Kalviexpress csTRB-Model Exam - III - Without Key

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1. Write Through technique is used in which memory for updating the data
(A) Virtual memory (B) Main memory (C) Auxiliary memory (D) Cache memory

2. Generally Dynamic RAM is used as main memory in a computer system as it

(A) Consumes less power (B) has higher speed
(C) has lower cell density (D) needs refreshing circuitary

3. In signed-magnitude binary division, if the dividend is (11100) 2 and divisor is

(10011) 2 then the result is
(A) (00100) 2 (B) (10100) 2 (C) (11001) 2 (D) (01100) 2

4. Virtual memory consists of

(A) Static RAM (B) Dynamic RAM (C) Magnetic memory (D) None of these

5. In a program using subroutine call instruction, it is necessary

(A) initialise program counter (B) Clear the accumulator
(C) Reset the microprocessor (D) Clear the instruction register

6. A Stack-organised Computer uses instruction of

(A) Indirect addressing (B) Two-addressing
(C) Zero addressing (D) Index addressing

7. If the main memory is of 8K bytes and the cache memory is of 2K words. It uses
associative mapping. Then each word of cache memory shall be

(A) 11 bits (B) 21 bits (C) 16 bits (D) 20 bits

8. A-Flip Flop can be converted into T-Flip Flop by using additional logic circuit
(A) n TQD =• (B) T D = (C) D = T . Q n (D) n TQD =?

9. Logic X-OR operation of (4ACO) H & (B53F) H results

(A) AACB (B) 0000 (C) FFFF (D) ABCD

10. When CPU is executing a Program that is part of the Operating System, it is said to be in
(A) Interrupt mode (B) System mode (C) Half mode (D) Simplex mode

11. Which operating system doesn’t support networking between computers?*

a. Windows 3.1 b. Windows 95 c. Windows 2000 d. Windows NT

12. Which Operating System doesn’t support networking between computers?*

a. Windows 3.1 b. Windows 95 c. Windows 2000 d. Windows NT
13. Which of the following does not support more than one program at a time?*
a. DOS b. Linux c. Windows d. Unix
14. Which of the following is not an operating system?*
a. DOS b. Linux c. Windows d. Oracle
15. Linux is a(n) … operating system*
a. Open source b. Microsoft c. Windows d. Mac
16. Which operating system can you give smallest file name?*
a. Ps/2 b. Dos c. Windows d. Windows NT


17. Which one is not operating system?*
a. P11 b. OS/2 c. Windows d. Unix

18. Which of the following is not a multitasking operating system?

a. Windows b. Linux c. Win NT d. DOS

19. You should choose Sleep option when

a. The computer is tired after working for the whole day
b. You are leaving for a very short time and want to resume you work shortly
c. When computer gets hanged frequently. Let it sleep for some time
d. You finish working and going to bed

20. The …. displays the name of every computer user on the computer*
a. Wish list screen b. Command screen c. Welcome screen d. None of the above

21. Binary coded decimal is a combination of __________

a) Two binary digits b) Three binary digits c) Four binary digits d) Five binary digits

22. The decimal number 10 is represented in its BCD form as __________

a) 10100000 b) 01010111 c) 00010000 d) 00101011

23. Add the two BCD numbers: 1001 + 0100 = ?

a) 10101111 b) 01010000 c) 00010011 d) 00101011

24. Carry out BCD subtraction for (68) – (61) using 10’s complement method.
a) 00000111 b) 01110000 c) 100000111 d) 011111000

25. Code is a symbolic representation of __________ information.
a) Continuous b) Discrete c) Analog d) Both continuous and discrete

26. When numbers, letters or words are represented by a special group of symbols, this
process is called __________
a) Decoding b) Encoding c) Digitizing d) Inverting

27. A three digit decimal number requires ________ for representation in the conventional
BCD format.
a) 3 bits b) 6 bits c) 12 bits d) 24 bits

28. How many bits would be required to encode decimal numbers 0 to 9999 in straight
binary codes?
a) 12 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18

