birds cage was placed under an artificial star filled sky. The bird tried
to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousin. Any change in the position of the stars caused
change in the direction of his flight.
Scientists think that doves, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are
apparently their principal means of navigation. What do they do when the stars are hidden by cloud?
Apparently, they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coastlines, and river courses. But
when it’s too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to get their bearings.
5. The reason why birds don’t get lost on long flights ______________.
A. has been known to scientists for years B. is known by everybody
C. still remains a question D. has been discovered recently
6. Experiments showed that ______________.
A. birds rely on the sun to guide them B. birds rely on the sun to guide them
C. day-flying birds rely on the sun while night-flying birds rely on the stars
D. birds are likely to get lost if there aren’t artificial stars
7. Under artificial stars, the bird in the cage ______________.
A. tried to fly in the same direction as birds not caged
B. changed direction when the position of the stars was changed
C. would not fly well D. both A and B
8. The experiment of the doves indicated that ______________.
A. a bird having spent its lifetime in a cage has to be thought to navigate
B. a bird that has been caged will not fly long distances
C. some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at night
D. birds can fly in the same direction as that taken by their cousins
9. In total darkness, doves ______________.
A. use landmarks B. circle helplessly C. find their way by clouds D. fly back home

B. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that fits the blanks in the following passage
Suy Senglim credits a French journalist he met in 2000 for his interest in photography. Since 2012,
the Cambodian man has used his love of photography for a good cause: protecting wildlife.
As more and more animal species began to disappear from Kandal province, he grew (10) . So
he created a photo project and he hopes will bring (11) attention to the loss of natural habitat in
Now 35 years old, Suy Senglim carefully documents each species he photographs. He records the
common name of each creature, its scientific name and identifying qualities, and whether or not the species is
Chhit Sam Ath is executive director of the World Wildlife Fund, or WWF office in Cambodia. The group
works to protect wildlife and their habitats around the world. Chhit Sam Ath said land sales and development
are partly responsible for a sharp drop in (12) of trees. Forests are home to many bird
Protected areas within forests have disappeared at the (13) rate as forests in other parts
of the country. The environmental protection group Fauna and Flora International says poaching and hunting
have led (14) loss of animal and plant species in Cambodia.
15. A. worried B. worrying C. worry D. worriedly
16. A. no B. many C. less D. more
17. A. a little B. much C. the number of D. the amount of
18. A. familiar B. similar C. same D. alike
19. A. in B. to C. on D. at

<III> USE OF LANGUAGE: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

15. _______________, he would have signed his name in the corner.
A. If he painted that picture B. If he paints that picture
C. If he had painted that picture D. If he would have painted that picture
16. I wish Mark ______ a little better when we have visitors.
A. behaves B. will behave C. would behave D. had behaved
17. They have just built a new primary school in my village.
A. A new primary school has just been built in my village.
B. A new primary school has been just built in my village.
C. A new primary school in my village has just been built.
D. A new primary school in my village had just been built.
18. A: “Do you mind if I open the window?” _ B: “_________________________”
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Not at all. D. No at all.
19. The professor about ______ you told me last week is going to be my History teacher for this semester.
A. that B. which C. who D. whom
20. We are doing harm ____________ our environment deliberately or accidentally.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
21. The body needs a fresh supply _______ vitamin C every day.
A. in B. of C. for D. with
22. The natural _______ of water is influenced by trees, grasses, and other plant life.
A. round B. surround C. circulation D. road
23. The new laws will be ____________ to restrict wildlife destruction.
A. pasted B. passed C. supplied D. taken away
24. I can’t understand the lectures in Math class. ____________, my roommate lets me borrow her notes.
A. However B. So C. Otherwise D. Therefore
25. Although a duck lives on water, it stays dry __ the oil on its features, which prevent water from
reaching its skin.
A. as B. since C. because of D. despite
26. “Why don’t you have your house redecorated, Mike?” said John.
A. John requested Mike to redecorate his house himself.
B. John asked why Mike didn’t redecorate his house.
C. John suggested that Mike should have his house redecorated.
D. John persuaded Mike to have his house redecorated.

<IV> Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
27. It is estimated (A) that much of (B) a teenager's time is spending (C) chatting (D) on the Internet
28. Do you (A) know the (B) man who standing (C) in the corner (D) of the hall?
29. The photographs which (A) were published (B) in (C) the newspaper was (D) extraordinary.
30. It looks (A) like he won’t stop (B) searching for (C) wife until he will find (D) her.


<V> Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets

1. Children shouldn’t be allowed to waste time (play) ______ computer games.


2. William expects (accept) _____________________ into the school football club.
3. They do not allow (use) __________ the calculator in the exam.
4. I felt so embarrassed. I was sure that someone (look) __________ at me.
5. The Christmas tree (decorate) __________________________ before our children come back tonight.
6. So far this week there (be) __________ three burglaries in the neighborhood.

