Reflection of This Semester 1

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Flores 1

Paola Adriana Flores Gutierez

Oscar Martinez

English 1301-110

7 December 2023

Reflection of this Semester

Reflecting back on my semester, specifically in my English 1301 class, I can now see the

significant impact it had on my understanding and process of writing. I’ve not only improved my

understanding of the writing process, but I’ve also learned the clear difference between genre

analysis, visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis. As I reflect upon the experiences of this

semester, it becomes abundantly clear how my instructor, Mr. Martinez, helped me understand

these concepts and the profound impact they have on written work. The impact of Mr. Martinez's

teachings goes beyond the classroom, imprinting a lasting influence on my academic endeavors.

As I navigate the path ahead, I carry with me the knowledge and insight gained from this course,

confident in my ability to navigate the complexities of writing. This course serves as a deep dive

into the knowledge and skills acquired during the genre analysis, visual text analysis, and

rhetorical analysis, unraveling the pivotal roles played by genre and the rhetorical situation, the

processes of drafting and revision, the input from both instructors and peers, editing and

proofreading, the challenges encountered, and the valuable lessons that have been placed into my

academic journey.

Throughout the course, I've gained valuable skills that significantly enhanced my writing

abilities. From in-class activities, homework assignments, and required readings, I've created a

solid foundation for the important steps that go into not only writing but genre, visual, and

rhetorical analysis. Recognizing the rhetorical situation – the purpose, audience, and context – is
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crucial in any writing task. Each essay gave me different analytical skills that have extended

beyond this class and can be valuable in other assignments. In courses like history, univ, and

biology, I have found myself using the skills I have learned in this course. For instance, in my

history class, analyzing historical photographs requires similar visual analysis skills to

understand the context and message conveyed by the visuals. I can confidently say I understand

the several key steps that go into the writing process, such as prewriting, drafting, revising,

editing, and lastly, publishing. The writing exercises provided by my instructor allowed me to

develop all of these skills by brainstorming ideas and organizing my thoughts before beginning

the drafting process. For instance, a specific worksheet that assisted me in essay two was the

Visual Analysis Invention Worksheet; this helped me narrow down my prompt choices and break

down ideas I could later use for the body paragraphs. This worksheet was a strategic tool that

enhanced the overall clarity of my visual analysis of the poster for The Grinch movie, making it

more well-thought-out. Additionally, participating in peer reviews added to my understanding of

the three essay analyses. The constructive criticism from peer reviews played a crucial role in

revising my essays. The different viewpoints given by my classmates improved my writing style

and the way I presented a subject to new readers. For example, in essay three, my peer review

suggested that I add to what The Heaven's Gate Cult is because readers could have less

knowledge about it. What's particularly satisfying about this learning journey is the

transferability of the skills gained. The ability to navigate through genre, visual elements, and

rhetorical nuances is not confined to this course alone. These skills are akin to a versatile toolkit,

ready to be deployed in various academic and professional settings. In summary, the diverse

activities, worksheets, and collaborative peer reviews have not only helped my understanding of
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effective writing but has also equipped me with a new set of skills. These skills are not just

lessons learned; they are integral components of my ongoing growth and success.

The process of revising became an important component of my learning in this course

and has provided valuable insights into my writing. A notable instance of this process unfolded

during the revision of my second essay, which delved into the visual analysis of the poster for

The Grinch movie. This particular essay, marked with the lowest grade among the three analyses,

presented a prime opportunity for improvement. The revisiting not only presented a critical

reflection on overlooked aspects but also spotlighted areas requiring development. Being able to

go back on my instructor's notes and fix my second essay was insightful and emphasized the

importance of clarity, depth analysis, and perspective. Notably, my instructor provided feedback,

particularly emphasizing the need to bridge any gaps in prior knowledge for the audience. An

instance where this was evident was in the second body paragraph, where the instructor

highlighted, “The background, therefore, emphasizes the green man’s separation from the joyous

activities of the town… reflecting the green man’s internal conflict and his struggle to understand

the town’s happiness.” I recognized that this detailed analysis veered off-topic from the prompt

and rubric requirements. To fix this, I strategically changed the paragraph's initial focus to

explore the color palette and asymmetry, aligning the content more closely with the assignment's

expectations. Additionally, my instructor suggested that I revamp the third body paragraph due to

me relying too much on previous knowledge. Using his feedback, I added new ideas about The

Grinch’s point of view and focused on the idea that viewers were encouraged to infer their own

ideas and create a deeper connection. By shifting the focus to the imbalance, tension, and point

of view, I strayed away from writing about the character's backstory and using prior knowledge.
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Rewriting this essay with my instructors notes and tips invited the idea that there is always room

for improvement and made me realize the importance of going back to the prompt and rubric.

Revising my essay one last time presented both easy aspects and relatively challenging

ones. The most challenging aspect was reshaping my third body paragraph to sway away from

relying on prior knowledge. My initial approach to writing my essay was heavy on facts from the

movie and my assumption that everyone would have knowledge of who The Grinch is. When I

went back to check my grade on the essay, I was shocked that I received a lower grade than what

I was expecting, but after going over the instructor's feedback, I could see where I relied too

much on my initial knowledge. So, the tricky part of rewriting my essay was placing myself in

the shoes of someone who has never heard of the movie and having a balance of both new and

old information. On the other hand, adjusting my second body paragraph was easy. The

instructor's feedback was more specific to my details, making the adjustment straightforward.