29. The excess-3 code for 597 is given by __________

a) 100011001010 b) 100010100111 c) 010110010111 d) 010110101101

30. The decimal equivalent of the excess-3 number 110010100011.01110101 is __________

a) 970.42 b) 1253.75 c) 861.75 d) 1132.87

31. Which data structure is used in breadth first search of a graph to hold nodes?*
A) Stack B) queue C) Tree D) Array

32. Identify the data structure which allows deletions at both ends of the list but insertion at
only one end.
A) Input restricted dequeue B) Output restricted qequeue C) Priority queues D) Stack

33. Which of the following data structure is non linear type?*
A) Strings B) Lists C) Stacks D) Graph

34. Which of the following data structure is linear type?

A) Graph B) Trees C) Binary tree D) Stack

35. To represent hierarchical relationship between elements, Which data structure is

A) Dequeue B) Priority C) Tree D) Graph

36. A directed graph is ………………. if there is a path from each vertex to every other
vertex in the digraph.
A) Weakly connected B) Strongly Connected C) Tightly Connected D) Linearly Connected

37. In the …………….. traversal we process all of a vertex’s descendants before we move to
an adjacent vertex.
A) Depth First B) Breadth First C) With First D) Depth Limited

38. State True of False.

i) Network is a graph that has weights or costs associated with it.
ii) An undirected graph which contains no cycles is called a forest.
iii) A graph is said to be complete if there is no edge between every pair of vertices.
A) True, False, True B) True, True, False C) True, True, True D) False, True, True

39. Match the following.

a) Completeness i) How long does it take to find a solution
b) Time Complexity ii) How much memory need to perform the search.

c) Space Complexity
when there in one.
A) a-iii, b-ii, c-I
iii) Is the strategy guaranteed to find the solution

B) a-i, b-ii, c-iii C) a-iii, b-i, c-ii D) a-i, b-iii, c-ii

40. The number of comparisons done by sequential search is ………………

A) (N/2)+1 B) (N+1)/2 C) (N-1)/2 D) (N+2)/2

41. In ……………, search start at the beginning of the list and check every element in the
A) Linear search B) Binary search C) Hash Search D) Binary Tree search

42. State True or False.

i) Binary search is used for searching in a sorted array.
ii) The time complexity of binary search is O(logn).
A) True, False B) False, True C) False, False D) True, True

43. Which of the following is not the internal sort?

A) Insertion Sort B) Bubble Sort C) Merge Sort D) Heap Sort

44. State True or False.

i) An undirected graph which contains no cycles is called forest.
ii) A graph is said to be complete if there is an edge between every pair of vertices.
A) True, True B) False, True C) False, False D) True, False

45. A graph is said to be ……………… if the vertices can be split into two sets V1 and V2
such there are no edges between two vertices of V1 or two vertices of V2.
A) Partite B) Bipartite C) Rooted D) Bisects

46. Which is private member functionswww.kalviexpress.in

access scope?
a) Member functions which can only be used within the class
b) Member functions which can used outside the class
c) Member functions which are accessible in derived class
d) Member functions which can’t be accessed inside the class

47. Which among the following is true?

a) The private members can’t be accessed by public members of the class
b) The private members can be accessed by public members of the class
c) The private members can be accessed only by the private members of the class
d) The private members can’t be accessed by the protected members of the class

48. Which member can never be accessed by inherited classes?

a) Private member function b) Public member function
c) Protected member function d) All can be accessed

49. Which syntax among the following shows that a member is private in a class?
a) private: functionName(parameters) b) private(functionName(parameters))
c) private functionName(parameters) d) private::functionName(parameters)

50. If private member functions are to be declared in C++ then _____________

a) private: b) private c) private(private member list) d) private :- <private members>

51. In java, which rule must be followed?

a) Keyword private preceding list of private member’s
b) Keyword private with a colon before list of private member’s
c) Keyword private with arrow before each private member

d) Keyword private preceding each private member

52. How many private member functions are allowed in a class ?

a) Only 1 b) Only 7 c) Only 255 d) As many as required

53. How to access a private member function of a class?

a) Using object of class b) Using object pointer
c) Using address of member function d) Using class address

