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Management of Adult Hydrocephalus With

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: Long-term Single-
Institution Experience
G. Kesava Reddy, PhD, MHA* BACKGROUND: Ventriculoperitoneal shunting is the most widely used neurosurgical
Papireddy Bollam, MD* procedure for the management of hydrocephalus.
Runhua Shi, MD, PhD‡ OBJECTIVE: To evaluate our long-term single-institution experience in the management
Bharat Guthikonda, MD* of adult hydrocephalus patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts.
Anil Nanda, MD* METHODS: Adult patients who underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement for
hydrocephalus from October 1990 to October 2009 were included. Medical charts,
*Department of Neurosurgery and ‡Feist- operative reports, imaging studies, and clinical follow-up evaluations were reviewed and
Weiller Cancer Center, Louisiana State
analyzed retrospectively for clinical outcome in adult hydrocephalus patients.
University Health Sciences Center,
Shreveport, Louisiana RESULTS: A total of 683 adult patients were included in the study. The most common
etiologies of hydrocephalus include idiopathic (29%), tumors and cysts (20%), post-
craniotomy (13%), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (13%). The overall shunt failure rate
G. Kesava Reddy, PhD, MHA,
Assistant Professor of Research, was 32%, and the majority (74%) of shunt revisions occurred within the first 6 months.
Department of Neurosurgery, The median time to first shunt revision was 9.31 months. Etiology of hydrocephalus
Louisiana State University Health
showed a significant impact on the incidence of shunt revision/failure and on the median
Sciences Center–Shreveport,
1501 Kings Hwy, PO Box 33932, time to shunt revision. Similarly, the type of hydrocephalus had a significant effect on the
Shreveport, LA 71103-33932. incidence of shunt failure and the median time to shunt revision.
CONCLUSION: A large proportion of patients (32%) experience shunt failure after shunt
Received, January 20, 2010. placement for hydrocephalus. Although the overall incidence of shunt revision was
Accepted, March 10, 2011. comparable to previously reported studies, the fact that a large proportion of adult
Published Online, June 16, 2011.
populations with shunt placement experience shunt failure is a concern.
Copyright ª 2011 by the KEY WORDS: Cerebrospinal fluid shunts, Hydrocephalus, Shunt complication, Shunt failure, Shunt revision,
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Shunt surgery, Ventriculoperitoneal shunting

Neurosurgery 69:774–781, 2011 DOI: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e31821ffa9e

hunting of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) re- Therefore, each patient requires a personalized
mains one of the most common neurosur- diagnostic and treatment approach.
gical procedures for the management of Implantation of a ventriculoperitoneal (VP)
patients with hydrocephalus. It is considered to be shunt is the most widely used treatment for
a major province of neurosurgery, accounting for the management of hydrocephalus.2,3 Although
70 000 annual hospital admissions in the United VP shunting of CSF reduces the morbidity
States.1 Hydrocephalus represents a heterogeneous and mortality of hydrocephalus considerably, it is
group of disorders that span a wide range of associated with potential complications that may
ages, from newborn to adult, with varying degrees require multiple surgical procedures, as well as
of severity, chronicity, and physiological states. shunt revisions, during a patient’s lifespan.4 The
causes of shunt failure include infection, obstruc-
ABBREVIATIONS: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ICH, tion, overdrainage, and mechanical disconnection
intracranial hemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular or breakage.
hemorrhage; NPH, normal-pressure hydroceph- Earlier studies evaluated shunt-associated
alus; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; SDH, complications and shunt survival predominantly
subdural hemorrhage; VP, ventriculoperitoneal
in the pediatric hydrocephalus population; only
limited data are published in adult patients.4-7