<VI> Give the correct form of the words in brackets

1. SO2 is one of several _____________ that are released into the atmosphere by coal. (pollute)
2. For such a famous and wealthy man, his personal life was ____________ simple and ordinary.
3. By the age of eighteen he was completely __________ of his parents. (depend)
4. The escaped leopard will __________ the lives of the villagers. (danger)

<VII> Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged

1. Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him.


2. He can’t go to the United States if he doesn’t ask for a visa.


3. “No! It wasn’t me who stole your money!” said the little boy to the man

The little boy denied

4. The firemen took the injured to hospital some minutes ago.

The injured

5. It was such a hard gammon steak that I could not cut it.

The gammon steak was too

-- THE END --


TIẾNG ANH 10 - Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
- Đề có 03 trang, 30 câu trắc nghiệm + tự luận -
Từ câu 1 đến câu 30 : làm ở phần trắc nghiệm trong giấy làm bài  dấu X : chọn

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. rapid B. action C. decade D. character
2. A. actor B. violent C. story D. listen
B. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest
3. A. professional B. international C. ambassador D. retirement
4. A. describe B. climate C. solemn D. music
A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow
Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today. Maybe, country
music is very popular because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events like love, sadness, good
times and bad times. It tells real life stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes more
complicated and difficult, it is good to hear about simple ordinary people.
Country music is sometimes called country-western music. It comes from two kinds of music. One is
the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States. The other is
traditional, cowboy music from the American West. The singers usually play guitars or electric guitars when
they sing.
Country music became very popular in the South. During World War II, thousands of people from the
South moved to the Northeast and the Midwest to work in factories. They took their music with them. Soldiers
from the rest of the country went to army camps in the South and learned to like country music there. Slowly,
it became popular all over the United States. According to the passage, why is plankton considered to be more
valuable than land grasses?
5. Country music is very popular because _______________________.
A. it's about strong human feelings B. it's about events like love, sadness
C. it tells about good times, bad times D. all are correct
6. Country music is _______________________.
A. the traditional music of the people in the eastern United States
B. considered as the cowboy music from the American West
C. sometimes called country-western music
D. composed of three kinds of music
7. The singers usually play _________________________ when they sing.
A. drum and violins B. guitars or electric guitars
C. the music instruments D. guitars and piano
8. According to the passage, it's NOT TRUE to say that ____________________________.
A. Country music became very popular in the South
B. Factory workers took country music with them from the South
C. Country music was brought from the South by soldiers
D. Gradually, country music became popular all over the United States
9. The best title for the passage is _______________________________.
A. Country Music B. Music in the United States
C. The Origin of Country Music D. The Benefits of Country Music
B. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that fits the blanks in the following passage
Theater has had a major impact on the world. Productions from all time periods have had a large
effect (10) _________ the world of theater. It began with the Greeks and from there many plays have become
(11)_________ greatest works of literature. Many plays from long ago are still being read and played because
of the meaning within them. Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet is timeless. Their (12) ______, plots, and themes are
universal, perfectly crafted and masterfully worded. (13) ______ playwrights as Shakespeare, Euripides,
Aeschylus, and Sophocles are still being taught today in the classroom because of their wonderful structure
and universality. Shakespeare is distinguished. (14) _______ playwright could create the characters and their
words as he could. The plays have stood the test of time, they have had great influence on all of literature, and
they are good theater that can be interpreted and staged in myriads of ways. He is the universal theater genius.
Of all the theatrical “periods” throughout history, Elizabeth, England had the most impact on the literature and
history of today.
10. A. in B. on C. of D. to
11. A. the B. a C. an D. one
12. A. men B. members C. characters D. people
13. A. As B. Such C. So D. So much
14. A. Any B. Not C. None D. No