54. Private member functions ____________

a) Can’t be called from enclosing class
b) Can be accessed from enclosing class
c) Can be accessed only if nested class is private
d) Can be accessed only if nested class is public

55. Which function among the following can’t be accessed outside the class in java in same
a) public void show() b) void show() c) protected show() d) static void show()

56. If private members are to be called outside the class, which is a good alternative?
a) Call a public member function which calls private function
b) Call a private member function which calls private function
c) Call a protected member function which calls private function
d) Not possible


57. Which error will be produced if private members are accessed?
a) Can’t access private message b) Code unreachable
c) Core dumped d) Bad code

58. Can main() function be made private?

a) Yes, always b) Yes, if program doesn’t contain any classes
c) No, because main function is user defined d) No, never

59. If a function in java is declared private then it __________________

a) Can’t access the standard output b) Can access the standard output
c) Can’t access any output stream d) Can access only the output streams

60. The explicit keyword is an optional decoration for the constructors that takes
a. No argument b. Two c. Three d. One

61. Which of the following statements are not true about destructor?
1. It is invoked when object goes out of the scope
2. Like constructor, it can also have parameters
3. It can be virtual
4. It can be declared in private section
5. It bears same name as that of the class and precedes Lambda sign.
a. Only 2, 3, 5 b. Only 2, 3, 4 c. Only 2, 4, 5 d. Only 3, 4, 5

62. Assume class TEST. Which of the following statements is/are responsible to invoke
copy constructor?
a. TEST T2(T1) b. TEST T4 = T1 c. T2 = T1 d. both a and b e. All of these

63. A Constructor that does not have any parameters is called____________ Constructor.
a. Custom b. Dynamic c. Static d. Default

64. Which of the followings are true about constructors?

1. A class can have more than one constructor.
2. They can be inherited.
3. Their address can be referred.
4. Constructors cannot be declared in protected section of the class.
5. Constructors cannot return values.
a. Only 1,2,4 b. 1,2,4,5 c. 1,3,5 d. 1,4,5

65. If default constructor is not defined, then how the objects of the class will be created?
a. The compiler will generate error
b. Error will occur at run-time.
c. Compiler provides its default constructor to build the object.
d. None of these

66. Which of the following keywords is used beside the select clause to explicitly specify
that duplicates are not removed?
a) all b) not unique c) notnull d) include

67. Which of the following logical connectives is not included in SQL?

a) and b) or c) nor d) not

68. The where clause is a predicate involving attributes of the relation in the ______ clause.
a) select b) from c) with d) none of the mentioned

69. select distinct dept_name from institute; What does the above query do?
a) It gives all the tuples having a distinct dept_name
b) It gives the dept_name attribute values of all tuples without repetition
c) It gives all the dept_name attribute of all the tuples
d) It gives all the tuples having a null value under the dept_name attribute

70. What does the following query do?

select name, ID, branch
from student, department
where student.branch = department.branch;
a) It gives all values of name, ID, branch from both the relations only if all those attributes are
present in both
b) It gives all values of name, ID, branch from their respective relations
c) It gives the values of name, ID, branch from their respective relations where the values in
the branch attribute are same
d) It gives the values of name, ID, branch from their respective relations where all the values
are matching with each other

71. The ________ clause is used to list the attributes desired in the result of a query
a) select b) from c) where d) create

72. If we specify multiple relations in the from clause and do not specify any conditions in
the where clause, what will the result be?
a) The natural join of both the relations b) The left outer join of both the relations
c) A syntactical error d) The Cartesian product of both the relations

73. What does the natural join operation do?

a) It considers only those pairs of tuples that have the same value on those attributes that
appear in the schemas of both relations
b) It considers only those pairs of tuples that have the same value on at least one of the
attributes that appear in the schemas of both the relations
c) It considers only those pairs of tuples that do not have the same value on those attributes
that appear in the schemas of both relations
d) None of the mentioned