774 | VOLUME 69 | NUMBER 4 | OCTOBER 2011

Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Similar to pediatric patients, adult patients with hydrocephalus

experience relatively high (29%) shunt failures requiring neu-
rosurgical interventions.6 The findings from long-term studies
show that 45% to 59% of all patients, regardless of age, expe-
rience shunt failures requiring a shunt revision with surgical
interventions.6,8 Thus, the treatment of hydrocephalus patients
with multiple VP shunt failures is a challenging problem in
neurosurgery. In the United States, revisions account for 48% of
all shunt-related procedures in hydrocephalus patients.1
Despite the significant advances in shunt technology and
treatment approaches in neurosurgery, the optimal management of
hydrocephalus in both pediatric and adult patients is yet to be
established. Specifically, the current shunting approaches seem to be
inadequate for alternative drainage of CSF in the management of
hydrocephalus. Except for normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH),
there is a paucity of literature and clinical studies pertaining spe-
cifically to the surgical management of adult hydrocephalus. Tra-
ditionally, the approaches offered for the management of adult
patients have been extrapolations of the experiences obtained from
treating pediatric patients.
Previous studies have shown that an increasing number of pre-
vious revisions and shorter time to first revision increase the risk of
shunt complications.4,9,10 The demographic factors that influence
shunt failures or the risk of shunt complications have yet to be fully
investigated. In this report, we retrospectively analyzed the patients
from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center–
Shreveport database over a 19-year period to examine the incidence
of VP shunt revision and its complication rates in adult patients. The
outcomes of this retrospective study may help to improve the sur-
gical management of hydrocephalus in adult patients.
FIGURE 1. Flowchart depicting the selection of patients for the study. ICH,
intracranial hemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; SAH, sub-
MATERIALS AND METHODS arachnoid hemorrhage; SDH, subdural hemorrhage.

The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center–Shreveport is

the primary neurosurgical referral center for the state of Louisiana. After
obtaining approval from the institutional review board, we compiled Shunt failure was defined as the presence of clinical or radiological signs or
a single institutional database (MD Analyze, Medtech Global Ltd., symptoms of shunt obstruction, breakage, malfunction, or infection leading
South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) of patients treated at Louisiana to shunt revision or replacement after the shunt insertion. Shunt mal-
State University Health Sciences Center–Shreveport between October function was further defined as the occurrence of symptoms in the presence
1990 and October 2009 with International Classification of Diseases, of elevated intracranial pressure, as detected with lumbar puncture, shunt
ninth revision, diagnostic codes for hydrocephalus. To comply with the tap, or neuroimaging evidence of ventricular enlargement. Infection was
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, confidentiality of defined as the occurrence of symptoms in the presence of a positive CSF
information was secured by the use of text encryption, password pro- culture obtained through lumbar puncture or shunt tap. The time to shunt
tection, and limited personnel involvement. failure was defined as the time from the date of shunt placement to the date
Patients $18 years of age who underwent primary shunt implantation of first shunt revision or failure. The patient diagnoses were grouped into
were included in the study. The details of the patients’ inclusion and the following 7 different categories: idiopathic; tumors/cysts; subarachnoid
exclusion and their selection for the study are summarized in Figure 1. For hemorrhage (SAH); postcraniotomy; posttraumatic; intracranial hemor-
the 19-year period, medical charts, operative reports, imaging studies, and rhage (ICH), subdural hemorrhage (SDH), or intraventricular hemorrhage
clinical follow-up evaluations were reviewed retrospectively for all adult (IVH); and other. The ‘‘other’’ category included congenital, aqueduct
hydrocephalus patients with surgical VP shunts. Information on each stenosis, meningitis, and spinal dysraphism.
patient, including age, sex, etiology of hydrocephalus, type of hydro-
cephalus, date of shunt placement, date of first and subsequent shunt Statistical Procedures
replacement or revisions, date of last follow-up, and cause of shunt The x2 test was used to compare the proportion of the variable of
malfunction or failure, was collected from patient records. interest among the categorical variables. The Student t test or analysis of
The primary outcome of interest was the overall shunt revision rate and variance was used to compare the continuous variables. The Kaplan-Meier
the median time to shunt failure or revision in adult hydrocephalus patients. method was used to estimate the time to shunt failure, and the log-rank


Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


test was used to compare the median time to shunt failure or revision in
adult patients with different etiologies and various hydrocephalus types. TABLE 2. Shunt Revisions by Etiology of Hydrocephalus in Adult
RESULTS Patients With Patients With
Patients Revision Revisions
In this retrospective study, a total of 1658 patients who un- (n = 683), (n = 221), in , 6 mo,
derwent shunting for hydrocephalus between October 1990 and Etiology n (%) n (%) n (%)
October 2009 were initially screened, and 683 adult patients with Idiopathic 201 (29) 36 (18) 18 (50)
VP shunt placement were included for the evaluation (Figure 1). Tumors/cyst 134 (20) 37 (28) 26 (70)
Of the 683 patients, 334 (49%) were male and 349 (51%) were Postcraniotomy 89 (13) 22 (25) 15 (68)
female. Approximately one-third of the patients were black, and SAH 83 (12) 39 (47) 35 (90)
two-thirds were white. Others represent ,1% of the total pa- Posttraumatic 62 (9) 29 (47) 24 (83)
tients included in the study. The median age of the patients was ICH/SDH/IVH 50 (7) 30 (60) 25 (83)
Other 64 (9) 28 (44) 20 (71)
55.6 years (range, 18.5-90.3 years; Table 1).
The most common etiologies of hydrocephalus in the patient a
ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; SAH, sub-
sample are presented in Table 2. These include idiopathic (29%), arachnoid hemorrhage; SDH, subdural hemorrhage.
tumors and cysts (20%), postcraniotomy (13%), SAH (12%),
posttraumatic (9%), ICH/SDH/IVH (7%), and other (9%). the 201 patients with idiopathic hydrocephalus, 36 (18%) had
The types of hydrocephalus in the patient sample are shown in shunt revision(s). Thirty-seven (28%) of the 134 patients with
Table 3. Of the 683 patients, 257 (38%) had communicating tumors/cysts, 22 (25%) of the 89 patients with postcraniotomy,
hydrocephalus, 125 (18%) had NPH, 289 (42%) had obstructive 39 (47%) of the 83 patients with SAH, 29 (47%) of the 62
hydrocephalus, and 12 (,2%) had other type of hydrocephalus. patients with posttraumatic, 30 (60%) of the 50 patients with
ICH/SDH/IVH, and 28 (44%) of the 64 patients with other
Shunt Revisions by Demographics etiology of hydrocephalus had shunt revision(s). Analysis with the
x2 test indicated that the incidence of shunt revision was sta-
Of the 683 patients with shunt placement, 221 (32%) expe- tistically significant among the 7 etiology groups (P , .001).
rienced $1 shunt failures requiring shunt revision(s). The in- Furthermore, most of the shunt revisions (50%-90%) occurred
cidence of shunt failure was similar between male and female (33% within the first 6 months of shunt placement, regardless of eti-
vs 32%) and between white and black (32% vs 33%) patients. Of ology. The incidence of shunt revisions within the first 6 months
the 221 patients with shunt failure, 163 (74%) had shunt of shunt placement was significantly lower in idiopathic hydro-
revision(s) within the first 6 months (Table 1). The incidence of cephalus compared with other etiology groups (P , .004).
shunt failure within the first 6 months of shunt placement was
similar in men and women (76% vs 72%; P . .05) and between Hydrocephalus Type and the Incidence of
whites and blacks (71% vs 81%; P . .05). Shunt Revisions
Etiology of Hydrocephalus and the Incidence of The incidence of shunt revision by hydrocephalus type is
Shunt Revisions presented in Table 3. Of the 257 patients with communicating
hydrocephalus, 94 (18%) experienced shunt revision requiring
The data in Table 2 show the incidence of shunt revision revision(s). In total, 107 (37%) of the 289 patients with
according to the etiology of hydrocephalus in adult patients. Of obstructive hydrocephalus, 15 (12%) of the 125 patients with
NPH, and 5 (42%) of the 12 patients with other hydrocephalus
experienced shunt revision. Analysis with the x2 test revealed that
TABLE 1. Demographics of Patients With Ventriculoperitoneal
Shunt Placement for the Management of Hydrocephalus
Patients With Patients With TABLE 3. Shunt Revisions by Hydrocephalus Type in Adult
Patients, Revision, Revisions in ,6 mo, Patients
Demographics n (%) n (%) n (%) P
Patients With Patients With
Total patients 683 (100) 221 (32) 163 (74)
Patients Revision Revisions in ,6 mo
Sex ..5
Hydrocephalus (n = 683), (n = 221), (n = 163),
Male 334 (49) 111 (33) 84 (76)
Type n (%) n (%) n (%)
Female 349 (51) 110 (32) 79 (72)
Ethnicity ..5 Communicative 257 (38) 94 (37) 72 (77)
White 478 (70) 153 (32) 108 (71) Normal pressure 125 (18) 15 (12) 6 (40)
Black 201 (29) 67 (33) 54 (81) Obstructive 289 (42) 107 (37) 81 (76)
Other 4 (1) 1 1 Other 12 (,2) 5 (42) 4 (80)