<III> USE OF LANGUAGE: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

15. Do you think _________ moon is full tonight? I like sitting in _________ garden beside this well to
watch it.
A. a – a B. Ø – the C. Ø – Ø D. the – the
16. I have bought __________ FM radio for my aunt, who lives in __________ countryside.
A. a – the B. an – the C. Ø – Ø D. the – Ø
17. I found girls who bite their nails really ____________.
A. irritate B. irritating C. irritated D. irritatingly
18. - He’s nice. He’s very good-looking! But he’s quite strict.
A. What does your new teacher look like? B. What’s your new teacher like?
C. How does your new teacher like? D. How is your new teacher like?
19. Music can set the tone the event we take part in.
A. up B. to C. for D. out
20. Campers have to use earth to __________ out their campfires completely.
A. put B. make C. turn D. go
21. My father criticized me with a solemn on his face.
A. attitude B. posture C. behaviour D. expression
22. The world is known through human’s five main __________; they are hearing, smell, sight, touch and
A. feelings B. emotions C. senses D. tempers
23. Our players still fought courageously on the field ____________ the severe snowstorm.
A. therefore B. because of C. despite D. in spite
24. The Taylors ______ on a cruise around the Mediterranean to celebrate their 50th wedding
A. are going to B. will go C. are going D. go
25. “__________ was he driving when the accident happened?” – “About 60 kilometres an hour.”
A. How far B. How quick C. How fast D. How long
26. A: _________ do you think about that new Mexican restaurant? – B: Well, it’s okay I guess!
A. When B. Why C. What D. How
<IV> Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.
27. We like (A) playing (B) the basketball when we have (C) free time (D) in the summer.
28. It was not (A) until 2000 (B) when the scientists (C) found out the cause (D) of this disease.
29. (A) The comedian worked (B) hardly (C) to entertain the children (D) in the hospital.
30. This is the car (A) which its engine (B) uses only 4 liters (C) of petrol (D) per 100 kilometers.


<V> Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets
1. This meeting is not worth (listen) any more.
2. She warned the children _________ (not lean) their bicycle against her windows.
3. Most people don’t steal because they are afraid of (catch) __________.
4. The air-conditioning system (install) __________ before the first heat of the summer arrived.
5. Who (drive) __________ the car at the time of the accident?
<VI> Give the correct form of the words in brackets
1. I shall never forget the __________ (generous) shown by the people in that village.
2. I don't think our team is _______ (qualify) enough to compete in this tournament.
3. She comes from a very _______ (art) family, no wonder she’s really good at drawing.
4. Housework has ___________ (traditional) been regarded as women’s work.
<VII> Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged
1. The scientists are looking into this phenomenon.
This phenomenon
2. I did not understand the lesson yesterday. Therefore, I went to Mary’s house to study in group.
3. "I'll wait for the fisherman to return until it gets dark," the local man explained to me.
The local man explained to me that
4. It was such an expensive house that they couldn’t afford it.
The house was too
5. The good chef spent an hour cooking this meal.
It took
6. Olivia didn’t leave the office until everybody had gone home.
It was not until


<V> Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets
1. He stopped _________ (drink) when his doctor warned him about his stomach cancer.
2. I will get some students ____ (plant) a few young trees along the pavement.
3. I often lock the door when working because I don’t want ___________ (disturb).
1. She tells me that she ________ (write) with her left hand since her accident.
4. Neither the passengers nor the driver _________ (injure) in the crash yesterday. -
<VI> Give the correct form of the words in brackets
1. Van Cao is one of the most well-known (music) in Vietnam.
2. (fortunate),he did not know the answer to the last question.
3. There were many (technology) _____________ breakthroughs in the 20th century.
4. The film was (long) ______ to meet the producer’s requirement.
<VII> Rewrite the following sentences with the meaning unchanged.
1. They have to solve this problem as soon as possible.
This problem
2. She wanted to buy Christmas presents for her kids but she didn’t have enough money.
3. She said to her boyfriend, “Are you sure this man was a spy in the civil war?”
She asked
4. The restaurant is so expensive that we can’t eat in that restaurant.
That restaurant is too
5. It is a thirty-minute trip from my house to school.
It takes
6. I wasn't impressed by the way he acted before his latest movie, The Fighter.
It was not

C. LISTENING. Listen and choose the best answer A, B or C

1. When did Tom go to the concert ?
A.last week B.the night after C.last night
2. How many people were trying to get into the concert?
A.1,000 B.10,000 C.100
3. What time was the concert supposed to start?
A.8.50 B.8.15 C.7.30
4. It took them _____________ to get out of the car park.
A.about two hours B. more than two hours C. two hours
5. How did they feel after the concert?
A.satisfied B.funny C.unpleasant

 Girl:Hi, Tom! Did you have fun at the concert last night?
 Boy: Not really. The band, Black Metal, were brilliant when we finally saw them, but we had a few
problems at the venue.
 Girl:What happened?
 Boy: First of all, the queues were terrible! There were probably about 1,000 people trying to get in
and only three people checking the tickets!
 Girl:Did it take a long time, then?
 Boy: Ages! And when we got to the front of the queue, the woman who checked our tickets was very
 Girl:But you didn’t miss any of the concert?
 Boy: No. We were inside by 7.30, when it was supposed to start, but the band didn’t come on stage
until 8.15!
 Girl:The whole concert sounds very badly organised.


 Boy: It was. I’m definitely going to complain. And the worst part was that, when the concert was
over, it took us nearly two hours to get out of the car park! There were so many cars and, for some
reason, the organisers had closed all the exits except one!
 Girl:What a nightmare!
-- THE END –



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