74. Observe the following query and choose the correct option. select name, ID from
student natural join department natural join section
a) The query is syntactically wrong because there is no where clause
b) The query is syntactically wrong because there are more than one attributes in the select
c) The query is syntactically wrong because more than one relations are included in the natural
join operation
d) The query is correct
75. What is the function of the union operation?
a) It combines the results of any two different queries
b) It combines the results of two different queries which have the same set of attributes in the
select clause
c) It combines the results of two different queries which have the same condition in the where
d) It gives the Cartesian product of the results of any 2 queries

76. User interface which uses both menus technique and forms is classified as
A. defined user interface B. host user interface
B. query user interface D. graphical user interface

77. Popular technique in Web-based user interfaces are
A. unstructured host manner B. pull-down menus
C. pull-up options D. structured host manner

78. Diagrams in unified modified language which includes executable component,

interfaces and dependency relationships are called
A. object diagrams B. package diagrams C.deployment diagrams D.component diagrams

79. If high level data manipulation language is used in standalone interface manner then
this language is considered as
A. host language B. sublanguage C. query language D. scheming language

80. Which of the following instrumentation tool displays the real-time parameters of your
application in a visual form in AppBase?
A. Security Roles Management B. Dashboard Designer
C. Report Builder D. None of the Above

81. Choose the suitable question to identify the BPM opportunity.

A. What are the past process initiatives?
B. Has the organization adopted SOA?
C. What architecture does the organization have?
D. What services ae provided?

82. Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing
A. Employee satisfaction B. Potential cost reduction

C. Information sensitivity D. All of the above

83. ………………is used to create content-rich output from Word/Excel templates or PDF
A. Conga App B. Conga Merge C. Google Conga D. Merge Conga\

84. Which of the following lets you sort, aggregate, display, and format report information
based on the data in your application?
A. Presentation Builder B. Report Builder
C. Dashboard Designer D. Business Objects Build

85. ……………..turns a standard 1U server into an infinite capacity network attached

storage (NAS) file accessible by popular applications and immediately integrates into
an organizations existing archive and backup processes
A. Nirvanix Storage Delivery Network (SDN) B. Nirvanix Software Delivery Network (SDN)
C. Nirvanix Storage Data Network (SDN) D. Nirvanix Storage Direct Network (SDN)
86. Which of the following is correct?
A. Squarespace is used in major Websites and organizes vast amounts of information
B. LongJump creates browser-based web applications that are database-enabled
C. LongJump extends Python and uses a Model-View-Controller architecture (MVC) for its
D. All of the above
87. The ………….. is a tool that leverages the complete virtualization of servers, storage,
and networking to move an entire running virtual machine instataneouly from one
server to another.
A. VMotion B. VM Motion C. VMotion ESX D. VMWare ESX

88. …………… is a growing set of recommended practices and technologies to manage
data more efficiently and effectively.
A) Information Lifecycle Monitoring B) Intermediate Labour Management
C) Information Lifecycle Management D) Intermediate Labour Monitoring

89. What category is termed to display customer services over multiple cloud platforms?
A) Cloud service intermediation B) Cloud service arbitrage
C) Cloud delivery D) Cloud aggregation

90. Point out the wrong statement:

A) LongJump comes with a security policy engine that has user and group privileges
B) Squarespace lets you create beautiful hosted Websites with a variety of capabilities with
visual tools alone
C) LongJump is WYSIWYG editor
D) None of the above

91. In HTML document the tags

a. Should be written in upper case b. should be written in lower case
c. should be written in proper case d. can be written in both uppercase or lowercase

92. Marquee is a tag in HTML to*

a. mark the list of items to maintain inqueue b. Mark the text so that it is hidden in browser
c. Display text with scrolling effect d. None of above

93. There are ____ different of heading tags in HTML*

a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

94. To create a blank line in your web page*
a. press Enter two times b. press Shift + Enter c. insert <BR> tag d. insert <BLINE>

95. Which of the following is not a style tag?*

a. <b> b. <tt> c. <i> d. All of above are style tags

96. Which of the following HTML code is valid?*

a. <font colour=”red”> b. <font color=”red”> c. <red><font> d. All of above are style tags

97. Which of the following is an attribute related to font tag?*

a. size b. face c. color d. All of above are style tags

98. HTML supports*

a. ordered lists b. unordered lists c. both type of lists d. does not support those types