776 | VOLUME 69 | NUMBER 4 | OCTOBER 2011

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the incidence of shunt revision was statistically significant among revisions owing to infection. Overdrainage of CSF accounted for
the patients with 4 hydrocephalus types (P , .001). About 76% the need for shunt revision(s) in 28 patients. Of the 28 patients,
to 80% of shunt revisions occurred within the first 6 months of 16 (57%) had a single shunt revision and 12 (43%) had multiple
shunt placement in patients with communicating, obstructive, revisions resulting from overdrainage. The findings on shunt
and other hydrocephalus types. In contrast, 60% of the shunt revisions within the first 6 months of shunt placement revealed
revisions occurred after 6 months of the shunt placement in that a higher proportion of cases (more than two-thirds of cases)
patients with NPH. Thus, the incidence of shunt revisions within with various causes of complications experienced shunt revisions
6 months of shunt placement differed statistically among the (Table 4).
patients with the 4 hydrocephalus types (P , .02).
Time to First Shunt Failure or Revision
Common Reasons for Shunt Revisions The results on the median time to first shunt failure or revision
Table 4 lists the most common reasons for shunt revisions in in adult hydrocephalus patients are summarized in Table 5 and in
adult patients with hydrocephalus. A total of 751 shunt revisions Figures 2 through 5. The overall median time to first shunt failure
occurred in 221 patients resulting from either complications such was 9.31 months (range, 6.2-14.1 months). No statistical dif-
as obstruction, infection, overdrainage, or other reasons for shunt ferences in median time to first shunt failure were noted between
complications. Shunt revision(s) resulting from obstruction the male and female patients or by ethnicity (P . .05, log-rank
occurred in 76 patients. Of these 76 patients, 28 (43%) had test). Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that the median time to
a single shunt revision, and the remaining 53 (70%) had multiple shunt failure differed significantly between the patients in the
revisions owing to shunt obstruction. Infection accounted for 7 etiology groups (P , .001, log-rank test; Figure 4). Patients
a total of 41 shunt revision(s). Of the 41 patients, 32 (78%) with ICH/SDH/IVH had a shortest median time to first shunt
patients had a single shunt revision and 9 (22%) had multiple failure compared with other etiologies of hydrocephalus. Simi-
larly, the median time to shunt failure differed significantly
between the patients with the 4 hydrocephalus types (P , .001,
log-rank test; Figure 5). Patients with NPH had a longer median
TABLE 4. Revisions by Complication or Type of Revision Procedure time to first shunt failure compared with other hydrocephalus
in Adult Patients With Hydrocephalusa types.
Revision Revision Patients
Total With With With
Revisions Single Multiple Revisions
(n = 751), Occurrence, Occurrences, in ,6 mo,
Complication n (%)a n (%) n (%) n (%)
TABLE 5. Median Time to First Shunt Revision in Adult
Infection 41 (5.5) 32 (78) 9 (22) 29 (71) Hydrocephalus Patients (n = 683)a
Overdrainage 28 (3.7) 16 (57) 12 (43) 22 (79)
Median Time (Range) to First
Obstruction 76 (10.1) 48 (63) 28 (37) 53 (70)
Variable Shunt Revision, mo P
Proximal 86 (11.5) 65 (76) 21 (24) 62 (72)
shunt Sex ..05
complications Male 7.8 (5.4-16.0)
Distal 50 (6.7) 42 (84) 8 (16) 32 (64) Female 12.5 (5.5-NR)
shunt Race ..05
complications White 8.1 (5.4-20.1)
Externalization 39 (5.2) 34 (87) 5 (13) 28 (72) Black 10.0 (5.5-NR)
Shunt 134 (17.8) 109 (81) 25 (19) 97 (72) Etiology ,.001
complication Idiopathic .9.3 (8.1-NR)
Old shunt 131 (17.4) 114 (87) 17 (13) 99 (76) Tumors/cyst 6.2 (4.7-NR)
system Postcraniotomy 20.14 (3.0-20.1)
replacement SAH 0.53 (0.18 -12.0)
Adjustment 19 (2.5) 18 (95%) 1 (5) 13 (68) Posttraumatic 1.56 (0.20-16.0)
Valve 70 (9.3) 68 (97) 2 (3) 48 (66) ICH/SDH/IVH 0.35 (0.12-3.0)
replacement Other 4.6 (0.90-25.9)
Bactiseal 15 (2.0) 13 (87) 2 (13) 11 (73) Hydrocephalus type ,.001
catheter Communicating 7.8 (3.8-14.1)
Shunt 62 (8.3) 56 (90) 6 (10) 41 (66) Normal pressure .18.6 (8.1-NR)
system Obstructive 5.9 (3.1-16.0)
removal Other 3.1 (0.03-3.1)
a a
A total of 751 shunt revisions occurred owing to various causes/complications in ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NR, not reached;
221 patients. SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; SDH, subdural hemorrhage.


Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


FIGURE 4. Analysis of shunt survival in adult hydrocephalus patients ac-

FIGURE 2. Analysis of shunt survival in adult hydrocephalus patients ac- cording to etiology. Kaplan-Meier plot demonstrates significant differences in
cording to sex. Kaplan-Meier plot shows no statistical differences in the the median time to shunt failure between the different etiologies in adult
median time to first shunt failure between male and female patients (log-rank hydrocephalus patients (log-rank test, P , .001). ICH, intracranial hemor-
test, P . .05). rhage; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage;
SDH, subdural hemorrhage.

our institution from October 1990 to October 2009. Specifically,
The management of hydrocephalus primarily involves the di- the study examined the incidence of shunt revision by sex, race,
version of CSF through shunts. Although CSF shunting provides etiology of hydrocephalus, type of hydrocephalus, and various
an improved neurological outcome, shunt devices have a high causes of shunt revisions in adult patients. To the best of our
propensity to malfunction, leading to shunt removal, replacement, knowledge, this is the largest study evaluating the management of
or revision.3,4 The causes for shunt malfunction include shunt hydrocephalus involving a cohort of 683 adult patients from
infection, overdrainage, obstruction, distal catheter migration, a single institution.
shunt disconnection, and wound breakdown involving shunt, This study is subject to a number of important limitations. It is
which can occur either alone or in any combination. a retrospective study that explores the clinical outcome in adult
In this study, we retrospectively evaluated the 683 adult pa- hydrocephalus patients after shunt placement. Thus, this study has
tients who underwent VP shunt placement for hydrocephalus at limitations inherent to its retrospective design. First, diagnostic and

FIGURE 3. Analysis of shunt survival in adult hydrocephalus patients ac- FIGURE 5. Analysis of shunt survival according to hydrocephalus type in adult
cording to ethnicity. Kaplan-Meier plot shows no statistical differences in the patients. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicates significant differences in the median
median time to first shunt failure between black and white patients (log-rank time to shunt failure between the 4 hydrocephalus types (log rank test,
test, P . .05). P , .001). NPH, normal-pressure hydrocephalus.