The addition of fresh ideas not only addressed the feedback but also seamlessly enhanced the

paragraph's overall coherence. In reflection, this revision process illuminated the art of adjusting

my writing approach, underscoring the need to find a balance between assumed knowledge and

introducing new insights for a more engaging and well-organized essay.

On my website, I made specific choices to make sure the course concepts, such as the

writing process, analysis, genre, and rhetorical situation, were communicated to a general

audience. In explaining the unit writing assignments, particularly the genre analysis, visual text

analysis, and rhetorical analysis, I used several strategies to make these concepts understandable

to individuals unfamiliar with these genres. One specific thing I incorporated into my

explanations was the use of clear language. I decided to avoid technical terms that might be

confusing to someone unfamiliar with the subject. Instead, I used straightforward language that
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got the points across without overwhelming the reader. This approach ensured a clear display of

ideas without being intimidating. Another key element I used was to break down each concept

into smaller, manageable components. For example, for genre analysis, I outlined the basic

elements of the topic, such as the audience and key elements. Breaking down the analysis and

providing a structured explanation serves individuals who might be encountering these concepts

for the first time. Furthermore, I used strategies that connect unfamiliar concepts with more

common experiences. Analogies helped me close the gap between abstract ideas and real-world

familiarity, helping to comprehend genre analysis, visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis

without relying on tangible examples. The strategies I used on my website to help make the

course concepts more digestible were guided by the principles of simplicity, step-by-step

breakdowns, and analogies, all of which encourage a learning environment.

There were many challenges phased during this course, ranging from most to least

challenging, but nonetheless insightful and all part of the learning process. The most challenging

aspect of this course was trying to not go off-topic, identifying the intended audience, and

providing the necessary amounts of information without using prior knowledge. Navigating the

fine line between staying on topic and delving into unnecessary details required a delicate

balance, especially when considering the diverse audience perspectives. Additionally, ensuring

the right amount of information without relying on assumptions about prior knowledge became

an intricate part of the writing process. Despite these challenges, each hurdle provided valuable

insights and contributed to a more comprehensive understanding of effective writing and

analysis. The easiest part of this course for me was giving feedback to my peers. I like helping

others by revising and editing their work, so providing feedback came naturally to me. It felt

good to contribute to their improvement and learn from the process as well. Giving feedback
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created a positive learning environment where I could apply my skills and gain insights for my

own writing. Overall, it was a straightforward and enjoyable aspect of the course. In retrospect,

while the challenges in this course demanded careful navigation and a nuanced approach, the

insights gained and the overall learning experience have significantly enhanced my

understanding of effective writing and analysis, reinforcing the value of each hurdle overcome.

My time during this course has been one of a kind, and I couldn't have asked for anything

better. This course has adequately prepared me to become a part of the academic writing

community. Specifically, I have gained valuable skills in genre analysis, visual text analysis, and

rhetorical analysis, which are crucial components of academic writing. The emphasis on clear

communication, avoiding unnecessary details, and considering diverse audience perspectives has

equipped me with the necessary tools to engage effectively in academic discourse. Additionally,

the experience of giving and receiving peer feedback has honed my ability to contribute

constructively to scholarly conversations. Overall, the course has provided a solid foundation for

active participation in the academic writing community.

In conclusion, this course unit has not only equipped me with valuable skills in genre

analysis, visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis, but it has also helped me foster a deeper

understanding of the importance of the processes of drafting and revision, the input from both

instructors and peers, editing and proofreading, the challenges encountered, and the valuable

lessons, serving as a guiding light for my future academic and professional writing endeavors.

These analytical skills transcend the class, finding practical applications in disciplines like

history and biology. My understanding of key writing steps, including prewriting, drafting,

revising, editing, and publishing, has been solidified through strategic exercises and worksheets.

Enriched by participation in peer reviews, my writing style has evolved to incorporate diverse
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perspectives, enhancing my ability to present subjects effectively and highlighting the

transferability of these skills in various academic and professional settings. The revision process

in this course played a crucial role in my learning, particularly during the review of my second

essay on the poster for The Grinch movie. Despite receiving the lowest grade among the three

analyses, it presented a significant opportunity for improvement. Adhering to my instructor's

feedback, I strategically refocused paragraphs, addressing gaps in prior knowledge and refining

the analysis to align with assignment expectations. This experience underscored the ongoing

need for improvement and emphasized the importance of revisiting prompts and rubrics in

refining writing. Revising my essay brought both easy and challenging tasks. The hardest part

was adjusting the third body paragraph to avoid relying too much on prior knowledge, which

impacted my grade due to assumptions about reader familiarity. Balancing new and old

information for unfamiliar readers was the key challenge. Adjusting the second body paragraph

was simpler with specific feedback, improving overall coherence. This emphasized the

importance of balancing assumed knowledge for a more engaging essay. On my website, I made

deliberate choices to convey course concepts like the writing process, analysis, genre, and

rhetorical situation in clear language, avoiding technical terms. Breaking down each concept into

manageable components and using analogies helped ensure accessibility for a general audience,

guided by the principles of simplicity and step-by-step explanations. Through varied challenges,

from staying on topic to giving feedback to peers, this course has deepened my understanding of

effective writing and analysis. Each hurdle, while demanding, contributed to a more

comprehensive learning experience.

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