99. Which of the following is not a valid alignment attribute?*

a. Left b. Right c. Top d. All of above

100. Which attribute you’ll use with TD tag to merge two cells horizontally?*
a. merge=colspan2 b. rowspan=2 c. colspan=2 d. merge=row2

101. A webpage displays a picture. What tag was used to display that picture?*
a. picture b. mage c. img d. src

102. <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold?*
a. <strong> b. <dar> c. <black> d. <emp>

103. Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page?*
a. <hr> b. <line> c. <line direction=”horizontal”> d. <tr>

104. What should be the first tag in any HTML document?*

a. <head> b. <title> c. <html> d. <document>

105. Which tag allows you to add a row in a table?*

a. <td> and </td> b. <cr> and </cr> c. <th> and </th> d. <tr> and </tr>

106. How can you make a bulleted list?*

a. <list> b. <nl> c. <ul> d. <ol>

107. How can you make a numbered list?*

a. <dl> b. <ol> c. <list> d. <ul>

108. How can you make an e-mail link?*

a. <a href=”xxx@yyy”> b. <mail href=”xxx@yyy”>
c. <mail>xxx@yyy</mail> d. <a href=”mailto:xxx@yyy”>

109. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic*

a. <ii> b. <italics> c. <italic> d. <i>

110. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold?*

a. <b> b. <bold> c. <bb> d. <bld>

111. If a datagram router goes down then …………..

(A) all packets will suffer
(B) only those packets which are queued in the router at that time will suffer
(C) only those packets which are not queued in the router at that time will suffer
(D) no packets will suffer

112. In datagram subnet new route is chosen …………………*

(A) for every packet sent (B) for all the packet sent
(C) only for the first packet (D) for the packet which is not transmitted

113. The PSTN is an example of a ………………… network.*

(A) packet switched (B) circuit switched (C) message switched (D) None of these

114. Each packet is routed independently in ……………….*

(A) virtual circuit subnet (B) short circuit subnet
(C) datagram subnet (D) ATM subnet
115. For a connection oriented service, we need a ……………*
(A) virtual circuit subnet (B) short circuit subnet
(C) datagram subnet (D) wireless subnet

116. In …………… circuit switching, delivery of data is delayed because data must be
stored and retrieved from RAM.*
(A) space division (B) time division (C) virtual (D) None of these

117. In ……………., each packet of a message need not follow the same path from sender to
(A) circuit switching (B) message switching
(C) virtual approach to packet switching (D) datagram approach to packet switching

118. In ………………, each packet ofwww.kalviexpress.in

a message follows the same path from sender to
(A) circuit switching (B) message switching
(C) virtual approach to packet switching (D) datagram approach to packet switching

119. A permanent virtual circuit involves ……………..*

(A) Connection establishment (B) Data transfer
(C) Connection release (D) Connection check

120. Adaptive routing algorithms get their information from ………….*

(A) only from local environment (B) only from adjacent routers
(C) from locally, adjacent, external routers (D) only from external routers

121. In Hierarchical routing for N router subnet, the optimal number of levels is …………..*
(A) logN (B) log(N -1) (C) lnN (D) ln(N-1)

122. The router algorithm takes the decision to changes the route when ……………..*
(A) router changes (B) topology changes
(C) user changes (D) transmission time does not change

123. If route from router I to router J is computed on line based on the current statistics,
then it is called as ………………..*
(A) Dynamic routing (B) Session routing (C) Temporary routing (D) None of these

124. …………….. change their routing decisions to reflect changes in the topology.*
(A) Nonadaptive algorithms (B) Adaptive algorithms
(C) Static algorithms (D) Recursive algorithms

125. If router J is on the optimal path from router I to router K, then the path from J to K
along the same route is ………………*
(A) does not exist (B) optimal (C) maximum (D) constant

126. If router J is on the optimal path from router I to router K, then the optimal path from J
to K also falls along the same route is known as………………..*
(A) Routing principle (B) Optimality principle (C) Sink tree principle (D) Network principle