778 | VOLUME 69 | NUMBER 4 | OCTOBER 2011

Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


therapeutic procedures did not follow a predefined scheme, which a multicenter randomized endoscopic shunt insertion trial, Kestle
may have biased the interpretation of the results; in particular, the et al17 observed that endoscopic insertion of the initial shunt did
variables included in this study could not be analyzed in a con- not reduce the incidence of shunt failure compared with non-
trolled way. Although a uniform technique for VP shunt placement endoscopic insertion of the initial shunt in pediatric hydrocephalus
was used, the overall treatment was chosen by a number of neu- patients. A multicenter randomized shunt design trial conducted in
rosurgeons and residents under training. Therefore, many of these 12 North American and European centers demonstrated that
variables included in this retrospective study are dependent on the shunt design had no significant impact on the time to first shunt
decisions of individual neurosurgeons and surgical procedures failure in hydrocephalus patients.18
involved for the shunt placement. It is theoretically possible that An analysis of our findings does not show significant differ-
the study results could be affected by the different criteria of ences in shunt placement or shunt revision rates between men
different surgeons for performing shunt placement or shunt re- and women and between whites and blacks (Table 1). In addi-
operation. Nevertheless, we believe that our retrospective analysis is tion, our results show that neither sex nor ethnicity had an impact
valuable and has several strengths. Importantly, this analysis in- on shunt revision rate within the first 6 months of shunt
cludes a large population of adult patients over a 19-year period. placement. A recent report by Farahmand et al9 indicates that sex
We were able to evaluate long-term shunt survival and the impact has no significant impact on the incidence of shunt revision rate
of the etiology and type of hydrocephalus on shunt failure in adult within the first 6 months of shunt placement. Similarly, others
hydrocephalus patients. The other strength of the study is the in- have shown that ethnicity was not associated with shunt revision
depth standardized approach that we undertook to investigate in patients with hydrocephalus.4
shunt complications such as infection, obstruction, overdrainage, The results of the study reveal that the etiology of the hydro-
and other mechanical complications, which demonstrated a de- cephalus seems to have some relation to shunt revision rate in adult
tailed picture of causes for shunt failure in adult neurosurgical patients. Although the study is not focused primarily on examining
patients. However, randomized prospective studies are needed to the effect of the specific etiology, x2 analysis indicated that the
better evaluate risk factors that contribute to shunt failure in adult patients with ICH/SDH/IVH had a higher incidence of shunt
hydrocephalus patients. revision and a shorter median time to shunt failure. In contrast,
It is well established that adult patients with hydrocephalus patients who underwent shunt insertion for other etiologies, in-
have far fewer shunt failures than pediatric patients, with reported cluding SAH, posttraumatic, tumors/cysts, and postcraniotomy,
shunt failure rates of 18% to 29% for adult hydrocephalus had a lower incidence of shunt revision and a relatively longer
patients4,5,7,11 compared with 44.3% to 81% for pediatric hy- median time to shunt failure. Similar findings have been reported
drocephalus patients.12-14 In addition, earlier studies have shown recently by our group in pediatric hydrocephalus patients.19,20
an overall 10-year shunt failure rate of 30% to 40% and that However, further studies are required to evaluate the precise re-
shunt failures most commonly occur within 6 months post- lationship between the incidence of shunt revision and specific
operatively in pediatric patients. The results from this study show etiology of hydrocephalus in adult patients.
that the overall incidence of shunt revision was 32% in adult An analysis of shunt revisions in relation to hydrocephalous
hydrocephalus patients. Although the observed incidence of type indicated that obstructive hydrocephalus was the most
shunt revision in adult hydrocephalus patients is marginally common accompanying diagnosis, followed by communicating
higher in the present study, our results are closely comparable to hydrocephalus and NPH, in adult patients. Among adult
those reported previously.4,15 Recently, Wu et al4 reported that patients, both communicating and obstructive hydrocephalus
adult hydrocephalus patients experienced a 27% shunt compli- patients showed similar incidence of shunt revisions and shorter
cation rate requiring revision after shunt surgery. More recently, median time to shunt revision, whereas NPH patients had much
we reported that 52 (28%) of 187 patients with intracranial lower shunt revision incidence and longer median time to shunt
tumors experienced $1 shunt revisions after shunt placement for revision. Conversely, the shunt revision rate within the first
hydrocephalus.16 Similarly, it has previously been shown that 102 6 months after shunt insertion was significantly higher in com-
(29%) of 356 adult patients experienced $1 shunt revisions after municating and obstructive hydrocephalus patients than in NPH
shunt placement for hydrocephalus.15 However, Lund-Johansen patients. Further studies are needed to explain these discrepancies
et al7 have shown that 17 (18%) of 95 adult patients required in the revision rates and median time to first shunt revision
shunt revisions for hydrocephalus. among various types of hydrocephalus in adult patients.
The higher incidence of shunt revision observed in the present Infection, obstruction, and overdrainage are major causes of
study could be explained in different ways. Shunt infection, ob- shunt malfunction resulting in shunt revision in hydrocephalus
struction, overdrainage, and mechanical shunt complications are patients. Many of these complications are believed to be directly
the major contributors to shunt revision in hydrocephalus patients. related to surgical procedure and patient management. Therefore,
Moreover, shunt design, valve type, and shunt material may play in this study, we evaluated these major causes and other compli-
a role in shunt survival in these patients. To optimize shunt sur- cations in relation to shunt revision in adult hydrocephalus
vival, studies evaluated the surgical procedures and shunt valve patients. Our results show that shunt infection accounted for 5.5%
types in prospective randomized trials in hydrocephalus patients. In of total revisions, whereas shunt obstruction and overdrainage


Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


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Disclosure Strata valve in the management of shunt overdrainage. J Neurosurg.
The authors have no personal financial or institutional interest in any of the 2007;106(2)(suppl):95-102.
drugs, materials, or devices described in this article.
We acknowledge that Dr Anil Nanda received authorship as a contributing
1. Bondurant CP, Jimenez DF. Epidemiology of cerebrospinal fluid shunting. author for the article for his generosity in providing resources such as database to
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T he authors provide a detailed retrospective view of their practice at
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analysis of 407 patients. Surg Neurol. 2005;63(1):36-41. those reported in the pediatric population. Other publications with

780 | VOLUME 69 | NUMBER 4 | OCTOBER 2011

Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


smaller numbers confirm this observation. The reasons for these failure
rates are not clear from such a study. The authors note that etiology may
play a role in shunt revisions, but these conclusions are difficult to
T his is a retrospective chart review of adult patients who had ven-
triculoperitoneal shunts. The purpose was to determine risk factors
for shunt failure and to obtain natural history data. The findings were
validate because of limitations in study design. It seems that patients with that adult shunts fail with a pattern similar to that of pediatric patients.
intracranial hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, or subdural The use of navigation and programmable shunts had no effect, as has
hemorrhage have higher shunt failure rates, but the reason for this been reported with children. The only factor that predicted outcome was
finding is unclear. Overall, this study should stimulate a greater effort to etiology of the hydrocephalus: as one would expect, patients with in-
study shunt failure in adults in a prospective manner. Although ran- traventricular hemorrhage failed with increased frequency, presumably
domized studies in children have not generally shown benefit from newer because the cerebrospinal fluid was filled with debris. Normal-pressure
tools such as endoscopic placement or programmable shunts, there is hydrocephalus patients failed with less frequency, presumably because
a great deal to be gained by studying ways to reduce shunt failure rates. many of them were probably not shunt dependent.
Nalin Gupta Leslie N. Sutton
San Francisco, California Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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