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GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Date: _____________________


ESL | Grade 4 | 30 minutes Full name __________________________________
Class __________________________________

Present Simple Present Continuous

Form V(s/es) be + V-ing
Usage permanent states and repeated or habitual temporary states or actions or actions
actions happening at the moment of speaking
Examples My sister usually watches TV and I play It’s my sister’s birthday today. We’re
computer games in the evening. having a party.
Signal always, normally, usually, often, sometimes, now, at present, at the moment, today,
words rarely, never, once/twice a week, most of the tonight, right now, now, etc.
time, all the time, every day, on Saturdays, at Be quiet!, Look!
the weekend
Note Some verbs are usually only used in the Present Simple tense:
believe, belong, decide, forget, hate, hear, know, live, like, love, need remember, smell, see,
think, understand, want, etc.

I. Complete each sentence with the Present Simple form of the verb in parentheses.
1. A zookeeper _____________ (feed) animals.
2. Computer programmers _____________ (write) software.
3. Photographers _____________ (take) photos.
4. A chef _____________ (cook) food.
5. A firefighter _____________ (fight) fires.
6. Musicians _____________ (play) instruments.
7. A farmer _____________ (work) on a farm.
8. A dancer _____________ (dance).
II. Complete the paragraphs with the Present Simple form of the verbs in parentheses.
Manuel and Lila Vega (1) _____________ (have) a busy lifestyle. Manuel is a doctor at a hospital. He works at
night, so he (2) _____________ (go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and comes home at 7:00 a.m. His wife Lila works at
a bank. She (3) _____________ (go) to work at 8:00 a.m. and comes home at 6:00 p.m. They don't see each
other a lot during the week.
Manuel and Lila also (4) _____________ (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Every morning they all (5)
_____________ (have) breakfast together at 7:30. Then, Luis and Carla (6) _____________ (go) to school, and
Lila (7) _____________ (go) to work. Manuel (8) _____________ (do) the dishes, and then (9)
_____________ (go) to bed. Carla usually (10) _____________ (do) her homework at a friend's house in the
afternoon, and Luis (11) _____________ (have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m., he
(12) _____________ (have) dinner with Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he (13) _____________ (go) to
work. Manuel and Lila (14) _____________ (have) a busy schedule during the week, but on weekends, they

III. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs.
1. Jason (listen) __________________ to music now.
2. I (talk) __________________ now.
3. Erin and Jessica (make) __________________ a cake right now.
4. quiet! The teacher (speak) __________________ now!
5. Marcos and I (study) __________________ English now.
6. _________ Daniel and James (play) __________________ football this year?
7. Emily (eat) __________________ breakfast now.
8. My car (make) __________________ strange noises. I need to get it checked out.
9. - Hello. May I speak to Andrew?
- No, he (sleep) __________________ right now. May I take a message?
10. - Is Rosa coming to the park with us?
- No, she (work) __________________ today.
- Oh, poor girl!
IV. Write the Present Continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.
Hey! Do you want to hear about what my family (1. do) _________________ right now? Well, I hope you do,
because I am going to tell you!
Right now, my dad (2. work) _________________ outside. I can see him. He (3. mow) _________________
the grass. He loves my mother very much. He (4. always/ talk) _________________ about her. He (5. always/
do) _________________ nice things for her. Right now, my dad (6. sing) _________________ a song. I bet it
is a song about my mom.
Now, let's look at my mom. She (7. cook) _________________ something in the kitchen. It smells so good!
She (8. put) _________________ some kind of spices into the pot. The pot (9. sit) _________________ on the
stove. The water (10. boil) _________________ inside it. Also, something (11. bake) _________________ in
the oven. It (12. start) _________________ to turn brown. I think it is a turkey.
I also have two younger brothers. Right now they (13. play) _________________ with their toys on the floor
beside me. They (14. laugh) _________________ with one another. They (15. make) _________________ a
house out of blocks. The house (16. get) _________________ taller and taller. Oh no! The house is too tall.
Watch out! It (17. crash) _________________ onto the floor!
We are a happy family. I feel lucky to be a part of my family. Hmmm...let me (18. think)
_________________ about your own family now, aren't you?
V. Circle the correct words.
1. I normally meet/ am meeting my best friend after school.
2. Linda does/ is doing her homework at the moment.
3. I rarely stay/ am staying at home at the weekends.
4. Are you going/ Do you go sailing next summer?
5. Joshua applies/ is applying for a new job today.
6. I quite often read/ am reading the newspaper.
7. Does Dad cook/ Is Dad cooking dinner right now?
8. I sometimes play/ am playing games on the Internet.
9. My parents take/ are taking us to the cinema tomorrow.
10. Once a week, we eat/ are eating at our favorite restaurant.
VI. Choose the correct answers.
1. Look at him! He ___________________ a horse.
A. rides B. riding C. is riding
2. He usually ___________________ tennis in the afternoon.
A. plays B. play C. is playing
3. What ___________________ in the kitchen, Mum?
A. do you B. are you doing C. you do
4. She ___________________ dinner now.
A. isn't having B. doesn't have C. don't have
5. He ___________________ comic books every day.
A. read B. is reading C. reads
6. Be quiet! The baby ___________________.
A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping
7. ___________________ he like exercising?
A. Do B. Does C. Is
8. Look! The dog ___________________ with the ball.
A. plays B. is playing C. are playing
9. I ___________________ an English lesson now.
A. am having B. have C. is having
10. I usually ___________________ out with my friends on Sundays.
A. am going B. go C. goes
VII. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. We usually _______________ (listen) to rock music, but at the moment we _______________ (listen) to
2. I _______________ (do) my homework in the dining room right now, but I normally _______________ (do)
it in my bedroom. My dad is painting my bedroom at the moment.
3. It often _______________ (snow) here in winter, but it _______________ (not/ snow) today.
4. I _______________ (go) to chess club once a week, but I _______________ (not/ go) this week because I’m
5. Today is Friday. He _______________ (play) football, though he usually only _______________ (play) on
6. We _______________ (live) in a hotel at the moment, but we will soon move into our new house.
7. Chama _______________ (clean) her teeth every morning after breakfast.
8. My father is very conservative. He _______________ (wear) a black suit to the office every day.
9. Where's Matthias? He _______________ (play) tennis in the sports hall.
10. My friend is very clever. She _______________ (speak) four languages!
11. No, you can't have the newspaper. I _______________ (read) it!
12. People _______________ (live) longer than dogs.
13. Sorry, Emiko can't answer the phone right now. She _______________ (have) a bath.
14. My mother works very hard. She is always very tired when she _______________ (get) home in the
15. He is very lazy. He never _______________ (do) his homework.
16. The sun _______________ (rise) in the East.
17. Listen! Someone _______________ (knock) on the window.
18. My brother usually _______________ (ride) his bike to school, but today he came by car.
19. My parents always _______________ (drink) green tea for breakfast, but I don't like it.
20. Please don't talk to me. I _______________ (watch) TV!
VIII. Complete the dialogue with Present Simple or Continuous form of the verbs.
Jenny: Hi, Natalie. How are you?
Natalie: Fine, thanks.
Jenny: I _______________ (1. go) shopping now. Do you want to come with me?
Natalie: Umm, I _______________ (2. watch) a film at the moment. Do you normally
_______________ (3. go) shopping on Saturdays?
Jenny: Yes, I normally _______________ (4. do), but I have to buy a present for my brother. It’s his
birthday and he is having a party on Friday night. Do you want to come?
Natalie: Ah, I can’t on Friday night. I am babysitting for my auntie, sorry.
Jenny: Oh, well. Hey, I’m meeting Jack at the weekend. We _______________ (5. meet) every
Sunday to play basketball. You can come if you want to.
Natalie: Yes, OK. I _______________ (6. not/ do) anything on Sunday.
Jenny: Great. See you then. Bye.
Natalie: Bye!

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