127. The method of network routing where every possible path between transmitting and
receiving DTE is used is called ……………*
(A) Random Routing (B) Packet Flooding (C) Directory Routing (D) Message Switching

128. In Hierarchical routing, the routers are divided into what is called as ……………..*
(A) zones (B) Cells (C) Regions (D) None of these

129. The regions in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to ……………..*

(A) Clusters (B) Zones (C) Blocks (D) Cells

130. The Clusters in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to ………………*

(A) Clusters (B) Zones (C) Blocks (D) Cells


131. Match the following A B C D
A. Madras Medical College 1. 1841 a. 2 1 3 4
B. Chennai Presidency School 2. 1840 b. 1 2 4 3
C. Chennai Christian School 3. 1805 c. 3 4 2 1
D. Chennai Pachayappa’s College 4. 1836 d. 3 1 4 2

132. Match List I with List II and select the answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II A B C D
A. Cornwallis 1. Subsidiary Alliance System a. 1 3 4 2
B. Wellesley 2. Doctrine of Lapse b. 3 1 4 2
C. William Bentinck 3. Separation of judicial and revenue administrations c. 3 1 2 4
D. Dalhousie 4. Abolition of the Provincial Courts of Appeal and Circuit d. 1 3 2 4

133. Which of the following is not matched correctly?

(A) Right to Equality: Article 14-18
(B) Rights against exploitation: Article 20-22
(C) Right to Religious Freedom: Article 25-28
(D) Right to Cultural and Education freedom: Article 29-30

134. Match the following:

List I List II A B C D
A. Bombay Presidency 1. William Bentinck a. 1 4 2 5

B. Madras Presidency
C. Agra Province
D. Public Works Department
2. Dalhousie
3. Wellesley
4. Hastings
5. Cornwallis

135. The concept of welfare state is included in which part of the Indian Constitution?
(a) The Preamble of the Constitution
(b) Fundamental Rights
(c) Directive Principles of State Policy

136. Which of the following official documents is related with india.?

(A) White Paper (B) Green Paper (C) Yellow Book (D) Blue Book

137. What is the focus theme of the 2019 edition of World No Tobacco Day?
A) Tobacco and lung health B) Tobacco and heart disease
C) Tobacco-a threat to development D) Stop Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products

138. Rahi Sarnobat, who booked 2020 Tokyo Olympic quota for India, is associated to
which sports?
A] Shooting B] Badminton C] Wrestling D] Sprint
139. Match the following awards with the respective fields.
a) Borlaug Award 1. Science
b) Nehru literary Award 2. Adult education
c) Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award 3. Agriculture
d) Hari Om Ashram Award 4. Various facilities/eminent teachers

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 2 1 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 4 1 3 2
(D) 2 1 4 3

140. Match the following :

a) Leprosy Prevention Day 1. 27th June
b) World Tourism Day 2. 30th January
c) World Youth Day 3. 27th September
d) World Diabetes Day 4. 12th August

Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 4 1 3
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 4 3 1 2

141. The UNESCO had supported the proposal of
a. Women education b. Adult education

c. Education for all d. None of these

142. Which district has the lowest density of Population in TamilNadu?

a. Nilgiris b. Prambalur c. Sivagangai d. Dharmapuri

143. Which country started experiments in Distance Education in the year 1873?
a. UK b. USA c. USSR d. Japan

144. Child Labour Eradicaiton Day is held on

a. June 12 b. July 12 c. August 12 d. November 12

145. Which is called formal agency of Education?

a. School b. Home c. Society d. None of these

146. Span of vision is measured by

a. Memory drum b. Tachistoscope c. Mason’s disk d. Metronome

147. Which theory of intelligence was supported by Alfred Binet?

a. Single factor b. Two factor c. Group factor d. Multifactor

148. Psychoanalytic approach of personality was first introduced by

a. Adler b. Jung c. Freud d. None of them


149. In Gagne’s hierarchy learning has been divided into
a. 8 types b. 9 types c. 7 types d. 10 types

150. A superior child is advanced to a normal child by at least

a. 1 year b. 1 ½ years c. 2 years d. 2 ½ years

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